Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

List of US Politicians Who Hold Israeli Citizenship. Netanyahu himself is a U.S. Citizen

Kavanaugh’s Evasive Rant - Matt Damon, Kellyanne Conway & MORE! LV Sunda...

How The Rats Reformed The Congress

One of the rare good guys, who really cares about the people.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Cop Whistleblower Targeted By Canadian Court

Did Eugenics Fake Its Own Death? - Questions For Corbett

(Agenda 21 or renamed agenda 20 the elites plan to terrorize, genocide and control the world.)

Shut the Fuck Up-The Venezuelan Regime Change Edition, September 29, 2018

Some of us see the empire crumbling and some of us are planning on
sleeping through it. Which will work out fine for you unless you happen
to live in an area that they are targeting for genocide with their
weaponized weather. Notice how everything is hitting with extra ordinary
force; fire storms, droughts, hurricanes, floods? Are you ready for the
coming food shortages caused by the crop failures? How about the lose
of jobs and increase in homelessness caused by all of this? Do you think
you will go unscathed by this? You believe that, knowing full well how
the wealthy already display a hyper-NOT-concerned for those who have
already been hit by their Agenda 21 war of terror, aimed at you and me?
Don't take my word for it. Check out Deborah Tavares's
stopthecrime(dot)net and let her show you the government documentation
that proves it all.

*Indonesia*Texas-State Of Disaster*Rosa To Inundate Southwest*Nigerian F...

We must change or die. Don't put the responsibility for your survival, in the hands of people who are so rich that they don't care if you live or die.

Full Show 11/18/14: Phil Donahue on TV News and the Iraq War

This is how our FREEDOM has been stealthily stolen from us. By bending this law, getting rid of that law. One small step at a time until, one morning you wake up in a completely different world. The entire population has been led down the path into an entirely new way of thinking. Sometimes that can be good but more often than not it is detrimental to people, communities and ultimately the country. Especially when one group of people is pitted against the other to the point that the differences are so profound it seems that we may be on the verge of destroying our country from within.

Kavanaugh Screams at the Left & Democrats to Prove He is Qualified Bipar...

Liar, Liar. He was underage drinking and lied about it: https://www.businessinsider.com/maryland-drinking-age-could-brett-kavanaugh-legally-drink-high-school-2018-9

'Stop the War!' - Yemeni-Americans Condemn Trump and Saudi Arabia Outsid...

Stop the genocide in Yemen! STOP MURDERING CHILDREN!

Friday, September 28, 2018

From Kavanaugh To Cosby, We Have A Massive Problem

Into The Business of Punishment in American Private Prisons (w/Guest Sha...

Into The Business of Punishment in American Private Prisons (w/Guest Sha...

~212~ Red Tide, War Games Interrupted, Prosecute Poverty

of Water - Deborah Tavares

the government documentation and talks about the plan to control
water and air.

#WikiBees Working To Save Julian Assange In Real Time (Session 3)

(STOP this injustice now!)

The Richie Allen Show - Thursday September 27th 2018

Mass murder, genocide and absolute control of all populations as slaves all over this planet earth. While the zombie sleepers/sheeple blindly follow the directions, allowing this to happen.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Friday Daily Double Edition, September 28, 2018

Does Bernie Sanders have 'blue blood' in his veins? No? Then he will
never be SELECTED! This is an excellent source for all Presidential
http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2008/06/presidential-bloodlines.html and Obama Bloodline Videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMC9B.

DCCC Neglects Progressive Challenging Crooked Republican

BREAKING: Brett Kavanaugh Nomination Approved By Senate Judiciary Commit...

Women Team Up To BAN Super PACs Locally

Is this why 'sexist men' put women down, don't want them in positions of power or try to discredit them when they expose misconduct?

Are We Building a More Just Nation? | Rev. Dr. Katharine Henderson

Mainstream Media’s Fake Journalists & Cuba’s Medical Breakthroughs

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Propaganda and Manipulation: How mass media engineers and distorts our p...

This is how they brainwash us folks. Do you want to save this world? Then watch this and consciously work on breaking away from the programing.

The TRUTH about Kavanaugh's "harassment" and "assault"

TLAV Research & Review 9/26

The 5 U.S. Arms Companies Profiting From War Crimes

[127] Politics In Music w/ Julian Casablancas

Ford vs. Kavanaugh, The Testimony

Live now!

Mystery Sea Creature Sighting of the Loch Ness Monster of Scotland! Augu...

The Richie Allen Show - Wednesday September 26th 2018

Presidents are selected, NOT elected; It is all illusion to keep the masses entertained.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Daily Dose- All About AIPAC Part 1, September 26, 2018

I found this issue confusing until I saw the maps. You don't end up with all the land if you are the victim.

#WikiBees Working To Save Julian Assange In Real Time

'Human Trafficking' Act's Secret Spying Agenda, New Global Payment Syste...

Monsanto Murders Bees & New Yemení Casualties

Trump, Bill Cosby, Kavanaugh And The #METOO Movement

VAN LIFE MEET UP IN QUEBEC // tour sprinter conversions, westfalias and ...

Dr. Ford Is No Longer Kavanaugh's Only Accuser

I had 19 accusations & they gave me the launch codes! One serial groper excusing another serial groper. Shows the lack of morality in our country that he is still being considered. Disgusting!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Andrew Gillum Flip Flops On Medicare For All

Syrian Missile Crisis & Big Pharma Corruption

US Bombs, Saudi Blockade & Manufactured Starvation - The Truth About Yem...

More about the genocide that is being perpetrated in Yemen right now!

World Banker Karen Hudes Reveals Secret US Constitution

This is what happened in 1871 which gave our country to London. Since
London is a permanent vassal of the Vatican, that means that we are
owned and controlled by the Vatican and the crown.

Potential for a Mass Anti-War Movement?

Donald Trump Attacks Socialism To Cut Your Social Safety Net

Max Igan on The Infinite Fringe - Sep 23rd, 2018

I Agree About NO WAR!

A Threat to Global Democracy: How Facebook & Surveillance Capitalism Emp...

9/11: What 17 Years of Lies Have Done to Us (Richard Dolan Intelligent D...

More important information for those who want to open their eyes.

Anarchy Uprising In Mexico, A Success Story!

This group of people have decided that they have had enough of this corrupt world and they have taken control of their own destiny.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Colin Blow Edition, September 6, 2018

Genocide Treaty by Deborah Tavares

These 'blue bloodline' idiots still believe that they have the 'right of kings' and that they can commit genocide anytime they want to! The easiest way to genocide a people is through starvation like they are doing in Yemeni  right now and what they are doing to the homeless right now! While we sit glued to the brainwashing programs on our TV's and are completely unaware or uncaring about what they are doing. That is okay, as long as you stay brainwashed, you aren't a threat to this evil cabal and they will probably let you live unless you get caught up in one of their manufactured weather events. In which case, if you survive the weather event, you will be swept up in the homeless crisis! Wake up folks! We ourselves are not moral if we don't raise our voices and try to stop this madness. At least try to wake your family and neighbors.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sharing Food Is Not a Crime - #GoodNewsNextWeek

Yeah for the people! We got a small win in the commonsense column in this upside down house of horrors! Keep fighting! Don't forget Unity4J

Can Democracy Co-exist With Billionaires?

I would say put a complete income cap on anyone with a billion dollar income and never let them earn another cent. But I would compromise with what he is proposing.

Bill Cosby’s Sentencing & James Woods’ Dark days

Bolton Reveals Iran Focus In Syria, Russia Sending S-300s & Marijuana Ar...

Bill Cosby’s Sentencing & James Woods’ Dark days

These public sites are replacing the commons and they absolutely should not be allowed to violate our right to free speech.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — September 24, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The Full-O-Bull Edition, September 24, 2018

Famous Birds Have Gone Extinct This Decade

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to Stay, Cop Who Killed Botham Jean Fired, Flin...

Rick Scott Booed Out Of Restaurant Over Red-Tide

Banks Run Commercial ENDORSING Corporate Democrats

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Tiny Home Rebel

This man is a hero, fighting the demons controlling the world and
genociding the common people in many ways. Homelessness is only one of
the methods used. If they can get by with this genocide, while the blind
sheeple keep sleep walking through life, they will step it up with even
more ways to kill off the common people. I can’t even say poor people
because we are all poor in this dysfunctional society. Bless him for
having the courage to fight back and pray that more people will wake up
and create an army of angels to stop this EVIL!

Oregon Creates Tiny Home Community For The Homeless | Listen To America

Reuters Plays Dumb About Iran/Israel Nukes

Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed

More devastating information that is mind-boggling!


Rothschild is in charge of all the utilities!!! For all you gun toting, immigrant and black hating, brainwashed tools of this system, WAKE UP and know who your real enemies are!

10 Years Later: The TRUTH About 2008 Crash

If your rich...

New Michael Tellinger Some of the Strangest Discoveries Ever Made on Anc...

When I first got a camera that would make videos, I pointed the camera skyward and made a video of the falling rain. You know I love to watch UFO videos and I have often seen videos of undulating UFO's that remind me of my rain video. Of course I did not think there was any water in space so I dismissed the idea. But Michael Tellinger says that there is water in space. There are still two arguments to be made against the UFO's being water in space and that is first that the UFO's are supposed to be huge and second that they move randomly in all directions. I am just pointing this out because I think it is interesting. I am not saying that it applies to all UFO sightings, far from it. But the UFO's that undulate as they move, reminds me of my rain video. Here is a UFO video that shows what I'm talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjCmQ5-p8ag  Also I wanted to share that Michael Tellinger gives the best argument for the flat earth theory that I have ever heard. He implies it but does not flat out say it. I am still brainwashed on this one but not so brainwashed that I refuse to consider the evidence. After all, I have had so much of my own brainwashing swept away in the last few years that I now question everything!

The Newscast You Weren't Supposed To See

Nervous Astronaut Talks Of "Gospel" As UFOs Appear Outside ISS 7/21/16

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Amazon To Put Workers In Cages?

Weaponzed Weather & Water ~ Deborah Tavares

Agenda 21, The Plan To Kill You - David Icke

Do you really want this for your children and grandchildren? This is
real research 1933. Even before that research 1877. Icke is not the only
source for this. It is just that he was so far ahead of everyone else in trying to share his research and wake the people.

Who's Running America and the CAP

This may be the most important video that I have ever posted.

In Viral Video, Medea Benjamin Confronts Trump Official on Iran

Medea Benjamin

is a hero for the people!

Alt-Right March for Israel, Human Rights Activist Smeared as Anti-Semitic

[125] Affordable Housing Hardly Exists Anymore (w/ Yasmina Mrabet)

John Bolton Threatens International Court Investigating U.S. War Crimes

Friday, September 21, 2018

Every Democrat Votes For Military Budget - Except Bernie

Washington Post Attacks Bernie Sanders’ ‘Stop BEZOS’ Act

Greed, greed, greed! This suggestion by Bernie is the best idea out of Washington DC in years!

Law To Stop Sleeping In Public Overturned

We must create the society that we want and try these traitors for treason!

Ron Paul Tells Truth On Syria - Immediately Smeared

He is telling the truth about this!


Older but just as relevant today.


Older but just as relevant today.

Friday Report With Jesse Ventura: Raytheon Making A Killing In Yemen

I <3 Jessie's shirt!

~212~ Cannabis Revolution, Billions In Weapons, Activists Beat Chemical ...

The Daily Dose-The HRC strikes out again, The Deep State and more, Septe...

Rev. Barber: North Carolina Has Two Storms—Florence & the Policies That ...

Speaking truth and power to the wealthy but ethically depraved.

TAPE: Assange's last video before communications cut at Ecuadorian Embas...

FREEDOM of speech

FREEDOM of press

FREE Julian Assange, who has won every court case but is still being bullied by the most violent country in the world.


Michael Moore: Are We Going to Be Like the “Good Germans” Who Let Hitler...

I agree with most of what he is saying but he is still brainwashed about Hillary.

Michael Moore: Are We Going to Be Like the “Good Germans” Who Let Hitler...

The Business of Punishment: How Forced Prison Labor Has Generated Revenu...

If I had a majik wand, this is what I would do. Put the psychopathic elite that have created all of these problems in jail. Take the money that they have fraudulently accumulated with their crimes against humanity and use it to fix all of the problems that they have created. Housing for the house-less, free medical care for all. Free all non-violent prisoners and those who have been jailed for victim-less crimes and create jobs by repairing and building infrastructure as well as building solar and wind powered utilities. Do not allow monopolies to take over any of these endeavors. Break up the monopolies and big corporations. Sorry folks, if you can not be hung then you are not a person. Most importantly destroy the Federal reserve. Retire or prosecute all of the top tiers of the military industrial complex and all of the alphabet soup agencies. No standing armies! Maintain short term military personnel for emergencies with the top tiers serving a short term, 5 to 10 years. Then they spend the next 3 to 5 years training the next batch of leaders after which they are retired. Take the guns away from the police. Give them tasers and night sticks. Every town is allowed to have one day shift and one night shift of sharp shooters for real emergencies. Get rid of most politicians. Create a virtual town hall where citizens can discuss problems and solutions that are then voted on with a secure system backed up with a paper trail. What politicians that are left are simply secretaries who record the will of the people. Let free will be Sacred as long as no harm is being done. Let that be the only law that can never be violated or changed. Local people decide what they want to do locally, while communicating with and coordinating with their surrounding areas. If you have better ideas, throw them out there. Keep the best of our constitution like freedom of speech and press as well as separation of church and state. The Second Amendment stands until this psychopathic, genocidal system that we have currently, is eradicated! After that has been accomplished we can revisit that discussion if desired.

Lives of The Downtrodden in Early America

This is not the first time the elites have exploited the people and culled those they consider useless.

Home"less" VICTIMS of Weather an Economic Warfare

What happens to the house-less in a natural disaster?

Michael Moore v. Donald Trump in “Fahrenheit 11/9”: New Film Warns Our D...

When Micheal Moore talks about not having the money to attend a loved ones funeral that hit home for me! I lost two brothers and did not have the money or a vehicle to attend their funerals. It was very sad for me. I console myself with the fact that shortly before they passed I did have a vehicle and money and I went to see them both, getting one last visit before they passed. I know I did the best I could with what I had but it still haunts me.

This Shouldn't Have Existed...It is the Opposite of What We Know!

10 Years Later: The TRUTH About 2008 Crash

I lived paycheck to paycheck both before and after. The difference is that now I am retired. It does look like the house-less population has increased. I have also discovered a very large population that are living in their vehicles. As the law is cracking down on people helping their fellow human beings. It is against the law to feed a house-less population and they just tried to make it against the law to sleep in the streets! How dare they try to survive without homes! What is next? Open genocide to speed up the slow genocide of no shelter from weather extremes and no medical care? How about putting spikes up so they can't find a place to sleep? I vote that we take the wealth that the few have accumulated by not paying their employees a living wage, like Amazon and WalMart, and buy each and every house-less person a house and create medical care for all. If it were up to me I would put all of these psychopathic rich elites in jail for the rest of their lives for the great harm that they have done to our planet. While simultaneously releasing everyone who is in jail for victimless crimes.

Eyeball/Jellyfish shaped flickering object splits into 2 in the sky over...

Gigantic Anunnaki Space Ships Recorded Around the Sun? You Decide

They look alive to me, like he said, jelly fish. Then again I photographed rain one time and rain takes shapes like this when it is falling. But there is no rain in space, right?

*New Activity Yellowstone Geyser*Unexplained Burning Hole Arkansas*Medic...

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Anti-War Speech That Jailed Eugene Debs For 10 Years

Blasey Ford Lawyers: Kavanaugh’s Background Check Must Include FBI Probe...

One overbearing, sexual assaulter excusing another overbearing sexual assaulter.

Cartoon predicts the future more than 60 years ago. This is amazing insi...

Shut the Fuck Up-The Sanctimonius Critics Edition, September 20, 2018

It is not patriotic to simply accept the programming of the party that you believe in. There is no excuse for anyone to mindlessly do as their told when all the knowledge in the world is accessible on the web. If you are really patriotic you would quit walking through life like a zombie and do your own search for truth. That does not mean sitting in front of the brainwashing tool called the boob tube. Research 1871 and 1933 and watch the lies you have been fed your whole life begin to unravel.

Social Engineering, Agenda 21 & Transhumanism - The Secret Manipulation ...

"The system should fit us, we should not fit the system."

The Storm is Here - Deep State Exposed - Documentary 2018

We the people have no control over our government! Research 1871 and 1933.

Bernie Sanders & Ending the Sick Mentality of Burdening Jeff Bezos

Our presidents all come from the same bloodlines and that would not be possible if our votes really counted. So it is all theater to keep the brainwashed entertained. Research 1871 for details about how the US became a corporation and 1933 how we lost our constitution. Research these dates and familiarize yourself with the details so you can educate everyone you know. It is important to really educate all security forces so they wake up to the fact that they are committing violence for this evil cabal.

Stormy Daniels: Trump/Clinton Talk About “Our Plan”

Our presidents all come from the same bloodlines and that would not be possible if our votes really counted. So it is all theater to keep the brainwashed entertained. Research 1871 for details about how the US became a corporation and 1933 how we lost our constitution. Research these dates and familiarize yourself with the details so you can educate everyone you know. It is important to really educate all security forces so they wake up to the fact that they are committing violence for this evil cabal.

Georgia Democratic Party Arrests LatinX Member, Almost Jailed for Challe...

Our presidents all come from the same bloodlines and that would not be possible if our votes really counted. So it is all theater to keep the brainwashed entertained. Research 1871 for details about how the US became a corporation and 1933 how we lost our constitution.

Bernie Sanders Accused of "Privatizing" Socialism By...Washington Post!

is long overdue! And since they long ago quit giving people full time
jobs to get around paying the benefits that a full time employee would
be entitled to, this should apply to part time employees also.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

*New Evidence In The Mystery Of Sunspot Observatory Emerges*

Wash Post Does Bezos' Bidding vs. Bernie, Journalist Arrested AGAIN Cove...

The Big Meat Lie

This is one of the most effective methods to personally fight against the too powerful and save our world. One action with 2 results. Dig it

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Liberals Love Of Bush Is Revolting

We as a country have lost our
moral compass when we hold up war criminals, those who approve of
violence and genocide as pillars of our society! Why do so many
Americans try to put lipstick on a pig?

Rev. William Barber: Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court Would Endanger Right...

Trump Pushes FAILED Drug War Internationally

The REAL reason for the coming wave of bans and censorship: what you are...

UK Woman Detained At Mental Health Facility For Claiming 5G & WiFi Radia...

Apparently they are moving into the next phase where they can now hospitalize you for having critical opinion about their psychotic behavior!

Operation Mockingbird & John Barbour

How the main stream media brainwashes the people.

Hillary Clinton’s Dark Money & The Prison Strike’s Continuing Momentum

5 Privacies You Didn't Know You Lost

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

March on the Pentagon - Emma Fiala on The Corbett Report

It's about time to march for peace!

Conservatives Boycott Willie Nelson Over Beto O’Rourke Support

Who are the real rebels and who are the boot licking conformist?

TLAV Research & Review 9/18

This is how msm creates propaganda to keep the masses brainwashed and controllable.

Very Ancient Human Antiquity Evidence, Artefacts, Devices and other Disc...

Peer pressure, lose of jobs & reputations force archeologist to deny what they really find.

The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (Documentary)

Are you tired of our world, our countries lurching from one crisis to the next? Have you lost faith in half baked solutions that simply add to the chaos? Then join in the search to unravel the deceptions that the lying psychopaths have created to hide their horrendously EVIL actions that they take in order to accumulate their wealth and power.

China Stops Taking Our Trash!

Hillary Clinton Apparently Never Heard Of Medicare For All

Ten Years Since Economic Collapse Sparked Occupy Wall Street, the Cooper...

Intercept Report Reveals Senate Ignored Federal Court Employees Willing ...

Ocasio-Cortez Endorses Cuomo As Cuomo Flips Off Progressives

Birds of a feather... This is why Democrats can NOT reform this party from within the party.

Higher Minimum Wage Boosts Pay Without Reducing Jobs - New Study

"This is why we need a revolution!" I prefer to call it an evolution because revolution brings up many thousands of years of violence.

The Richie Allen Show - Monday September 17th 2018

We must educate those who 'are just following orders' or are 'just doing their jobs' how that compliance allows EVIL to flourish in our world!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Merchants of Death: How the Military-Industrial Complex Profits from End...

Code Pink has been an ethical leader in our country for awhile. I don't understand why this is not a larger movement?

As Blasey Ford Alleges Kavanaugh Assaulted Her, Will Senate Repeat Mista...

Kavanaugh Nonsense & British Imperialism

Want 2 know where our politicians get their policies? Britain owns THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Brett Kavanaugh on the Brink, Hillary Clinton Should Look Up Medicare Fo...


"BIG MONEY CORRUPTS!!!" Sheldon Whitehouse GRILLS Brett Kavanaugh on Tru...

Quite frankly this little drama is quite the entertaining wrestling match. Every word may not be scripted but the outcome has already been decided by the Vatican and 'old money' bloodlines that rule the world, while regularly culling the population of mostly dark skinned people with their never ending genocidal wars and sanctions. They are committing genocide on the Yemeni  and Palestinian populations as we duck our heads and say nothing because we are too busy with our own lives to speak about the atrocities that they are committing right now. Watch the left hand folks. Lets talk about the left hand. Don't pay attention to the right hand that holds the gun and is committing murder.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Not the Facts Ma'am Edition September 17, 2018

You are absolutely right on every single point! All U.S. Presidents Related by Negative Blood Types; What are the Odds?
 Turns out Trump and Hilary are Distant Cousins as Well! What are the odds?
 It Turns out  Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Distant Cousins
 Kissing Cousins; All Presidents Have the same Bloodline  https://tabublog.com/2014/01/19/revis...


The Lie We Live


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Chevron Arbitration Ruling Against Ecuador 'Completely Off Base'

US Okays Yemen Genocide, Netherlands Expose White Helmets, EU Censorship...

Before we can take action to change the world, we must wake people up about how violent, cruel and abusive this current system is.

"Black" Comic Series Turns Police Murders Into a Superhero Story of Hope

The Reality : Sustainable Live-For-Free Communities

Evolving our world.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Chicago Hotel Workers Unite & Strike For Basic Needs

"It is a bad system we have here in America."

Tulsi Gabbard Reveals Amazing Progressive Legisialtive Agenda

N.Y. Progressive Voter Purge Happens Again

When your vote doesn't count, stop letting them pretend that they have your consent.

ON CONTACT: America: The Farewell Tour

Shut the Fuck Up-The Becoming and Begoing Edition September 15, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Ocean Cleanup Project, Botham Jean, & Redacted Tonight

Shut the Fuck Up-The Chief Batshit Crazy Horse Edition , September 14, 2018

It is all smoke and mirrors folks and anyone who is a millionaire several times over can not possibly relate to my reality or speak for me.

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Trump's Syria Warmongering

Sounds good but we need a radical change which must come from the people. Listen to the wisdom coming from the natives. They have not spent the last 2000 years being fooled and manipulated by the EVIL that has stolen our world.

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Trump's Syria Warmongering

Sounds good but we need a radical change which must come from the people. Listen to the wisdom coming from the natives. They have not spent the last 2000 years being fooled and manipulated by the EVIL that has stolen our world.

Effective Tool to Limit Greenhouse Emissions or a “License to Pollute?”:...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — September 14, 2018

“Climate Capitalism is Killing Our Communities”: Protesters Disrupt Gov....

Listen to the wisdom of those who have not spent the last 2000 years being fooled, manipulated and controlled by the EVIL that has stolen our world.

S**tstorm Donald Rages on Twitter While Hurricane Florence Hits the Caro...

President Obama Bashes Trump, Calls on Voters to Put Corporate Democrats...

Trump Rolling Back Methane Regulations Even More

If Democrats really want to win, they should listen to Jordan Chariton.

Trump Rolling Back Methane Regulations Even More

If Democrats really want to win, they should listen to Jordan Chariton.

Something Big Happened Today And Nobody Is Talking About It! 2018-2019

Snowden is a hero as far as I am concerned. As a highly ethical person myself, I recognize a fellow ethical human being. Lets not forget the flagrant abuse of power and depraved human rights violations that Julian Assange is suffering right now at the hands of the depraved monsters in the USA! And when will someone who has the power to stop this abuse, have the courage and ethics to step up and stop Assanges torture? #Unity4J

Hideous Headlines-War, Lies, and Sexual Abuse , September 10, 2018

"We are a disgusting nation!" I couldn't agree more and it's not just our sick leaders. It is the sick people who look the other way and ignore or approve of all the sick things our country is doing.

Jordan, Jenn, & Ty LIVE: Launching Pre-Status Coup GoFundMe

Invest in a free press, if you can, and if you can't then share, share, share.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Rev Dr William J Barber II - When Silence is Not an Option 20170402

It's not that we don't have the money. Our moral compass is wrong.

Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why She Resigned From DNC

TLAV Research & Review 9/13

Shut the Fuck Up-The Benghazi Witchhunt Edition , September 13, 2018

Bayou Bridge Pipeline Construction Partially HALTED

Why The China World Order Is Here On Purpose

Another "controlled" conflict that will genocide the people and
enrich the psychopaths in charge. I wish we could convince the youth
that their is nothing patriotic about sacrificing their lives for this

WEB EXCLUSIVE: US Spits In Face Of War Crimes Court

Facebook Allows Right Wing Group To Censor Progressives

Free speech is supposed to protect speech that you hate.

Ex-Senate Aide: Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached for Lying Under Oath About...

ANOTHER Bus Of Children Bombed In Yemen, US Protects al-Qaeda In Idlib &...

Parents Remove Their Children From WiFried School ~ A Lesson for All

Citizens take action against the decisions made against the will of the people.

Death on the Dakota Access: Oil & Gas Boom Generates Dangerous Pipeline ...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — September 12, 2018

They won't take proper care of prisoners. Prisoners are not important because this part of the population is expendable. If they die in this genocidal decision to neglect their proper care, it will cause little back lash, as they learned during Katrina.

Bill McKibben to Jerry Brown: We Must Keep the Oil in the Soil, Limiting...

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Syria Conflict Is About To Cause Something Terrible


Life Saving Drugs Belong to the People Not the Morbidly Rich

Guantanamo For Kids: Senator Jeff Merkely Refuses to Let Trump Seperate ...

Wake up people! There is a 'death cult' controlling our world and many of our leaders are part of it. Just remember that your life is no more important to these monsters than the homeless persons life.

Hurricane Florence’s Incarcerated Victims & How (Not) To Help

Dash cam: Firefighter takes control after being stopped by police [full ...

This is what happens when corrupt cops have to deal with an informed citizen. If we don't want corrupt cops it is our duty as citizens to make sure that we are informed and do everything we can to stop this corruption. It is our laziness that allows this corruption to happen. It is not about hating cops. It is about not allowing abusive cops to get by with their abuse. And frankly, those of you that are too lazy to use your intelligence and your natural sense of right and wrong and your strength of character to stand up to abusive cops, that allows this abuse to continue. You can't be a 'brown nosing' 'yes' man or woman and expect cops to not take advantage of that.

PROOF Police Departments are CORRUPT

Know Your Rights Episode 1: The Three Big Things You Need to Know

If you can not be bothered to
learn your constitutional rights, can you blame your corrupt government
when your rights are stolen? Protect yourself and our country by
memorizing YOUR RIGHTS!

Cynthia Nixon Talks Cuomo, Ocasio-Cortez And MORE!

Rhode Island Primary Pits Justice Democrat vs. Establishment

More progressives threatening the corporate Democrats.

Black Man Killed By COP Who Intruded Into HIS Apartment

Was it really an accident and will the investigation be unbiased?

More War Lies? 'Anonymous Sources' Claim Assad About To Use Gas

Remember 9/11 While Repeating The Past?

When you give someone permission to rule over you, they can rob you of your rights and freedoms anytime.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

#NeverForget 17 Years After September 11th 911 Anniversary

Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming

Shut the Fuck Up-The Lying 9/11 Narrative Edition , September 11, 2018

The Rainbow Wave of LGBTQ Candidates Coming After Bigots in Power

Activists TAKE CHARGE In Israel-Palestine Peace Movement

Climate Change Supercharges Hurricane Florence as 1.5 Million Evacuate i...

Why is mainstream media not pointing out the connection between these unprecedented weather events and climate change?

Climate Change Supercharges Hurricane Florence as 1.5 Million Evacuate i...

The Richie Allen Show - Monday September 10th 2018

David Icke (July 12, 2018) - Full Alert !!!

So you really believe that we have elections that are real? Why are so many of our corrupt leaders members of the Bilderberg group?


Want 2 know where the USA is headed? If we don't wake up, this is where we are headed.


Want 2 know where the USA is headed? If we don't wake up, this is where we are headed.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sanders Introduces the BEZOS Act, Named for Amazon CEO, As Retailer Impo...

Deliberate destruction of our social structures, and forcing the work force into slavery, planned at least 20 years ahead of us waking up to what they have done.

How Kobach Stole Primary Using Voter Purging Strategies Against Another ...

More about how they rig our elections.

NY Democrats Smear Progressive Cynthia Nixon As Anti-Semite

I think Jimmy is finally waking up to how futile it is to try to resist within the Democratic party.

How to Remember The 27 Amendments

With all the EVIL that is being perpetrated today, we might want to arm ourselves with the knowledge of what our forefathers intended for us. Can they get by with selling our country to London & the Vatican without our consent? Did you know that governments have MURDERED 90,000,000 civilians in the last 100 years?

The STATE of Independent Media— & How to Set It Free

9 Freedoms and Liberties Lost Since 9/11

Excellent reminder of the totalitarian creep of how we are losing our rights.

Shut the Fuck Up-Spock Would Call Hero Worship Illogical, September 10, ...

Brett Kavanaugh's Colorblindness Will Lead to Legal Discrimination

Bret Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached for Lying to the Senate with Lisa Gr...

Impeach all liars!

Rise for Climate: Tens of Thousands March in San Francisco Calling for F...

Listen 2 the wisdom of the people. Stop allowing the Vatican to rob, rape & steal from our Sacred earth & her Sacred people.

Ex-Senator Aide: Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached for Lying Under Oath Abou...

Ron Placone Discusses the Right-Wing Meltdown Over Nike's Kaepernick Dea...

Ron Placone makes too much logical sense.

Sunday, September 09, 2018

David Icke (July 12, 2018) - Full Alert !!!

Think elections matter? Try listening to this and pay attention to what he says about the Bilderberg group.

DISTURBING: "I've Never Seen Anything Like This in 40 Years"...

This has been going on for quite awhile. I believe that Linda Moulten Howe wrote a book on this.

Nina Turner Interview With Jordan Chariton

Necessary History To Understand Tensions Between Turkey, Iran, Russia, &...

Have you ever watched these videos that show how often the borders of
countries change? There is a GENOCIDE of the people happening every time
the borders change. The Rothschild's and the Vatican finance both sides
of most wars. Making the already insanely rich even richer while
accomplishing their real goal of committing GENOCIDE for population
control of their 'slaves' openly in front of a brainwashed world,
programmed to accept it because --- war!

We have been ‘programmed’ to accept war. Wars do not only kill the soldiers but it kills off a generation of breeders.

Nina Turner Rallies LIVE With Cynthia Nixon Ahead of Thursday’s NY Primary

Most everyone will point out the corruption of the other party. But only
the ethical will have the courage to point out the lack of ethics in
their own party. The moral point out the lack of ethics in both

Trump Media Circus Elevates Faux "Resistance" Within His Administration

Most everyone will point out the corruption of the other party. But only the ethical will have the courage to point out the lack of ethics in their own party. The moral point out the lack of ethics in both parties.

Telecoms Caught Throttling YouTube & Netflix - New Study Shows

And here is the good news, maybe.

Obama Endorses "Medicare For All" - Calls It New Idea

Why did it take so long for this new idea to get here? I know why. Why would you spend money on a population that you are planning on genociding anyway? Stop the ongoing genocide of the homeless!

"EVERY DAMN TIME!!!" Sheldon Whitehouse SCHOOLS Brett Kavanaugh on SCOTU...

Ruling for the elite, led by the
Republicans but supported by Democrats who put up little or no fight
because both parties are taking their orders from a domineering,
totalitarian Vatican! Say it ain't so? If elections were not RIGGED why
would all of our Presidents be related by blood? Better wake up folks or
we will have another "Inquisition" on hands. Who do you think
masterminds and finances these never-ending, genocidal wars? Genocide
right in front of our eyes to keep the slaves at a 'manageable' level.

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Poll: Most Americans Skeptical Of RussiaGate

MORE Bayou Bridge Pipeline Water Protecters Arrested

More atrocities by psychopathic, murdering, thieving criminals who appear legitimate before the world.

Jordan & Ty Debate Obama's ACTIONS Vs. Rhetoric

The more I learn about the
secret hierarchy  behind our government, the more I feel like voting is a
waste of time. Voting allows psychopathic, murdering, thieving
criminals to appear legitimate before the world. If elections were real,
why would all of our Presidents be related by blood?

Shut the Fuck Up-The Obama Lying Liars Edition September 8, 2018

Friday, September 07, 2018

Fascist Dickheadism

Fascist Dickheadism

When reporting a crime, is a crime.

Trump Media Circus At ALL TIME HIGH, Bernie Sanders Introduces Bezos Act...

Msm silent as peaceful water protectors are violently arrested, on land that they had written permission to be on. The police were hired to protect the  oil company that did not have permission to be there but they continue to steal land under their bought off, bastardized law of eminent domain. Will the police ever wake up to the fact that they are working for the EVIL that is destroying and enslaving the common people? If they knew, would they have the morals to care?

WATCH Horrifying Conditions Amazon Workers Work In

Slavery by any other name is still slavery.

[123] Active Duty War Resistors Unite (w/ Mike Prysner)

~210~ Solving World Hunger, Voting Machines Rigged, Dark Money Pours In

I served my notice, that until we fix this fake voting system and quit installing bloodlines to rule, I won't cooperate in their manufactured consent.

Prisoners Strike Across America & Canada to End Penal Enslavement

The whole world is a criminal torture murder system. Time to excape
the brainwashing and rethink how we do everything. Time to evolve.

Untold History of United States - Bush & Obama: Age of Terror (Subtitula...

TLAV Research & Review 9/7

[124] Yet Another US-Backed Coup Outed (w/ Dan Kovalik)

Wall Street Journal Plays Dumb About Amazon Poverty Wages

NASA Freemasons & The Jesuit Boogie Woogie

So you thought that you knew about politics? So did I, until about a month ago. I even thought that I was awake!  The truth makes me wonder what else has been hidden in plane sight?

The HIS-Story of Our Enlsaver's ~ Who "They" Are...and it's not the "Joo's"

Jesuits Have Seized The White House.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

One Unknown Family Rules the World; Two Dueling Branches; w/ Dr. Dave Ja...

We can not solve our problems with the same brainwashed thinking that created it. First we must dissect the situation, get to the core of the problem and share that information so that we can all participate in creating the solutions.

New York Times Goes Anonymous & Facebook Gets Lonely

The Daily Dose-Anonymous Op Eds, Mass of Forgiveness, Coincidences, and ...

Owned: Chuck Todd’s Conspiracy Tweet - Epic Fail

Shut the Fuck Up-The Colin Blow Edition, September 6, 2018

Ex Nun Exposes Jesuits and Shares Remedies AN URGENT CALL TO ALL AMERICANS

More evidence that the trail of ownership of our world leads up to the
doorstep of The Vatican! I think the banks of Rothschild may own the
Vatican but that is conjecture by me based on the facts that I do know.
-- And one more about our real history, bloodlines and how we got
to where we are today and what their plans for a NWO actually entails.
Leuren Moret: How to avoid Jesuits, U.S. & Russian mind control
turning America into a NWO prison

Kaepernick Nike Commercial - Dumbest Reactions

Everyone knows that when
soldiers go off and fight, that they are fighting for our right to fall
in line and shut up. Sometimes it takes a clever comedian to point out
how ludicrous things really are.

Leuren Moret: How to avoid Jesuits, U.S. & Russian mind control turning ...

This is why it is so important to these EVIL cabals to silence truth
tellers like Julian Assange. People have been trying to educate the
public for a long time but their audience was small. Assange was drawing
enough attention that he was a real threat to these EVIL cabals that
control our world in secret. #Unity4J Please get this information out
before they succeed in robbing us of our freedom of speech and freedom
of the press. They thought they had bought the press and could control
the information that we would be allowed to see. We have a tiny window
of opportunity that they had not planned on. Seize the moment or be
enslaved forever!

Ex Nun Exposes Jesuits and Shares Remedies AN URGENT CALL TO ALL AMERICANS

evidence that the trail of ownership of our world leads up to the
doorstep of The Vatican! I think the banks of Rothschild may own the
Vatican but that is conjecture by me based on the facts that I do know.

Ex Nun Exposes Jesuits and Shares Remedies AN URGENT CALL TO ALL AMERICANS

More evidence that the trail of ownership of our world leads up to the doorstep of The Vatican! I think the banks of Rothschild may own the Vatican but that is conjecture by me based on the facts that I do know.

Trump (Like Obama) Cancels Federal Workers' Pay Raise & Hypocrisy Ensues.

Both parties work for the Rothschild's NOT YOU!

Taxpayers Funding Outrageous CEO Pay

“A Beautiful Moment”: Arundhati Roy Hails Indian Court Legalizing Gay Se...

Free at last, free at last, oh thank Goddess we are free at last! So
why are other countries evolving while America seems HELL bent on moving

Trees Are Dying Everywhere, We're Next

Even worse now.

*Hurricane Florence*Coming Financial Collapse*UFO's Over Trump Golf Cour...


Winona LaDuke & Indigenous Canadian Activist Back Campaign to Stop SLAPP...

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Justice for Anthony Hill & Spain Ceases Saudi Bombs

DNC Secretly Stops Bernie -Type Candidates

Bret Kavanaugh Circumventing Chevron Deference is Corporate Wet Dream

Cynthia Nixon on Andrew Cuomo: We Must Elect Better Democrats

By This Love | A Sermon for the Nation by Bishop William J. Barber, II

Awaken world and evolve!

Big Oil Demands Wall To Protect THEM From Climate Change

A government controlled by psychopathic oligarchs who will do nothing.

Mind Blowing News Interruptions Live On Air

Mind Blowing News Interruptions Live On Air

Covering up
the hellish reality created by psychopathic oligarchs with drama and
theater. Keep the masses confused about the source of their oppression
so that EVIL can continue to flourish.

Exposed: Undercover Reporter at Amazon Warehouse Found Abusive Condition...

Slavery by any other name is still slavery.

How Central Banks Rigged The World/Facebook Privacy

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

The Daily Dose-You Seriously Need to Wake Up, September 4, 2018

Cashing in on Clearance & Glyphosate: Is It in Everything?

TLAV Research & Review 9/4

Shut the Fuck Up-The Art of Illusion Edition, September 4, 2018

Nothings going to change until we all change because we are all in this together. And I don't mean here in the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES. I mean all over this world because what is happening in the country's where we allow our psychotic leaders to commit genocide by bombing and starving the common people, will be at our doorstep tomorrow. Just look at the world wide trend towards austerity. They are planning on killing most of us off anyway so why should these psychopaths worry about our quality of living. We need to change the entire world. They want a NWO, lets give them one designed by the people.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Welcome to Dumbfuckistan Edition, September 3, 2018

True that tRump is not an insider but he is just as corrupt as the rest of them.

Monday, September 03, 2018

Everything is a Lie

The Dangers of Privatization

Tucker Carlson Destroys Amazon & Jeff Bezos' Business "Practices" w/Abby...

The rich use socialism to subsidize  their work force.

Trumps neighborhood will be EXEMPT from 5G

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Truth About Idlib "Rebels," Real US Syria Policy & US "Deeply In Denial"...

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Even MORE Firings At TYT. TYT Slashes Staff, Drops Entertainment Programs

The Proactive Prosecutor In St. Louis & Human Brain Trauma

Heroes stand up for integrity and honesty! Take one of our heroes down and ten more will stand up in their place.

The Proactive Prosecutor In St. Louis & Human Brain Trauma

Heroes stand up for integrity and honesty! Take one of our heroes down and ten more will stand up in their place.

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 4.0

Don Debar and Ann Garrison are speaking now.

Shut the Fuck Up-Musings From the Brazile Nut Edition, September 1, 2018

The Democrats quit representing the people a long time ago.It took Bernie to expose this fact to the brainwashed Democrats. But don't think that means that the Republicans do any better. The Republicans have their brainwashed masses protecting the 1% while the 1% rob us blind. I don't know what will wake the brainwashed masses of both parties, it looks like they won't wake until the doors on the gas chambers close.

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 4.0

Greg Murry speaking now

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 4.0

Mark Sleboda speaking now.

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 4.0

Medhi Tailleb speaking now.

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 4.0

Catherine Austin Fitts speaking now.

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 4.0

David Icke (Aug 19, 2018) - The Attack On The Alternative Media - David...

Wake up to the totalitarian creep happening all over this planet. because all these different countries take their orders from the same evil source.

Systemic Coercion