Thursday, May 31, 2018
SERIOUSLY Questionable Flint Water Testing Results-Jordan LIVE
Why should people have to pay for something that they can not use?
Flint Plumber: Sample Size Used to Declare Water Safe Inadequate
This guy makes too much common sense, which is why the crooks in office won't listen to him. He exposes their lies by telling the truth.
You Can't Make This Shit Up-A Celebrate Israel Parade? May 16, 2018
More on the genocidal Israeli's..
The Monologue: The EU Coup In Italy Explained & Russian Journalist Back ...
This sounds like a master plan for our Sacred Mother Earth and the USA is implementing that very same plan right here. Wakie, wakie!
“Killing Gaza” with Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen
More info to help get through the brainwashing that makes people believe that the writings, by men, over 2 thousand years ago justifies the savage murdering of people today.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Jordan LIVE: Flint Woman Miscarried 4 Babies In Two Years
Crooked politicians give tons of money for our never ending genocidal wars, which they start because they are unethical bullies, while ignoring the things that they were elected to take care of.
Russia False Flag Crumbles In Skripal 2.0, Hamas Attacks Israel, Weinste...
Keep holding the light of truth for it is the only thing that can vanquish evil. #freeJulianAssange
Where is the Pentagon's Missing Trillions?
Bunch of thieves. Stealing from the people and making them and their friends rich instead of using that money to help the people.
David Icke, Revelations of a Mother Goddess - Full Video
A tour through the headquarters of the evil that controls the world and a history of how that came about.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Israel expands there war with Syria to include ALL of Syria and USA goes...
Israel is deeply involved in the NWO. If you are appalled at what the US and Israel are doing with their ongoing genocides, imagine what they have planned for you and me. The time to put a stop to this is rapidly disappearing in the rear view mirror!
The Blatant Cover-up of the Las Vegas Shooting - The David Icke Dot-Conn...
This kind of analysis, by the real journalists in the alternative media, has exposed just how little 'real' journalism we get from the mainstream media. I only occasionally check what brainwashing they are wanting the gullible people to buy, now-a-days. And if the mainstream media is pushing the information, that tells me where the hidden hand is trying to herd the people, in which case I seriously try to go a completely different direction.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Event Mix: Edward Snowden, Abby Martin, Glenn Greenwald, Richard Wolff, ...
The system is not working!
US Warns Assad Not To Attack ISIS, WikiLeaks Calls QAnon A Psyop & Honor...
I am not speaking ill of this country, I speak ill of those who have betrayed this country and all that we are supposed to stand for.
Jordan Previews Major Flint Water Story
Flint is just the toe in the water for the deep state to see what they can get by with for the rest of us. They are planning a big purge so you can die trying to pretend it is too gruesome to be real or you can face your fears, become #ungovernable and fight to save our world. #JulianAssange another test case and it looks like are winning with their thrust to silence the truth.
Is Nunez Derailing Mueller Investigation to Save Himself From Prison?
call congress (House of Representatives) about net
neutrality: 202-224-3121
call congress (House of Representatives) about net
neutrality: 202-224-3121
them to support net neutrality.
them to support net neutrality.
Jordan Heads Back to Flint--Major Story to Come!
Don't turn a blind eye to truth and facts otherwise you can not connect the dots.
Week Three Mass Meeting | The War Economy: Militarism and the Proliferat...
Everybody's got a right to live.
David Icke - What Others Dare Not Say
Can you handle the truth? If you can't see the truth here, know that you are brainwashed. To break free of brainwashing you must value TRUTH above everything. Then broaden your news sources. Look for people who share the links of their research so that you can check their work. Look on all sides of every issue, both right and left as well as independent. We are nearing the finish line so we need you to do this now. Share everything to help others to wake up.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Watch As Congress Is Completely Wrong On China
Our soldiers are just cannon fodder for the private profit of the rich and powerful. Somehow we must make our troops and police aware of the fact that they are the bloody hands doing the work of terrorizing and imprisoning all people on this planet, including themselves and their planet. The powers that be will make them feel exceptional until they become disabled or retire. At that point they will also be designated as a useless feeder and be targeted for elimination in the coming purge. #FreeJulianAssange #FreeSnowden
Saturday, May 26, 2018
The Gathering: Healthcare is a Moral Issue
All people are included in this movement. Mimicking the natural diversity that exists on our Sacred Mother Earth. Demanding equality and justice for all because we ALL have the RIGHT to LIVE!
Week Two DC Rally and Arrests: Poor Peoples Campaign 40 Days of Action
We should all have a right to live. The animals have more sense than we do. They don't make FALSE LAWS that prevent their neighbors from doing what is needed to survive.
Friday, May 25, 2018
The Daily Dose More Things I Find Absurd May 25, 2018
40 Sears stores are closing. Amazon doesn't pay taxes or living wages, NFL can order the players to stand. If the audience was 'awake' they would kneel.
Ecuador, After Security Pact W/U.S., Removes Julian Assange's Security; ...
Free Assange and jail the crooks who have illegally threatened his safety and well being.
~197~ Police Out Of Control, Workers Can't Sue Employers, & More
Don't be evil unless they pay you lots of money.
Virginia Forrest Protester Comes Down After Nearly 60 Days
The struggle against this evil beast is often done alone, unnoticed. It seems that individually we are losing. But know this, each struggle inspires one more brave soul to light the touch of truth in the face of evil, until we save this world for the generations to come.
Flint's Water Crisis Wasn't "Outside the Norms," Scientist Says
Jordan continues to expose the water scam.
Tom Perez Breaks DNC "Neutrality" to Endorse Corrupt Andrew Cuomo
Preparing for another great bank heist. Will we allow them to not jail the crooks this time.
Flint Congressman & Staff Barred From EPA Event on Water Contamination
Evil thrives with secrets and lies.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Hillary Clinton Hypocritically Snubs Cynthia Nixon in Favor of Andrew Cuomo
If you don't stand for something, then you will fall for anything.
NFL Penalizes Protesters
In a perfect world, everyone in the audience would take a knee. Become uncontrollable.
109 Old Esoteric Ideas Secretly Married Modern Technology – Wayne Mcroy
Still not awake? This will help.
109 Old Esoteric Ideas Secretly Married Modern Technology – Wayne Mcroy
Still not awake? This will help.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
The National for Wednesday May 23, 2018 — NFL Anthem, Pipeline, Marijuana
It would be wonderful if the audience started kneeling.
The Globalist Purge: UN Invasion, Martial Law, Walmart Closings, & FEMA ...
It can't be any clearer than this.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Did The Senate Just Save Net Neutrality?
The money will never allow anything that is good for the people. Stop helping them control us by becoming ungovernable. #ReconnectAssange
The Globalist Purge: UN Invasion, Martial Law, Walmart Closings, & FEMA ...
They don't care about the rights that you think that you have.
The Depopulation Storm To Bring In The NWO
And we are following their lead when we turn around and do the same to Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Orientals, women, gays, transsexuals, Democrats, Republicans, Palestinians and any other classification that you can think of. Do you want to know what you can do to stop this NWO? This is something that you have complete control of: STOP THE HATE! Stop calling other people names and treating them disrespectfully. Look at each other as allies in our planned escape.
Deep Tru^th. Neither CNN or Fox will tell you this.
I consider everything and the more I know about my government and the tools that they employ to control us, the less I trust them. In fact I think they and their minions, military, police, alphabet agencies, they all act more like prison guards than agencies that are supposed to protect the people.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Edward Snowden Exclusive | The Deep State & Revolution
What happens under the protection of secrecy.and why citizens must have the courage to act.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Dean Henderson "The City Of London Is The Command Centre For The Elite B...
He doesn't believe that it is possible to vote our way out of this tyranny. I think we could set up a voting site as secure as the Social Security website for voting. Perhaps sponsored by the third parties to insure that they are included, that could change everything. I have given details in other locations so I won't repeat it here.
Friday, May 18, 2018
John F. O’Donnell and Natalie McGill: Net Neutrality’s Last Days?
Are the Dems manipulating to make it appear to the sheeple that they are working for the people, knowing all the while it will not work out but they can blame the Repubs just in time to sway the election results? And the people get $qrewed again.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Bullshit Artist Edition May 11, 2018
"Somebody woke me up. And this is the way it works." This is also true for me. We research the truth and are attracted to others who are at the same level we are or slightly more awake than we are. This expands our awareness and we become aware of those who are even more awake. This process continues until we become wide awake. Too awake to go back to sleep. We aggravate those around us until a few of the people we know, also become awakened. Slowly everyone who wakes up, wakes up their friends and family until we have a web around the world. It is a slow and chaotic process as the evil fights to keep everyone distracted and asleep. That is why they have so furiously attacked Julian Assange. He was waking too many people. That is how powerful truth is. Truth is the only thing that can conquer evil.
Democrats In NY County REFUSE To Pledge Loyalty To Democratic Party Cand...
Yes, become ungovernable!
Virginia Tree Protester STILL Protesting After 50 Days!
is why we need people who know how to do this, to create an online
voting system, as secure as the social security system. That way
people can access voting as easy as they can access their bank. It
should be set up so that every issue is debated and all candidates
debate together on a video that must be watched before people can
access the vote. A separate video for each issue and perhaps one
video each for every candidate with one or two debates with all of
the candidates. That would go a long ways to offset the propaganda
and brainwashing that is occurring now. It would help voters to make
an informed decision. If we could set this up and run it alongside
the current system, it would not take long to prove that we the
people are not being represented by the mob that has covertly stolen
our government. I believe that we could peacefully take back our
government by doing this. It would be ideal if we could convince all
third parties to work together to accomplish this.
is why we need people who know how to do this, to create an online
voting system, as secure as the social security system. That way
people can access voting as easy as they can access their bank. It
should be set up so that every issue is debated and all candidates
debate together on a video that must be watched before people can
access the vote. A separate video for each issue and perhaps one
video each for every candidate with one or two debates with all of
the candidates. That would go a long ways to offset the propaganda
and brainwashing that is occurring now. It would help voters to make
an informed decision. If we could set this up and run it alongside
the current system, it would not take long to prove that we the
people are not being represented by the mob that has covertly stolen
our government. I believe that we could peacefully take back our
government by doing this. It would be ideal if we could convince all
third parties to work together to accomplish this.
Virginia Tree Protester STARVED By U.S. Forrest Service
Give everything to the rich or the rich mafia that controls America will brutalize you until you do. And they will probably jail you for exercising your constitutional rights.
Puerto Rico Protesters Brutalized AGAIN
The rich control the money that they extract from us with threats of more fines or jail. The rich create the huge debts. But when it is time to pay up, the poor are expected to pay again or face more violence. We have a mafia in control of the world. Just because that mafia dresses nice and puts on a good appearance, their actions are the actions of a criminal cartel. Texas just notified me that they are reducing my social security by $300 a month! I just had a stint put in my heart and was paying the debt as fast as I could. So when I need my full social security the most, they make it so that I can not pay my bills. So who gets hurt the worst? The hospital and services that treated me. Therefore, allowing Republican controlled Texas to get by with financially hurting their seniors, actually hurts a lot of people from both parties. Why can't Republicans understand that?
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Dr. Judy Wood ~ Evidence of Breakthrough Energy on 9/11
Just following orders, just doing my job... that IS THE PROBLEM!
Cynicism is a Greater Threat than Trump to Democracy
The CEO puts your pay in his pocket, his reward for cheating you.
Tree Protesters: How Would Trump Like Drilling Next to White House?
(Do we have to start another revolution)
War on Police Narrative Pushed by Proposed Legislation
Heaven forbid that we should expect accountability from the police. If we expect them to stop committing genocide on the people, predominately dark skinned people, it must be a war against the police!
A Time to Wail | Callie Greer - Poor People's Campaign: A National Call ...
These policies killing people and creating a huge homeless problem.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Big Oil Lying to Ram Pipeline Compressor Station Through Historic Black ...
More on the oil thieves.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Promo: Online Vigils For Julian Assange #Unity4J #ReconnectJulian
We should mention Julian Assange at every possible opportunity to remind evil that we are watching what they are illegally doing, that we know that it is because evil cannot stand in the light of truth and we do not forget.
Empire Files: Anti-Black Racism Reveals Israel’s White Supremacy
Disgusting. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Israel Kills 58, White Helmets Still US Funded, New Syria False Flag & U...
The ongoing disgusting hypocrisy and out right lies, while they commit genocide, of our government who feeds the masses propaganda, is outrageous. But there is one thing even worse than that. That is the mindless, soulless puppets that are just doing their jobs, just following orders while they commit the actual murders themselves.
Monday, May 14, 2018
“It’s Time for Moral Confrontation”: New Poor People’s Campaign Stages N...
The launching of a moral Campaign.
Nick Brana Arrested In Washington DC Protesting With Rev Barber's Poor P...
Louisiana just evicted 30,000 seniors from nursing homes and Texas just reduced my Social Security by $300.00. So now the crooks in charge are going to openly genocide us old folks? It is sure looking like it! Did the thirty thousand seniors get evicted because that state decided to reduce their seniors Social Security like Texas did me? I'm not sure what I will do, I am still trying to see if I can do something about it at this point. I never dreamed that my country would $¢ rew it's elderly population when it came time to live up to the promises that they made us when they were taking our money. Of course they have been $¢ rewing our vets for years and getting by with it. They will probably get by with this too because most old folks have health problems and will die off quickly when tossed out into the streets. Problem solved.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Shut the Fuck Up-The Mother's Day Edition May 13, 2018
You are absolutely right about paying the aliens exactly the same as us. This is how the powers that be keep us divided and fighting each other instead of focusing on the rich and powerful who manipulate and control all of us. The reason I know that it is big businesses that are shipping those people in here is because twice, that I know of, the driver of the eighteen wheeler's that were loaded with these people got scared, ran away from the trucks, leaving the people to bake to death in the desert sun. Only a big business could afford an eighteen wheeler and pay a driver to do this. The first time this happened was when I was living in New Mexico and the last time was a few years ago in Texas, where I live now. Keep telling it like it is.
���� Who will save DRC's children from starvation? | Inside Story
Our hypocritical government is so concerned with the loss of life that they use that as an excuse to bomb another country, causing even more loss of life, so logical! Why aren't they trying to help the people here? Oh, that's right, where is the profit?
���� Afghanistan: When journalists become targets | The Listening Post (Full)
If we don't stop the direction that we are headed, this will be happening here in the USA. It starts with the huge illegal isolation/imprisonment of excellent reporters like Julian Assange. A reporter with a record of 100% accuracy. This happens because evil dies in the light of truth. If you want to know who is a slave to evil, just witness how they treat those who shine the light of truth.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Eva Bartlett Interview: The Truth About The Syrian False Flag And Its Pr...
To clearly see the propaganda that mainstream media feeds us.
Congress Calls For Clinton, Comey, Lynch Investigation, AI Drones Decide...
Did you miss this? I did.
The Hidden War on Trans Rights
We are supposed to have separation of church and state. These ignorant ideas were formed in ancient societies that did not understand the full range of sexual expression in human nature. This brainwashing is still perpetrated even today. Shameful and often hypocritical as the perpetrators of these ignorant myths pursue their own activities that their religions forbid.
Ray McGovern: Haspel hearing is a charade run by those close to CIA
We not only should investigate all of the alphabet organizations and all branches of the military but we should have term limits on all of them. We also need to put an end to lifetime career politicians.
CIA analyst recovering after violent arrest at Haspel hearing/testimony
We not only should investigate all of the alphabet organizations and all branches of the military but we should have term limits on all of them. We also need to put an end to lifetime career politicians.
Friday, May 11, 2018
~195~ New Proof About $21 Trillion Missing, Big Oil Hiring Fake Activist...
Thieves control the house and now they are stealing from seniors who are too old to fight back.
Going Beyond Bernie: Bringing Democracy to the Work Place with Richard W...
Exactly! How can you have a Democratic society when the place where you spend the majority of your time, the work place, is a dictatorship?
Bernie Sanders On Trump's Withdrawal From Iran Nuclear Treaty
The USA and Israel are the real terrorists. Free Assange, an innocent man & truth teller.
The Truth About The Battle For Iran - What You NEED To Know!
The USA and Israel are the real terrorists. Free Assange, an innocent man & truth teller.
Israel Accused Of False Flag, Leaked Docs Reveal US Iranian Regime Chang...
I think he has it figured out.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Israel Openly Attacks Syria/Iran, Global War Bill & Gina Haspel Hearing ...
Evil is openly being not only tolerated but encouraged. Look at how the police are acting. They should know that we have a legal right to protest but look at the violence they are perpetrating.
Jeremy Scahill: Obama Paved Way for Haspel to Head CIA by Failing to Hol...
When you do evil things, that makes you evil. Looks like evil has taken control of America.
One Question RussiaGate Pushers Never Ask w/Jesse Ventura pt. 2
The complete violation of our constitution is being completely ignored.
[110] Election Integrity Activist Reveals Huge Holes In The System
Big Oil Creating Shell Companies to Seize People's Land
How blatant does the abuse of power need to be before the sheeple wake up?
WEB EXCLUSIVE: CIA Veteran Beaten By Police During Gina Haspel Confirmation
Freedom of speech, gone in our country as well as our right to assemble and protest. I don't think our founding fathers mean't for us to get permission from the very people that we are protesting, in order for us to protest.
Wednesday, May 09, 2018
“Censorship Is a Red Line for Me”: Why Denver Post Reporters Are Protest...
Fantastic! Some of the media is waking up and finding the courage to speak up.
Top U.S. & World Headlines — May 9, 2018
Louisiana does the RIGHT thing with the oil pipelines, finally!
The Life & Crimes of Dick Cheney | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV
Jesse Ventura speaks some truth to Dick Cheney.
Tuesday, May 08, 2018
Decipher You: Episode 35 Analysing the Snowden SID Today Files Batch 5
They want global control of everything, meaning they want to know what is happening in real time.
Real Reports Of Giants!
Old newspaper clippings reporting finding the bones of giants. Why do the powers that be, hide this?
BREAKING: Trump Pulls Out Of The Iran Deal
Sickening! I guess we have to let him destroy America before our corrupt government will impeach him. Oh that is right, he is just doing what the corrupt want him to do so they will never impeach him. When the system no longer works for the people, the people need to create a new system.
Jordan LIVE From Virginia Pipeline Protests: SUPPORT--https://www.patreo...
Revealing the results of corruption from the front lines.
Virginia Tree Protesters: "Everything Will Be Dead in 2 and a Half Miles"
When thieves control your government and good people are willing to bloody their hands because they are just doing their job!
Monday, May 07, 2018
NXIVM Doc Human Experimentation, Child Trafficking Judge, Feds Say CBD I...
The news that you won't hear on mainstream media.
LIVE from Virginia: Tree Protesters Red Terry & Minor Terry Speak With J...
With their total disregard for the people, knowing that even the most peaceful people have a breaking point, it feels like they are trying to push people to the point that we fight back so they can start shooting. That way the sheeple won't have their sleep disturbed.
LIVE From Destruction of Virginia Tree Sit Protest
The thieves in office are stealing, destroying and endangering private citizens and their property. What did our forefathers do about overbearing government officials? They just sent me a letter saying they are going to reduce my Social Security by $300 a month. Just when I need to pay about $3,000 in hospital bills! How can they legally do this. Oh thats right they have been getting by with cheating vets for so long that I guess it is time to start killing off seniors now.
When Trump's House Of Cards Falls will He Aim the Guns of America's Poli...
With the unethical scumbags that he puts into office, it sure looks like he is preparing to do exactly that.
PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode May 6, 2018
These soulless advocates of torturing and slow killing of people should be forced to live on minimum wage for a year so they can develop a little empathy. And minimum wage is a step up for a lot of people.
Sunday, May 06, 2018
Empire Files: Human Rights Hypocrisy - Colombia vs. Venezuela
If your actions are evil that makes you evil. You are not absolved of your responsibility for your actions just because you were doing your job.
Special Interview with Robert Fisk
The American military is much like the Democratic Party, keep telling a lie long enough and the sheeple will believe it.
Caitlin Johnston Shines On Aussie TV; Defends Partisan Girl From Guardia...
The evil that is working on shutting and locking the doors of the castle that hoards their ill gotten gains, discredits another truth-teller. Truth is the only thing which has the power to distroy evil. That is why they must discredit, torture and kill our truth-telling heroes like Assange. It is also why it is so important for other truth-tellers to do what Caitlin Johnston did, speak up!
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King National Holiday Service of Worship | Full E...
Long but good, especially where it points out what is not just.
Homeless Vet: "Walk a Mile in Their Shoes" | Grays Harbor Homeless Encam...
There is a movement, for the people, for those of you who know that something is dreadfully wrong with our socity and want to know what you can do about it, check this out..
Jonah Goldberg - "Suicide of the West" and Preserving the American Exper...
Great conversation from a conservative.
Saturday, May 05, 2018
Patriotic Constitutional sheep
They repealed the law that said that our government could not use propaganda on it's citizens.
Virginia Tree Protesters Found in Contempt Of Court—My Interview With Pr...
Abuse of power continues.
Watch Fox News Lose It Over Bernie's New Idea
Spend our tax dollars on people and solving our problems and STOP giving it away as subsidiaries to excessively rich companies and our never ending genocidal wars. It isn't that we don't have the money, it is that we choose to spend it on evil rather than good.
Friday, May 04, 2018
Exciting News!
Jordan is headed to Virginia to report on American herons who are camping out in trees on their historic land which has been in their family for seven generations. They are desperately trying to save their land from a big, rich, evil, privately owned oil company. This private profit making company has bought off our criminal government which has bastardized the Eminent Domain laws to make it appear as if their theft is legal. As Jordon showed us when he covered Standing Rock the police hiding behind the lame excuse of 'just doing my job' forget that they are supposed to be moral human beings and they allow themselves to become evil personified, becoming the hands that are committing evil for the rich. Jordan wants to be on the front lines bringing this information to the people because our 'owned by the rich' mainstream media will not bring this truth to you. If you feel that sharing these truths is extremely important to our country right now and you can spare $1, $2 or $5 he really needs the money to help him make this happen. The oil company does not ask which party you belong to before they steal the land, they don't care. This effects us all and it is an area where we can work together to try to solve problems and heal our country. Please share this everywhere!
BREAKING: BIG DNC Fraud Lawsuit News!
Time 2 banish the ruling class. Design a voting site as secure as our bank accounts with 24/7 access. Any bill introduced has 30 days for citizens to review. Make a video of the top 2 or 4 debaters, debating the pros and cons of the issue. Citizens must watch this debate in order to be able to vote. Make it so they cannot speed the video up or skip it. This gives everyone access to the real facts related to the issue. Our elected representatives would be responsible for writing the bills and making the videos. The President would sign the bill if the people vote it in. That puts them back into the role of working for the people.
Nancy Pelosi Admits She’s Ok With Cheating Progressives
Let's sentence the rich controlling class to live one year on minimum wage, no cheating, solely on minimum wage.
Democrats Lose Ground With Millennials - New Poll Reveals
Let's sentence the rich controlling class to live one year on minimum wage, no cheating, solely on minimum wage.
Hillary Has New Excuse On Why She Lost - Capitalism!
Someone needs to tell Her to watch this show. She might learn something.
Natalie Portman's Boycott of Netanyahu Prompts Attack by Billionaire-Bac...
Why does the USA support this genocide with your tax dollars when that money could be used to stop the genocide of the homeless here in the USA? Why do we allow our representatives to have dual citizenship?
Abby Martin & Joe Rogan on Israel's Massacre at Gaza Border
This is genocide and where is the outrage? There is no book that can justify this. If you think that your God does justify this, you are not following God. God would not be that evil.
CAUGHT! Leaked Audio Reveals Democrats Cheating Progressives Again
Democrats haven't learned a thing, still cheating. Time to become a direct democracy and get rid of the ruling class altogether.
Thursday, May 03, 2018
UN Debunks Israeli Lies, US Violates Iran Deal, US Citizen On ‘Kill List...
As usual, it is America who is violating the Iranian deal and then projecting their lack of moral fortitude off on Iran. This seems to be the primary way of operating for so many in America. Sad.
Libertarians Flirts with Sex Slavery as "solution" to Incel Violence
We just put a black man in jail for rape for one of this mans crazy ideas for a solution, because what he suggested is rape! There are unattractive people all over the world who find partners so I doubt that looks has anything to do with it. I would guess it has more to do with their attitudes. Probably starting with their sense of entitlement. With the men's horrible reactions to their situation I would have to guess that any women around them had their sixth sense triggered. The young women's sense of self preservation probably kicked in, was spot on, and saved them from being in a horrible situation. Why should anyone be conducting a pity party for these men? It is their problem, they need to work on themselves.
PBS NewsHour full episode May 2, 2018
The obvious solution is to stop arresting and jailing people who have committed minor crimes, where no act of violence occurred.
"COME ON!!! DON'T KID ME!!!" Sheldon Whitehouse GETS PISSED OFF & DESTRO...
I am liking this guy more and more as I become more exposed to what he says.
"IT'S A SCAM!!!" Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's BRILLIANT Takedown of the ...
Personally in this day and age they could design a program just as secure as our banking, for voting. Which would also make it just as convenient as accessing your bank account. This would make a direct democracy possible and put an end to all of the influence pedaling and corruption. Who needs a ruling class!
Virginia Tree Protesters Fighting BOUGHT OFF Dem Governor, Cops
How Eminent Domain has been bastardized to allow rich oil companies to steal privately owned land. This stealing effects both progressives and conservatives. And the police who are supposed to protect and serve are protecting and serving the rich oil companies while harming the people. It is imperative that we educate those who unquestionably do their jobs, that harming people is unethical and immoral.
WEB EXCLUSIVE: Media Can't Talk About Comedian Kicked Out Of WH Correspo...
Assanges' only crime is being a journalist with 100% accuracy who has not sold his soul to the soulless, unethical corporate empire.
ENGLISH VERSION - #NDDL - "Notre Dame des Luttes !", un documentaire de 52'
This evil is happening all over the world. They think they are so powerful that they can not be stopped. They are centrally organized against the best interest of the common people. We need to connect, network and organize all over the world with emphasis on reeducating those who actually commit the evil because this would not be possible if people had the moral fortitude to not 'just do their jobs' when their jobs require them to harm others.
Wednesday, May 02, 2018
Dems SUDDENLY Care About Flint in Hypocritical Flurry of Tweets
"Flint still doesn't have clean water!" I have a new heroin.
Puerto Rico Needs Help: Unelected Fiscal Board Pushes Austerity as Islan...
Our right to assemble and freedom of speech never included that we must get permission from those we are protesting first. Nor did it give those that we are protesting the right to tell us how, when and where we can protest. The people who are fighting the protestors are traitors to our country.
Dennis Miller Makes Dumbest Threat Ever
If they really were committed to free speech and a free press they would have been raising their voices about Julian Assange these last few years and he would have been receiving the highest awards for his 100% accurate reporting and taking it on the chin for doing what the press is supposed to do.
Virginia Pipeline Tree Protester Denied Medical Supplies
The rich continue stealing land for a profit making company under a bastardized Eminent Domain law. And where is our corporate media that is duty bound to expose this abuse of power by our corrupt government? That's right, they are silent because they themselves are owned by big corporations and are in collusion with the criminally controlled government.
Miami Under Water, Billionaires Could End Poverty 7 Times—Theresa Joy Gu...
They have the system rigged to steal from the people and enrich the rich!
Jill Stein Is Confronted By CNN About Objection To Turn Over Info To Sen...
Wake up people. Our truth tellers are being hung on a cross while we silently watch.
Comedian Handcuffed & Ejected From White House Correspondents’ Dinner
While the greatest and unfailingly accurate journalist, Julian Assange, is being illegally tortured with isolation, these sellouts are busy patting themselves on the back.
Jill Stein a victim of Senate Intelligence Committee – Journalist
Jill Stein makes too much common sense. Common sense is the real danger to the criminals who have hijacked our government..
Tuesday, May 01, 2018
Senior Democrat Caught on Tape Pressuring Progressive Congressional Cand...
Like a cheating lover who was caught but suffered no consequences, the Democrats are cheating again. Most people know, once a cheater, always a cheater. Why are so many staying with cheating Democrats?
Watch Diamond & Silk Testify Before Congress And All Hell Breaks Loose(V...
They also censor progressives. Everyone needs to reach across the aisle and bring a class action lawsuit. No company should be able to deny free speech to anyone no matter what party they follow as long as they are not advocating violence on any person or any group of people. Exposing corruption is not only not violence but what our journalists are supposed to be doing. In fact if they were doing their jobs social media would not be so popular. Seems to me that facebook is breaking their contract with the people when they demonetize these accounts.