Monday, May 31, 2021
What Happened To JFK - The Dark Truth (FULL)
At 14 years old I knew that we were being lied to. I realized that the people in positions of power were being cowed because they were afraid of being murdered and that we had lost our legitimate government.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
A Stunning Atrocity Discovered In Canada
EVIL has controlled our world for a long time. It will stay in control as long as it can be kept a secret, the masses can be kept brainwashed and any exposures can be passed off as a few bad apples.
The Young Turks "DISGUSTING" Says Rock Legend Roger Waters
When you don’t tell the truth, it might be a bad idea to try to smear the real truth tellers!
Saturday, May 29, 2021
World's Richest Man Gets Bail Out From Government
There seems to be only one way to stop this psychotic behavior. Have you figured it out yet?
TYT STILL Pushing Conspiracy Theory About Fake Syrian Chemical Attacks
And I love seeing people have the integrity and courage to call EVIL out when it would be so much easier to go along with the brainwashed masses.
The History Channel's Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre – Creators i...
Not knowing is a choice to stay in the dark ages. EVIL thrives with secrets and lies. Don't forget that our silence allows our government to act like this in other countries in this moment.
An American Pogrom: the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre
Not knowing is a choice to stay in the dark ages. EVIL thrives with secrets and lies. Don't forget that our silence allows our government to act like this in other countries in this moment.
U.S. Marks 100th Anniversary of Tulsa Race Massacre, When White Mob Dest...
Not knowing is a choice to stay in the dark ages. EVIL thrives with secrets and lies.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Israel’s Brutality on Palestine Continues
This is what you sound like when you are telling the truth about EVIL!
Biden Betrays Promise For Student Debt Relief
When you know the secret government takes it’s orders from the Vatican, it really is not surprising to see that we are being herded towards domination, control and intolerance. Research: Act of 1871, Federal Reserve 1913, Gold act of 1933 & Empire of City States.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Jon Stewart joins Mark Takano & VA Committee to unveil new bill to provi...
How many times does a lying lover need to lie to you before you realize that they can not be trusted? How many times does it take for our government to be exposed in their lies before we as a people, wake up?
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
If UFOs are real, then what?
So interesting & full of information that I watched it 3 times. A lot of the info I studied after I saw a shooting star zig zag across the sky in my youth. He lightly covers some of our ancient recordings of these strange events. & points out how the Vatican must declare these things to be real before the world will accept it as real. You never know what topic will reveal the true hiarchical order of the world!
Monday, May 24, 2021
Sunday, May 23, 2021
What Is The Solution For Israel/Palestine? w/ Palestinian Comedian/Activ...
It seems to me, as an outsider so what do I really know, that the one state solution could work if Palestinians were guaranteed to have a minimum amount of representation in the government. Otherwise it would be the old white fathers making the rules for an unrepresented portion of the population just like it looks like they are doing now.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
SHOCKER: Biden Continues Doing Putin's Bidding
This is what happens when corporate owned mainstream media brainwashes the sheeple!
USA Declares State Of Emergency*France-Civil War Brewing?*Unifying Islam...
More pieces of the puzzle.
Did You Know The Federal Reserve Is PRIVATELY OWNED?*Your Tax $ Go To Th...
FEDERAL RESERVE ACT OF 1913 – Woodrow Wilson
This gave our banking system to private ownership. They confiscated all gold - 1933.
Research the Act of 1871 and the Empire of City States to find out the real hierarchy of who rules the world. Do your own research but it boils down to this: Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Warburg, Shiff = The Ring of Power > Rothschild Banks > Vatican > it’s permanent vassal the Crown > USA since the Act of 1871.
Friday, May 21, 2021
MOC #90 - The Pentagon Is A Money-Laundering Scheme!
Just call it what it is: It is a bunch of murderous thieves invading and toppling other governments for our big rich corporations and all of that is being covered for by a bunch of soulless puppets that don't care what they do as long as they get their cut.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Maricopa County Board ofSupervisors “No Show” For The Election Audit Hea...
This is a good example of how EVIL uses silver tongued devils to glimmer peoples minds so that they can get by with their EVIL! If your work is honest, why would you oppose an honest check of your work? The only thing that can banish EVIL is truth!
Krystal Ball: Palestinians Launch HISTORIC GENERAL STRIKE Hailed Most Si...
As we slept, EVIL Israel was murdering children! The great Satan USA not only approves this EVIL but gives them money that could be used ethically 2 end homeless here.
A Plea from Gaza: Israel Bombing Campaign Is Turning My Homeland into a ...
While most of us slept quietly, safely in our beds last night, Israel was murdering children. Israel is the epitome of EVIL. But they are not alone. The great Satan, the USA is not only holding their hand, giving them permission but the USA is giving them money to do this. Money that the USA should be using to stop their own genocide via homelessness and lack of proper medical care. What kind of soulless people live here to tolerate this EVIL. This is what you get when you keep voting for the lesser of two Evil's. You end up with EVIL! You allow EVIL to rule the world.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Steven Donziger: How Chevron Is Attacking Me For Revealing The Truth
EVIL thrives with secrets and lies.
Geraldo Defends Palestinians And Schools Fox News On The Crisis
I am starting to see Fox News actually report the truth once in awhile! I will take the truth from any source. Truth is always backed by facts that do not change no matter which team is brainwashing you!
'Israel's entire existence depends on ethnically cleansing Palestine.' R...
EVIL thrives with secrets and lies. Israel is no better than Hitler.
Israeli Soldier's Explosive Tell-All: "Palestinians are Right to Resist"
GOOD people know the truth no matter what their nationality.
AOC MTG distraction, DELETED Maricopa County files, Unholy Rome joins us...
Everyone loves to claim that Israel has the right to protect themselves from Hamas's rockets and the rocks thrown by the people with their deadly slingshots. Israel is protecting itself with one of the most advanced military's in the world, paid for largely by the USA. What about a mostly unarmed people's right to fight back as they watch the genocide of their people in an open air prison? Are they supposed to not try to fight back as Israel murders them?
Working Class Solidarity with Black Panther Rev. Annie Chambers | Interv...
We were so poor that my mom would go out and hunt rabbits to put a little meat on the table. When she couldn't get a rabbit she did use canned dog food a few times just so we had some meat in our diet.
People's Party Invites You To Nominate Your Next Congress Person
It is us against them and the time is now!
Hamas official on Israel's US-backed rampage in Gaza and Palestinian res...
GOOD says that everyone has the right to live without being abused, exploited or oppressed by others.
Former models expose the ugly truth of the beauty industry | 60 Minutes ...
When EVIL is not held accountable, it continues to get worse and creates more and more victims in whatever area it is operating in.
Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs
Sounds bizarre because the EVIL that controls us, using FEAR, has spent years brainwashing us 2 not believe it, even though it is recorded throughout history. Be afraid & prepare 2 lose even more freedom.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Monday, May 17, 2021
Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin
“If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.”
— Julian Assange
NEW: Abby Martin on Israel's War Crimes Against Palestinians
“If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.”
— Julian Assange
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Annie Jacobsen, "Operation Paperclip"
You can not make sane, sound decisions for the future if you do not have accurate information on the past.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Friday, May 14, 2021
Epic Man-Handling of Minnesota Oath-Breakers!!
I appreciate those on the front lines, fighting to protect our rights and slowing down the advance of the police state.
Saagar Enjeti: Media CAUGHT Letting Biden WH EDIT THEIR STORIES
When media quits doing it's job, democracy dies and no one knows because no one reports it. But then, didn't you suspect it when they started crucifying Assange for telling the truth about what they were doing?
Media's Pro-Israel Headlines: A Reading
And this is how mainstream media distorts their reporting of the news so anyone who only listens to mainstream media ends up brainwashed.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Republican Mythology? - Elon Musk, Chris Christie & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE...
This guy saves me hours of watching mainstream media while letting me know the highlights of what they are doing.
Canadian Lawmakers React To Israeli Strikes
There is one aggressor here and that aggressor is EVIL Israel.
Let's Talk About the Israel-Palestine Conflict | The Daily Show
That is about as gently as you can put it while still being ethical!
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Norman Finkelstein on Israel & What's happening Here
The Jewish atrocities against the Palestinians has finally gotten so bad that the silence of main stream media can not hide these atrocities from the world. For my family that I tried to educate years ago and was met with the claim that the Bible gave them permission to commit these atrocities. I was too appalled to think of a good response in the moment but after considering it, I have come to the conclusion that if you are following a religion that gives you permission to act like the devil to others, your religion is in reality an EVIL death cult, not a legitimate religion.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Israel's Barbarism Against Palestinians
The world is controlled by EVIL. The same EVIL that controls Israel, controls, France, Yemen, the USA and all areas suffering violence today are receiving their orders from the same EVIL mafia. They have divided us into all these little groups so people will not wake up to the fact that all orders creating this violence comes from the one EVIL mafia controlling the world. This EVIL mafia could give orders that would bring violence to your doorstep tomorrow if we don’t wake up and stop them.
Will the Homeless Rise Up French Revolution Style?
I'm thinking like the person who called into the program.
Sunday, May 09, 2021
Google CAUGHT Helping CIA Spy On You
Some people catch on a little bit quicker than others. Some of us don't require every i dotted and every T crossed before we see where the puzzle piece goes. I TOLD YOU THAT WE ARE RULED BY EVIL!
OUR NEW WORLD! Canada Cops Arrest Pastor in the Middle of the ROAD!
EVIL rules the world and cops, military and alphabet agencies are there to protect that EVIL. EVIL could not rule the world if these goons were not performing the EVIL actions required to keep EVIL in power.
OUTRAGEOUS: Biden Ramping Up Drug War AGAIN!
People are catching on to the EVIL mafia as government scam so they need to jail more people.
Saturday, May 08, 2021
“Nothing to Lose”: Colombians Protest “Fascist Mafia Regime” Amid Deadly...
Sounds very similar to what is happening in the US, France and other countries too. I think that the EVIL that owns and controls the world has given the orders and then each country starts implementing them with what they deem they can get by with dealing with the laws and culture in their country. The resistance needs to network with the resistance in other countries. How do you get people who are so brainwashed that they will perform the EVIL deeds for the EVIL owners to break free of this brainwashing and STOP DOING EVIL?
Government Secrets With Lee Camp Ep 40 5/7/21
Surprise, surprise! The history that we were taught in school, is a lie!
US Coast Guard In The PERSIAN GULF -- Why???
The school bully is mad because Iran put it's country in the middle of our bases!
Friday, May 07, 2021
~337~ Abolishing Prisons Is Not Crazy - Here's Why
I totally agree! Most prisoners are too poor to protect themselves from a very biased and unjust system. While we allow the real scum of the earth that is creating the worst harm in the world, we let them put on expensive suits and call them our leaders. Nobody should be too rich to jail.
[CRITICAL] "Watch Within the Next 24 hrs" - People Don't See It
I know, he was so far ahead of his time that he took the brunt of ridicule from the brainwashed masses. Not to say that everything he says is true because he has his own areas of brainwashing that he hasn’t bothered to deal with. I liked him better before I found this out, still he is right about radical non cooperation.
Thursday, May 06, 2021
From Texas to Donbas: Meet the American fighting Ukrainian fascists
I also woke up to the fact that what is really going on in the world is the classic and very real battle of GOOD versus EVIL. Evil is in control and is very skilled at fooling the poorly informed masses into believing that they are the GOOD people. It is important to realize that the only way to break free of their brainwashing is to recognize that good people do not do EVIL things. Good people can and do fight for their lives but they don't topple governments and steal other countries resources. They don't enslave others or engage in human trafficking. They don't rob, steal, murder and commit genocide. And if you are working for an agency that allows or encourages you to kill or harm innocent people when your life is not in danger then you are working for EVIL.
Medea Benjamin at General Dynamics (GD) annual general meeting.
All it takes for EVIL to rule the world is for good people to do nothing! STOP THE GENOCIDE!
This Is Getting Too Real.. Why Is Nobody Talking About This (2021)
These EVIL creeps are talking about genocide. We need to put these murderers in jail 4 life and release everyone we have jailed 4 crimes that harmed no one!
Wednesday, May 05, 2021
The Colorado Massacre & New Info On The Russian Bounties Story - Gov't S...
Another interesting story about our actual EVIL history. But shame on you if you don’t trust our Evil mafia history!
Tuesday, May 04, 2021
“Exterminate All the Brutes”: Filmmaker Raoul Peck Explores Colonialism ...
Powerful and long overdue! We can't solve today's problems if we don't understand the real history.
Monday, May 03, 2021
Sunday, May 02, 2021
Biden's Lies & AOC's GND vs The Great Reset
Ethical people, acting morally, can overthrow the EVIL that is controlling our world.
The Crimes of U.S. Presidents | Noam Chomsky
And this is just the 'known' EVIL that everyone in power either supported or looked the other way and allowed to happen. How can anyone doubt that we are ruled by EVIL!
Four Star Generals Fed Up With The Three Letter Agencies
Ethical people, acting morally, can overthrow the EVIL that is controlling our world.
Court Orders Homes For Homeless In Los Angeles
Thank goodness an ethical judge has finally stepped up to do the moral thing to STOP this GENOCIDE