Homelessness: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! I have never understood people who want to get mad at the homeless for answering natures call the same way that they themselves do several times a day. The difference is when you are housed you have a bathroom and when your homeless you do not. But that fact does not change the fact that nature will do what nature does and the homeless are forced to deal with it the best they can. Why aren't these people getting mad at the people in power who are not providing a place for the homeless to do natures business? And that is the bare minimum that those in power should do. What money is provided to help the homeless gets siphoned off into the pockets of those who are hired to help the homeless and very little actually reaches the homeless. The homeless don't want to be treated like they are living in jail just to get poor quality help. The solution is to stop gutting the money that is supposed to help the poor, put them into housing and pay the damn rent for them until they can find a better solution for themselves. Stop paying people so poorly that they can't afford to pay rent. Blame the POWERFUL who create the problems and stop bullying and torturing the victims! Try being a GOOD person yourself.
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