Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Monday, January 14, 2019

What's Really Going Down in Paris?

How the powers that be infiltrate and sabotage a legitimate movement. They set agent provocateurs into the crowd to damage property and give the police an excuse to perpetrate violence on the legitimate protesters. They set up false leaders to take charge of the movement. The first clue being that the person they are setting up to claim leadership, via all the newspaper coverage here, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I would never tell someone not to organize on the street protests. They have an important role to play. All I am saying is these kind of movements have been studied, infiltrated and sabotaged for centuries. Be warned and never put all your eggs into one basket. Listen to your inner guide and figure out what you and your friends can do outside of walking around in big herds that can be moved around like a herd of cattle or sheep by cowboys. If I were young and had some able bodied friends I would want to disable all of their spy cameras. Another project that I would want to do is get a group of friends to help me design a portable, lightweight, collapsible tiny shelter on a bike or three wheeler. I would want it designed to catch and save rainwater, have a shower that might fold down into a sofa when not being used as a shower with a potty of some sort. It needs to have solar power for lights, heating, cooking and refrigeration. Truck stops sell big ice chest that work as tiny refrigerators. I would want to put a CB into each one so the houseless could communicate, organize and keep track of each other as well as alerting their community when there are reasons that an alert would be needed. I have even watched videos where it was set up to grow their own garden vegetables hydroponically. Since I am not able bodied I plan to buy a few sleeping bags from goodwill, socks and gloves to hand out to those who are out in the winter with no shelter. I am sharing these ideas for those who keep asking what the plan is. The plan is to come up with your own plan and share your ideas so people can figure out where they want to participate. #Free Julian Assange. #Unity4J  Deb Della Piana​


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