Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Daily Dose-Agents of Mass Corruption Rule Us, January 17, 2019

I totally agree with you. I love what AOC says and I do like and share her comments because what she is saying needs to spread among the people but I have no illusions that one or a dozen people can change this corrupt system. It is so corrupt that we can fully expect them to use AOC to herd the people back into the corral to be slaughtered, just like they used Bernie. We need one person, one vote literally. No gerrymandering, no my state voted this way and then the state is counted. No we need one person one vote for the entire country. Voting should be counted three different ways. First by computer which prints out two hard copy receipts with a machine count and a hand count of the hard copies. All three methods must match for the vote to be valid. Everyone who represents us should have their sponsors clearly displayed along with the amount received during all debates so that we know who they have sold their souls to. Their statements should be fact checked and they should be punished for lying to the public, if their statements are not true. Separation of church and state and tax the churches just like the rest of us. No duel citizens in the government. Break up all corporations or convert them into employee owned businesses. One set of laws that apply to both rich and poor. They are trying to appoint a judge right now that will not say that he will protect freedom of speech or the press. And I bet the Democrats let this happen. We need to get rid of all of these organizations that are willing to murder for this CORPORATION that we have been fooled into believing is our government. At a minimum at least get rid of the top 5 or six ranks because they commit the violence for the deep state. We need to do that ASAP. Resist in all the ways that you dare to.


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