Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Comedian Slams Whitehouse Press - Media Impotently Lashes Back

I agree.

No Profits in Peace & Comedy Kills Nerd Prom

It's like a rigged carnival game.

Dems' Flint Hypocrisy, ADORATION for Joy Reid's Lies, Wolf Blitzer's Rat...

THIS is Who was REMOVED from JFK File Release 2017 - Truth is Stranger t...

The Standing Rock resistance and our fight for indigenous rights | Tara ...

Economic Update: Employees VS Employers — Endless Tensions

We the taxpayers are paying for huge rebates that are being given to rich corporations.

The REAL Reason For All U.S. Invasions

Trump/Russia “Has Become A Religion” w/Glenn Greenwald

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Major Explosion Registers 2.6 On The Richter! Trump And Boltons Plan For...

Cancer The Forbidden Cures!

Mysterious Deaths Of Holistic Doctors Across The Country: Coincidence Or...

The admitted business motto is that curing people is bad for businees. I guess doctors that actually cure people would be bad for business too!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

EXCLUSIVE Interview With Dr. Steven Greer! 5/12/17

Where is the money going that our military can not account for?

‘We can’t let these corporate Democrats run one more election’ – Host, t...

There has been a hostile takeover of both parties by corporations, IMO.

"PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!" Bernie Sanders WIPES THE FLOOR with Big Pharma Dur...

Israel's Massacres of Gaza Protesters Force Liberal Zionists to Face Opp...

This should not be a genocide based on what people feel they are entitled to according to some book that was written by men who lived over two thousand years ago. It is about human rights now! If your religion gives you permission to bully, intimidate, murder or create harm to others in any way, how can you possibly consider that a religion worth following?

Bernie Sanders to Propose Guaranteed Jobs Plan

We bailed out the bankers when they should have been jailed. The bankers that were given money to bail them out then gave huge bonuses to the very people who master minded this huge rip off of the American people. Are we about to bail out the victims of the bankers criminal activity, finally?

Super Psychic Kids With Abilities That You Wont Believe Until You See


Art Bell On Roswell Witness Deathbed Confession

Friday, April 27, 2018

Government Accountability, Drone Madness & David Hardy

PROFILING & STYLING with Nakeema Levy Pounds and D. Watkins

~193~ Central Banking Rules All, DNC Unveils Conspiracy Lawsuit, & More

~193~ Central Banking Rules All, DNC Unveils Conspiracy Lawsuit, & More

[108] CIA Analyst On Deep State, Russiagate & the War Machine w/ John Ki...

Jill Stein: Obsession with Russia Distracts from Bigger Corruption, Elec...

Natalie Portman Won’t Visit Israel Because Of Netanyahu

A Conversation with Jimmy Dore and Gayle McLaughlin

DNC Files Lawsuit Instead Of Helping People

I am refusing to give them my vote because it allows them to manufacture consent for their lying, cheating policies.

Kaepernick Wins Amnesty International’s Highest Honor The Ambassador O...

Good Reporting. Doing what is right always takes the most courage.

“You Really Should Resign:” Lawmakers Slam EPA’s Scott Pruitt over Mount...

Frankly I think that companies that have a long record of polluting should either be put out of business or be turned into collectives, owned by all of the employees with absolute equal pay for every single member. 

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 27, 2018

Zionism & The Gatekeepers EXPOSED -- Adam Green

"You can not mention Israel in any context." Because they are controlling the evil violence all over this planet. This does not mean that all Jews are involved in this, it does mean that they hide behind those prejudices and try to claim that anyone who points their evil behavior out gets accused of being a racist against all Jews. I have no prejudices like that against any race of people so I guess it is up to people like me to point this out to others. How many dual citizens are holding office in our government right now? That should be illegal. Why are they committing genocide in plain view and where is the outcry against that.

The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan

the C.I.A. Developing Robot Assassins?

The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan

the C.I.A. Developing Robot Assassins?

America’s Tortured Conscience & Fear in Schools

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Secret Billionaire Behind Trump's Rise, Massive CIA Leak [139]

People Focus Hatred On Trump - Ignore Causes

My failed mission to find God -- and what I found instead | Anjali Kumar

BBC Host Tries Censoring Truth On Syria

Neo-Nazis Burn Giant Swastikas With NO Police Response—Guest Reporter Th...

Don’t Let Bad Cartoon Comic Book Super Villains Dictate A Pseudo-Reality

To eliminate waste, we need to rediscover thrift | Andrew Dent

Racial Bias Training: Should the Church Follow Starbuck's Lead?

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Starbucks Witness Raised Alarm About Racist Police

Macron Breaks With Trump In Front Of Congress

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Young Turks 04.25.18: Kanye West, Ronny Jackson, Fresno State Profes...

"We've Got to Hold Up the Blood-Stained Banner!" | Rev. Dr. William J. B...

We need to unite and fight together.

Marxism 101: How Capitalism is Killing Itself with Dr. Richard Wolff

Empire Files: Meet the Socialist Woman Running for President

How rigged our system is!

Brazil: protests have sparked against Indigenous Territory Registration Law

Bernie Sanders To Propose Job GUARANTEE, Flint Water Crisis Hits 4 Years...

Don’t Care Don’t Cure: Comcast and Goldman Sachs

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 25, 2018

Thanks to the courts that have not compromised  their morals, ethics and uphold the law. Wish they would uphold human rights at Flint and Standing Rock.

Chris Hayes’ Journalistic Malpractice Over DNC Wikileaks Lawsuit

Is the New Retirement Crisis a Threat to Our Democracy?

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 24, 2018

Another white terrorist who won't be called a terrorist because he is white.

Standing Rock: America's Fascist Takeover #NoDAPL

What our government does in secret because our government controlled and corporate owned media does not report this to the American people. This is one of the atrocities that our smooth talking liberal leaders could have stopped if they were really for the people.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Young Turks 04.23.18: Trump’s tweet Rampage, Paul Ryan on Deficits, ...

They are planning on robbing the baby boomers to pay for the tax cuts they gave to the rich.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Iran Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Permanently Temporary: The Truth About Temp Labor (Full Length)

The exploitation of the workers. They broke the unions and shipped the jobs to other countries which left the remaining workers feeling insecure, scared and ripe for exploitation. I lived through this in the trucking industry also. This was a way to get around the laws that were designed to protect the workers. This is another example of why the Libertarian philosophy does not work. The rich always take advantage if their are no laws to keep them in check.

How Black Students Helped Lead the 1968 Columbia U. Strike Against Milit...

"Donald & The Dons: Trump's Ties To La Cosa Nostra & The Russian Mob"

don’t know how much of this is true but I have often said that it
looks like to me, that we have two rival gangs fighting over the
spoils, running our government. Trump has always acted like a mafia
boss and not a president in my opinion. It would explain why they
have robbed us blind, rewarded the openly crooked banks rather than
jailing them, disappearing a mind boggling amount of money and
admitted it just before 911, refused to spend any money on anything
that would help the people, allowed private profit making companies
to steal land from people under the pretense of Eminent Domain,
privatized our prisons and many other things that the government is
supposed to be using our tax money on, refused to follow through on
their promises to take care of our soldiers, militarized our police
and allow them to routinely get by with murder, put completely
unqualified people into places to destroy the organizations such as
education and the EPA, and the greedy B@$t@rds are threatening to
steal our Social Security. If this is true then every branch of our
military and all of the alphabet organizations like the FBI, CIA
etc., are complacent in this or they could have never been able to
infiltrate all of our government. If this is true the American people
have no choice but to do what we are supposed to do to traitors. I
have to go do rehabilitation exercise as part of my recovery program
so I don’t have time to listen to the entire video before I leave
but I wanted to share this now.

04/22/2018 MFA World News - Waffle House Masscare | Syria False Flag | B...

Living & Traveling In A Rav4 SUV ~ True Intelligent Minimalist Tiny House

America's Lawyer [55]: PFCs poison Colorado and the judge corporations f...

This is why the Libertarian political  movement would create great harm for the people.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Trump vs Comey? - Kellyanne Conway, Bill Maher & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE Cl...

Sunday View On richieallen.co.uk For Sunday April 22nd 2018

CNN Smears Anti-War Progressive As "Extremist" "Conspiracy Peddler"

This is why we are at war. There is nothing our morally bankrupt leaders won't do for money.

Standing Rock Denied Involvement in Dakota Access Pipeline Review

This only has a direct effect on their land, why in the world would their opinion be important? Remember people, what we allow them to get by with doing to others, they will think nothing about doing to us also. And if we don't fight this, we will deserve it.

How The Magic Works

The Inescapable & Disturbing Truth About Cops

OANN Pearson Sharp interviews Treka in Syria after US strike

Here is what the Syrian's say.

Assange on 'US Empire', Assad govt overthrow plans & new book 'The WikiL...

Mentions Americas genocidal activities all over the world.

Voter Suppression Guru Chris Kobach Held In Contempt

Ralph Nader: Both Parties, Two Heads of Same Corporate Beast

The Empire Files: Ralph Nader & Abby Martin on the Corporate Elections

Shocking Truths about Wal-Mart | Brainwash Update

Still true today.

Sunday Morning Wake Up Call. April 22, 2018

We the people, need to quit depending on our fake leaders and start taking action ourselves.

Award Winning Journalist Debunks Douma Gas Attack w/Carla Ortiz

Death at Residential Schools

Stolen Children | Residential School survivors speak out

Canada's Dark Secret - Featured Documentaries

This will horrify you.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Carla Ortiz Shocking Video From Syria Contradicts Corp. News Coverage

Genocide just like I said, by our government. Don't worry, if they will do it there, THEY WILL DO IT HERE! Wake up!

You'll NEVER Guess Where MOST of Your 2017 Taxes Went - or Will You?

Truth! There is a group that claims that there is no law that actually requires that we pay taxes. The man trying to educate the public about this has offered a reward to any one who can produce the law that requires us to pay taxes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_zvAdzrQcQ
Any one who has the courage to do this, I suggest that you research this. Remember that they are trying to control us so we must become ungovernable! www.becomeungovernable.net

The Prison You Live In And How You Hold The Key to Escape It

Flint Resident Suing Over Arrest Speaks to Jordan

If they can get by with doing this in Flint, they can get by with it anywhere in the USA and that is why it should matter to you. That is, if the immorality of the situation does not move you.

Goldman Sachs Ask If Curing People A Profitable Business Model? With Gue...

Jimmy Dore, Peaceful Resistance & Kevin Zeese

If only we could get all of the people who want an honest discussion based on facts to unite, we would have our movement!

HA Goodman Versus Jamarl L. Thomas On Question: Will Trump Will Easily W...

A good debate between conservative and progressive.

WEB EXCLUSIVE: CNN Attacks Jimmy Dore In An Insane Way!

Donald Trump & Republicans Took by Through Racism and Hatred

So racism isn't real, say the racist.

Jesse Ventura Book Signing, Barnes & Noble Rochester, MN 9-30-2016

I don't agree with everything he says but I love his blunt honesty.

Jesse Ventura Breaks the Set on JFK Conspiracy, Running with Howard Ster...

No one in the private sector would pay more money, (to get the job)  than what they are going to earn.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 20, 2018

Actually mentions the atrocity in Flint!

Friday, April 20, 2018

WATCH: Massive Cop Slams Handcuffed Teen Girl into Counter for “Mouthing...

Why cops have no business in schools.

Chemical Attacks In Syria Proven To Be False

The USA killed half a million kids......but....that is not genocide?

~191~ Zuckerberg Frenzy, Syrᶖa Truth, DĤS Tracking Journalists

~192~ Bombing Hides Reality, MSNBC Lies & More

Two Black Men Get Arrested for Doing Nothing at Starbucks | The Daily Show

"IT'S A DISASTER!!!" Rand Paul's BRILLIANT Takedown of Trump's Unhinged ...

World War 3 w/ Jesse V. & Psychology Trumps Politics

This is too honest and just makes too much sense.

Corp Media's WORST NIGHTMARE - Status Coup And The Media Revolution

Why We Strike 10-Maintaining Momentum in These Times April 20, 2018

They want to control us? The best solution is to be uncontrollable!
General strike for May 1st.
Become Ungovernable by Deb Della Piana at: http://www.becomeungovernable.net/
Another good idea:
The Poor Peoples Campaign:      https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/

Professor Trolls Barbara Bush's Death

Professor Trolls Barbara Bush's Death

Two Men Arrested For Being Black At Starbucks (VIDEO)

The Nikola Tesla Story They Do Not Want You To Know From Belgrade Serbia

A Trump connection!

NPR Questions Whether "Syrian Chemical Strike" Took Place With Bristling...

Eric Karlstrom On Gangstalking, Directed Energy Weapons, Transhumanism &...

I wrote this for another video but it applies here also. Just another lame excuse for genocide. Don't assume that it could never happen here in the USA. What do you think the "manufactured" homeless problem is. What do you think the police murders are and as many of the tin foil hatted have been trying to tell us for years, there is no profit in curing people. Don't forget the pharmaceutical companies and their getting people addicted to drugs and how our government uses our troops to not only guard the poppies fields but to also ship the final product to America. They want to control us? The best solution is to be uncontrollable!
General strike for May 1st. Become Ungovernable by Deb Della Piana at: http://www.becomeungovernable.net/     Another good idea: The Poor Peoples Campaign:  https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/

Syrian Boy in White Helmets Video Reveals TRUTH

Just another lame excuse for genocide. Don't assume that it could never happen here in the USA. What do you think the "manufactured" homeless problem is. What do you think the police murders are and as many of the tin foil hatted have been trying to tell us for years, there is no profit in curing people. Don't forget the pharmaceutical companies and their getting people addicted to drugs and how our government uses our troops to not only guard the poppies fields but to also ship the final product to America. They want to control us? The best solution is to be uncontrollable!
General strike for May 1st. Become Ungovernable by Deb Della Piana at: http://www.becomeungovernable.net/     Another good idea: The Poor Peoples Campaign:  https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/

Goldman Sachs Caught Saying Curing Disease Is Bad For Business

Again, there is no profit in curing people! We have unethical and immoral people who have stolen our government in secret. They are so powerful now that they don't really care if the people figure it out, which is why they put less and less effort into covering it up. Have you seen any election reform after all of the blatant cheating that went on? I don't think That I am going to allow them to use me for their manufactured consent this time.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Scum Sucking Pig Edition April 20, 2018

There is no profit in curing people.

WRONG - University of Michigan; Flint Study Says Lead Testing Meets Regu...

How To Train White People Not to Fear Black People

Immigrants Won't Take Your Job The Morbidly Rich Already Did!

What Donald Trump Got Right About Draining the Swamp (w/guest Mark Pocan)

Jamarl Thomas & Jordan: Why Corporate Media is Dangerous

Disgusting facts about corporate media!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Isn't Just Running To Make A Point

MSNBC Worse Than Sinclair Broadcasting Ed Schultz Reveals

It's about having the courage to tell the truth because when you don't have that kind of courage, you are a traitor to the American  people.

Intercepting The Intercept with John Kiriakou

Lead, Fracking & Hip Hop

[107] "Chemical WMD" Story Falling Apart w/ Rania Khalek

Syria: War, Lies, and Corruption & USA Still Poisoning Its Own—Guest The...

Ex-CIA Agent Turned Bestselling Spy Novelist Barry Eisler (Interview w/ ...

Very good points.

The Top Myths That About Building Black Wealth With Antonio Moore

Here is a simple way to illustrate the economy. You have a group of
people sitting down to play the game of monopoly. Before the game
starts you give all of the real Estate in the game to one or two
players. Then play the game and see who wins.

The Top Myths That About Building Black Wealth With Antonio Moore

Sheep Alert!-You May Be A Sheep If... April 19, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The FBI Hip Waders Edition April 19, 2018

What is the best way to clean up a system that is this corrupt?

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Judah Friedlander Nominated For Webby Award - Vote Now!

The Daily Dose-It Might Be End Times in More Ways than One April 18, 2018

I am home-bound so my choices of what I can do is limited. I am planning
on making a sign and hanging it in my yard with The Poor Peoples
Campaign: https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/ and Become Ungovernable: http://www.becomeungovernable.net written on my sign. Then I am going to pull out my drum and sit and bang on my drum.

Bombshell: Professor Stuns MSNBC Panel On Syria

This is the permanent State!

Shut the Fuck Up-The DuoTwit Edition April 18, 2018

"They do not want what the people want or we would have it."

Deep Tru^th. Neither CNN or Fox will tell you this.

World War Naïve & Nominating Torture

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Four Horsemen (A must see Documentary)

Eye opening!

BOMBSHELL: Ed Shultz Says MSNBC Fired Him Over Support Of Bernie Sanders...

This is how they brainwash the general public.

Michigan Gov Tells Flint to "Get Over It" on Water Pod Shut Downs

Michigan Gov Tells Flint to "Get Over It" on Water Pod Shut Downs

Susan Sarandon Responds to Hillary Clinton Aide's Syria Smear

CONFIRMED: MSNBC Was in Tank For Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates Asked to Cl...

CONFIRMED: MSNBC Censored Bernie Sanders Coverage

Philip Defranco Screwed By Youtube? Another STRIKE! Cohen Exposed Sean H...

This sounds like breech of contract to me. It seems like everyone could get together and do a class action lawsuit. Of course the more these sites sabotage their content providers, the more people they will lose because everyone will be looking for more ethical sites to support. I have kept several sites open but I seldom visit them because of their abuse and disrespect for our rights. When I find a site that is ethical and user friendly I will let everyone know.

You Won't Believe What We Saw In Mogadishu, Somalia

What Just Happened, And Who Is Really Responsible?

BREAKING: Failed U.S Raid Cover Up Exposed By Survivor Who Lost 11 Famil...

This is genocide right in front of our eyes and if you do not raise your voice against it, you are complaisant in it.

The Daily Dose-More Bullshit in the Empire of Illusion April 17, 2018

I think she is right!

Mysterious Beam Of Light Spotted In Near Dallas | Disclose.tv

Mysterious Beam Of Light Spotted In Near Dallas | Disclose.tv: Residents of Rockwall near Texas were baffled when a mysterious beam of light was seen on the horizon which illuminated the stormy dark sky to the east on 6 April 2018. Numerous Reasons Might Have

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2018) : Ten Days to Armageddon?

US Now B-O-M-B-I-N-G Somalia, Guess Why?

Who were we bombing last year and why?

Why There Will Not Be An Anti-War Movement In The US

New Mexico’s STAGGERING Unemployment Rate

Shut the Fuck Up-The Syrian Trifecta Edition April 17, 2018

Hillary Clinton Forgets How Much She Loves Tyrants

Chelsea Manning on Trump’s Mission Accomplished Tweet: “I Believe I Have...

Sean Hannity Forgot To Mention Something...

Close the Boyfriend Loophole | November 1, 2017 Act 2 | Full Frontal on TBS

David Icke (April 17, 2018) ✪ Cracks In The Wall The World Wakes Up New

Monday, April 16, 2018

Annie Lennox #March4Women CARE International UK.

Economic Update: Distorting Economic Truths

This just makes too much sense.

What They Won't Tell You About Who REALLY Controls our Minds!

This is how brainwashing works.

#BREAKING: Flint Residents Should "Get Over It" on Water Pods Being Shut...

First they poison the people with water that they contaminated, then they continue to charge people for the contaminated water. Then, knowing that they need clean water, they want to charge exorbitant prices for the clean water that they are selling and that water originally comes almost free from the residents rightful water source. Not only should this be illegal but it should be a hanging offense! 

"YOU'RE NOT A SCIENTIST, ARE YOU??!!" Senators DESTROY Trump Nominees on...

More foxes for the hen house.

"TOM PRICE LIED!!! ARE YOU LYING??!!" Elizabeth Warren DESTROYS Trump HH...

She has a great bark but I have learned the hard way that just because a
politician sounds good, it does not necessarily mean that their is any
teeth in that bite.

Sunday View On richieallen.co.uk For Sunday April 15th 2018

Working through America's lies.

Syria Voice of Reason Accidentally Allowed on MSNBC

Have things gotten so bad that even some corporatist are starting to wake up?

Shut the Fuck Up-The Syrian Bombers Edition April 16, 2018

All we are doing is stoking the fires of hatred.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Scientist suddenly tells all about Climate Change in 2018

The Empire Files: An Unparalleled Act of Police Terror

Still trust your government?

Used & Betrayed - 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats

Still trust your government?

5 Years! LV Sunday LIVE Clip Roundup -Trump, Cohen, Comey, Collusion? - ...

Michael Moore Blasts MSNBC For RussiaGate Coverage

Women break the hold of the corporate state and mainstream media won't talk about it!

The Empire Files: Enter the Biggest Prison System in History

FtS 04-13: Ecuador confirmed 3 kidnapped journalists have been murdered

FtS 04-13: Ecuador confirmed 3 kidnapped journalists have been murdered

Bolivia's Response to Syrian Bombings

Trump Advisor Threatens Comedian's Dog (Randy Credico Interview)

Yes, Hómeland Security Is Tracking Journalists

EXCLUSIVE Interview With David Paulides Of The Missing 411!

More strangeness.

Hillary Clinton Investigation Had Conflicts of Interest—Comey Says

You and I would have gone to jail for this and probably for illegally campaigning too close to the voting polls as well. When a system is that unfair, the best way to fight back is to become ungovernable.

Jimmy Dore & Jordan: Syria Strike Based on Bogus Evidence

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Lies They Told Us About Syria

Flight Attendant sheds new light on 9/11.

9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money

The Real Reason the Pentagon is "missing" 10 TRILLION Dollars


want to control us? The best solution is to be uncontrollable!
strike for May 1st.

Ungovernable by
good idea:
Poor Peoples Campaign:


5 Decades of Lies and War — when will Americans wake up?

want to control us? The best solution is to be uncontrollable!
strike for May 1st.

Ungovernable by
good idea:
Poor Peoples Campaign:


The End of the World!! Ehrenberg is Being Enforced

want to control us? The best solution is to be uncontrollable!
strike for May 1st.

Ungovernable by
good idea:
Poor Peoples Campaign:


By Faith

What Really Happened With Trump's Attack and What Will Happen Next!

It is time for a people's revolution!   The Poor Peoples Campaign:      https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/

SHOCKER: Trump to Reenter U.S. in TPP Trade Deal

Dakota Access Pipeline Parent Company Wreaking MORE Havoc

When private companies can steal people's land for their private profits, with no regard for the damage that they are doing to the land, it is time for a people's revolution!   The Poor Peoples Campaign:      https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/

I-R-A-Q: This Is What Victory Looks Like

And we are doing this again!    The Poor Peoples Campaign:      https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/

Jordan Chariton Launching New Media Network With Bombshell Flint Story

Poor Peoples Campaign:

Cheating to Win Elections is Sin — Rev. Dr. William Barber

Poor Peoples Campaign:

The "Souls of Poor Folk" Audit Release | Poor People's Campaign

Time to rise against the madness!

The "Souls of Poor Folk" Audit Release | Poor People's Campaign

Time to rise against the madness!

Alex Jones CORRECTLY Reacts Badly 2 Betrayal By Trump In Syria; LEFT & R...

Eva Bartlett Exposes the Lies on Syria

The White Helmets Are A Propaganda Construct

The white helmets completely exposed by Treka

The Chemical attack in Duma, Syria by Treka

Friday, April 13, 2018

When Police Act Like THUGS - Arresting the INNOCENT

Guy BLASTS City Council (on VIDEO) for the TYRANTS They Are!

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Strikes In Syria - The Hard Facts (with Max Blumenthal)

Hang these genocidal traitors!

��US Military Action in Syria Has Begun - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

You killed a hundred people so now we will kill thousands! These genocidal maniacs need to be hung from the nearest tree!

Paul Ryan Retires! Joins 30 Republicans Retiring in 2018

What Are They Trying To Tell Us...

As an old person I can state that old folks would not have the stamina to make formations with these kinds of intrinsic details and enormous size. I don't even believe that young people would be able to do this. I have been taking screen shots of the designs from videos for quite awhile. I do not believe that these are man made.

True Journalist Slams Media & Exposes TRUE Political Agenda in Syria

Sy Hersh On Democracy Now: U.S. Intelligence KNEW "Rebels" Had Access To...

Gaza Marches Into Violence & DACA Dead? | Watching The Hawks on RT Ameri...

How We Are Controlled and Why Most People Can't See It

Thursday, April 12, 2018

[106] Democrats Destroy Democracy, Banks Launder Money For Terr¤rists

Warmongering Democrats Get Wish - More War!

Shut the Fuck Up-The Deadly Economics Edition April 12, 2018

I totally agree, including that I have changed my mind about guns.

Vice News: Conspiracy Theory Is Manipulation to Stop Logical Discussion.

Live now! Also, General strike for May 1st. Deb Della Piana at: http://www.becomeungovernable.net/

Hideous Headlines-The Syrian Nightmare Edition April 12, 2018

strike for May 1st. Deb Della Piana at:

Your Government is a Terrorist

strike for May 1st. Deb Della Piana at:

Max Igan "Why We Need To Act Urgently On Social Crediting, Internet Of T...

Why Oliver Stone Is Not On MSNBC Anymore W/Oliver Stone pt 3

The people don't elect the President and who gives the orders to the president... and when will the people wake up?

Syria. Why does this keep happening and what can we actually do?

Live now!

Tucker Carlson Tells Truth About Syria - Crosses Trump

When Fox News is the truth teller!!!!!!!!!!


Police state! Time to ban the police.

Tucker Carlson & Glen Greenwald Soberly & Rationally Analyze Events In ...

The reasons are that we as a people are allowing these immoral crooks to murder people in other countries because it is profitable to those who are pretending to have a moral objection to leaders who commit murder. What happened to this fake outrage when Israel was murdering unarmed Palestinians?

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Escalation In Syria & Moby SNAP’s

Scott Pruitt Even More Corrupt Than Trump

Shut the Fuck Up-The Groundbreaking Edition April 11, 2018

strike for May 1st. Deb Della Piana at:

Glenn Greenwald Pushes Official US Propaganda Lies, Trump Shows Himself ...

This crap is still illegal and the good people need to prosecute these scumbags for genocide!

The True Story of How Hawaii Became Part of the United States

The True Story of How Hawaii Became Part of the United States

Richard Wolff on Red White and Rusty: How Neoliberal Trade Wars Created ...

YouTube Admits Not Notifying Subscribers & Screwing With Algorithms

Keystone Pipeline Leaks DOUBLE Previous Estimate

Because, who needs clean water?

Cops Kill Innocent 84yo Woman While Trying To Kill Her Mentally Ill Son ...

Caitlyn Johnston: Anti-Est Left & Right Must Unite On Syria! We're Stari...

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)

How many of our constitutional rights have we lost due to the lies about this? This was a false flag operation. It does not mean that the tragedy did not occur. It does not mean that no one died. It does mean that we have been lied to about the circumstances around this incident. We have been lied to over and over again. JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, Waco etc. Our country has been stolen right from under our noses because we have accepted the lies that we were told.

Is “Sorry” Enough? Facebook Built Empire on Harvesting Personal Informat...

Denver Post Revolts Against Its “Vulture” Hedge-Fund Owner & Demands 126...

Pipeline, Protest, Profit. Another Pipeline On It’s Way To NYC | Common ...

Hideous Headlines-Hands Off Syria Edition April 10, 2018

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 10, 2018

Dane Wigington Geo Engineering Is Going To Make Earth Uninhabitable If ...

Police Proven To Lie Constantly Under Oath

The Israeli Massacre You Won't Get On Mainstream Media

Shut the Fuck Up-The Blame Game Edition April 10, 2018

General strike for May 1st. Deb Della Piana at: http://www.becomeungovernable.net/
Help organize the truth-tellers, spread this information. Thanks.

Kyle Kulinski ( Secular Talk ) Goes On Fox News | Mainstream Media Meltd...

Tim Canova Ditches The Dems, To Run Against Debbie Washerman Schultz As ...

Community Devastated By Global Warming Ignored By All Levels Of Governme...

(Save web sites of truth tellers, share in our own communities, linking them together, we can organize a movement based on truth.) (General strike May 1st. Organized by Deb Della Piana@: http://www.becomeungovernable.net)

Tucker Carlson Eviscerates The March To Escalation In Syria; Dems, Reps,...


Trump Vows Syria Retaliation WITHOUT Investigation

Lying to create profits over people because if your profit are large enough then genocide does not matter!

EXCLUSIVE: Flint Resident Debunks Clean Water LIES

Because our immoral leaders love the people so!

The Monologue: Syria Chemical Attack Hoax, Warmongering Criminals May & ...

I told you so!

David Icke (April 10, 2018) - So What's Next in 2018 (Part Two) - Russia...

NWO arriving thanks to the Russia, Russia, Russia brainwashing. If you haven't done your homework and are still repeating the Russia crap, blame yourself for the innocent lives that will be lost.

Monday, April 09, 2018

Full Show 3/18/16: Thomas Frank on the State of the Democratic Party

Attack on Syria & Facebook’s Reforms | Watching The Hawks on RT America |

BREAKING: War With Syria Imminent Due To Israel/US False Flag Chemical A...

Shut the Fuck Up-The Three Stooges Edition March 20, 2018

The Daily Dose-What's Stopping the Revolution? March 7, 2018

I could not agree more!

The Daily Dose-Comey, Guantanamo and Rich Oh My! March 19, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The Hogg and Sheeple Edition February 23, 2018

My feelings exactly!

Shut the Fuck Up-The Genocidal Maniac Edition April 9, 2018

The US seems to be filled with genocidal maniacs as we seem to support all of the genocidal maniacs of the world!

Glenn Greenwald on Syria: U.S. & Israel Revving Up War Machine Won’t Hel...

Things always get worse when the US sticks it's nose into other countries affairs. Get out of these genocidal wars and spend that money right here in America to help the homeless, give Medicare to everyone, create jobs with living wages, rebuild our infrastructure, provide education and jail these psychopaths who create war for profit!

Trump Inks Arms Deal with Saudis as Humanitarian Crisis Rages in Yemen &...

The US and the media are being complicit in this genocide! And so are the American people for not raising their voices to protest these atrocities!

Judge Halts Release of Herman Bell Despite NY’s Attempts to Parole More ...

Judge Halts Release of Herman Bell Despite NY’s Attempts to Parole More ...

Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


Shut the Fuck Up, You Lying Sack of Shit August 21, 2017

Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!

The Daily Dose-Charlottesville; Paul Begala, Dickhead August 14, 2017

The criminals in charge don't give back anything they have managed to steal from you!

Shut the Fuck Up-The Hollywood Hypocrisy Edition March 5, 2018

I leaned toward gun control until I woke up to the fact that an immoral, genocidal criminal cabal is controlling our entire world. Their headquarters are the Square Mile in England and Washington DC. Then look at all of the violence 'programing' that comes out of Hollywood. I have changed my mind about gun control. We need to focus on deprogramming people from the mass brainwashing that we get thanks to our 'owned by the rich' corporate media. Requiring gun owners take a class in both anger management and conflict resolution would be much wiser in my opinion.

History in St. Louis on MLK Anniversary, Victorious Pipeline Protestor S...

PODCAST: Tim Canova Runs as Independent vs Debbie Wasserman Schultz

We no longer have elections, we have appointments! And it will be that way unless the people get mad enough to demand a change. With the majority of the population still consuming the propaganda dished out by the rich what are the chances that people will wake up?

Sunday, April 08, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The Whiners Club Edition March 15, 2018

Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Kill Non-Threatening People As Long As They...

WATCH: Cops Ruthlessly Beat Innocent Teenager, Causing Traumatic Brain I...

YouTube Has Blocked Abby Martin’s interview with Max Blumenthal in 28 co...

No private company should be able to violate our constitutional right to Freedom of Speech or be allowed to block the free flow of information! We are headed towards a dictatorship folks, wake up!

Stephen Colbert Monologue (4/8/2018) Trump "miscellaneous" tax

Forbidden History Radio Government Secrets Revealed Gov. Jesse Ventura

Our government is out of control.

Shut the Fuck Up-The How Dare We Question Edition March 27, 2018

Study your own governments history of lying, hiding, manipulating and using violence to get their way. Question everything.

Banned Sci-Fi Channel UFO Special! - James Doohan, Bob Lazar

Depictions of UFO's in cave paintings and ancient paintings.

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Seattle Poor People's Campaign Mass Meeting | A National Call for Moral ...

General strike for May 1st. Deb Della Piana and her site is at: http://www.becomeungovernable.net/
We need to organize the truth-tellers so please consider helping to spread this information. Thank you for all that you do.

"I am a conservative Christian" Rev. Barber speaks to church in Appalachia

General strike for May 1st. Deb Della Piana and her site is at: http://www.becomeungovernable.net/
We need to organize the truth-tellers so please consider helping to spread this information. Thank you for all that you do.

Rev. William Barber Delivers Masterful History Lesson, Declares 'It's Mo...

WATCH: Cops Mistake Epileptic Man’s Seizure for a Crime So They Beat, Ta...


WHITE RACIST Cop Smashes Cruiser into Elderly BLACK Woman, Speeds Off,DO...


Shut the Fuck Up-The Do Nothing Whiners Edition March 28, 2018

have recently discovered another truth-teller/activist. She is trying
to organize a general strike for May 1st. Her name is Deb Della Piana
and her site is at: http://www.becomeungovernable.net/

need to organize the truth-tellers so please consider helping to
spread this information. Thank you for all that you do.

Morning Talk

Friday, April 06, 2018

The Daily Dose-Who's Behind the Parkland Response + Other Stuff March 15...


The Daily Dose-The Historical Truth, The DOJ and Parkland March 28, 2018

The Daily Dose-Quit Jamming Me April 6, 2018

Oklahoma Teachers Strike Grows Stronger

Onion Skewers Rachel Maddow - Cable News’ #1 Host

~190~ Truth About Israel, MLK Murder Facts Revealed, Cops Lying

Why Christians Wouldn’t Care If Trump Paid For Abortions

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 6, 2018

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 5, 2018

Cenk Uygur & Ana Of TYT Says Lefties NOT Agreeing To Russiagate Are Supp...

Social Media Double Edge Sword, How to Negotiate Treacherous Waters

Shut the Fuck Up-The Blowhard Bowl Edition March 23, 2018

The Daily Dose-Tillerson, the CIA and the Dossier March 13, 2018

There are very good reasons why people who do their homework keep trying to expose the cover-up in Vegas. At least watch some one who has researched this before you dismiss this as impossible.

The Daily Dose-Bribery and Warmongering American Style March 21, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The NOT Treason Edition March 29, 2018

Assange is a truth-teller and a hero. I completely agree.

Shut the Fuck Up-The NOT Treason Edition March 29, 2018

Assange is a truth-teller and a hero. I completely agree.

Seth Rich Update 5 25 2017

Understanding NAFTA and Trump's Trade War with China

Understanding NAFTA and Trump's Trade War with China

The Daily Dose-Who's Behind the Parkland Response + Other Stuff March 15...

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The When Pigs Fly Edition March 26, 2018

We are in the $hitter!

McDonalds STAGGERING Greed, Syria Stupidity, Flint Update

McDonalds STAGGERING Greed, Syria Stupidity, Flint Update

McDonalds STAGGERING Greed, Syria Stupidity, Flint Update

St. Louis Man Racially Profiled While Campaigning Wins Election

Deep State Shadow Government Exposed with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt -...

The Daily Dose-Google, Puerto Rico, The Shadow Government March 22, 2018

Why We Strike 9-This Is On Us March 26, 2018

Support the general Strike, May 1st. I am home-bound but I will try to remember to go out in my yard and drum. I may even put a sign up saying that I support the government by and for the elite with no representation by the people.

The Daily Dose-Airing It Out March 27, 2018

The Daily Dose-Voting, and Treason and Harassment! Oh My! April 5, 2018

It's the system, stupid!

The Daily Dose-More #HoggWash, Sex Trafficking, and Sarkozy March 29, 2018

The Daily Dose-The Friday Wrap & Our Latest Weasel March 30, 2018

Become ungovernable!

Shut the Fuck Up-The Hip Waders Required Edition April 5, 2018

I found another truth speaker!

DCCC Advises Democrats On How To Con Voters; This Is Profoundly Sad! Wha...

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Scientists Use Solar Shield to save us.

The Empire Files: Max Blumenthal on Palestine's Rebellion, Israel's Fascism

Life Sentences for Charity Work - Free the Holy Land 5!

Where Is Trump Moving Troops Now? Really Remembering MLK50

Campaigning While Black Makes You Target in St. Louis

Amazon-Washington Post to Get Billion-Dollar Pentagon Contract

Amazon-Washington Post to Get Billion-Dollar Pentagon Contract

The TYRANNICAL Bill EVERY American MUST Know About NOW!!!

When the criminals who have stolen our government in secret wants to pass laws that make America more tyrannical, we must demand that they follow the constitution!

TYT - 04.04.18: New York Politicians, Alison Hartson, NRATV, and Surpris...

TYT - 04.04.18: New York Politicians, Alison Hartson, NRATV, and Surpris...

Robert O. Dean - ET Contact

Bob Dean UFOs and the ET - The Best Documentary Ever

[533] Liberty, Immigration & Crony Capitalism w/ Jesse Ventura

Spend the peoples money to make the rich even richer while neglecting their duty to the people.

A Target 8 Special Investigation

plenty of money for genocidal wars but no money to help the people. You would think they would at least help the people who helped them make these genocides possible. But all those who help the evil to callously murder thousands don't seem to be smart enough to realize that those who pay them to murder others will have no qualms about using them for a patsy for their next evil plan. Think Oswald  and Jfk or abandoning them if it is going to cost them money to fulfill the promises they made to recruit them. We need to wake people up so they will stop supporting these evil people.

Sadhguru at UN on World Water Day - Water for Sustainable Development

The American Chernobyl (Hanford Documentary)

Tuesday, April 03, 2018



Part 4: Delay, Deny Until They Die

Part 3: Delay, Deny Until They Die'

Part 2: Delay, Deny Until They Die

Walmart: Pay a Living Wage or get out!

I agree.

What's Wrong With Paying a Living Wage?

If a business won't pay a living wage - it shouldn't exist

Teachers Strike Across the US for a Living Wage

Teachers Strike Across the US for a Living Wage

Student’s Singing National Anthem Kneel At MLB Game

Part 1: Delay, Deny Until They Die

WATJ 6: Ron Paul, North Korea & Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

‘You don’t lock anything up unless you’re hiding something’ – Jesse Ventura

WATJ 4: Policing the Police

There Is No Reason For Insurance Companies (to Exist)

Plenty of money to murder thousands but no money to help people.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 3, 2018

Trump Trouble, Sacramento Police - Chris Christie, Bernie Sanders MORE! ...

Monday, April 02, 2018

Gaza on Verge of Collapse as Israel Sends 2.2M People "Back to Middle Ag...

Genocide supported by our genocidal leaders that have their hands red with the blood of thousands of innocents that they have murdered in wars since the beginning of our country!

Sinclair's Propaganda Empire; Trump's Privatization Spree and More - The...

This is how brainwashing works. The best way to make sure that you are not being brainwashed is to diversify your news sources. That does not mean switching the channel to a new station that is owned by the same person that owns the first station that you were watching.

Bush Era War Criminals Embraced By Establishment Media

Corporate Pundits Haven't Learned Anything From 2016

Progressive Has CLEAR MESSAGE For California -Ankur Patel

YOU WON'T BELIEVE What This Man Did Next !

Are chem-trails doing this to our food?

ONE DOES NOT Simply Explain This ! (Part II)

More people should be experimenting with this.


LOL Exactly, how could they know? Life imitates art.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 2, 2018

Genocide by Israel .

Sunday, April 01, 2018

On Contact: The Coming Collapse of the American Economic System with Ric...

The rich keep getting richer and receive the most government support but they try to brainwash us to believe that it is the poor draining the money from the system.

Should We Prosecute the George Bush Administration For War Crimes

We should hold them all accountable.


Anonymous - This is Actually Happening Worldwide... (2018-2019)

John Pilger World War III Is Already Under Way

If you only get your news from mainstream media, this is eye opening. It is not recent but it the truth.

John Pilger: Blocking internet access for Julian Assange is a war on fre...

Sunday View With Richie Allen On richieallen.co.uk

On Contact: The Coming Collapse of the American Economic System with Ric...

Kentucky Screws Teachers-They Fight Back!

Tim Canova's Campaign Releases Powerful Video Calling Out Election Fraud...

RACIST WHITE Cops Kill Unarmed BLACK Dad Over Window Tint, Use His Dead ...

CORRUPT Cops Angry Over Late Pizza,Storm Domino’s & Attack the Manager,W...

WATCH: Cops Say It is Okay to Attack a Child for Free Speech, Then Arres...

83YR old Grandpa Forgot 2 Use His Blinker,So Cops Put Him in the Hospita...