Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

The First 2020 Debate?

Republicans OUTRAGED At Their Own Conspiracy Theory

Republicans OUTRAGED At Their Own Conspiracy Theory

Right, common people have been subject to police abuse for years!

BREAKING: "It's About Oil Again.." Tulsi SLAMS Establishment W/ Tweet Ab...

AOC Leads Progressive TAKEOVER Of The Banking Committee

I would not hold my breath but Bernie Sanders did change the conversation with his outspokenness, so maybe. At the very least, she is putting forth the progressive message in a way that is also changing the conversation. They will try to win her over, bribe her, corrupt her, blackmail her or heaven forbid, do a JFK on her. I am sure she is aware of this. I think the elite think that they are putting these greenhorns where they can control them. I hope she shocks the heck out of them. This problem is so big that I support everyone who has the courage to tackle it, no matter what method they choose to fight it.

BREAKING - Fox News Viewers Agree W/ Ocasio-Cortez On Taxes!

BREAKING - Fox News Viewers Agree W/ Ocasio-Cortez On Taxes!

Wall Street's Only 2020 Fear Is Bernie Or Warren

Chris Cuomo Stuns With Educated Venezuela Take

US Sanctions Are Killing Venezuelans: UN Expert Says

What is fair for one should be fair for all.

Kamala Harris "Unburdened" Speech Implies Slavery Doesn't Matter

Roland Martin is shocked Black America is saying no to Kamala Harris

Roland Martin is shocked Black America is saying no to Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Changes Medicare For All Position in 24 Hours

BREAKING: Kamala Walks Back Medicare 4 All Comments In Less Than 24hrs

It certainly cast doubt about her sincerity for me.

Military Spending | January 30, 2019 Act 2 | Full Frontal on TBS

This Mom Gave Her Baby to This Rent-a-Car Employee. What Happened Next? ...

Utah UFO's Speed Finally Calculated (*Backed by Math) and It's Shocking

Shut the Fuck Up-The Crux of the Problem Edition, January 30, 2019

We spend money like this and then wonder why we have a homeless problem? That is if you bother to think about the extreme financial disparity in our world at all

AOC Just Schooled Sarah Sanders On The Bible

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Allan Nairn: Trump’s Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams Is a War Criminal Wh...

Why Tulsi Gabbard Brings Something Critical to 2020 Table

Has a good track record 4 us so Israel is hating on her.

BREAKING: Israel Lobbying Group Threatens Tulsi Gabbard

Can't have Russia interfering with America, based on rumors. But we not only allow Netanyahu to openly interfere, by bypassing our President to address congress, but by telling us who to vote for and now they have our treasonous representatives pass a law that violates our constitution and denies us freedom of speech. I knew if they got by with violating Julian Assange's human rights that they would become emboldened to do even worse. #Unity4J We should try them all for treason.

Senate Quietly Passes Anti-BDS Bill, Bolton's "5000 Troops To Colombia" ...

The criminals in office just voted our right to free speech away and agreed to continue paying ransom to a foreign country that has openly been committing genocide on the Palestinians while stealing their land. How is it that a foreign country controls our country so completely that they can violate our constitution? We need to try everyone who voted for this for treason. We knew this was coming because they got by violating Julian Assange's human rights and many other whistle blowers rights as well. Research the Act of 1871. We have had traitors in charge for awhile.

Noam Chomsky on Mass Media Obsession with Russia & the Stories Not Being...

This is a little late but it is IMPORTANT enough to share again. Especially note that tRump applied the government of Ireland to build a wall to protect his golf course from rising seas due to climate change. All while he pretends to be in denial to keep his base happy.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Remarks at 2011 Boston University Martin Luther...

Jet Stream Breakdown Puts 66m Americans at Risk – Tomorrow

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Vanessa Beeley Interview - Yellow Vests, Police Violence & The Suppressi...

It is all about the abuse of the people by the oligarchs, as it always is.

U.S. Court of Appeals Hears Oral Arguments in Attkisson v. Dept. of Just...

AOC: A World With Billionaires Is Immoral

AOC at the very least, is shining a spotlight on the complete lack of morality that exists in our leaders and how our world is functioning!


As the criminals in control of our government, topple other governments to steal their resources. Petty thieves get jailed while those who master mind genocide and robbery on a world wide scale are allowed to claim the right to rule the world. This does not mean that I agree with everything in their constitution.


The evidence that 5G technology is harmful mounts.

FBI Makes Stunning Admission On Fox News

Another example of how the conservatives reverse the truth and convince their minions that the media and government are all left  leaning.

Superintendent Charged For Helping Student Get Healthcare

How can you preach morality to the world when your own words and actions prove that you have no concept of what morality is? Oh that's right, we live in a country that has actively stolen other countries resources and overthrown their governments for as long as we have existed. We have elected deeply flawed leaders with no moral compass and maybe that is a reflection of how deeply flawed we really are ourselves.

Starbucks Billionaire Launches Out-Of-Touch Presidential Campaign.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Trump Wants Literacy Classes

This is why we really don't want the Bible taught in public schools. I mean other than it actually violates our constitution.

Democrats Plans To Water Down Med4All

When you think your vote matters in THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Stealing from you since 1871. It is why we pay taxes with no law on the books to make it legal.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Deal Breaker Edition, January 28, 2019

When you think your vote matters in THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

VLTV Exclusive Deborah Tavares & Alexandra JB Part 3 of 3

This sounds unbelievable but it is all well documented facts. Listen while you still can.

Roger Stone Indicted in Mueller Probe

Roger Stone Indicted in Mueller Probe

Sunday, January 27, 2019

George Clooney on the Life and Career of Edward R. Murrow: Good Night an...

Another US "Interim Government" Coup, This Time In Venezuela

"U.S. Plot In Venezuela FAILING" Says Caracas Reporter

How is it that we don't learn from what we have done over and over again?

Venezuela Propaganda Debunked - People Are Against Coup

When you have no moral ground to stand on, always reverse the truth. Then repeat it often so that the gullible will believe it.

Good Night, and Good Luck: Edward Murrow Speech

A movie that describes a period when the evil in the world hire PR firms to convince the gullible that down is up. They have no moral ground to stand on so they steal the cloak of morality from their victims and confuse the masses, convincing the masses to work against their own best interests. It is happening again. It is important to know your history or we will endlessly repeat it.

The Richie Allen Show - Friday January 25th 2019

Venezuela Green Lights Russia To Its Mine Gold, Two Days Later Trump Ini...

Mars Artifacts Martain Monoliths And Surface Anomalies

Microbial life has been found on Mars. It has not been officially announced because - - - religion.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

HERE WE GO.. Is It Coming From ABOVE Or BELOW?

Shut the Fuck Up-The Venezuela #Libertad Edition, January 24, 2019


~229~ The Truth About NATO, Venezuela Chaos, New Age of Censorship

Time to 'appoint' new leaders around the world. I support Julian Assange for President of the USA.

Democrat Opposes Venezuelan Coup - Smeared As Russian

Why does THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, est. 1871, care about Venezuela? IDK -- OIL?

Attempted Coup in Venezuela with Abby Martin, Greg Wilpert, Paul Jay

As usual, it is all about the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES, established in 1871, thinking that they have the right to steal the resources of another country. The USA is exploiting the existing problems of Venezuela for the rich oil companies that have contributed to the capture of our own country.

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Political Theater of Roger Stone and Kamala Harris & The Human Cost ...

[140] Censored Art With Renowned Cartoonist Mr. Fish

Edward Snowden’s Lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck on the Global Fight for Human Ri...

Snowden and Assange are both very important heroes who have risked their lives to get the truth out to the people. Both are paying a very high price for their high moral standards and courage in exposing the evil that controls the world in secret. Thanks to Assange, Snowden is in better shape than Assange himself. We must figure out how to expose this evil and FREE Assange and free Snowden to safely come home. Unity4J​

Jake Tapper Complains Income Equality is a "Radical" Idea

Top U.S. & World Headlines — January 25, 2019

Code Pink is on the right side, as usual.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez DESTROYS Sarah Huckabee Sanders on the Bible an...

That separation of church and state seems to be getting pretty thin. Especially when you know that our country was sold back to London in 1871 and that London is a permanent vassal of the Vatican.

Protest Erupts Outside Mitch McConnell's Office

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Right-Wing Committed Every Extremist Murder In 2018

Far right extremism equals violence and death.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Kamala Harris' Voting Record Examined

It is imperative to do your homework and look at the whole picture.

SHOCKER: FBI Admits Sabotaging Progressive Politicians As Policy!

(Right on.)

Jesuits; Rulers of Evil. Part I

By living in denial, not having the courage to research and face the truth, we are allowing this evil to thrive. Evil thrives with secrets and lies.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Jesuits; Rulers of Evil. Part I

Jesuit World Order Games; Rope-a-Dope-Pope and "The Donald", A Recap

Talks about 1933 just as the nun does that I just posted. These people have done their homework.

Ex Nun Exposes Jesuits and Shares Remedies AN URGENT CALL TO ALL AMERICANS

Talks about 1933.

Honest Government Ad | Amnesia Day

they are always telling us first...

To create a world that is peaceful & safe 4 yourself & your loved ones, you must create that kind of atmosphere 4 everyone. How do you know which side is right & which side is wrong? It is as simple as evaluating, does this belief or action make others feel intimidated? Do my actions or words make others feel that they are in danger of suffering violence by me or by the group that I support.

MLK Day Special: Rediscovered 1964 King Speech on Civil Rights, Segregat...

Do you want to live in a world that is peaceful and safe? In order to create safety for yourself and your loved ones, you must create that kind of atmosphere for everyone. How do you know which group is right and which beliefs are wrong? It is really as simple as evaluating, does this belief or action make others feel intimidated? Do my actions or words make others feel that they are in danger of suffering violence by me or by the group that I support?

Israel Attacks Syria Twice In 24 Hours & US Troops And SDF Attacked In S...

MAGA vs. Native Americans Confrontation: What Really Happened?

Monday, January 21, 2019

Greatest Ongoing USA Financial Scam in Modern History ~ The CAFR Reports

Never believe that our CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is broke. It is all a scam.


Hypocrite much?

Paradise Lost # 67 ~ Victims Speak ~ We Were Not Allowed to Evacuate !!!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

LV Sunday LIVE Clip Roundup - Trump’s Bad Deal? - Alec Baldwin, Rudy Giu...

Rand Paul Goes To CANADA For Surgery!

Can You Change Your Life In 24 Hours - Eckhart Tolle

George Orwell's Final Warning - "Don't Let It Happen"

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 19, 2019, #180 ( Dane Wi...

For all the naysayers, how do you explain this?

Here's How an Anti-Bernie Sanders Bot Network Works

Anderson Cooper STUNNED Americans Have to Ration Medicine

Shocking Police Brutality at Yellow Vests Protests


Saturday, January 19, 2019

Shut the Fuck Up-The 'Opinions Are Like Assholes' Edition, January 19, 2019

This homeless problem is an ongoing, in your face genocide and we really need to raise he77 to bring attention to that. Another thing they desperately need are sleeping bags. Buy them cheap from thrift stores keep them in your car to hand out when you see them out in the weather.

'Trump GETS HUMILIATED After Trump Offers Immigration Compromise To End ...


'Trump GETS HUMILIATED After Trump Offers Immigration Compromise To End ...

When you aren't representing the people and are only interested in a power grab for yourself. This is what a bully does and this is not about democracy, it is about destroying democracy.

Mitch McConnell Proves He’s A POS

I agree.

The good guys, the bad guys (French yellow-vest)

Christopher Bollyn at the Open Mind Conference 2016

The Left Case Against the EU (1/2)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Too "Radical" for Republican-Lite Harry Reid

Americans See Themselves In Debt Forever - New Poll

Jimmy reveals that 150 million people are out on strike. He points out that our corporate owned mainstream media isn't covering it. Have they covered the yellow jacket protests in France or Brexit? Seems 2 me the hidden hand knows that they can only control a limited number of slaves & the population is expanding faster than they can kill us off with their genocidal wars. Their solution seems 2 me 2 be 2 abuse the slaves 2 the point that they rebel which gives them an excuse 2 openly genocide all of us.

Friday, January 18, 2019

AOC’s First Speech Breaks CSPAN Record For Views

Airline Trolls Racists With Hilarious Ad

So funny, in a sad sort of way.

Cohen Rigged Polls Before Election

This is how they manipulate and brainwash people. This is what happens when you don't take the time to actually research both sides. This has worked for centuries. We have a tiny window of opportunity to break free but you must put facts and truth above party loyalty to see the light.

70% Of House Republicans Vote Against Trump & Side With Dems

A Coup in Progress? Venezuelan Foreign Minister Decries U.S. & Brazil-Ba...

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Video Addressing LGBTQ Community

Shut the Fuck Up-The "Who Brought the Muzzle?" Edition, January 18, 2019

"Nobody in Washington is held accountable. Ever. They protect each other. Get a clue." And until that changes, nothing will change.

Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Discusses the Case for Trump’s Impeachment

NO, we do not have free and FAIR elections and I refuse to give my consent to a mafia ruling CORPORATION to extract ransom a thousand ways at home and commit genocide abroad

The FAA Is Forcing Silence On Workers And Someone PLEASE Help Rudy Giuli...

Tulsi Gabbard Smears Debunked

Tulsi Gabbard sounds pretty good to me. It is still too early to make a decision and we will need to check her blood lines to see if the elite will approve of her but ... LOL

Thursday, January 17, 2019

[139] Rebelling Against Human Extinction w/ Rory Varratos

[139] Rebelling Against Human Extinction w/ Rory Varratos

Scientists Warn of Health Effects Washington DC Council 5G Small Cell Ro...

The Daily Dose-Agents of Mass Corruption Rule Us, January 17, 2019

I totally agree with you. I love what AOC says and I do like and share her comments because what she is saying needs to spread among the people but I have no illusions that one or a dozen people can change this corrupt system. It is so corrupt that we can fully expect them to use AOC to herd the people back into the corral to be slaughtered, just like they used Bernie. We need one person, one vote literally. No gerrymandering, no my state voted this way and then the state is counted. No we need one person one vote for the entire country. Voting should be counted three different ways. First by computer which prints out two hard copy receipts with a machine count and a hand count of the hard copies. All three methods must match for the vote to be valid. Everyone who represents us should have their sponsors clearly displayed along with the amount received during all debates so that we know who they have sold their souls to. Their statements should be fact checked and they should be punished for lying to the public, if their statements are not true. Separation of church and state and tax the churches just like the rest of us. No duel citizens in the government. Break up all corporations or convert them into employee owned businesses. One set of laws that apply to both rich and poor. They are trying to appoint a judge right now that will not say that he will protect freedom of speech or the press. And I bet the Democrats let this happen. We need to get rid of all of these organizations that are willing to murder for this CORPORATION that we have been fooled into believing is our government. At a minimum at least get rid of the top 5 or six ranks because they commit the violence for the deep state. We need to do that ASAP. Resist in all the ways that you dare to.

The Richie Allen Show - Thursday January 17th 2019

NWO is attempting to exert their control openly. Some counties aren't fooled & are resisting. USA still sleeping.

Western Media Blackout! Paris Week 9 Revealed

Destroying speed cameras that belong to corporations, what a great idea!

Shut the Fuck Up-The Scum Also Rises Edition, January 17, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Doing Her BEST To Trigger Trump

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Mueller Will NOT Charge Collusion Says ABC News

Millionaire Tells Ocasio-Cortez To “Sit Down! & Learn Something!”

I love Whoopie but she has been rich so long that she is completely out of touch with the common people. Therefore she gets upset about Ocasio-Cortez  speaking up for those of us that our rich ruling class have been ignoring for generations.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

War! The Worst Genocide the Planet has Ever Known, Deborah T

Government documents that reveal their plan for us. You can be an ostrich or you can be a warrior. The choice is yours.

The Killers - Land Of The Free

Depopulation Agenda, the Flu & Intesified Chemtrail Vaccine Spraying Wor...

If it is free from a government that always caters to those who put profits before people, be very wary of what their motivation really is.

New Poll: Trump Losing Fight Over Border

LA Teachers Strike Happening for Right Reasons

Who's Afraid of AOC?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Has Corporate Democrats ENRAGED

Trump's STUPIDEST Mistake?

A secret meeting, with no witnesses sure sounds treasonous to me. Frankly I am at a point that all governments are nothing but mafia, robbing the people for their handlers.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — January 14, 2019

Will Trump’s AG Pick William Barr Face Questions over Gitmo, Mass Incarc...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — January 15, 2019

Ron Paul: Bolton should be fired, Pompeo is 'insubordinate'

I say that the top 5 layers of all of the military, alphabet agencies and police should all be fired. By the time they have reached these high ranks they have sold their soul to the deep state. If we want to break the control of the deep state we must get together as a people and clean house. At the very least they should all be investigated and tried for crimes against the people.

Shut the Fuck Up-The "Am I Speaking in Tongues?" Edition, January 15, 2019

I've looked at this from up and down, near and far and all around, It is the illusion that we all have, that some one else will have our backs and never let us down. (Sorry, an old tune was stuck in my head.) I have come to the conclusion that government itself is the problem. We have the technology today for us to have a direct decision making process that completely eliminates the controlling class. If we don't wake up and wrist the power away from this mafia that forces us to pay ransom to them while they systematically destroy us, we may all go extinct.

Boss of the Swamp says "Something ain't right" (Mirror) #geoengineering ...

Don't assume that your government is going to solve these problems because they are much more likely to be the ones who are responsible for causing the problems.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Game is Afoot Edition, January 14, 2019

I agree. It is easy to fake, for your base, that you support a popular issue when you know for a fact that there is no way that it will ever be passed into law. This "fakery" happens all of the time and has been happening for generations. That is one of the many reasons that so many people have realized that the Democratic party is hardly any better than the Republicans. The Democrats still talk in a way that pleases their base but they act like their leaders were sent in a Trojan horse directly from the Republican party.

Monday, January 14, 2019

What's Really Going Down in Paris?

How the powers that be infiltrate and sabotage a legitimate movement. They set agent provocateurs into the crowd to damage property and give the police an excuse to perpetrate violence on the legitimate protesters. They set up false leaders to take charge of the movement. The first clue being that the person they are setting up to claim leadership, via all the newspaper coverage here, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I would never tell someone not to organize on the street protests. They have an important role to play. All I am saying is these kind of movements have been studied, infiltrated and sabotaged for centuries. Be warned and never put all your eggs into one basket. Listen to your inner guide and figure out what you and your friends can do outside of walking around in big herds that can be moved around like a herd of cattle or sheep by cowboys. If I were young and had some able bodied friends I would want to disable all of their spy cameras. Another project that I would want to do is get a group of friends to help me design a portable, lightweight, collapsible tiny shelter on a bike or three wheeler. I would want it designed to catch and save rainwater, have a shower that might fold down into a sofa when not being used as a shower with a potty of some sort. It needs to have solar power for lights, heating, cooking and refrigeration. Truck stops sell big ice chest that work as tiny refrigerators. I would want to put a CB into each one so the houseless could communicate, organize and keep track of each other as well as alerting their community when there are reasons that an alert would be needed. I have even watched videos where it was set up to grow their own garden vegetables hydroponically. Since I am not able bodied I plan to buy a few sleeping bags from goodwill, socks and gloves to hand out to those who are out in the winter with no shelter. I am sharing these ideas for those who keep asking what the plan is. The plan is to come up with your own plan and share your ideas so people can figure out where they want to participate. #Free Julian Assange. #Unity4J  Deb Della Piana​


As to your statement above, "Seeking to avoid extradition to Sweden over sexual assault allegations, Assange has remained at the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012." You should also clarify that the charges were not made by the women involved but by the state. And we all know how trustworthy any state is. Also, those charges have been dropped. This is a battle between good and evil and sadly evil has the upper hand in this situation.

“Dystopian, creepy” surveillance of Assange in embassy - Cassandra Fairb...

Julian Assange, surrounded by evil that controls his every move, stands strong as a warrior for good.

Anti-BDS Bill Gets THIRD Vote In Senate While House Seeks To Force An "A...

Know who you can not speak against, know who owns you.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

This Major Political Idea Is Spreading Like A Fire

Front line coverage of protest movement in France. You won't see this on corporate owned mainstream media.

~227~ Russiagate False Flag Exposed, Town Bans Politicians, Mumia Shocker

Vote for no politicians in 2020. I love that idea.

~227~ Russiagate False Flag Exposed, Town Bans Politicians, Mumia Shocker

Vote for no politicians in 2020. I love that idea.

BUSTED: US Found Using Russian Tactics

The USA did it first and the real progressives told you about it first so this is an I told you so.

The Children Living in the Sewers of Mongolia's Cities (2001)

I can remember a time in America when I would read stories about the beggars in India and I thought it was appalling. Now we do this in America so this is not the result of socialism because capitalism is not doing any better. This is what happens when we allow the parasitic elite of both systems to rob the people of all wealth while creating so many rules for everyone to live by that people are not free to build their own shelters as they would in nature if they did not have mafia bosses forcing them to constantly move and not construct their own shelter.

"We Don't Take Orders From Bolton" Says US Military As US Syria Withdraw...

Micro mobile shelter (revisited)

Everyone needs a sacred place.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

"More Than 100,000" Yellow Vests Protest in France #GiletsJaunes #ActeIX

Kamala Harris Supporters ATTACK Jordan on Twitter

Trump: "Illegals Have Best Vehicles You Can Buy”

When tRump lies like that, he deserves to be ridiculed like this. LOL

Shut the Fuck Up-The Mental Midget Voting Edition, January 12, 2019

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 12, 2019, #179 ( Dane Wi...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's PERFECT Response To Loser Joe Lieberman

I am not a big fan of the idea of changing the corrupt party from within. I don’t believe that will work but this problem is so big that I support anyone attacking the problem in any way they can. Still the more I hear her speak, the more I am loving it.

The Richie Allen Show - Wednesday January 9th 2019

Wednesday January 9th 2019

This is also what I think about tRump.

Vaxx Propaganda in Overdrive as Vaccine/Autism Link Confirmed - #NewWorl...

The Daily Dose-Changing the Landscape, January 11, 2019

America where every boss has the power of a king over their employees and then we are brainwashed into believing that we are free. All while they extract wealth from us with every new law that limits our freedom. Every tax, every fine, fee and permit you pay feeds the parasites at the top. Then we wonder why those we surrender our authority to ends up corrupt and abusive. The system itself is designed so that you are either the abuser or the victim. I quit having a phone when people started carrying their phones with them and put what little money I have into a credit union when our corrupt government was allowing the oil companies to abuse the native Americans. Keep up the good fight, resist in every way you possibly can.

Ron Paul: Deep State ‘more powerful than presidents’

Are Americans waking up? Finally?

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Richie Allen Show - Thursday January 10th 2019

We have been warned repeatedly. Until you do the research and get your mind around the unimaginable evil that we are dealing with, you will remain a sheep. Failure to research this and educate yourself only guarantees your destruction.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez DESTROYS Sean Hannity

Thursday, January 10, 2019

[139] Mumia Abu-Jamal's Road to Freedom w Rachel Wolkenstein

THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has been committing systematic, covert and even blatant GENOCIDE against black people ever since they secretly stole our government in 1871.

Pelosi Blatantly Lies About Med4All At Town Hall

“It’s coming, the f#@king yellow vests are coming!”

Shut the Fuck Up-The Big Pharma Mindless Sheep Edition, January 10, 2019

Harald Kautz Vella​ on Extreme Dangers of 5G

A scientist explains what our government is capable  of doing with lazer technology and how that relates to the California fires.

The Richie Allen Show - Tuesday January 8th 2019

This video has information that is new to me and some new and insightful explanations for other issues that I was aware of. Worth watching.

First Nations Pipeline Protest: 14 Land Protectors Arrested as Canadian ...

This is SHAMEFUL! Honor our treaties. We have done centuries of genocide, robbery and worse to the original peoples. We do not need to continue the abuse of these people just because our forefathers were greedy, ignorant and chose to ignore their rights.

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

The New Yorker Scaremongers Over Pot - Not Kidding

Trust your government folks. It is not like they have ever lied to us or passed any laws that harm us or killed any innocent people. You might believe that crap if you are thoroughly brainwashed.

Shut the Fuck Up-The National Psychosis Edition, January 9, 2019

Longtime Reporter Leaves NBC Saying Media Is “Trump Circus” That Encoura...

Shut the Fuck Up-The Ugly American Edition, January 7, 2019


Sen. Gillibrand Personally Calls Wall St. Execs For Support In 2020

5 ACTUAL National Emergencies Trump Should Declare

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

An Interabled Love Story (Intimacy and Disability)

Readers' Blog: Award Nobel peace prize to Assange

Readers' Blog: Award Nobel peace prize to Assange: Julian Assange and his colleagues in Wikileaks have shown on numerous occasions that they are one of the last outlets of true democracy.


Shut the Fuck Up-The Clown Car is Bipartisan Edition, January 8, 2019

ALERT ! Corporate Government Plans REVEAL Covert Weather Weapons and Eco...

They are enslaving us by our own lack of knowledge. Arm yourself with facts. Don't be lazy and don't believe anything that can not be proven with FACTS because disinformation is one of the tools that they use against us.

Death of the Farm Bio Tech Food Farmaceuticals PART 1

Our comstitution has ben suspended since 1933.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Shut the Fuck Up-The Trip to Reality Edition, January 6, 2019

Cenk Uygur Calls Out “Progressive Leaders” On PayGo

Pay attention to the actions of these lying politicians because we are dealing with professionals who lie about everything.

First 2019 Senate Bill Is Anti-BDS, US Syria Airstrikes Increase & Bolto...

What is happening in our government right now has nothing to do with what the American citizens want.

Sunday, January 06, 2019

Durham NC Becomes First City to Ban Training By Israeli Police and Then ...

About time!

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes

Trust your government? Only if you pay no attention to history.

Saturday, January 05, 2019

US May Stay In Syria Despite Trump Decree, Bolton Hints At Syria False F...

As Brazil’s Bolsonaro Takes Office, Opponents Warn of Regressive Policie...

Perversion of Justice: The Shocking Story of a Serial Sex Abuser & Trump...

Laws in this country are not about justice. Laws are designed to rob the
poor, jail the poor and enslave the poor. Laws do not apply to the
rich. Revolution/evolution is the only cure.

Northern California Fires-Forcing Fire Victims to Sell!!!

Share to help the victims find the help that they need.

Deborah Tavares - Smart Meters at Oathkeeperss Meeting

Protect yourself and your family by educating yourself about the dangers of smart meters.

The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters

More about these smart meters.

Shielding yourself from Smart Meter microwave radiation.

Smart meters are the newest form for controlling the population.

Federal Employees’ Union Sues Trump Administration as 420,000 Work Witho...

While dirty politicians play games, the common people are being hurt. Nothing new.

Rand Paul Smacks Down Jake Tapper On Syria

Stop the GENOCIDE that we call ‘war’ because the word ‘war’ brainwashes people into accepting mass murder.

Ralph Nader Debunks “Spoiler Vote” Shaming pt. 1

Ralph Nader has the perfect response for those who claim a third party stole votes that they were 'ENTITLED' to.

EMF Radiation Blocked! Smart Meter EMF Radiation Protection

Friday, January 04, 2019

~226~ The MOST Censored Stories of 2018


Blueprint For Radical Progressive Change From Ralph Nader pt. 3

I love Ralph Nader but he does not seem to realize that our country has been sold to the Vatican.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Pink Pink You Stink Edition, January 4, 2019

NBC’s Pro-War Journalism Exposed & A Historic Congress Begins

Thursday, January 03, 2019

British Spy Found Inside Bernie Sanders Campaign

It is a big club and we ain’t in it. But the USA can infiltrate other
governments and topple their governments and apparently other countries
can infiltrate and topple our government. Oh, that’s right we haven’t
had a legitimate government since 1871. And THE CORPORATION OF THE
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that is controlled by the Vatican and owned by
the blue bloods have the RIGHT to control any country they want to. And
they do, which is why the whole world is dealing with austerity and have
been for quite awhile. It is also why they have brainwashed us to
believe that our fake government is supposed to hide their secrets from
the people.

Michael Tellinger: Hidden Origins, Fossils of Giants and the Shift in Co...

Because, once you've heard it, you can never un-hear it.

Shut the Fuck Up-The Vast Green Wing Conspiracy Edition January 2, 2019

Shut the Fuck Up-The Clueless in America Edition, January 3, 2019

Donors support both parties about the same. They know both parties are about the same.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Michael Tellinger Exposes the Hidden Controllers of Mankind