Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Mike Gravel - Straightening out Chris Mathews

The more I hear from this guy, the better I like him. Too bad we the people can't select all the cabinet members. We could easily do that by giving the positions to the candidates ranked by how popular they are with the people. The president would be the most popular, Vice President is the person with the next most popular votes, Secretary of State goes to the third most popular etc., etc. That way, we the people end up with a governing body that more accurately reflects the will of the people. Get rid of the gate keepers who control who gets to run and how much exposure candidates get, which then influences what the people believe. Can we secure the vote and get ranked choice voting before the next election? Otherwise we will end up with a bunch of corporate puppets who pretend that they are leading this country. I am going to make a small donation to help him get to the debate stage. Will you?


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