Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I Walked With Jesus

I walked with Jesus long ago,
ran with wolves hunting buffalo,
soared with eagles upon the wind,
like the phoenix, I rise again.


(c) Emma Beverage

Who Knows

© Emma Beverage
Dedicated to Rebecca Chelsea Beverage
March 10, 1991 – Sept. 8, 2008

Who knows?
Who understands?
The masters’ plan,
the master plan.
Who understands why we do,
the things we do.
Why we choose
a certain road.
Why the road that we chose
brought us to this.
Our last farewell,
our final kiss.
Who understands the paths we take
Who understands the loves that we forsake?
Who understands what prayers we pray
or who among us will lose their way.
Who understands how long we have
to share our love, to share our lives.
To create memories to save
to savor again, as we age.
No one will ever take your place.
Although I’m sure that I will see
… your face
someday …
when someone smiles at me
and in that smile I will see…
The one that left us all too soon.
Who left my heart an empty room,
That I must try to fill
with your memories
Too precious, …
… Too few!

Memories are all I have.
Your memories
will have to do.