Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Meghan McCain Tries To Blame Ilhan Omar For Synagogue Sh***ing
Jesus gave us all free will. Ever notice how someone who violates your free will, just gets worse and worse? I think it is because it causes the abuser to be mentally imbalanced to disrespect others in such a vile way.
C-SPAN: Cenk Uygur on 2020 Campaign
I am glad to see Cenk stand his ground and respond with clear logical answers with no apology for his stance. I really loved him pointing out their religious bigotry, and desire for big government to make your personal decisions for you. Good job Cenk.
The danger to Wikileaks' whistleblowers AND How the DNC deflected the tr...
The people with the courage that it takes to stand up to the hidden hand, often end up dead. What do you expect from people who master mind and carry out genocides?
Monday, April 29, 2019
The Collapse of the American Empire?
Two Americas! Are you working against your own best interest? Propaganda, brainwashing has us betraying our own sense of morality.
Civil Liberties and the Presidency: Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi is the real threat to the criminal cabal that controls our government. That is why they try to silence her. Please share. Also Marianne Williamson needs 8,000 more individual donations to qualify for the debates. Please consider donating $1, $5 or $10 to help get her important voice to the debates.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
An Inside Look at How Police Control the Political Process
"But, but, but we don't know what was happening before they started filming!" I say to he77 with that weak a$$ed excuse because we can plainly see what was happening on the film was excessive and abusive.
Buttigieg Fails Voting Rights Question-Here’s Why
Here are more reactions to the issue of prisoners right to vote. Glad to see my instincts are right on the money.
Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange, Militarization, European Politics & ...
People need 2 wake before the hidden hand destroys the world as we know it. Assange is the gateway for even more abuse and lose of freedom.
Tulsi Gabbard Differs With Bernie Sanders 2020 On Voting Rights
I understand both sides of the arguments @ voting rights 4 prisoners. Both have valid points but knowing how hard both the D's & the R's work 2 prevent people from voting, makes me lean towards Tim Blacks position. The solution is 2 make sure that the votes are secured & secret. No analyzing how the incarcerated voted after voting is finished 2 prevent guards from knowing how prisoners vote. 1st disagreement with Tulsi 4 me.
The Powerful Viral Video That Tulsi Gabbard Deleted.
This is about our future and is it possible to thwart the Military Industrial Complex? And how dangerous will it be for our freedom if we don’t wake up and support this courageous young woman?
The Powerful Viral Video That Tulsi Gabbard Deleted.
This is about our future and is it possible to thwart the Military Industrial Complex? And how dangerous will it be for our freedom if we don’t wake up and support this courageous young woman?
Ana Kasparian Cries on Twitter After Getting Beaten by Tulsi Gabbard
I've lost a lot of respect for Anna over this.
Ana Kasparian Cries on Twitter After Getting Beaten by Tulsi Gabbard
I've lost a lot of respect for Anna over this.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Suzie Dawson talks about the Swedish allegations #FreeAssange
#Unity4J Julians trouble with the 'Hidden Hand' did not start with Sweden.
Dr L Randall Wray joins Real Progressives to discuss the role of Taxatio...
More interesting ideas around money. Keep this in mind the next time they start talking about Social Security running out of money. Or think about it as we watch our government genocide a large portion of our society with the torture of homelessness and this includes a large population of the elderly.
Mike Norman joins Real Progressives to talk MMT and a run at the White H...
You may never hear of this guy because there are so many people running for president that it is hard to examine all of them. But this guy has some interesting things to say about money.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard ─ Build, Don't Bomb: A New American Foreign ...
Bernie deserves all the credit for changing the conversation. I definitely want him on our team but he doesn't go for a home run when that is what is needed to bring the team home for a big win. Which is why I am backing Tulsi and hoping that she has an iron will. Sounds like they are once again stacking the deck and Bernie is already agreeing to back the corporate puppet after they cheat him. If they cheat again they leave us no choice. Is your yellow vest ready?
California Democratic Party Openly Cheating Progressives Again
If the vote is not secured by the time we vote, I won't waste my time.
“I Was Willing To Prostitute Myself!” - Biden
Be afraid, be very afraid and vote the old gatekeepers in again.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Who’s Behind the Attacks in Sri Lanka?
It is very hard to feel empathy for any cause that slaughters the innocent, especially children.
Jimmy Carter: "US Is Most Warlike Nation In History Of The World”
Jimmy Carter the only President to complete his term without war, military attack or occupation has called the US "the most war like nation in the history of the world."
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
The Jimmy Dore Show Live Stream
The many walls erected between the people and access to the presidency.
Tulsi Gabbard's Perfect Solution To Trump/Russia Collusion Allegations
We need an audited paper trail to secure the vote.
BREAKING NEWS Bernie Destroys Fox News Town Hall, Bernie's worst answer,...
"We already have socialism but right now it only benefits the rich."
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Buttigieg Kills His Campaign. Equates Bernie & Trump Voters
Endorsed by the evil empire so he will get lots of media exposure and if they want him, we don't.
Rep. Waters DESTROYS Lindsey Graham over Mueller report reaction
This is a perfect example of why there should be a way for the people to demand the impeachment of a president, going around the control by corrupt members of congress. When the people want to impeach the president but our congress people do not, the power to demand an impeachment should be in the hands of the people.
Brain magic | Keith Barry
Too bad that we can't get a team together with these kind of skills and just make Assange and Manning disappear from the evil empires grip. #Unity4J #FreeAssange #FreeManning
"RUN AWAY" - These "Insects" Are NOT What You Think.
Do you have any idea what your government is really doing?
Global Protests since Julian Assange was Arrested April 2019
If you won't stand up for this, what the hell will you stand up for?
Monday, April 22, 2019
Million$ For Notre Dame Repair Enrages Yellow Vest Movement In France
Once you see how the deck is stacked, you can't un-see it. Life is Sacred, things are not. "We are all Cathedral's"
Mobile Homes: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Banks are the biggest reason that we have a homeless problem.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Saturday, April 20, 2019
~240~ A World Without Wikileaks!, Corporate Tax Cheats, Environmental Re...
DEBATE: Should Congress Impeach Trump?
Finally, we have some people in Congress with the back bone to do their jobs as defined by the constitution!
Friday, April 19, 2019
Interview With 2020 Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel — The Political V...
I feel a little seed of hope trying to break through.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Money Changes Everything Edition, April 17, 2019
If rich people really cared they could solve every problem we have. Wish one would take it upon themselves to experiment with one town, giving all the homeless a solar/wind powered electric tricycle with a collapsible tiny room to live in on the back.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Julian Assange Wins 2019 GUE/NGL Journalism Award
This is mind blowing honesty. A lot of us already know most of these FACTS! But this is put together very powerfully. What kind of country is silent as their government participates in genocides that murder an entire generation of kids!. People know what is right and wrong in their own hearts, so why are they doing so much that harms so many. And you? Will you have the courage of Snowden, Manning, Assange and many others to do the right thing no matter how dangerous it is.
The Revolution is not being televised
If this does not show you that the police protect and serve their corporate masters and not the people, then nothing will. And there are no signs of slowing down.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Shock: Bernie Impresses Fox News Crowd In Town Hall
You must admire his ability to explain things in a way that appeals to almost everyone's sense of simple decency.
Shock: Bernie Impresses Fox News Crowd In Town Hall
You must admire his ability to explain things in a way that appeals to almost everyone's sense of simple decency.
Gov. Jay Inslee calls for end of Electoral College and Senate filibuster
Gov. Jay Inslee calls for end of Electoral College and Senate filibuster and focuses on climate change. Any of these candidates would be much better than what we have.
Grandpa Gravel Gives Corporatists HeII | Episode 188 (April 12, 2019)
Gravel pulls no punches as he bluntly tells the truth about our political system. Help get him to the debate stage. We need this kind of honesty.
The Time to Propel America Forward Has Come | Andrew Yang for President
(We deserve 2 receive a tech check, the same way that investors in any corporation receive dividends. We financed research & development & should benefit from the advances we paid 4.
Tulsi Gabbard Brings Aloha To Los Angeles
The only candidate that has the back bone and vision to lead us out of this dark place that we are in.
Chris Williamson full speech on Julian Assange's detention 14.4.2019
#Unity4Assange, #Free JulianAssange, #FreeChealseaManning
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
The Daily Dose-I Know Why Some Species Eat Their Young, April 15, 2019
The laws protecting freedom of speech were not meant to only protect speech you like. It is needed to protect speech that you hate.
Democrats Say Assange Doesn’t Get Free Speech & Police ‘Feeling Cute Cha...
We can send our youth to other countries to murder people there but refuse to honor our obligations to them when they come home.
Julian Assange arrest threatens free press, AEA & Unions and more! Speci...
This is an important conversation.
Fox News Dumbfounded by Simple Aspect of Bernie's Medicare For All Plan
Taxes will go up if we move to a medicare care for all type of health care. But it will be cheaper over all because we would not be paying insurance premiums or co-pays etc.
He makes a lot of sense. I would certainly want him on a team to rebuild America for the people. Not sure about President though.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Suzie Dawson on Julian Assange's mistreatment #FreeAssange
"Journalist have actively been involved in covering up the torture of Julian Assange."
Jill Stein on the War Machine Threatening Juli@n Ass@nge—and Us
I love this woman and will never regret voting for her. Law with compassion & common sense.
Pt1-CNN Townhall Analysis; Marianne Williamson's Medicare4All View
I hope everyone is doing their part to get Marianne Williamson to the debate stage. We want a great diversity of voices on that stage because America is doomed if we don't start thinking outside of the box.
Tulsi Gabbard On Net Neutrality, Julian Assange, And Party Unity
$17,000 spent per homeless person is crazy when a 3 wheeled collapsible electric motorized shelter could be built for less than $1,000 giving independence, mobility & safety.
The $4.2B IMF Bribe That Led To Assange's Arrest & The False Charges Aga...
The outrage is that so many are too brainwashed to rage against this!
BREAKING: The Real Reason Behind Trump's Recent Tweet Attacking Ihan Omar
The important part of that speech was that ALL of us started losing our liberty.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
EVERYONE Needs To Hear Tulsi's Recent Defense Of Ilhan Omar
This is what a Commander in Chief looks and sounds like.
What Ilhan Omar Actually Said About 9/11 w/ Abby Martin
Islamophobia is despicable! Criminals who have manipulated & controlled us with their divide & conquer techniques are laughing @ how easy it is 2 stir fear & hate in the USA.
Bernie Hasn't Spoken About Assange, Here's Why
Sen. Bernie Sanders hasn't made any comments about the arrest of Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange. Tim Black gives you the sad cold hard honest truth.
#Unity4J 25.0 Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
Reactions to Assanges eviction from embassy.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Pete Buttigieg: Real Progressive Or Corp Dem? — The Political Vigilante
Sounds like a shiny thing to help them to divide and conquer the real progressives once again.
You Aren't Supposed to Know This About Julian Assange and Wikileaks
Why are the whistle-blowers persecuted while the crimes and criminals that were exposed continue to be treated as respectable people?
Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq With Mass Displacement & Epidemic of...
A reminder of how effective these endless genocidal wars have been.
Mike Gravel on PBS - The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Want 2 get out of the grip of the Military Industrial Complex with as little bloodshed as possible? Secure the vote & Ranked choice voting B4 next election. Speed is urgent. Make a small donation 2 get Mike Gravel 2 debate stage, now.
Mike Gravel at the September 26th Debate in New Hampshire
Want 2 get out of the grip of the Military Industrial Complex with as little bloodshed as possible? Secure the vote & Ranked choice voting B4 next election. Speed is urgent. Make a small donation 2 get him 2 debate stage, now.
Mike Gravel, Nobody's Kooky Old Uncle
Want to get out of the grip of the Military Industrial Complex with as little bloodshed as possible? Secure the vote and assign positions by the number of votes received before the next election. The most votes - President, second most votes - Vice President, third - Secretary of state, etc.
Mike Gravel at the August 19th Debate in Iowa
This type of controlled debating does not give enough exposure to the candidates. We need more debates spread out over 2 years before the election. Secure the vote.
Mike Gravel - Straightening out Chris Mathews
The more I hear from this guy, the better I like him. Too bad we the people can't select all the cabinet members. We could easily do that by giving the positions to the candidates ranked by how popular they are with the people. The president would be the most popular, Vice President is the person with the next most popular votes, Secretary of State goes to the third most popular etc., etc. That way, we the people end up with a governing body that more accurately reflects the will of the people. Get rid of the gate keepers who control who gets to run and how much exposure candidates get, which then influences what the people believe. Can we secure the vote and get ranked choice voting before the next election? Otherwise we will end up with a bunch of corporate puppets who pretend that they are leading this country. I am going to make a small donation to help him get to the debate stage. Will you?
Sen. Mike Gravel on 'This is America.'
I don't know if it is my dementia or my brainwashing but I don't remember this man who fought for us without me remembering him. Time 2 listen again.
Mike Gravel - The Pentagon Papers
Here is some more on Mike Gravel. The more I hear him speak, the better I like him. Does that show how brainwashed I was back then?
Q TO MIKE GRAVEL: Did Vietnam Vets Die in vain?
Here is some more on Mike Gravel. The more I hear him speak, the better I like him. Does that show how brainwashed I was back then?
Q TO MIKE GRAVEL: Did Vietnam Vets Die in vain?
Here is some more on Mike Gravel. The more I hear him speak, the better I like him. Does that show how brainwashed I was back then?
Assange Arrested for Exposing U.S. War Crimes - Paul Jay
The National Security is a real danger to all of us.
Assange Arrested for Exposing U.S. War Crimes - Paul Jay
The National Security is a real danger to all of us.
Mike Gravel rates Democratic Party opponents
Looking Back for a better perspective. He is addressing corporate America.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Big Think Interview with Mike Gravel
Now that we have Tulsi in the debates, I've decided to check out some of the other people running. This man sounds very interesting and I watched the young gay mans ad. These two sound like they could bring quality and diversity to the debates. If you can afford to support these two I think it would make the debates exciting.
Jesse Ventura: ‘We learned of U.S. war crimes because of Assange, WikiLe...
There are no laws that support what our un-elected, illegal, secret government is doing to Assange or Manning. They are afraid that Assange exposing the truth will wake the people and a woke people would overthrow these genocidal crooks.
Julian Assange In Custody And Trump Suffering From Amnesia?
A real court would throw Assange's case out!
Jesse Ventura defends Assange, attacks Bush and Cheney
This is how it sounds when you dare to speak the truth.
Bernie's Deafening Silence On Julian Assange
I love Bernie although I feel that when the best results would be achieved with a knockout blow, he often pulls his punches. This makes me wary of trusting him in the position of President. So the response to the arrest of Assange is a perfect example of Bernie's response being weak compared to the very Presidential response of Tulsi Gabbard.
Tulsi Gabbard Reacts To Julian Assange Arrest — The Political Vigilante
This is how I want my president to respond.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
NPV's & Tulsi Gabbard's Thoughts About Julian Assange
Tulsi Gabbard is still sounding like my Commander in Chief.
WEB EXCLUSIVE: Julian Assange Arrested!
This is the moment where history changes. Will you stand up for truth?
Julian Assange of WikiLeaks Arrested in London; Faces U.S. Charge Relate...
I am thinking that as all of these old corrupt elite die off, that ADOS, Native Americans as well as the victims of their genocidal wars should work together to put a lien against their assets. When I say elites I mean like those who have big secret meetings, plotting and planning on how to rape and pillage our Sacred Earth and HER Sacred People. Their ill gotten riches should be used to help heal the victims of their atrocities. And their victims include political prisoners! Assanges' lawyers need to think about doing that to cover the costs of defending him. Do not kid yourself, just because they are saying that they will not surrender Julian to a country that has the death penalty, that does not mean that the country they release him to, will not turn around and send him to a country that does have a death penalty. This is the moment! The moment that will change history. Which side will you be on. I will stand on the side of truth.
BREAKING: Julian Assange Arrested on U.S. Extradition Request
This is MURDER by the TERRORIST that have stolen our government! I say MURDER because he is an innocent man who has ILLEGALLY been detained and his human rights have been violated at the behest of our criminal government! They will try him in a FAKE trial in secret where there will be no witnesses. In this FAKE trial he will not be allowed to present any real evidence to defend himself and he will be RAILROADED into jail. If the state does not openly give him a death sentence, they will make sure that he is murdered in jail. Every cop participating in this immoral crusade, is in fact, working for the DEVIL! Julian Assange has broken no laws! If you think otherwise you have NOT done your homework. Why should this matter to you and me? Other than the fact that this is completely immoral, it is the most open, blatant ignoring of every law that we claim to believe in and it is the final straw for our freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Of course, we haven't had a free press since we allowed the rich to turn the press into a corporation years ago. Too bad the citizens did not spirit him away to a safer country after he took up asylum at the embassy. This makes me so angry that if I could turn into the Hulk and tear down where they are holding him with my bare hands, I would. We live in an upside down world where the criminals fill the jails with political prisoners and poor people who are often completely innocent, just like many of the people the cops murder, are completely innocent. What a corrupt world we are leaving our great grandchildren!
Call of Duty Predicts Venezuela Blackouts, Allison Mack’s Sex Cult, & Fi...
Sounds like our government is using the genius of children, to plan their real life wars. By setting the children up to solve the real life war situation, in a simulated game environment!
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Obama Rips Progressives As Purists - Here’s Why
They are still pushing Russiagate, just another version.
Tuesday, April 09, 2019
Lee Camp on the irony that those allegedly protecting freedom are the on...
.Wonderful discussion about how important it is to search for truth and not get so angry with those who don't agree with us.
The Thom Hartmann Program (Full Show) - 4/09/19
Those in office are not even pretending to respect the law anymore. We must stop this!
Emboldened by Mueller Report, Trump Stages Border Drama
I feel like I've stepped into a bizarre world where the people who should be in jail for life are suddenly ruling the world.
Who Are the Real Terrorists? Trump Intensifies Economic War Against Iran...
This means, as we have long suspected, it is our own corrupt leaders who are the REAL TERRORIST OF THE WORLD!
WATCH: Barr's quick turnaround of Mueller summary 'more suspicious than ...
I don't know where their heads are at but it is obvious that their concern is not with the people.
Monday, April 08, 2019
John Kiriakou calls on his experience with the CIA in discussing Julian ...
The World is Upside Down - Educate about Jury Nullification -
#Unity4J - #Tulsi4CommanderinChief
#Unity4J - #Tulsi4CommanderinChief
Ray McGovern - Why Julian Assange is being silenced - #ProtectJulian
The World is Upside Down
#Unity4J - #Tulsi4CommanderinChief
Sunday, April 07, 2019
EMERGENCY #ProtectJulian Online Vigil (Part 5) featuring dozens of top w...
This is live now. 10:35 on 4/7/2019
EMERGENCY #ProtectJulian Online Vigil featuring dozens of top whistleblo...
How long will we avert our eyes and allow evil to kill our prophets? I wish they would cut these jewels into smaller segments because it is hard to take in this much valuable information in one sitting. Not to mention that we would draw more attention to what evil is perpetuating upon our moral heroes if we had more individual videos to share. How about a compilation of the hardest hitting TRUTHS that this moral army is sharing?
Saturday, April 06, 2019
EMERGENCY #ProtectJulian Online Vigil featuring dozens of top whistleblo...
He is being treated like a prisoner. It is sounding dire. Will you stand on the side of truth?
Shut the Fuck Up-The Biden Whitewash Edition, April 6, 2019
I agree with this rant. We are where we are today because so many people do not have the backbone to call out their own team members. Time to find our moral compass.
PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode April 6, 2019
Bomb the crap out of countries and then hate on the people fleeing for their lives. Wonder what evil mastermind dreamed up this he77!
The Constant In-Fighting Distracts From Tulsi Gabbard's Issue Oriented C...
More on the human killing machine.
~239~ Peak Corruption Revealed, Snowden Docs Hidden, Green Energy Cheape...
“Organized human murder machines” which, I add, are committing genocide everywhere using many methods. They use not only bombs and sanctions but homelessness, poisoned water, lack of health care and more.
The Invisible People: France’s Yellow Vest Revolt Against Macron & Elite...
"They control the media and they are lying about us." Sounds like there is a world wide evil cabal that is working to bring about oppression and control of the people, this includes the USA. Remember that when you focus on controlling others, your doing the will of this evil cabal.
Friday, April 05, 2019
Update On Emergency Condition Of Julian Assange | Ecuador Claims Reports...
#Unity4J Stop this abuse of power. #FreeJulianAssange
Thursday, April 04, 2019
Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 4, 2019
Democrats are complaisant with Republicans in allowing the orange menace to destroy this country. This is why they did not impeach him when he did not divest himself from his businesses or reveal his tax returns at the very beginning of this fiasco. They have been allowing this unethical administration to act like a bull in a china shop during this entire time. This is why democrats oppose real progressives because all of these corporate tools are he77 bent on destroying the last traces of what is left of our country. These corrupt politicians secretly sold our country out in 1871. Now they are ready to come out of hiding to let the people know who the real bosses are.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Ride the Fucktardis Edition, April 3, 2019
I lost respect for half the population when they elected old 'grab them by the pu$$y'. I knew the 'your team' versus 'my team' was just to keep the peons entertained but this hypocritical support for old 'hands roaming freely' not only shows the hypocrisy of the other half of the population but shows that the elite of either team will never be held accountable by either party. Frankly my support for either party is on it's last gasp. If we don't pass Tulsi Gabbards bill that requires paper ballots before this next election, I will not bother to vote in this rigged game again.
Wednesday, April 03, 2019
Tuesday, April 02, 2019
Bernie Sanders CRUSHES With 900,000 Donations in 41 Days; Aaron Mate Int...
Bernie Sanders CRUSHES With 900,000 Donations in 41 Days; Aaron Mate Int...
Another genocide brought to you by your government.
Another genocide brought to you by your government.
Tulsi Takes On Monsanto & Religious Bigotry
The more I hear her speak, the more I am convinced that #TulsiGabbard is perfect 4 Commander_in_Chief.
Finland Politely Schools Nikki Haley On Socialized Medicine
But, but, but this does not fit in with our brainwashing!
TULSI 2020: Tulsi Gabbard Presidential Campaign, The ALOHA Launch - Live...
Living at the bottom, bottom of the rainbow.