Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

How do I set my margins for my sidebar and main text?

Does anyone know how to set the margins for the side bar and the main text? The more I mess with it the worse it seems to get. Please email me with instructions at emmabeverage@yahoo.com


What is the truth about the Fair Tax Movement?

A Republican sent me an email concerning the fair taxes which made me feel that this is just another way for the wealthy to get out of paying inheritance taxes. Is this true? Does anyone know? Since the Republicans have such a piss poor human rights record it has caused me to have second thoughts. I admit that I am very biased when it comes to dealing with the "power over, your going to do it my way because I said so and I have the money attitude of the Republicans". I feel their cry for less government feeds into most Americans desire for Freedom and fools most people into thinking that they are representing Freedom in America when in actuality they want a smaller government so they can force the poor into slavery and discriminate against and destroy minorities. A government is only good if it can protect it's minority citizens. With all that said I can and do listen to what they say since one must know what one's enemies are up to. He did say one thing that I have often thought myself and therefore I agree with him on this point. He said: "IF YOU THINK YOU REALLY OWN YOUR PROPERTY, JUST TRY NOT PAYING TAXES ON IT FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS AND YOU WILL FIND OUT REAL QUICK WHO REALLY OWNS YOUR PROPERTY!"

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Look at my beautiful grandchildren! Will add more family later.