Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Puerto Rico Protesters Brutalized AGAIN

The rich control the money that they extract from us with threats of more fines or jail. The rich create the huge debts. But when it is time to pay up, the poor are expected to pay again or face more violence. We have a mafia in control of the world. Just because that mafia dresses nice and puts on a good appearance, their actions are the actions of a criminal cartel. Texas just notified me that they are reducing my social security by $300 a month! I just had a stint put in my heart and was paying the debt as fast as I could. So when I need my full social security the most, they make it so that I can not pay my bills. So who gets hurt the worst? The hospital and services that treated me. Therefore, allowing Republican controlled Texas to get by with financially hurting their seniors, actually hurts a lot of people from both parties. Why can't Republicans understand that?


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