Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Google Screws Tulsi & She Sues For $50 million

<3 <3 <3

Albuquerque mayor: Here’s a crazy idea, let’s give homeless people jobs

YES! YES! YES! <3 <3 <3

EXCLUSIVE: Did CNN Black Out Bernie Sanders Supporters at Debate Yesterday?

The cheating continues.

DNC-Second, 1st Night, Debate Top 10 Performances & Gains

Good analysis.

Thoughts: Tulsi Gabbard Files A Lawsuit Against Google

Ooops, we accidentally harmed another of the most progressive candidates again! But we are supposed to trust and support this corrupt system.

Analysis: Marianne Williamson's Dave Rubin Interview

Excellent communication skills backed by a clear moral code!

Debate Breakdown: These Are the Winners & Losers of the 2nd Dem Debate (...

Krystal Ball: Bernie and Warren destroy the corporatists

Microwave warfare expert Jerry Flynn on G5 and EMFs

Microwave warfare expert Jerry Flynn on G5 and EMFs

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Plans Exposed, CIA & President Johnson Documents w Deborah Tavares 1of3

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: *New* Indictment On Jeffery Epstein!!

Mueller Admits NO OBSTRUCTION Of Investigation Occurred w/Aaron Mate

How our corporate owned Democrats are sabotaging themselves again. Does any one else notice how many of the problems in our world are being created by these big rich corporations? Maybe it is time to transform these corporations into employee owned businesses. When people break the law they are supposed to go to jail but when corporations break the law they get richer and more powerful.

“The Brink of Political Revolution”: Puerto Rican Protests Continue Amid...

EPSTEIN CASE: Exclusive Lawyer Interview - Michael Santucci FLORIDA Atto...

Rev. Al: Donald Trump Has Decided To Run A Blatantly Racist Campaign | D...

Truth! Where is your soul?

IP Freely (Screw YouTube)

Monday, July 29, 2019

AOC Working W/ Kamala? Epstein Revelations and More!

AOC Working W/ Kamala? Epstein Revelations and More!

Economic Update: A Socialist Politician Wins

The Controversial Trial Of Keith Davis Jr. & ICE Detains U.S. Citizen Fo...


Pentagon Budget Now Bigger Than Entire U.S. Gov’t

When people refuse to take no for an answer. 

Impeach Trump? - Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE Clip R...

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tulsi's Busy Week, Quinnipiac Poll CALLED US, BDS Vote, BREAKING NEWS an...

Best explanation yet.

Watch this for why I voted for HRes246 and why I'll always defend our ri...

Analysis: Marianne Williamson's Interview with Colbert

She said all of the right things, with the exception of the public option on medical care. But that will appeal to the centrist.

BREAKING: How To Stop The DNC From Rigging The Primary Against Bernie an...

Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur: 'I want Bernie to fight'

Taking Down Conservative Lies About Socialism!

Typical Republican, trying to talk to Tom but refuses to listen to Tom's words. The Republican keeps regurgitating the R's talking points no matter what Tom says. This is why it is impossible to talk to people who are brainwashed. No matter what words you use or how well you explain things they ignore what you said and keep going back to their talking points.

Jesse Ventura: ‘The Democratic Party Is Corrupt’ & ‘Mueller Case As Good...

They are still trying to kill the messenger.

Police Fired After AOC Death Threat

Saturday, July 27, 2019

BREAKING: Tulsi Responds To Criticisms Of "Anti BDS" Vote

Mueller Testimony/Investigating Airline Crashes

Shut the Fuck Up-The Parade of the Ignorant Edition, July 27, 2019

"If it were not for people like you, gays would not need protection!" Right on sister! I could not agree with you more!

Democrats Broach Impeachment In Bid For Robert Mueller Grand Jury Info |...

Joe Rogan Opens Door To Cornel West’s Brilliance

Joe Rogan Opens Door To Cornel West’s Brilliance

Courts Force California To Repay Stolen Mortgage Money — The Political V...

Our government allowed the greedy bankers to steal peoples homes, increasing the homeless population crisis among other problems. Instead of making the people whole and jailing the criminals, our corrupt politicians then gave these same crooks even more of our money to bail them out. Not one of these criminals have been jailed to this day. And we still allow these crooks to claim that they are looking after our interests.

Americans Clueless About Evil That US Commits Globally — The Political V...

When it comes to Washington' s never-ending war on terror, the one phrase that your not likely to find in such media coverage will be "American aggression."

Jesse Ventura: FED UP With ‘Draft-Dodgers’ Beating Drums of War at Iran

 I don't want religious people running our government. I don't want government running our religions and I don't want draft dodgers telling me what is patriotic.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Shut the Fuck Up-The Running Their Mouths Runs in the Family July 19, 2019

Here are a few FACTS that will either wake you up or pl$$ you off.

BREAKING: Tulsi Calls Out Kamala On Sports Talk Show

PBS NewsHour live show July 26, 2019

President Donald Trump Mocked On Stage By Errant Satire Presidential Sea...

Panel: Tulsi Gabbard sues Google for discrimination

Analysis; Tulsi Gabbard's Interview with The View

Insurance Turns Vandweller into an Outlaw. Canadian Masked Vandweller an...

Insurance Turns Vandweller into an Outlaw. Canadian Masked Vandweller an...

BREAKING: Jeffrey Epstein Was a Frequent Visitor to Bill Clinton’s White...

[164] CNN’s Jim Acosta Caught Throwing Journalist Under The Bus

#Uinity4J #Freeallwhistleblowers What they are doing to whistle blowers is throwing them to the devil and cheering the devil while he eats them alive!

“A Victory for the People of Puerto Rico”: Gov. Ricardo Rosselló Resigns...

Judge Halts Trump’s Asylum Ban That Represents a “Relentless Attack on t...

Ilhan Gracefully Dismantles Ignorant Question

If you want us to act like American politicians, then you treat us as such.

Progressive Kyle Kulinski: Nancy Pelosi is terrified of 'the Squad'

-  Ilan Omhar, what she has said is 100% factually true and her life is being put in danger by a bigoted, racist, lying con man.

Progressives Deliver Blow To BDS Movement with HR246 Vote

 I agree with Tim Black.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Tlaib Wants To See Ivanka’s Private Emails

( <3 <3 <3 )

Abby Martin Exposes Untold History of U.S. Empire

 - - A little refresher on our recent history that is still relevant today.

Rachel Maddow Reacts To Collapse Of Russiagate

Mueller Unravels! Cringe Worthy Testimony Exposes Russiagate Hoax!

Here is one for my Republican friends and family. This is why facts and honesty matters. We can't change anything until we find the courage and honesty to call our own team out. Otherwise, everything gets dismissed as dirty politics.

“We Are Not Anti-Science”: Why Indigenous Protectors Oppose the Thirty M...

- - It is long overdue to stop the raping and thievery of the indigenous people's land and resources.

CIA War On Journalists, Chelsea Manning Continues With Little #Resistance

NY Police Officers Get Soaked! #respectthepolice

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Smeadly Butler Reveals Coup Attempt Against FDR — The Political Vigilante

He was a high class 'musclemen' for the bankers. They had no morals then and they have no morals now!

Chris Wallace SCHOOLS Stephen Miller

 - - This is what Republicans really need to hear, But I don't expect any Republicans to have the courage to listen to this. It is too logical for them to understand anyway.

Israel Bombs Syria, UK Admits US Planned To Take Grace 1 Tanker, CIA Sec...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Panama Has Admitted That The Riah Tanker Seized By Iran Was Smuggling Oi...

Bernie Sanders — We Shall Overcome (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

BREAKING: Ilhan Omar Trolls Israel Ahead Of Gaza Trip

- AOC missing in action again. This is getting worrisome.

BREAKING: Iran Airs Jimmy Dore Video On TV

Corruption has no place in America

Monday, July 22, 2019

Eric Garner’s Killer Goes Free (plus Viewer Questions)

(Murder with the blessings of the state that was supposed to have been established for the common good.)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How the Rich Will Rewrite the Constitution If Trump is Reelected

Joe Biden Supporter: How'd Socialism Work Out in the Soviet Union?

Not voting does not work, if it did our government has been voted out already.

Joe Biden Supporter: How'd Socialism Work Out in the Soviet Union?

Not voting does not work, if it did our government has been voted out already.

High Temps Make Florida Sized Glacier Become Unstable — The Political Vi...

"The Squad" interview: Gayle King's full conversation with AOC, Omar, Pr...

The squad gets the opportunity to list some of the things that they have accomplished.

Lawrence's Last Word: Donald Trump's Worst Presidential Appointment | Th...

Congresswomen Issue Scathing Rebuke To ‘Blatantly Racist’ Trump Attack |...

15 Years Later: How U.K. Whistleblower Katharine Gun Risked Everything t...

Jeffrey Epstein’s Got Friends in High Places | Full Frontal on TBS

Meet The NEW Justice Democrat Betsy Sweet

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis: Marianne Williamson Provides Powerful Message for America Duri...

Marianne Williamson has something to offer that is really vital in this dark time.

Kyle Kulinski and Niko House talk 2020, Progressive Youtube, Russiagate ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Fed up Geraldo lashes out at Fox co-host over Trump rally chant

I don’t think anyone has expressed what patriotism is, any better.

Sanders aide hits back: Joe Biden 'just flat out lied' over health care

Why would you settle for a copy when you can have the original?

Anti-Racist Historian: Attacks on Rep. Omar Rooted in Belief “America is...

US Downs Iranian Drone and Rejects New Nuclear Inspections

Bernie Sanders Campaign Manager DESTROYS CNN Anchor

Lying by omission is still lying.

CNN's Two Night Democratic Primary Debate Line Up and Predictions | Tim ...

They Found The Secret...Jaw-Dropping Discovery Leaves EVERYONE Totally I...

Tulsi Gabbard Gets Big Trendsetter Support

Tulsi Gabbard Gets Big Trendsetter Support

Tulsi Gabbard Shows Diplomacy and Leadership and Compassion

Why would Republicans support Tulsi Gabbard?

Everything Wrong With MSNBC In One Clip (Live From Chicago)

Everything Wrong With MSNBC In One Clip (Live From Chicago)

[164] Time To Abolish Police?

JUST-us in America.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Marianne Williamson Utterly STUNNED by Dave Rubin's Stupidity


Hosts: Pelosi's way has failed

A new source for me!

BREAKING: Ilhan Omar Trolls Israel Ahead Of Gaza Trip

Trump's Racist Rhetoric is Deliberate - Will it Lead Us to Fascism?

This is a very dangerous discourse.

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Trump's Racist Tweets

Tulsi Slams Trump Over Tweets Verbally Assaulting "The Squad"

Racist have always denied that they are racist. 

Marianne Williamson Schools Dave Rubin

Marianne Williamson on Anderson Cooper 360°

Top U.S. & World Headlines — July 18, 2019

Environmentalist Sounds Alarm On Fracking & Gov. Corruption.

Both parties are captured by big money interests.

Cardi B Heaps Praise On Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sassy Bernie Sanders Sh*ts on Jeff Bezos on His Home Turf... Numerous Times

Great Moments in American Imperialism Part 2, July 16, 2019

Pointing out how many times our government has lied to us in the past. But we are expected to believe them today.

The Truth About The Migrant Detention Centers

This is an America that has lost it's morality issue.

Bernie Has Officially Ran Out Of F**** To Give, Tulsi Unloads On Trump a...

Trump Defends His Racist Tweets | The Daily Show

- "Why didn't he just leave?"

Trump Defends His Racist Tweets | The Daily Show

- "Why didn't he just leave?"

Marianne Williamson Pens Letter to Hillary Clinton, Reveals Her True Tho...

Stop now. Stop cozying up to the banks, the chemical companies...


I think he is right.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

2020 Hopeful Julian Castro on Trump's Racism, Breaking Up ICE & Amazon S...

I agree. That is all we need, more bullies with guns and a government actively committing genocide all over this planet.

Tulsi Gives Perfect Answer On Immigration

Marianne Williamson at the Progress Iowa Corn Feed

Pelosi Sides With Trump-Attacks AOC & Screws Immigrants

- The solution is to bypass these two terminally corrupted parties.

Acosta Joins Lengthy List Of Ignominious Trump Admin Departures | Rachel...

What a great job tRump is doing, of draining the swamp!

Omar Cites Corruption, Ineptitude Among Reasons To Impeach Donald Trump ...

SHOCKER: Pelosi & Schumer’s Detention Center $ Ties; Biden’s Healthcare ...

Dynamite! Republicans will love this! So will 'truther's.'

SHOCKER: Pelosi & Schumer’s Detention Center $ Ties; Biden’s Healthcare ...

Monday, July 15, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein’s Blackmail Scheme, ICE Raids, Pence’s Concentration Cam...

Trump's Disgusting Tweets, Bernie and Tulsi Team Up, and More!

Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar and Pressley respond to President Donal...

Fed. Judge Shoots Down Mueller Report Finding (and Viewer Questions)

I wonder how many of the "Russia, Russia, Russia" cult will have the courage to admit that they were brainwashed by the "Russia, Russia, Russia" propaganda? Oh yeah that propaganda and brainwashing thing is happening for the Democrats as well as the Republicans. That is why it is so important to get the facts right.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — July 15, 2019

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Nancy Pelosi to AOC & Progressives: I Can Trash You But You Need To Shut...

US Media Won't Show Putin Talking Nuclear Peace — The Political Vigilante

OVER 10,000 Aftershocks and CLIMBING! Line stretching 60 MILES!

Biden Forgets When He Was Vice-President

~251~ The TRUTH About Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton, & Trump

The End of Ice

Green New Deal!

NPV Interviews RICHARD OJEDA!! Former 2020 Presidential Candidate

Dems Steal Tulsi Gabbard's Election Integrity Legislation..And Everyone ...

Dems Steal Tulsi Gabbard's Election Integrity Legislation..And Everyone ... - Until we secure our elections, our presidents will be selected, NOT elected.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

AOC Gives Huge "Told Ya So!" To Nancy Pelosi

Kamala Harris Supporter Delivers Low Blow To Potential Voters, Critics

Trump Cruelty - Joe Biden, Rashida Tlaib & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE Clip Rou...

I love this guy because he summarizes what mainstream media is covering so I don't need to waste too much time on brainwashing and propaganda while making sure that I am not missing anything important.

The Battle of The Queen Bees - FULL VIDEO

This is the problem and Pelosi just exposed it. I pretty much agree with everything said here.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez exposes Republicans with BRILLIANT speech

BREAKING: Mike Gravel Qualifies for July Debates!

A Million Dreams - The Greatest Showman, Claire and Dave Crosby Cover

Bernie Sanders is Not "Fading"—He Actually Set a Fundraising Record

Here is a sample of how corporate owned mainstream media manipulate the facts to make it appear like the corporate owned candidates are winning.

Ben Shapiro Has Hissy Fit Over Megan Rapinoe

AOC Proves Critics Wrong On Scrapped Amazon HQ2

AOC is young, inexperienced and RIGHT!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Cancer Cure Cover-Up (Conspiracy Documentary) - Real Stories

Shut the Fuck Up-The Some of the Woke are a Joke Edition, July 11, 2019

 - - EXACTLY! - -

Marianne Williamson | Taking Money out of Politics | Pod Save America

Money is the cancer in politics.

Extended Interview with Julian Assange


WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, Pt. 1


Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks


Julian Assange: The most dangerous man in the world?


Journalists Chris Hedges and John Pilger unite for Assange

I missed this very important information.

The Daily Dose-The Ultimate Act of Civil Disobedience: Caring For One An...

Shut the Fuck Up-The Dizzy Miss Lizzy and Orange Scourge Edition, June 1...

Shut the Fuck Up-The You're Going to Wish I Would Edition, June 30, 2019

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Shut the Fuck Up-The Fiipping Off Facebook Edition, July 3, 2019

Marianne Williamson Pushes To Get Mike Gravel On The Debate Stage

 This is how we turn this into a movement!

BREAKING: DNC Have Successfully Rigged 2 Of First 3 Primary States

- - Why do we waste so much money on elections when the positions are filled by selection, not by voting. When peaceful change is blocked, change will come but it won't be pretty.

BREAKING: DNC Have Successfully Rigged 2 Of First 3 Primary States

- - Why do we waste so much money on elections when the positions are filled by selection, not by voting. When peaceful change is blocked, change will come but it won't be pretty.

Nancy Pelosi Continues to "Resist" Ocasio-Cortez & Progressives MORE Tha...

The corporitist are trying to keep control of their party but the progressives are evolving anyway.

Marianne Williamson Harnesses LOVE to Help Mike Gravel Qualify for the J...

Let's do it. This is how we change the conversation. When the conversation changes, then our actions follow.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Kamala Harris' Top Donors Represented the Wall Street Banks That Took To...

For those who prefer to let someone else do the hard work of vetting the candidates.

Shut the Fuck Up-The "Just How Dumb Do You Think We Are?" Edition, July ...

Common Censored Podcast #65: Elite Fools, Criminal 'Cops' Shows, & Human...

Mueller Repeatedly Contradicts Himself & Undermines Russiagate

We the people can not take back the control of our government until we decide that facts matter and an honest interpretation of those facts is at the core of healing our country. Stop with the blind loyalty to either party. These party's have master minded the great divide in our country.

Despite Death Threats, Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out About Exposing Large C...

BREAKING: Bernie's Second Quarter Fundraising May Have Sealed His Victory

And here is another candidate that mainstream media is trying to ignore. They have more difficulty with Bernie because he has more name recognition. Consider this, everyone getting mainstream media recognition are corporate owned puppets. That means you need to decide whether you want to see big changes or are you happy with the status coup?

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Milford Meet & Greet - Milford, NH

Tulsi's crowds are nothing to be ashamed of either. Why is mainstream media ignoring her? Seems mainstream media is trying to control who can be in the conversation.


An Integrative Approach to Politics | Marianne Williamson

It looks like to me that she is getting some pretty good sized crowds. I wonder why the mainstream media is so pointedly ignoring her? Could it be that she is saying all the right things that the rich and their big corporations do not want the American public to hear?

Monday, July 08, 2019

TLAV R&R 7/7 - Epstein, Iran, 5G, Kratom & GMOs

Commentary:Analysis Marianne Williamson's Recent Interview with CNN

Hondurans describe nightmare of life under US-backed 'dictatorship'

This is where America is headed, if we don't stop the corporate owned puppets from STEALING our own elections.

Sunday, July 07, 2019

How teen runaway Virginia Roberts became one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims

Officials: Billionaire Epstein Arrested In Connection With Sex Trafficki...

Some Dem Candidates Are More Dangerous Than Trump

Marianne Williamson | The Truth About Healthcare

Marianne Williamson | The Truth About Healthcare

Ted the Terrible Malthusian Ted Turner Anthony J Hilder

 Are you one of the useless eaters being targeted for elimination? Are the homeless already being eliminated? Is this why we have such bad/expensive medical coverage? Maybe that is why their is no accountability for police violence. Perhaps this genocide is already well underway in stealth mode, being disguised under some other name like 'war!' Open your eyes, research and put the puzzle pieces together for yourself. BELIEVE FACTS ONLY

Ted the Terrible Malthusian Ted Turner Anthony J Hilder

 Are you one of the useless eaters being targeted for elimination? Are the homeless already being eliminated? Is this why we have such bad/expensive medical coverage? Maybe that is why their is no accountability for police violence. Perhaps this genocide is already well underway in stealth mode, being disguised under some other name like 'war!' Open your eyes, research and put the puzzle pieces together for yourself. BELIEVE FACTS ONLY

Fmr. White House and Pentagon Official Says Tulsi May Be Biggest Threat ...

Fmr. White House and Pentagon Official Says Tulsi May Be Biggest Threat ...

Vetting that you will not get from mainstream media.

Saturday, July 06, 2019

~250~ Global Freak Weather, Soros & Koch Join Together, Concentration Camps

Marianne Williamson | Speaks about A Politics of Love in Los Angeles

Elizabeth Warren Claimed Too Many Black/Brown People Being Born Is A "Pr...

Elizabeth Warren Claimed Too Many Black/Brown People Being Born Is A "Pr...


Tulsi Gabbard Is Attacked For Explaining the REAL July 4th Purpose

Tulsi Gabbard's Positions In Light of Iran Run Up To War

Happy 4th of July! God Bless America!

I love Tulsi but I must admit that Marianne Williams gave the most powerful 4th of July speech!

Noam Chomsky on Fascism, Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, Julian Assange...

The powers that be have decided that they must silence the voice that is exposing their own criminal behavior. #Unity4J

Noam Chomsky on Fascism, Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, Julian Assange...

The powers that be have decided that they must silence the voice that is exposing their own criminal behavior. #Unity4J

Common Censored Podcast #64: The Truth About July 4, Signs Of Recession ...

Joe BIden's Campaign Staff Is "Freaking Out!"

Here is the candidate that will bring NO CHANGE! Are we excited yet?

Promoting Warren Will GUARANTEE Bernie Is Defeated In The Democratic Pri...

Promoting Warren Will GUARANTEE Bernie Is Defeated In The Democratic Pri...


The DNC and mainstream media are ignoring the real progressives and trying to make FAKE progressives appear as if they are real. This is an attempt to sabotage the REAL Progressive's REVOLUTION.  Please don't let this side of the aisle be as shallow, mindless and as easily herded as the other team. Please do your homework and vet all candidates thoroughly.

Friday, July 05, 2019

BREAKING: Election Rigging in Queens & 3 Key Things We Think Would Help ...

BREAKING: Election Rigging in Queens & 3 Key Things We Think Would Help ...

Marianne Williamson on How to Bring Consciousness to Politics

Part 04 of 5 Genocide Documents - Murder "IS" Legal How This Came to Be

Part 05 of 5 Genocide Documents - Murder "IS" Legal How This Cam

This is right leaning but it is backed up with FACTS.

Iron Mountain -- Blueprint for Tyranny

We can never have PEACE because that would destroy the need 4 governments 2 exist. No wars, no need 4 a military or police force & ultimately no need 4 government. So governments stay in power via murder!

Part 03 of 5 Genocide Documents - Murder "IS" Legal How This Cam

Part 02 of 5 Genocide Documents - Murder "IS" Legal How This Came to Be

We are in a war by stealth and We The People are the enemy! But go back to sleep sheeple because if you close your eyes and ignore it, it will all go away.

Part 01 of 5 Genocide Documents - Murder "IS" Legal How This Came to Be


AOC's District Attorney Pick, Tiffany Caban of Queens, Has Her Nominatio...

AOC's District Attorney Pick, Tiffany Caban of Queens, Has Her Nominatio...

This is #AOC's moment to show if she is with the people or have the corporatist already stolen your soul?


[162] Capitalism Hits The Fan! With Richard Wolff

- - I think a fuse has been lit and it is just a matter of time before things go BOOM!

Great Moments in American Imperialism-Part One, July 4, 2019

Do you remember these history lessons? It may be time to review these historical FACTS!

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Marianne Williamson 4th of July Address

 - - - WOW! Just WOW!

Homelessness 'Industry' Perpetuates The Problem — The Political Vigilante

Is Marianne Williamson a Antivaxxer? Analysis of MSNBC/Williamson Interview

Another candidate that main stream media is trying to smear and sabotage. Wake up sheeple, when those in power work this hard to misrepresent someone it is because they are a real danger to the status quo.

CNN's Anti-Bernie Sanders Crusade Continues--This Time By Deceptively Pr...

Border Patrol Agents EXPOSED

NBC’s Jawdropping McCarthyite Smear of Tulsi Gabbard

Kamala Harris Giggles About Prosecuting Poor People For Truancy

Kamala Harris LOUDLY Pushes Trump To War

If Tulsi Gabbard Doesn't Have A Chance, Why All The Fuss?

When someone votes 100% in your favor, how can you claim that they are not on your side? Not logical.

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Live Feed Which RV or Van Should I Buy? July 3, 2019

TYT LIVE - Trump’s Parade; AOC; Charlie Kirk; Meghan McCain; Nike; plus ...

No, Iran Did Not Break The Nuclear Deal - Here's Why

Lester Holt Begs Tulsi For Iran War

Bernie Corrects Kamala: Yes, Medicare For All DOES Get Rid of Private In...

Because if you are already covered with medicare for all, there is no need to pay a middle man that adds their cost to the situation.

Cory Booker EXPOSED, more Debate Questions and Tweet @ me Bro w/ Ron Pla...

Cory Booker EXPOSED, more Debate Questions and Tweet @ me Bro w/ Ron Pla...

A little fun with the propaganda brainwashing propaganda points that democrat's are dishing out to our low information voters.


Top U.S. & World Headlines — July 3, 2019

Why is Japan killing whales? | Inside Story

Why is Japan killing whales? | Inside Story

Was HIDDEN from humans for 4500 years until the Storm caused this! | Ont...

The Illegal US/Saudi Blockade Has Caused 24,000 Tons Of Yemen Aid To Rot...

They are committing genocide by starvation!

Kamala Harris Says She Was a Progressive Prosecutor. Her Record Tells An...

You won't get medicare for all with Elizabeth Warren. 

Tulsi Got Med4All Question Right! Warren & Harris FAIL

You won't get medicare for all with Elizabeth Warren. 

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Shut the Fuck Up-The Right is Wrong Edition, July 2, 2019

 - - - Exceptional rant!

Shut the Fuck Up-The Right is Wrong Edition, July 2, 2019

 - - - Exceptional rant!

Eclipse Shadows ALL OVER the top of a Towering Major Hurricane - Best Se...

Tulsi Gabbards Fights & Calls For Election Integrity

Tulsi Gabbard is the only one who has tried to secure our elections.

Final words in 'Imperialism on Trial - Free Julian Assange' - 12th June ...

This must unite all right thinking people.


I agree with Tim Black. Anyone aspiring to be President should be vetted inside out, upside down, backwards and forwards. Otherwise you end up with smooth talking criminals who do not prosecute the criminals that pulled off the biggest heist in history and worse in secret or a lying clown that violates everything in public.

BURGER KING | Whopper Diamond

Donald Trump USDA Climate Science Quash Squanders US Science Leadership ...

 If only they would do this to ICE and the CIA!

Border Patrol vs AOC

(The abuse is unbelievable!)

Monday, July 01, 2019

The Daily Dose-What We Accept Is What Will Continue, July 1, 2019

Top U.S. & World Headlines — July 1, 2019

The law worked for a change.

Polls & Meghan McCain Say Tulsi Won Debate

“People Drink From Toilets”: AOC Tours Border Facility

WATCH: Members of Congress speak after visit to Texas migrant detention ...



AOC's Bizarre Take On The Democratic Debates.

[161] Former CIA Man on Creating Coups, Assange Lies, & Iran

Lying liars get rewarded while whistle blowers are jailed for telling the truth.

~248~ Iran War Games, No More Common Good, Russiagate Falls Apart EVEN MORE

How dare Iran place their country in the middle of our USA military bases!

Debate Recap, Kamala's Lies Exposed, Gametime and NBC's Superimposed PIM...

Debate Recap, Kamala's Lies Exposed, Gametime and NBC's Superimposed PIM...


(The google searches went to Tulsi Gabbard.)

Tulsi Gabbard Gains Momentum, Media Continues to Ignore

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. An easy choice when their compass is also set on true North.