Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, December 31, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The ONLY Solution Edition, December 31, 2018

When you are dealing with people who are trying to control the world, the only solution is to become ungovernable. Be still and ask Great Spirit how you can serve for the greatest good.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Millionaire Journo Dismisses Regular People’s Money Problems

Learn Their Plan Truth Will Bring Trauma & Empowerment w Deborah Tavar...

Consider helping to stop the genocide of the houseless by purchasing the emergency sleeping bags, link in video summary, & giving them to the houseless in your area.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Normalization of Bigotry Edition, December 30, 2018

#Richie from Boston, #David Icke, @Richie from Boston, @David Icke

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Unaccountable Bush Administration Officials Demand Accountability For Trump

When the truth is not the foundation...

Friday, December 28, 2018

The Top 10 Stories Of 2018 They Don't Want You To Know!

“RBG”: As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Recovers from Surgery, a Remarkabl...

A Path to Freedom? Journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal Wins Chance to Reargue App...

5G is a Sterilization & Eugenics Program ~ Deborah Tavares

Shut the Fuck Up-The Poster Boy for TDS Edition, December 28, 2018

Senate Security Expert Suspended From Facebook - RussiaGate Crumbling

Israel Admits Attacking Syria, US Coordinates Syria Occupation With Turk...

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Hilary Pushes For More War In Syria

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Angela Davis on Running from the FBI, Lessons from Prison and How Aretha...

Sponsor Special: Why Trumps Withdrawl is Impeachable

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The Merry Fucking Christmas Edition, December 25, 2018

Monday, December 24, 2018

NYTImes Prints Hacked Cables Revealing Private Conversations About Trump

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Jimmy Dore Interview: RussiaGate Hysteria, Bernie 2020 & More

Be afraid, be very afraid.

John Pilger says Julian Assange is in 'very good spirits' after visit to...

Latest news on Julian Assange, Dec 2018. #Unity4J

Chomsky Says US Should Stay In Syria

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Ted Turner Depopulation Plan Exposed (Agenda 21 Openly Admitted!)

Ted Turner needs to show the world how important this is by stepping to the front of the line.

Mental Health Experts, Rights Groups Call for Unceasing Media Coverage o...

Don't forget the horror we have caused the children.

~224~ Inequality Leads To Fascism, Ignorant Congress, Pranktivism Goes V...

CNN Cheers On War - Red Baits President Trump

I don't agree with most of what tRump does or says but he has been right
twice. Trying to befriend Putin and ending one of our unending
genocidal wars.

The Freest City In The World?

This is what we should all do!

Ireland running out of water, WiFi, 5G Deborah Tavares interviews John ...

Do you know about the law of the C or sea?

Friday, December 21, 2018

Paradise #43 Jme Lee Interviewed ON The Grandada Forum @ Reveloution Radio

Our enemy is not other common people, their color, religion or politics. It is the elites who think they have the right to genocide us. Stop helping the elites.

“If the American people knew what this government is planning, they woul...

This is the governments secret plans for us and it so horrendous that most people will refuse to believe it. See government documentation at stopthecrimenet

Shut the Fuck Up-The Not So Fast Edition, December 21, 2018

Women in Film, the Hospital, and the Government

Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy

(The better you know your history, the better you can understand where we are today.

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster

Mentions the government program for mind control. A program that most Americans are not aware of, or so it seems.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The Uncle Benji and His Traveling Bullshit Edition, Dec...

War We are the Enemy, Climate Control, DEW's, Bankruptcy

Government documents that prove the evil plans they have for you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dispelling Myths About Iran, Trump's Bogeyman

FIRES in California, Satanic Crimes of Extermination

When your government poses the greatest threat to your life.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Russia Vows Retaliation To New Syria Attacks, Obamacare Ruled 'Unconstit...

Congressional Progressives Join Pro Wall St. Coalition

Sam Harris Drops Patreon - Other Creators Follow

Freedom of speech.

'Run From The Cure" Full Rick Simpson Documentary Curing Cancer with Mar...

Laws aren't made to protect you. They are made to control every breath you take.

Healing Cancer with Cannabis: The Rick Simpson Story

Laws aren't made to protect you. They are made to control every breath you take.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Trump In Trouble - Alec Baldwin, Rudy Giuliani & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE Cl...

Sunday, December 16, 2018

How US-Saudi War Turned Yemen into the Biggest Crisis on Earth


Saturday, December 15, 2018

KerryCassidy DrKatherineHorton DeborahTavares AlexandraJB AntiHuman Rule...

This is why we have no choice. We MUST have a revolution.

Economic Update: The Great American Purge

This is what happens when you don't remember your history.

Friday, December 14, 2018

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 8.0

Stand up to the deep state that has attacked this truth teller, sabotaging his character and brainwashing those who only watch the main stream media. This publisher has never had to retract anything that he has ever published because his research has been 100% accurate. His crime --- exposing the evils of the deep state. The USA is illegally intimidating Julian with the threat of a trial against this man who is not a US citizen and who broke no laws. The trumped up charges that the deep state brought against him fell through as the complaint was launched by the state and did not represent the intention of the women involved. The international court has ruled in Julian's favor but the evil deep state obeys no laws. If they win against him it will completely violate our laws for freedom of speech and press and make it easier for the deep state to violate your right to freedom of speech and press. If your against him because of Hillary that ignores the fact that she did win the popular vote and means that the truth is not supposed to apply to your favorite person. We must be moral and value the truth above all else. Too busy to listen? Turn the site on to give your support and go have your supper or fold clothes or do whatever you need to do but join in giving him your support.

TYT LIVE: Michael Cohen's ABC Interview; 7-year-old Migrant Girl Dies in...

City Rejects Comcast! Builds Municipal Fiber Instead

The power of working locally.

Stolen History, Hidden Technology

President Obama Awarded Human Rights Award—Despite #NoDAPL, Drones

We are living in an upside down world.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Scam-a-Minute Club Edition, December 14, 2018

"If they are saying 'bipartisan that means that a bigger than usual scam is going down."

Hundreds of Activists Stage Sit-in Against Big Polluters on Final Day of...

Bombshell! Video Mashup Reveals Pathetic RussiaGate Coverage

I love this!
I love this!
I love this!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

U.S. Involvement In Yemen Will Not End Until 2025

This is what our immoral genocidal criminal leaders are doing. JAIL THEM ALL!

Corrupt Senator Frantically Dumps Stock

Clean up the swamp.

[137] Veterans Fighting For Peace w/ Matt Hoh


Why French Protestors Have 70% Approval From Citizens

Still protesting against the President for the rich.

May Stays, While Macron Out? Trumps In Trouble

Obama & Clinton Staffers Join To Crush Med4All

My sentiments exactly!

Senate Votes to End Support to Saudi-Coalition in Yemen

[136] Is Minds The New Facebook? w/ Eleanor Goldfield

“Ha, Ha, Ha”: At U.N. Climate Talks, Protesters Laugh Out Trump Admin Of...

Climate Scientist: World’s Richest Must Radically Change Lifestyles to P...

Homeless In Huntsville

Did you know that you can not be homeless and NOT break the law? In
other words, you can not break out of the invisible bars created by
those who control us and have created the open air prisons that we live
in. This is why their are so many laws created to prevent people from
being compassionate and helping those who have in a sense, escaped our
prison and are no longer contributing to the enrichment of our prison
guards. And this is why we should do everything we can to support the
escapists/homeless. In helping them to be free we are making our own
prisons weaker. We need to design portable shelters to protect them from
weather extremes and stop this genocide that has been designed and
implemented by the elite.

As U.N. Calls for Urgent Action on Climate Change, U.S. Seeks to Dilute ...

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

#WikiBees Session 23 - working live in #Unity4J for Julian Assange

#Unity4J - Support freedom of speech and free press now or they will become bolder and come after you next.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Child Trafficking Scandal & More Pipeline Leaks

DNC Threatens Press Freedom - Wikileaks Pushes Back Hard

Main stream media never
addresses anything that really effects our freedom or quality of living.
Even worse they brutally punish anyone who does.

Typhoon Haiyan Survivor: Fossil Fuel Companies Killed My Family by Haste...

The rich are very short sighted and yes even stupid. They are fighting to keep their unbelievable high incomes no matter what it does to our Sacred Earth. How do they expect their incomes to stay enormous after they destroy everything? Too bad we can't give them a personal experience of the destruction that their greed is causing.

Trump’s Energy Adviser Runs Away When Questioned by Democracy Now! at U....

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Whistleblower Exposes Facebook Censorship Techniques - Mindblowing

This is not freedom.

US & Canada Violate International Law with the Arrest of Chinese Huawei ...

America, with her calloused arrogance, creates a lot of enemies in the world.

How Trump's Pro Wrestling Strategy Turned Politics Into a Cage Fight

As Pentagon Fails Audit, $21 Trillion Still Unaccounted For

The LARGEST THEFT ever perpetrated against the American people.

“Our Leaders Are Behaving Like Children”: Teen Climate Activist Confront...

When world leaders create laws that harm or they chose to ignore areas that desperately need to be changed, it is time for average citizens to rise up and create their own solutions.  Let the inept leaders become obsolete.

Arizona woman builds portable homes for homeless

Helping to stop the governments genocide of the homeless by creating portable shelters.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Why French Protestors Have 70% Approval From Citizens

Revolting against austerity.

Vanessa Beeley Interview - The US-Backed Chemical Attack In Syria & Plan...

Houses That Need People: Abandoned Marina on Dried-Up Lake Mead

This is how illogical our government is. They have property sitting empty like this while we have a genocidal homeless problem. Why not work with some organization that is trying to help the homeless and utilize these buildings. You would need to haul water and food to them but you could set it up with solar power. At least it would be a more practical solution than what they are doing now.

The Man Who Swims With Crocodiles

Amazing! I have befriended birds, squirrels and dragonflies, so I have a sense of what it is like to develop a relationship with a wild being but I don't think I would have the courage to do this!

Trump's EPA Gutting Clean Water Act

Left 2 their own devices, the elites were polluting the rivers so bad that the rivers were catching fire.

More Than Taxes: The Populist Anger Behind the Yellow Vest Movement (w/G...

Thousands Protest at U.N. Climate Summit in Coal-Heavy Poland, Facing Ri...

The people are fighting for survival and the rich are committing murder. They routinely murder anyone whose voice becomes too loud and influential. While they murder the rest of us with the damage they are doing to our Sacred Mother Earth. Without the Earth there is no life. Without air and water, there is no life. That means that these things are Sacred because without Earth, air and water there is no life. Wake up and stop helping those who think nothing about murdering you.

Dignity Harbor: A Home Away from Homeless

Genocide in America.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

The Daily Dose-America is Booming for Someone, but it Ain't US, Decembe...

Dignity Harbor: A Home Away from Homeless

Genocide in America.

This LA Musician Built $1,200 Tiny Houses for the Homeless. Then the Cit...

People and criminal city officials who are this heartless need to be
publicly flogged and forced to live homeless for a minimum of one year.
Maybe then they would find out how important compassion really is. The
criminal city officials who cooperate with this kind of cruelty need to
be tried for genocide. The man building these tiny homes is a hero!

Emma Willmann Is The Man One

Saturday, December 08, 2018

Global Warming Is Reversible

Shut the Fuck Up-The Blessed Are the Pious Edition, December 8, 2018

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 8, 2018, #174 ( Dane Wi...

#WikiBees Session 22 - working live in #Unity4J for Julian Assange

If you value your freedom, better wake up, get past the propaganda to brainwash, divide and conquer us and support a hero for truth. He has never been caught lying but you would believe known liars before trusting this honorable man? If you don't support Assange, you have bought the MSM narritive and you need to do your homework.

CNN Now Downplays Flynn’s Cooperation

Wasting our money.

3.5 Years Jail Time For Cohen Says Mueller

A big nothing burger with money that would have been better spent housing the homeless.

The Richie Allen Show - Thursday December 6th 2018

Beware of the Trojan horse they have planned for your home.

Friday, December 07, 2018

~222~ TRILLIONS Still Missing At Pentagon, Mexico's Leftist President, E...

Robbing the American people.

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 7.0

If you do not support Assange you have not done your homework and you are supporting the evil deep state.

Total Media Blackout! Paris Is Far Worse Than They Will Tell You!

Bernie Sanders Assesses The 2020 Presidential Field

Winona LaDuke Calls for Indigenous-Led “Green New Deal” as She Fights Mi...

Homeless Man arrested for smoking in public by Sgt. Guzman, Kitchens, Fa...

Thank goodness some people are waking up and have the courage to speak.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The "Who is Riding that Unicorn Edition?", December 6, ...

CNN Fires Contributor For Telling Truth About Israel


A Lame-Duck “Legislative Coup”: Wisconsin GOP Stages Last-Minute Power G...

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stuns Crowd With Speech

I like that!

Trevor Chats with His Grandma About Apartheid and Tours Her Home, “MTV C...

Beautiful, touching and enlightening.

The Daily Dose-The Elitist Shitter A-List Meets Hypocrisy, December 5, 2018

Paradise Lost #22 DEW Docs & Full GRAPHIC CONTENT Video..and Much More..

#WikiBees Session 21 - working live in #Unity4J for Julian Assange


NYPD will Use Drones to Spy on Citizens & Congress to Reassert War-Power

Shut the Fuck Up-The Horseshit From Hawaii Edition, December 5, 2018

Attack on Humanity Explained by Dr Edward Spencer

You must look at the whole picture and connect the dots.

Attack on Humanity Explained by Dr Edward Spencer

You must look at the whole picture and connect the dots.

#WikiBees Session 21 - working live in #Unity4J for Julian Assange

Stand for freedom of speech, freedom of the press, personal rights and freedom. Do it now or there will be no one left standing for you when they start targeting you. Check out Agenda 21 and the California fires. Do your research and wake up before it is too late. Too busy? Turn this program on, put the volume up so you can listen while you work. Leaving the house? Turn this program on and leave it on while your gone. Working on something else? Turn it on in the background and mute the sound if you need to. Do what you need to do to give your support as best you can.

Globalist Agenda 21 Agents Take Away Property Rights - Anthony J Hilder

Demanding Sheriff Accountability/Transparency in Sacramento County

Some people are trying to do the right thing.

Paradise Lost #21 ~ Victims Speak w/ Deborah Tavares @ Stopthecrime.net

Paradise Lost # 20 ~ @ 50,000 Murdered !!!...A Matter of Genocide; Copy...

Economic Update: Seattle Firm Converts to Worker Co-Op

The rich are providing for themselves, 2 h3ll with the rest of us. Can we rid our communities of people with this kind of selfishness?

It’s Official: Left, Right, & Center Hate Establishment News

This is how you know MSM is full of it.

Obama Brags That He Created Record Oil Production

Politico Caught Running CIA Propaganda About Assange

This is how propaganda works.

They Charged Flynn With The Logan Act!

They Charged Flynn With The Logan Act!

How False Testimony and a Massive U.S. Propaganda Machine Bolstered Geor...

Shut the Fuck Up-The Suddenly Virtuous Edition, December 2, 2018

Weather WarsGlobal DepopulationAgenda 21Weaponized frequencies with Debo...

All of these facts are documented and verifiable.

Chris Hedges Best Speech October 2018

Is it right?

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Climate Change Town Hall

Fox News Anchor Tired of GOP Lies on Climate

Things are getting so bad that some Republicans are starting to admit that it is about climate and not about politics.

Deborah Tavares California Fires, Directed Energy Weapons, & the Globa...

"The Federal government exists
now in name only." This is the truth and from my own research I found
that the Act of 1871 gave the ownership of THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA to London, England. This established the city state
of Washington, DC. This is also why the people in that area can not
vote. The city state of The Square Mile is a permanent vassal of the
city state of the Vatican. That means that THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA is actually owned and controlled by the Vatican. This
is why our representatives in Washington pays no attention to what the
citizens of America want. It is also why voting does not count because
the Presidents of this Corporation is selected, not elected.

Hope From The Heartland/Robot Lawyer

Chris Hedges and Sheldon Wolin: Can Capitalism and Democracy Coexist? Fu...

This was produced in 2014 but it is still relevant.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Short-But-Oh-So-Sweet Slow Learner Edition, Decembe...

Monday, December 03, 2018

Paradise Lost #19 Inside the California fire zone ~ Canadian TV Reports

Paradise Lost #19 Inside the California fire zone ~ Canadian TV Reports

Another form of Genocide? Another gift to the people from our criminal government.

*Chemtrail Pyramid In The Sky*

Another form of Genocide in the making?

The Proof Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer Was Covered Up

The criminals who have stolen our government have dreamed up another method to commit genocide right in front of our faces. And once more they have veiled it in a way where they can not be held accountable.

Botham Jean Update; Former Dallas Cop Amber Guyger INDICTED for Murder


Lee Camp Comedy Special Promo


Lee Camp Comedy Special Promo


Paradise Lost #18 ~ Camp Fire Survivor Speaks Out

To see the government documents, patent information, plans for the
future check out stopthecrime. net. It is worse than the "Handmaids

Paradise Lost #18 ~ Camp Fire Survivor Speaks Out

To see the government documents, patent information, plans for the future check out stopthecrime.net. It is worse than the "Handmaids Tale."

Shut the Fuck Up-The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Edition, Dece...

Money out of politics or we will never get change.

Mehdi Hasan on George H.W. Bush’s Ignored Legacy: War Crimes, Racism and...

When in your life you have created so much harm,,,

Top U.S. & World Headlines — December 3, 2018

When your life has created so much harm,,,

Remembering George H.W. Bush’s Inaction on AIDS at Home While Detaining ...

When your life has created so much harm,,,

WikiLeaks parody of MasterCard ad... priceless


Saturday, December 01, 2018

����Will Macron bow to the demands of 'Yellow Vest' protesters? l Inside S...

CNN Fires Marc Lamont Hill for Criticizing Israel & Redacted Tonight

Paradise Lost #16 ~ PT. 1; "THIS IS MASS MURDER" ...The Victims Speak ...

Pay close attention to this!

18-Minutes of Truth About Mississippi You Must Hear! | Rev. Dr. William ...

Time for the heroes of today to stand tall just like the heroes of yesterday did.

America, America, What's Going On? | A Moral Critique by Rev. Dr. Willia...

We need a moral movement!

París se convierte en un 'campo de batalla' en las protestas de los 'cha...

Are we are next?

The G20 Ends. Paris Is On Fire And It's Only The Beginning

#WikiBees Session 20 - working live in #Unity4J for Julian Assange

Starting live in 40 minutes. #Unity4J

FBI: New Big Brother & Silencing Assange


~221~ Cell Phone + Monsanto Cancer, Islands Vanishing, Medical Devices S...

CNN Fires Marc Lamont Hill for Criticizing Israel & Redacted Tonight