The Business of Punishment: How Forced Prison Labor Has Generated Revenu...
If I had a majik wand, this is what I would do. Put the psychopathic elite that have created all of these problems in jail. Take the money that they have fraudulently accumulated with their crimes against humanity and use it to fix all of the problems that they have created. Housing for the house-less, free medical care for all. Free all non-violent prisoners and those who have been jailed for victim-less crimes and create jobs by repairing and building infrastructure as well as building solar and wind powered utilities. Do not allow monopolies to take over any of these endeavors. Break up the monopolies and big corporations. Sorry folks, if you can not be hung then you are not a person. Most importantly destroy the Federal reserve. Retire or prosecute all of the top tiers of the military industrial complex and all of the alphabet soup agencies. No standing armies! Maintain short term military personnel for emergencies with the top tiers serving a short term, 5 to 10 years. Then they spend the next 3 to 5 years training the next batch of leaders after which they are retired. Take the guns away from the police. Give them tasers and night sticks. Every town is allowed to have one day shift and one night shift of sharp shooters for real emergencies. Get rid of most politicians. Create a virtual town hall where citizens can discuss problems and solutions that are then voted on with a secure system backed up with a paper trail. What politicians that are left are simply secretaries who record the will of the people. Let free will be Sacred as long as no harm is being done. Let that be the only law that can never be violated or changed. Local people decide what they want to do locally, while communicating with and coordinating with their surrounding areas. If you have better ideas, throw them out there. Keep the best of our constitution like freedom of speech and press as well as separation of church and state. The Second Amendment stands until this psychopathic, genocidal system that we have currently, is eradicated! After that has been accomplished we can revisit that discussion if desired.
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