Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, February 04, 2019

MIT Professor Destroys Entire DAVOS Panel, Silences Confused Panel Host

This is what happens when education is dumb-ed down. Corporations are allowed to own the news media. Results are news that is not researched or checked for accuracy but is simply read and put out from one source. When congress people are paid to pass laws that make it legal to propagandize the people. We brow beat anyone that does not believe the propaganda. They change the laws that prevented corporations from shipping their jobs to countries that allow slavery or near slavery. We end up with huge problems like outrageous homelessness and banks that rob the government and no bankers go to jail. All while people's homes are stolen and we end up with an epidemic of homelessness. We have people suffering from poverty, fiercely defending the rights of the rich to take government welfare in amounts that would never be spent on helping the poor. We have two brainwashed parties hating on the other parties brainwashed ideas with no fact based debate occurring. We get corporations stealing peoples land via a bastardized law and a militarized police force terrorizing citizens with physical violence and murder. We end up with crumbling infrastructure, contaminated, poisoned water while nothing is done to fix it. All because the rich do not pay a fair tax.


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