Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Masterfully Targets Trump's Tax Returns

Goddess needs an army.

Rashida Tlaib TRIGGERS Racist Republican

This is amazing!

Jorge Ramos Pushes Propaganda For Venezuela Regime Change

If we don't stop these criminal psychopaths, it will just be a matter of time before the silence all of our truth-tellers. The best way to control a population is to feed them propaganda and keep them brainwashed. 

Jorge Ramos Pushes Propaganda For Venezuela Regime Change

Thanks for talking about the homeless right here in the USA.

Middle Class Loses, Plutocrats Win With Trump's Tax Cuts

Sanders and Systemic Racism: Did He Answer the Critics?

How do you address systemic racism without alienating those who live in systemic poverty? How do you manage to do this while still convincing everyone that you have a sincere desire to lift both groups up? Bernie has a fine line to walk. Perhaps putting a dream team together would help. I would vote for Bernie - President, Nina Turner - Vice President, Tulsi Gabbard - Secretary of State.

Can Sanders Win Black and Trump Voters?

A Criminal in the Oval Office? Michael Cohen Accuses Trump of Lying, Rac...

I told you so, we told you so and you refused to believe the truth.

CodePink’s Medea Benjamin on Peace Delegation to Iran & Fallout from U.S...

Disarmament Expert on N. Korea Summit: An International Process Is Neede...

That is exactly what you must do to stop a bully, you gang up against them and force them to stop their brutish behavior.

Did Michael Cohen Testimony Prove There's No Collusion?

Did Michael Cohen Testimony Prove There's No Collusion?

Breaking: Trump Had Prior Knowledge Of Wikileaks - Cohen Testifies

It was public knowledge and that is how this Russian conspiracy theory works.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Grills Michael Cohen, Laying Out Plan to P...

Our lying conman president  exposed plainly for those who have been in denial.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 28, 2019

Medical is not a privilege but a right.

Crow which bizarrely asks bypassers 'You alright love?' - in Yorkshire a...

Solving Our Climate Crisis National Town Hall w/Bernie Sanders

This is long and not brand new, but from the recent past. I missed it and if I did, others may have missed it also. In the Climate Change Panel Alexandria Ocaseo-Cortez speaks. I know there are many people that think that she is just another bought and paid for sheepherder for the sheeple. If that is true why is the honesty and purity of her voice making my soul soar? It has touched my soul every time I have heard her speak but never more than what she says in this video. If she is being controlled by money, wouldn't they put her on a chain and not allow her to soar so high? She says something in this video that made me visualize an army of activist pushing against and trying to scale a wall erected by the rich to protect themselves from the masses that they have been exploiting forever. I see her in the wave of activist who have finally scaled the wall. Will she be successful? That will depend on how hard the army of activist behind her continues to push from behind her, supporting her. She won't succeed if we abandon her, leaving her to battle on her own. This is why it is so important to vet who we send into our government. She needs an army to help her fight. And it is essential to secure the vote in order to get her an army to fight with her. That does not mean that you abandon your area that you are working on. We can attack this problem from more than one angle. in fact the more ways that we attack, the more that increases our chances to succeed.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

NEW Evidence: Trump's Demise Is Here!

How Wall Street Gave Us Trump w/Michael Hudson

He voted with his backside.

What Does Venezuela Tell Us About Socialism in the USA? - with Paul Jay

The American Destruction of Venezuela - The Real Story

Violent Clashes at Venezuela’s Border & Facebook Moderation Causes Serio...

I think I like Tulsi Gabbard now

Checks out Tulsi Gabbard for the first time.

Richard Branson Eyes Venezuela’s Oil & Aid Workers Could be the New Spec...

More revelations about who is master minding the toppling of government to steal Venezuela's resources.

Nina Turner: 'MLK Was on a Mission of Non-Violence, Even Against Segrega...

Telling it like it is! This is a moral leader!

EXCLUSIVE: The REAL CIA Psychic Spies Exposed

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

This Fox Caught A Stray Cat, And What Happened Is The Last Thing You’d E...

Bernie Details His Position On Venezuela

Cenk Uygur Gets Elizabeth Warren To Admit She'll PIVOT To Accept Big Don...

Warren reveals that she may be among our allies but she is not the leader for our revolution.

So Much News, So Little Time: Trump’s Trip, Cohen’s Testimony & Ivanka’s...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 25, 2019

When thieves rule the world.

Incarceration Is a Deadly Health Risk: Former Chief Medical Officer of N...

BREAKING: Tulsi Perfectly Explains Why The U.S. Is The Reason North Kore...

CNN Gaslights Med4All, Green New Deal & Kamala Harris

ALERT: Why We Need Tulsi Gabbard On The 2020 Presidential Debate Stage

Tulsi Gabbard is running for President despite the less than fair coverage. To make the debate stage Tulsi Gabbard must do the following: Poll at least 1 percent and receive donations from at least 65,000 unique donors with a minimum of 200 unique donors per state in at least 20 states. #Tulsigabbard2020 #Tulsi2020 #TimBlackShow

Sen. Sanders Introduces Bill to Expand Social Security

Tulsi Gabbard: Why does North Korea cling to their nukes?

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Refused To Call Maduro A Dictator For The First...

Police Botching Jussie Smollett Case?

Bernie Sanders assembles a dream team topped with ice cream

In it to win it. I sure hope so!

Bernie Sanders Disrespects All Black People...Apparently

Who Should Be Bernie's VP Shoud He Win The Democratic Nomination?

I pretty much agree with their analysis. A winning team would be Bernie, Nina and Tulsi.

Lobbyists hire Hillary Clinton campaign official to kill Medicare for All

Get insurance middleman out of medical care. Just another whole layer of expenses added to the cost of medical care.

U.S. Won't Stop Meddling In Venezuela Conflict And Trump Dogs His Own Of...

It is all about the BENJAMIN'S baby! It does not matter whether your talking about Venezuela or our own rigged elections, it doesn't really matter, it is all about the Benjamin's.

New Episode - Episode 4: New York - Tulsi TV On the Road

"I am interested in the truth and the facts."

Israeli Interference in British Politics: Targeted against Corbyn

Israel seems to interfere with the USA also. Why do we give them such a huge ransom that we should be using to house the homeless, feed the poor, repair our infrastructure.

The “Permanent War State” Aims to Plunder Venezuela - Wilkerson and Jay

Democracy never needs to be imposed. It is the criminal invasion of countries to rob them of their resources that requires the use of physical violence. We have suit wearing, immoral, murderers that rig elections and set themselves up to be viewed as the leaders of not only our country but most countries in the world. We need to hold the corporations behind behind this criminal activity responsible. If corporations are people - hang them all!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Second Adpocalypse! YouTube Holding Creators Responsible For Comments

Back in the 80's companies quit giving their employees a full 40 hour week. This was so they could claim that an employee who works 35 or 38 hours were part time employees. That allowed them to get around paying the employee benefits required by law. It sounds like youtube has found a way around fulfilling their financial obligations to it's content providers. They are violating all of our constitutional rights to free press and free speech and forcing content providers into slavery. I wish everyone would bring a class action lawsuit against them.

Massive Trump Facepalm. How Is This Man PRESIDENT???

So obvious that even his base should see it!

Sanders Sexism Smear SHATTERED

Elizabeth Warren's NEW Campaign Pledge

She talks good but leaves too much wiggle room to be a real leader in the progressive movement. When she waffled about accepting money from big donors, she lost me.

Bernie Repeats CIA Talking Points On Venezuela

Bernie can't be the leader of the revolution if he is controlled by the CIA. I agree with Jimmy Dore's position at this point.

Protestors Storm Mitch McConnell's Office Demanding a Green New Deal

The Coup Has Failed & Now the U.S. Is Looking to Wage War: Venezuelan Fo...

Nothing is ever going to change as long as we give those in power permission to kill us. We give them permission to conduct endless genocidal wars, knowing full well how many atrocities are committed on civilians, women and children in every war. We give them permission to kill us with police and alphabet agencies under the guise of stopping criminals. We give them permission to kill us with the death penalty, knowing that many innocent people have been murdered in this process. We give them permission to kill us with poisoned water and food when we hold no one responsible for the actions or lack of actions that created these situations. We give them permission to kill us through the overpricing of these medical services, which make these services unavailable to so many. As long as we give them permission to treat our lives as if they don't matter, then our lives really do not matter.

NBC Analyst Stuns Andrea Mitchell By Supporting A Green New Deal

nothing is ever going to change as long as we give those in power permission to kill us. We give them permission to conduct endless genocidal wars, knowing full well how many atrocities are committed on civilians, women and children in every war. We give them permission to kill us with police and alphabet agencies under the guise of stopping criminals. We give them permission to kill us with the death penalty, knowing that many innocent people have been murdered in this process. We give them permission to kill us with poisoned water and food when we hold no one responsible for the actions or lack of actions that created these situations. We give them permission to kill us through the overpricing of these medical services, which make these services unavailable to so many. As long as we give them permission to treat our lives as if they don't matter, then our lives really do not matter.

Cops Beat Man, Bribe Witnesses (VIDEO)

So busy protecting and serving --- the rich, corporations and property.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Our Lady of Perpetual Hope Edition, February 23, 2019

Marxist Economic Theory Easily Explained w/Richard Wolff

Sunday, February 24, 2019

BREAKING: Single Mother Jailed Over Medical Bills. What's Happening To T...

First of all debtors prison is supposed to be illegal since 1830! But it seems corporations and governments are bringing them back. I think it is time to get rid of corrupt governments. Second, it is absolutely ridiculous that an ambulance ride would cost $3,000 dollars! What did they do, pick her up on the east coast and take her to the west cost?

Vince Vaughn Rips Dem. Pres. Candidates

Shut the Fuck Up-The Bernie Panders Snow Job Edition, February 24, 2019

Thanks for sharing the information. (This was written to another person who commented on this video.) I did a quick search. HOLODOMOR :  The famine-genocide of Ukraine, 1932-1933.

In June of 1933, at the height of the Holodomor, 28,000 men, women and children in Ukraine were dying of starvation each day.  The land that was known worldwide as the breadbasket of Europe was being ravaged by a man-made famine of unprecedented scale.

This fits in with all of my other research. The reason that we are not taught our true history. The reason that they have gone to so much trouble to try to destroy it all. I believe we are controlled by pure evil. Whether that evil is in human form or some other form, I don't know, but this evil goes to extreme measures to hide who they really are. They reward those who will do their evil and hide their identity. I have followed the trail to the Vatican via a loan that London made to the USA in 1871. This loan established the USA as THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . London is a permanent vassal to the Vatican. The Knights of Malta are involved too but I am not sure if they control the Vatican or just work with them. At any rate the evil orders these wars regularly as a method to commit genocide openly right before our eyes, while making the people believe that the war is justified for some made up reason. This is to keep the population down to a level that they can control. I suspect that this evil is based in the white race because they sure do seem to love killing brown people but they do also kill whites. I think anytime the population starts to wake up they are targeted for extermination. They are setting the USA up now with 5G. They have been experimenting with lazer weapons with these strange California fires. You can get more information about that from stopthecrime.org. They obscure what they do to keep everybody asleep so they can carry out their evil plans with little or no resistance. This is also why our leaders have no moral backbone and have no qualms about lying, stealing, cheating, raping, molesting and murdering as they want to and get by with it. This is also why they keep us fighting over things that don't matter because that keeps us from organizing and tracing this crap to it's evil source. I'm not that smart nor talented and have no skills to do anything about it but if I can figure out that much, smarter people should be figuring this out and coming up with a plan to rid this world of that evil.

Tulsi Gabbard Interview: Assad Meeting, Torture, Venezuela Coup, Corpor...

No more presidential wars, congress must do it's constitutional duties.

Tulsi Gabbard Educates Ignorant Women Of The View

It is so important to have Tulsi Gabbard on the debate stage as a sane voice for peace. Remember one voice can change the narrative of the entire nation. Bernie did it. So I suggest that even if you are backing another candidate, consider donating $5 or $10 to Tulsi Gabbard and get her into the debates.

CNN's Pathetic Promise

BREAKING: Tulsi Tweets John McCain Quote To Shut Down Meghan McCain's Wa...

Feinstein Rejects Climate Kids. Bernie Did The Opposite

Fox News Anti-Bernie Segment Backfires When Host Goes ROGUE

Ilhan Omar Is NOT Anti-Semitic

The truth is winning.

BREAKING: Dems Silent As Wall Street Journal Proves Rep Omar Right About...

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Fox Host: 'More Billionaires Means Less Inequality'

Trying to explain to the rich what systemic poverty is, is impossible. I say make them live with the lowest income for 6 months to cure their ignorance.

Saudis Facing Criminal Charges in the U.S. Keep Disappearing. Is the Kin...

Shut the Fuck Up-The Bipartisan Revolution Edition, February 22, 2019

I agree with almost everything you say and I have always wondered how it is legally possible for a private company to own and control something as important as the voting system. That should tell you right there that your vote does not count. I don't know how your going to get a revolution started when you can't get people to agree with what the problem is. Personally I think the problem is world wide. When one government goes down they always have a replacement ready and this has been going on for at least 2,000 years. Judging from the archaeological evidence it has been going on for as long as there has been human history. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to change it but it won't be an easy or painless process.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Bipartisan Revolution Edition, February 22, 2019

I agree with almost everything you say and I have always wondered how it is legally possible for a private company to own and control something as important as the voting system. That should tell you right there that your vote does not count. I don't know how your going to get a revolution started when you can't get people to agree with what the problem is. Personally I think the problem is world wide. When one government goes down they always have a replacement ready and this has been going on for at least 2,000 years. Judging from the archaeological evidence it has been going on for as long as there has been human history. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to change it but it won't be an easy or painless process.

Friday, February 22, 2019

CNN Misrepresenting Bernie Supporters Once Again

Here is how propaganda works and the brainwashed will just accept the propaganda as fact.

Proof Trump Is Scared Of Bernie

Kamala "FRAUD" Harris daddy is white

Ending the Punishment of Poverty: Supreme Court Rules Against High Fines...

Vandana Shiva: We Must Fight Back Against the 1 Percent to Stop the Sixt...


Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 22, 2019

Good on calling out the Repug's cheating, Now how do we stop the Dem's cheating? All over the USA for both parties, not just 1 or 2 areas.

TYT Refuses To Ask Bernie Sanders Most Obvious Question Considering Resu...

Considering that the cheating was so obvious in the last primary, and Bernie was not the only one cheated because everyone who donated was also cheated, how and what has been changed to prevent this from happening again? And if nothing has been changed why would you do the same thing all over, again? If you always do, what you have always done... nothing will change. How many times are we going to listen to Lucy promise that this time she will not pull the football away just before you can kick it?

Bernie Assembles Diverse And Historic 2020 Campaign Team

Bernie Assembles Diverse And Historic 2020 Campaign Team

[144] U.S. Ally Killing Thousands Of Civilians

Supreme Court Says Police Can’t Steal Private Property

One small step to rein  in the real criminals.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

BREAKING: How To Stop The DNC From Rigging The Primary Against Bernie an...

The only way we can create a peaceful revolution is by securing the vote.

Meghan McCain Foolishly Asserts Tulsi Loves Dictators and Is Not A Human...

Tulsi TV - On the Road - Episode 3: Laconia, Plymouth

We need 65,000 unique donors to qualify for the debate stage - donate as little as $1 to help get us there - https://tulsi.to/65kyt

Ex Mainstream Radio Host Explains Why She Gave Up National Fame For Indi...

How Gov’t Contractors Get Rich Off Poverty

Addressing how poverty keeps making the rich, richer.

CrossTalk on Tulsi Gabbard: Peace Candidate

'The View' Hosts Grill Tulsi Gabbard Over Pro-Peace Stance: Is That "Pop...

If you hear the truth enough, will it break through the brainwashing?

Tulsi Gabbard takes on The View

Speaking truth to power.

BREAKING: Tulsi Educates Hosts of "The View" In Defense of Her Venezuel...

Speaking truth to power.

FBI’s McCabe Accidentally Tells Truth About Venezuela

The President talking about Venezuela: That’s the country we should be going to war with ... they have all that oil ...

Venezuela: US/Canadian Attempted Coup Not About Democracy - Paul Jay (Pt...

Revealing the hypocrisy of the USA criminal government.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 21, 2019

Bernie Sanders Launches Presidential Campaign—100,000 Donors in 10 Hours

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Shut the Fuck Up-The Rules of 2020 Election Engagement Edition, February...

Worst Most Boring Candidate Yet - Amy Klobuchar

Corporate tool. NEXT.

U.S. ‘War On Terror’ In Over 80 Countries & Jesse Jackson Jr. Survives P...

Is the US moving into an open dictatorship? Come to think of it, is tRumps wall drama, entertainment to fool his base into keeping him in office while he continues to destroy what is left of our country? The one thing that he really does well is to create so much chaos that the right hand will never notice what the left hand is doing? Do the Dems have so  many choices as a divide and conquer technique? When you know both sides work for the Vatican, you must look at the whole picture.

Bernie 2020: Pay Attention to Donna Brazile's Mea Culpa

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 20, 2019

Major victory in West Virginia.

Nina Turner Calls Out Racist Democrats On CNN — The Political Vigilante

Racism did not start with tRump. We need to address the issue of racism because when black people are taken care of, everyone else will be taken care of.

Tulsi Gabbard Takes On Pro-Regime Change Rhetoric On CNN

Misinformation Campaign Against ADOS and Website Launch

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

CIA Linked to Plane Caught Smuggling Weapons into Venezuela?

​ Abolish the CIA.

As US Exposed For Fake Humanitarian Effort In Venezuela, Bolton Backs Vi...

This corruption has been going on almost from the beginning of our country. They controlled the media that our forefathers thought would keep us informed. Instead they have used the media to brainwash us.

City Gave 8 Cops License to Terrorize Residents, Now Officials Say They'...

The police are not protecting and serving us, they protect and serve the elite. They are committing genocide and robbery on us and are not held responsible because they work for the elite.

92 Cleveland Children Found With High Lead Levels in a Month

This is the real national emergency. Are you and your children being poisoned? Are you sure? Forget parties, let's organize behind issues.


Student arrested over Pledge & McCabe revelations

The adults were all in the wrong! Children have rights too and schools are not supposed to be jails.

Tulsi Gabbard Sets the Bar HIGH with Progressive Foreign Policy Vision

Tulsi TV - On the Road - Episode 2: New Hampshire

Mainstream media will not cover her because she poses the greatest threat to the corrupt power structures that are choking the life out of our planet. Share & also never forget #Unity4J.

NBC’s Bernie Bashing Segment Sponsored By Defense Contractor

More Rarely Shared Out Of Place Ancient Artifacts

Amazon’s Defeat in NYC Galvanizes Movement to End Billion-Dollar Corpora...

WELL DONE! It is long overdue to end the corporate welfare and stop blaming the people with no money and no power for the problems in our society.

Cop Arrests 11-Year-Old Over Pledge Of Allegiance

Our schools are treating the students like criminals in a jail. See why putting cops in schools is a horrible idea?

70,000 STRIKE In Mexico! Workers Winning!

Workers are getting tired of all the wealth, created by their labor, going to the elite.

United States' Decision On Yemen

We demand an end to these genocidal  wars!

Monday, February 18, 2019

BREAKING: DNC's Plan To Keep Tulsi Off The Debate Stage Exposed!!!

A CIA Tie to JFK Assassination? Book on Ex-Director Allen Dulles Questio...

America's secret government.

Congress Pissed The Truth Has Come Out

"It's all about the Benjamin's baby" and we are not talking about Jews. We are talking about how government is corrupted by the money. Benjamin's means money so don't push your racism off on me because I don't think like that.

Lee Camp Interview: Bernie 2020, Trump Moonwalking on Syria Withdrawal

Why Venezuela Looks Like Syria, Iran, and Libya

We can not blindly believe what governments say.

Corporate Debt Crisis & Presidential Wars with Jimmy Dore

This is a failed system. Instead of blaming the other team we should be designing a system that works for everyone. Key to that, in my opinion, we need to quit being 'judgmental' of others. We need a hands off policy for people with rules for businesses. Businesses owned by the workers and they must respect the constitutional rights of all individuals. Do as you will and harm none!

Angela Davis Returns to Birmingham, Reflecting on Palestinian Rights & F...

It is time to change a hateful, mean, greedy, genocidal world into the peaceful world that we have been promising ourselves, after we die. I don't want to die to discover peace. What if we miss the opportunity for peace here and now only to discover that all the theories about what happens after death, is a lie?

BREAKING: Kamala's Father Slams Her - "I wish to separate us from this t...

"She ain't it."

Sunday, February 17, 2019

*Dam Breaks 60 Miners Feared Lost*Selling Montana To Canada?*Bending Ice...

This Disgusting Human Being Is Trump's Envoy To Venezuela

Criminals who should be in jail, doing it again for tRump.

CNN & Facebook Coordinate To Silence Dissenting Voices

Government is working through corporations to end our constitutional right to free speech.

AIPAC Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg: Election Meddling, Doxxing & Israe...

This Man Told He Has Four Months To Live Restores Hometown Creek As Fina...

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s Town Hall Meeting - Kona, Hawaii - April 1...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Out Joe Crowley’s Corruption in Debate

Tulsi Gabbard evades the press, and for good reason.

Tulsi Gabbard looks and sounds presidential.

The Daily Dose-The Mind Dump of DDP February 16, 2019

MSM Ignores Millions In Support Of Maduro & US Uses CIA-Linked Plane To ...

Why Is No One Talking About This.. !?

This Just Happened In Japan, But Something Even Creepier Is Happening Wo...

TULSI GABBARD For POTUS 2020! Congresswoman Gabbard Holds Meet And Greet...

Foreign Policy is More Than Just War and Peace

Saturday, February 16, 2019

YouTube Is Cracking Down On Conspiracy Videos

Shut the Fuck Up-The Time to Visit Beautiful Iran Edition February 15, 2019

Who is threatening who? Wake up the brainwashed masses who still listen to the propaganda spewed by mainstream media.

Code Pink Owns War Criminal Hired By Trump

"tRump drained the swamp and found his cabinet  there."

Ilhan Omar Challenges Elliott Abrams & Haiti Swept With Massive Anti-Cor...

I applaud Senator Omars' courage and honesty also. How despicable is our country when a senator doing what they are elected to do is a dangerous exception to the corrupt status quo.

~232~ New Congresswoman Viciously Attacked, Protesters Beat Amazon, More...

Democrats have a big tent that includes women of color, as long as those women of color do not question our empirical war machine. If they do then our Muslim-a phobia will come out in full force.

Right Wing Freaks Out Over Trump Emergency Declaration

"If your having a problem in your life, it isn't because of people with no money and no power."

Friday, February 15, 2019

Bush & Cheney Should Be Charged with War Crimes Says Col. Wilkerson, For...

More genocidal war criminals not held accountable for their crimes. How many of us common people have been aware of this all along?

Bush & Cheney Should Be Charged with War Crimes Says Col. Wilkerson, For...

More genocidal war criminals not held accountable for their crimes. How many of us common people have been aware of this all along?

BREAKING: AOC Refuses To Take Credit For NY Citizens Victory Over Amazon

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Stands By Ilhan Omar

Joe Rogan Experience #1170 - Tulsi Gabbard

Amazon Cancels HQ2 Deal With NYC

Everyone Screaming About AIPAC are Real Quiet Massacres In El Salvador

Thank goodness that Omar has the courage 2 address this horrible lack of morality, while suffering the vehement racism of many in our immoral country! Haters are evil.

Pete Buttigieg: South Bend, Indiana mayor considering 2020 presidential run

Pete Buttigieg: The Case For A Younger President

Speaking about Pence's attitude about gays. His quarrel is not with me, it is with my creator. I say, exactly!

Pete Buttigieg: The Case For A Younger President

Speaking about Pence's attitude about gays. His quarrel is not with me, it is with my creator. I say, exactly!

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard visits Des Moines

We are dealing with a corruption of spirit in the leadership in our country.

Ilhan Omar Confronts War Criminal

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Conversation - Bernie Sanders (Full Interview)

There May Soon Only be Two Companies in the World (w/Barak Orbach)

Ilhan Omar Grills Trump's Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams on His Role in ...

Planned Parenthood: SCOTUS Halts Louisiana Abortion Law for Now, But Roe...

Facts versus propaganda about abortion. We have forgotten that young women were dying in droves before these laws were passed to save women from botched, illegal procedures.

Roberto Lovato: Elliott Abrams Is Bringing Violence of 1980s U.S. Latin ...

Rep. Ilhan Omar Grills Elliott Abrams on Support for Central American Ge...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Exposes Lobbyist Tricks

How corrupt is this death cult?


Rep Omar Ilhan Scorches Convicted Liar & War Criminal On Intentions In V...

Jamarl Thomas is right, these evil scumbags are being put into these positions because they are evil enough to commit genocide, rape women and children and lie to the public about it. Excellent job Rep Omar llhan!

Ilhan Omar Makes War Criminal Answer For Past Offences

Code Pink, doing the right thing in standing up to the death cult that controls our world. Keep calling these liars out.

Pod Save America Gaslights About Medicare For All

NBC News: No Evidence Of Trump Russia Conspiracy

We told you so.

Geneva City Parliament Adopts Resolution Demanding Asylum For Julian Ass...

The evil empire that is illegally torturing Assange and denying him freedom will continue as long as the people sleep on, without a huge outraged reaction  to this evil! #Unity4J

Ocasio-Cortez FAILS To Support Fellow Rep Omar Ilhan On FACTUAL Criticis...

More commentators calling out AOC's lack of support for Omar Ilhan.

Ocasio-Cortez Eaten Alive By Her Own Fans #StandWithOmar

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stumbled after a brilliant start. We want liberty and justice for all, repeat that, liberty and justice for all!

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s Town Hall Meeting - Kona, Hawaii - April 1...

Tulsi Gabbard 2020: Progressive Powerhouse

Foreign Policy is More Than Just War and Peace

The candidate who is speaking truth to power. That truth is exactly why the mainstream media does not cover her.

BREAKING: "Saudi Arabia Is Not Our Ally" - Tulsi Slams US Support Of Sau...

Tulsi Gabbard hits another home run while mainstream media continues to pretend that she doesn't exist.

BREAKING: AOC Drops The Ball On Ilhan Omar Controversy

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Media Erasing Tulsi Gabbard From Presidential Campaign

Tulsi Gabbard, so dangerous to the military industrial complex that they ignore her worse than Flint.

Rebel HQ Live: Beto’s Progressive Alternative; Fixing Criminal Justice

Senate Found Zero Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion Conspiracy

Will this help those who believed this propaganda to realize that they are being brainwashed? And will they realize that they must do their own research and question everything?

MSNBC “Terrified Of Antiwar Voices” Says Fired Antiwar Host Phil Donahue

This is how corporate media stacks the deck to favor  the conservatives. In spite of the propaganda that conservatives feed to their brainwashed minions. And this is why intelligent people who know how to research the truth, no longer waste their time watching mainstream media.

DEFIANT ASTRONOMER: "Alien UFO Near Jupiter - Prove Me Wrong!"

Nina Turner On CNN: "We Are Traumatized, And Sick Of It"

I would love to see Tusli Gabbard, Marianne Williamson, Nina Turner, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez all teamed up to take on the task of cleaning up the White house. There are others who would make good support teammates such as Bernie and Warren but I think they would fold in the real leadership roles if the heat got too high. Put this crew together, make sure the hidden hand never had the opportunity to assassinate them all at once and we might have a chance.

Ilhan Omar Smeared For Criticizing AIPAC’s Influence

It's Now Antisemitic To Say Lobbyists Influence US Policy, But Only When...

Marianne Williamson ABC Nightline Interview

llhan Omar: Anti-Semitism? Or Fear of Open Debate on Israel?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Organic For All

General Strike 2019-Time to Get Serious About Our Fate, February 12, 2019

Don't wait for an angel to come and save us because it will not happen. We need to put the fear of God into them or change will never come. Do something to help support those who have the courage to stand up for us.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Elliott Abrams: The War Criminal Running US Policy in Venezuela

They should all face real trials, real sentences with no possibility of pardons.)

Cowardly, & Disingenuous Democrats Smear Freshman Rep Ilhan Omar For Des...

Truth! You don't get to get by with genocide and stealing peoples land by claiming that all criticism of your evil behavior is done because the person that is pointing out your evil behavior is criticizing your behavior because they hate all Jews. That is a flimsy excuse to try to prevent anyone from pointing out that you are committing genocide. Are all Jews responsible for what their evil leaders are doing? Only the ones with bloody hands who support that behavior. Just like we have criminal leaders who topple governments and rob them blind, that does not make all Americans guilty. The only ones guilty are those with bloody hands doing the evil things that they are being ordered to do.

Another Federal Judge Rules In Favor Of The BDS Movement

For today we have survived another attack on freedom of speech.

Poisoning The World From the U.S.A - The Devil we Know

Trump Vs Trump: An Epic Debate!

Trump Keeps Making The Same Genocide Joke

Maduro Allegedly ‘Blockading’ Venezuela Bridge Is Certified #FakeNews

Propaganda becomes brainwashing becomes war.

US Government Is Starving 20 Million In Yemen While Pretending To Care A...

If there is nothing to steal ...

Saudi Arabia + Censorship In China | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj | Net...

Ilhan Omar - Getting Down to Business with the Congressional Freshman Cl...

Things are looking up. We must secure the vote before the next election.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Dems Accuse Trump Admin of “State-Sponsored Child Abuse” as Separated Mi...

Sounds like a child trafficking scam to me.

How Aggressive Policing Fuels America's Inequality Machine

Wolff responds to Trump's State of the Union address

LV Sunday LIVE Clip Roundup - Trump vs Bezos? (& Democrats!) - Ralph Nor...

Kamala Harris Backlash Reveals Black Political Maturity

Shut the Fuck Up-The "Who Started This Mess?" Edition, February 10, 2019

Some of us had a tidy amount set aside for retirement and lost it when the stock market crashed and the elite walked away with their winnings. AOC may be all talk but how I LOVE what she, Tulsi Gabbard and Nina Turner have to say. I want them to keep talking because that is how you educate enough people in order to create change. You think that what you have to say is not contributing to that change also? I want all of you to keep speaking up.

BREAKING: "They Attack Us Because They Fear The Truth" -Tulsi's Ad Tackl...

AOC & Tulsi Gabbard offers a future based on truth. Bernie started this but failed to fight back when it was most needed so I support him but with some reservations.

EP:708. Jimmy Dore SLAMS Pro-War Mainstream Media, Anas on His War Again...

Propaganda and brainwashing in America.

WHAT Happened Over LA? - "They Circled For Hours"...

This military exercise completely violates our constitution. Where is the public outcry against this?

Green New Deal & Military Pollution with Jimmy Dore

This is what we get when we allow those who created the problem tell us what the solution will be.

Full Interview: Tulsi Gabbard tells Van Jones why she's running in 2020

Bernie Needs Tulsi: The DNC Loophole That Will Keep Him Out Of Office!

We have thought crime now?

Tulsi Gabbard Smack Down The Morning Joe Team

Saturday, February 09, 2019

Net Neutrality Gets HUGE Boost In Federal Court!

AOC Talks 2020, Bernie Sanders, And Medicare-For-All

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez STUNS Congress

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez STUNS Congress

Tulsi Gabbard Serves MSNBC's Morning Joe 5 Cup's Of Whoop-Ass On Syrian ...

Alex Jones Flips Out On Joe Rogan : I'm Going To Lay You Low

Shut the Fuck Up-The What's in a Name Edition, February 9, 2019

AOC Warns Dems That Only Progressive Policies Will Win In 2020

Securing the vote is the most important thing that we can do between now and the next election.

AOC Warns Dems That Only Progressive Policies Will Win In 2020

[142] Juan Guaidó: Made In America

Abby Martin Responds to Trumps Outrageous State of The Union Address

Finally! The brutal truth!

Friday, February 08, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard Defends Antiwar Platform On Morning Joe | Smeared As Pro A...

NYTimes Journo Melts Down On Joe Rogan's Show

And this is how brainwashing works.

NYTimes Journo Melts Down On Joe Rogan's Show

And this is how brainwashing works.

~231~ Trump Admin. Admits They Want Venezuela’s Oil, Plus Troops In Iraq

"Inspired and Inspiring": 10-Year-Old Boy Scout Wins Praise After Taking a Knee During Pledge of Allegiance

\\'Exactly What I Was Worried About\\': Warren Warns New Big Bank Merger Will Increase Risk of Another Crash

No Justice for Patriots – Bundys Back in the Hot Seat with Special Guest...

I know people turned against the Bundy's when they revealed their ignorance about racism. So I am not excusing racism. But even racist can have their rights violated. They were standing up to the over reach and abuse of government which is trying to drive people off the land. Cops lie all of the time.

No Justice for Patriots – Bundys Back in the Hot Seat with Special Guest...

I know people turned against the Bundy's when they revealed their ignorance about racism. So I am not excusing racism. But even racist can have their rights violated. They were standing up to the over reach and abuse of government which is trying to drive people off the land. Cops lie all of the time.

Jimmy Dore Discusses Presidential Prospects, Smearing Of Tulsi Gabbard, ...

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Explains Our Broken System: ‘We have a system that is...

Ocasio-Cortez & Markey Unveil Sweeping “Green New Deal” to Radically Shi...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 8, 2019

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 8, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Throws Shade At Green New Deal

TYT's Cenk Uygur Battle's Clinton Operative Neera Tanden Over Medicare F...

TYT's Cenk Uygur Battle's Clinton Operative Neera Tanden Over Medicare F...

Trump Inaugural Chairman Exploited Political Contacts

The breaking down and selling off of THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, established with the Act of 1871. This allows these evil snakes to crawl out of the closet and openly proclaim that they are the owners of America and we are their assets. We are, which is why they started issuing birth certificates, but now it could become public knowledge. It is the same technique they used to break up and sell off all the small businesses that used to support our society. The big corporations broke them down, sold them off cheaply to big corporations and then the big corporations paid off politicians to get them to change the laws that protected our country and this allowed them to move the jobs to countries with real slave labor. This was all done gradually so that the American people would sleep through the process only waking in the end days when it is too late to stop their evil plan. Master minded by our actual real owner's, the Vatican. I am sure they are controlled by someone else but that is as far as my research has taken me. I suspect that the Knights of Malta are involved in the hidden web of ownership but that is my speculation. I also know that the Rothschild's bank is very heavily involved.

Thursday, February 07, 2019

The Vatican’s #MeToo Moment & American Exceptionalism Reconsidered

AOC Masterfully Breaks Down How Money Affects Politics

The more I hear this woman speak the more I love her! Exactly what we have needed for at least 40 years!

Ireland Passes Pro BDS Bill - Bans Israeli Goods

NBC journalist’s attacks on RT backfires

End these genocidal wars and try those who planned them and was responsible for giving the orders for them.

NBC journalist’s attacks on RT backfires

End these genocidal wars and try those who planned them and was responsible for giving the orders for them.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Says “Israel Is A Criminal State" & 60 Human R...

Genocide is okay if it is done by the country we pay ransom 2. They train our police 2 kill us & have openly interfered with our government. It was not Putin who bypassed our President 2 address our congress & filled our government with dual citizens who just got our government 2 pass a law that violates our constitution & that protects freedom of speech.

Pelosi To Block Med4All Aide Tells Insurance Companies

If we do not secure the vote, we don't have a snowballs chance in he77 of any effective progressive change. This will probably require people to also hit the streets.

Meet Victorina Morales, an Undocumented Immigrant Who Spent Five Years a...


Meet Victorina Morales, an Undocumented Immigrant Who Spent Five Years a...


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Takes Peggy Noonan To School

Spot on again!

Morning Joe Attacks Tulsi For Opposing War

Don't dare question the evil military industrial complex or we will destroy you with our propaganda!

Morning Joe Attacks Tulsi For Opposing War

Don't dare question the evil military industrial complex or we will destroy you with our propaganda!

Something Very BIG Just Happened In LA! (2019-2020)

This kind of activity by our military is supposed to be illegal. Yeah, lets put up a wall and turn America into an open air prison. Just like Israel did to the Palestinians. And who are we having train our police force? And why did we just allow our freedom of speech to be controlled by. It may be too late to wake up.

Shut the Fuck Up- The Bipartisan Swamp Edition, February 6, 2019

The sound track doesn't match the lips but if you listen more than watch it is okay. I agree, stop murdering babies all over this planet if your so concerned about a babies life in the womb. Complete hypocrisy! If you think your government can murder people all over the world and still care about you, your brainwashed.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Kamala Harris Is The Final Form Of White Supremacy

“Liar-in-Chief”: Rep. Ilhan Omar Slams Trump’s SOTU Remarks on Border, V...

20 Year Old AOC's Speech In College

TULSI 2020: Tulsi Gabbard Presidential Campaign, The ALOHA Launch - FULL...

So far, this sounds the best.

Crisis at Frigid, Dark NYC Prison: “A Choice Was Made Not to Treat Peopl...

This is inhumane, murderous and those responsible should be jailed!

Michael Moore Wants to See a President Ocasio-Cortez in 2020

BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Puts Morning Joe Host In Her Place!

On Contact: Israel’s Secret Weapons with Rania Khalek

They want to make Palestinians of us all. Shame on those whose moral compass is so bad that they willingly commit the evil acts for these evil forces.

On Contact: Israel’s Secret Weapons with Rania Khalek


Stephen Delivers The Restate Of Our Union

rania khalek

Border Congressman Schools Trump On His Border Wall

The real facts about the border. Know the facts or believe the brainwashing and be a brainwashed sheeple.

Rania Khalek Interview: U.S.-Led Venezuela COUP, New McCarythism

It is important to connect the dots.

Bev Harris | US Elections Are Fraudulent. The Evidence & The Fix

Securing the vote must be a priority before the next elections.

Tulsi Gabbard Publishes Her Platform | Let's Review

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

NBC’s Jawdropping McCarthyite Smear of Tulsi Gabbard

They will manipulate, control and cheat us if we don't stop the gerrymandering and secure the vote before the next elections. Want to know what you can do to change things locally? Work on securing the vote. Personally I think we need to tally the vote three ways; by computer, by machine, and by hand. That would act as a safety against cheating the vote. Otherwise anyone working for the people will be shut out or assassinated.

Oops! Fox News Poll Finds Bad News For Billionaires

Cory Booker’s Record Examined

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Attacked For Call With Jeremy Corbyn. No, Serio...

AOC + Ana Maria Team up for #PeoplesSOTU

Finally! Keep your moral standards high, never become corrupted. Courage!

Monday, February 04, 2019

The Internet Erupts After AOC Destroys Texas Republican

Marianne Williamson Running For President In 2020?

There is no point in winning if you compromise what you ran for.

Marianne For America - Reparations

Greenwald: Tulsi Gabbard Is Hated In DC For Bucking Foreign Policy Ortho...

Tulsi Gabbard Labeled Kremlin Puppet & Other Mainstream Media Contradict...

POLICE Union Prez Threatens ALL CRITICS of Police with THIS On Live TV!

Teen Passes Stranger In Store Aisle Taking 1 Look At His Back And Quickl...

Rachel Maddow Russian Fear Mongering Goes Off Rails!

As Virginia Governor Waffles on Blackface Yearbook Photo, NAACP Leader C...

Lights Back On at NYC Jail After Hundreds Protest, But Prisoners Still W...

Historian: Americans Must Face Violent History of Blackface Amid Virgini...

Former U.N. Expert: The U.S. Is Violating International Law by Attemptin...

MIT Professor Destroys Entire DAVOS Panel, Silences Confused Panel Host

This is what happens when education is dumb-ed down. Corporations are allowed to own the news media. Results are news that is not researched or checked for accuracy but is simply read and put out from one source. When congress people are paid to pass laws that make it legal to propagandize the people. We brow beat anyone that does not believe the propaganda. They change the laws that prevented corporations from shipping their jobs to countries that allow slavery or near slavery. We end up with huge problems like outrageous homelessness and banks that rob the government and no bankers go to jail. All while people's homes are stolen and we end up with an epidemic of homelessness. We have people suffering from poverty, fiercely defending the rights of the rich to take government welfare in amounts that would never be spent on helping the poor. We have two brainwashed parties hating on the other parties brainwashed ideas with no fact based debate occurring. We get corporations stealing peoples land via a bastardized law and a militarized police force terrorizing citizens with physical violence and murder. We end up with crumbling infrastructure, contaminated, poisoned water while nothing is done to fix it. All because the rich do not pay a fair tax.

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2019 | Marianne Williamson

Man Comes To Adopt Pit Bull At Shelter, But She Refused To Let Go Of Her...

A little heart warming story.

JULIAN ASSANGE - The CIA are criminals ....

You forgot to mention that the "State" filed sexual assault charges have since been dropped. Probably because it was not the women's desire to file the charges in the first place. We know how evil and underhanded the deep state is. It smells to me like a set up. Revenge against this truth teller that has a record of being 100% correct on his publications that reveal the evil actions of governments. The fact that London (a permanent vassal of the Vatican, follow the trail by researching the Act of 1871) and the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have had a UN court rule that his human rights have been and continue to be violated and that just shows you that they are so evil and so scared of what he might reveal that they will stop at nothing to silence him. #Unity4J

French Yellow Vest Protests Continue for 12th Week, Despite Government R...

‘Bad joke?’ Macron says he’s a Yellow Vest too...

Millennials demand the rich pay taxes

AOC Blows Anderson Cooper’s Mind With Popular Solutions

Or, here is a novel idea. We could stop spending all of our money on murdering people and military bases all over this planet. We could stop sending money to support dictators in other countries and quit paying ransom to Israel. If our duel citizens in government complain ship them back to the other country that they owe allegiance to.

BREAKING: Tulsi Calls Out Corrupt Intelligence Community In First Campai...

Two women that impress me and give me hope, Tulsi Gabbard and Marianne Williams.

The Strangest Ancient Anomaly That Has Never Been Fully Explained By ANY...

Physical clues that prove that we do not know the truth about our ancient past.

One World; Two Species; Tartarian DNA...We were never alone

Discovering who is behind the deception of who controls the world.

IT’S A TRAP & Pelosi Just Walked RIGHT INTO IT! GUESS Who Released ONE T...

The one thing said that I agree with is that the people who shut down the government must not be paid until the government is opened again.

Joy Reid's Morning Show Calls #ADOS Bots, Refuses to Apologize

Smear campaign by Joy Reid to discredit a legitimate movement. The Breaking Brown family are having no part of it and they are fighting back.

Democrats Threatening to Challenge AOC in Her Election!

It should be one of our highest priorities before the next election to secure the vote. Work on this where you live. Never forget #Unity4J

BREAKING: AOC Raises 100K After Dems Threaten To Primary Her Seat

NY Times Heckler Gets Owned By Jimmy Dore — The Political Vigilante

The problems are so great that I support anyone who is pushing back in any area that they can figure out how to push back from. Fight back from the place your standing.

BREAKING: NBC Drops Disgusting McCarthyist Hit Piece On Tulsi

Tulsi Gabbard seems to be another candidate that is working for the people. If the American people can navigate their way through the propaganda and brainwashing successfully, it is looking like it might be possible for us to get a team together that actually works for us. That is, if they don’t sabotage us at the voting booth with all the cheating that goes on there. Securing the vote needs to be a high priority if anything is to really change. A lot of people will NOT vote if we do not secure the vote.

AOC Takes On Big Pharma Greed In Committee Hearing

She says all the right things, now it is action time and things are looking good.

Saturday, February 02, 2019

'The Circus' Hosts: Billionaires Against Taxes On Billionaires

That new law ends the separation of powers, which violates our constitution. Where is the outrage over this continuing erosion of our constitutional rights?

A Modern-Day Lynching?: “Always in Season” Looks at 2014 Hanging in NC &...


Heavy Metal Fruit Juices, Twitter Scrubbing Pro-Maduro Accounts, Redacte...

Marianne 2020 Official Announcement

I believe in separation of church and state. If this was an average preacher, I must admit that this would scare me. But I am familiar with Marianne's teachings and I can not imagine her forcing her religious beliefs off onto others. Her attitude is more like inviting everyone to a banquet and allowing those who are not interested, the freedom to do their own thing. A very refreshing difference from the oppressive brow beating, your wrong and bad if you don't follow my religion, attitude of so many religions. Therefore I don't think that the separation of church and state would be in danger with her. But the political conversation would come from a deeply moral place. Things are looking up. I think the more good people speak up, the more those who don't have the courage to lead will gladly follow.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Russia, China on Defense and No Iranian Nuclear Bomb - US Intelligence R...

#BREAKING: Status Coup's #FlintWaterCrisis Bombshell Has New Development

Rohingya Crisis, Identity Politics and Robert Greene with Jimmy Dore

Absolutely right! Stop falling for identity politics and focus on issues. They are offering us crumbs so we won't notice that they are gorging themselves on cake.

Why Only the Middle Class Pay America's Wealth Tax?

How Do We Stop Billionaires Taking Over of America?

Three Year Old Boy Hung Out with a Bear and Lived

Miracles happen.

Web Exclusive: The Dangers Of Marijuana

So marijuana is dangerous because we use words?

~230~ Venezuela Fake Coup, Truth About Kamala Harris, & Yellow Vests

The TSA (and other experiments in evil)

Baa, Baa, Baa

This Cop Gets Publicly HUMILIATED for Stealing from a Kid!

Losing our rights, it is not about team D or team R. That is just good cop, bad cop brainwashing used 2 keep people fighting instead of working together 2 stop this abuse. #abusedRogerStone

Trump EXPOSED By Former Pastor


Our constitutional rights are being violated so blatantly that cops think they can make up their own laws now. #abusedRogerStone.

Another County Just Banned New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Ellen Page Calls Out Hateful Leadership

This EVIL needs to be #U&ing STOPPED!

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 1, 2019

Donald Trump Is Denying U.S. Intel And Reality

“Do We as a Society Have a Right to Kill?”: Chinonye Chukwu’s Film “Clem...

Becoming the conscience for our world by revealing the harm being done.

Bernie's Disappointing Venezuela Tweet

When evil is in control of things, your chances of being on the right side of things is greatly enhanced by assuming that they are lying, as usual.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez On Being Underestimated, Her Humble Beginnings ...

The more I hear @ this lady, the more hopeful I feel.

WOW FACEBOOK Just Dug Their Own Grave & Put The FINAL Nail In The Coffin!!!

Why are we allowing any private company to violate our constitutional rights? When we do that we have given permission to our fake government, which is in reality a CORPORATION since the Act of 1871, to completely disregard our entire constitution. Then as Bush said the constitution becomes just a piece of paper. An attitude which is already held by the elites or Bush would not have said it.