Aztec Human Sacrifices - An example of how an entire group of people can be brainwashed into doing horrible things. Anyone who holds a position in society that allows them to murder and harm others, needs to seriously consider what they are doing and why.
Watch Cops Seize Combat Vet's Life Savings [RARE FOOTAGE] - I knew when they passed this law that they were just trying to make it impossible for regular citizens to hold an abusive corrupt organization responsible for things that they were already doing to innocent people.
“Err… Metaverse The RELIGION Now??!” This Is SINISTER - And so the age old con (Borg) for manipulating and controlling the masses is evolving in order to strengthen it’s ability to manipulate and control the masses.
Did the CIA kill JFK? Oliver Stone on his explosive new film - I was only 14 years old and I knew at the time that what they were telling us was nothing but lies.
Maddow Beclowns Herself On Russiagate AGAIN - As one of my coworkers said, even if your wife catches you in the act, never admit your guilty! Tell her she can't trust her lying eyes because you were just helping your friend get something out of her eyes! This is a rule that the criminals, who claim they are our leaders, live by. A D I V O R C E is long overdue.
The ATF’s Police Brutality PR Tour - Maybe we should be sending our police to Norway or Iceland to be trained in how to do police work while not murdering people. Maybe we should rethink the social structure of the human race with the 1st law being thou shalt not kill. Do not kill others because you are angry. Do not kill because you are ordered to. Do not kill for profit. Do not kill for your government. Do not kill in numbers big or small. Damn it, just stop with the killing!
TYT sides w/Rittenhouse! Agrees It Was Self-Defense! - I apologize 2 Jimmy Dore. I expressed an opinion about his video, without bothering 2 watch his video, based on Kim Brown's video. I don't Hero worship Jimmy. I follow him because he is highly principled, checks his facts & makes sane, fair comments. Kim has misjudged Jimmy. I wrote that short apology for twitter who limits what can be said. I really wanted to say that after finding and watching Jimmy's video, I see that Burn it Down With Kim Brown's video was the biased video, she misjudged my highly principled friend, Jimmy Dore & I should have kept my mouth shut until I had taken the time 2 watch Jimmy's excellent, factual & fair reporting.
CANADA: COQUIHALLA HIGHWAY closed due to MUDSLIDE between Hope and Merit...Looks like a lot of money is going to be spent on climate change any way you look at it. It seems to me that an ounce of prevention would be worth a pound of cure.
THE COMING WAR ON CHINA - FULL DOCUMENTARY | John Pilger Economic Milita... This is the government that has you so brainwashed that you will be judgemental, hateful & mean towards anyone who questions the ethics & intention of this government. All upper echelons of all military, ABC Agencies & government should be tried in Nuremberg trials.
Australian War Propaganda Keeps Getting Crazier - When you have begun to awaken, all the hype designed to brainwash the sheeple into wanting a new war becomes so obvious.
Establishment Fear Mongering Children Risk From Covid - The Borg does not want you to know this. You will be assimilated. The Borg must be fed your wealth. Resistance is futile.
Pfizer Anti-Viral & Ivermectin Science Based Comparison - The Borg does not want you to know this. You will be assimilated. The Borg must be fed your wealth. Resistance is futile.
How Did an Ancient Sumerian Tablet End Up in the Hands of a Native Ameri... If they can control what you believe is true in history, they can control what you believe today.
Ghislaine Maxwell Denied Bail & Still No Mug Shot - The world is run by EVIL, thieving, murdering pedophiles. Bill Clinton, tRump and Epstein were all friends. They don't play red or blue teams among the elite.
Ilulissat Icefjord - iceberg turning over. - I'm going to be moved off of my computer a little later today, for a few days, because we are getting the entire house painted.
American Household Debt at $15 Trillion - They make the debt, lining their own pockets in the process and we are expected to pay it. If they were spending a little of that money on us, instead of murdering and robbing people in other countries, they might keep us brainwashed and silent.
Inside Puerto Rico's struggle against crippling austerity and Hurricane ...More EVIL that the mafia that controls the world is doing. But the EVIL could not do this if it were not for those who sell their souls to these EVIL forces and mindlessly obey their orders to abuse and kill their fellow humans. We need to try to wake these "Borg" up as they are the ones who give this EVIL power. Borg = police, military, alphabet agencies, the most deeply brainwashed among us.
A Prison On Earth | Alien Conspiracy Documentary - At first I wasn't going to share this. I was enjoying it like a sci-fi movie but then... see if you can figure it out.
California Covid Rate Doubles Florida! - Your letting the rich lead you around controlling you through fear, the same way a farmer leads a bull around with a ring in his nose. Even though, in reality the bull is much stronger than the farmer.
TN Judge Caught Jailing Children - Our system was set up and is ran by sick, psychotic, EVIL people. We need a summit of normal, healthy activist, designed so people at large can give their input on every issue. The people get to vote to continue to up-vote an issue or drop the issue altogether. We the People need to redesign the entire system. Crimes that do not physically or financially harm others, should NOT be crimes.
Roger Waters Reads A Statement From Steven Donziger From Prison- The whole system is corrupt to the core because it was designed by sick EVIL people. Healthy people need to design a completely new system.
India's nomads - The forgotten world of the Gadia Lohar | DW Documentary - Coming to America soon. Oh, wait, it is already here! The reason so many similar things are happening all over the world is because those that we think of as leaders of our countries are in reality merely puppets for the EVIL that controls the world. They are there to implement the wishes of the grotesquely rich, the EVIL, that is destroying our earth and her peoples. If people don’t wake in this moment, this oppression will continue for another 4 thousand years.
Biden Touts Infrastructure VICTORY. BIF Passes WITHOUT $1.75T Medicare E...I think disconnecting the bills is going to provide a flimsy excuse to do nothing.
CIA Torture Victim Publicly Reveals Abuse Details For 1st Time, Officers... There is another aspect of this idea of torturing and murdering people because your ordered to do that by your government. What does it do to the minds, souls and lives of those who just follow orders and commit these atrocities? How can you have a healthy society when so many people are forced to participate or support this kind of sick, EVIL behavior?
[251] Chris Hedges On Assange, Donziger, & The US Prison State - We are ruled by sick, psychotic, EVIL people and it shows in the harm that they do to the people they have power over.
GOP Senator CAUGHT Relaying Big Stock Tip To Family Member | Breaking Po...Some of us knew they were opening the barn doors when they were passing these laws but we were one tiny voice in the wilderness. The whole country seemed hell bent to favor the rich and oppress the poor with their stupid arguments like, the trickle down theory, corporations are people, etc., etc.
Kim Iversen: Are Unvaxxed MORE DANGEROUS Than A FIRE? 9k+ NYC Public Wor...A little bit of sanity in an insane world. We need to retire all these old murderers and thieves, clean house and rearrange and replace the old furniture that no longer serves the people.
Cops ordered him to break the law, then arrested him when he wouldn't - If you can’t control your own desire to be a little Hitler, how can you expect our leaders to curb their desire to be Hitler?
Government Secrets Ep 61 With Lee Camp - The truth is always simple and if you want the truth you should structure things simply. If you want your government to do the will of the people, pick the four candidates that have the highest votes and give them the 4 top positions in government. 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Speaker of the House and 4) Speaker of the Senate. Pluck the two party system with all of it's hidden agendas, secret deals and game rules. People would be much happier and have more confidence that their interest is being represented.
Vaxxed Just As Likely To Spread Covid As Unvaxxed - New Study - There you go. If you believe in freedom, then I don’t get to tell you what to do with your body and you don’t get to tell me what to do with my body. We have had so much brainwashing I think all of us were losing sight of what freedom means. You follow the same rule on every issue and suddenly it helps everyone to remember what freedom is. My body, my choice, is the correct answer, no matter whether your talking about babies or vaccines.
Homelessness: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! I have never understood people who want to get mad at the homeless for answering natures call the same way that they themselves do several times a day. The difference is when you are housed you have a bathroom and when your homeless you do not. But that fact does not change the fact that nature will do what nature does and the homeless are forced to deal with it the best they can. Why aren't these people getting mad at the people in power who are not providing a place for the homeless to do natures business? And that is the bare minimum that those in power should do. What money is provided to help the homeless gets siphoned off into the pockets of those who are hired to help the homeless and very little actually reaches the homeless. The homeless don't want to be treated like they are living in jail just to get poor quality help. The solution is to stop gutting the money that is supposed to help the poor, put them into housing and pay the damn rent for them until they can find a better solution for themselves. Stop paying people so poorly that they can't afford to pay rent. Blame the POWERFUL who create the problems and stop bullying and torturing the victims! Try being a GOOD person yourself.
The Belmarsh Tribunal: The War On Terror is Put on Trial - This is what the trial of Julian Assange should have sounded like if it had been conducted by decent human beings interested in real justice. Instead we had a court of murderers & thieves pretending to have a trial. A show trial where the worlds most immoral & unethical go through the motions of a trial not to achieve justice but to keep the brainwashed masses believing that all is right in the world.