Friday, April 30, 2021
They don’t make laws to control the mafia/government, they make laws to control you and me.
Krystal and Saagar: FBI CAUGHT Spying On Americans Without A Warrant, Again
They don’t make laws to control the mafia/government, they make laws to control you and me.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Should People Be Able To OWN Land?
I love this! I think land ownership is the root of all EVIL. I hope you young people wake up to this and bring about the evolution of all man/womankind. I wish I could live long enough to witness this. I honestly think that that would bring about this highly misrepresented idea of the resurrection of Jesus. It is the return of the knowledge that everything is sacred and we must start acting as if it is so, because it is.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Cops Caught Laughing Over Hurting Elderly Woman With Dementia
These thugs are hired because they have the mental attitude for bullying in the first place. If they were not being paid to terrorize people they themselves would be the ones in jail. One bad apple spoils the whole barrel. You don’t try to salvage the barrel when it gets this rotten you throw out the whole barrel and start with a new batch. Ban the police.
Monday, April 26, 2021
Professor Shuts Down BBC's Propaganda In Real Time
The truth is that we can’t call ourselves GOOD people while we allow our sick, thieving murderous leaders to do this! We really are the great Satan. Claiming ignorance of what our country is doing no longer works.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Let's stop the RACIALIZATION of everyone and everything
America missed their golden opportunity to peacefully take our country back when they followed the brainwashing of mainstream media and ignored this ethical, fair-minded leader.
Jimmy Dore & Richard Medhurst LIVE!
Biden did not exceed my expectations. He has changed nothing just as I expected him to, which is why I refused to endorse EVIL by voting for the lesser EVIL which is still EVIL.
Jimmy Dore & Richard Medhurst LIVE!
Biden did not exceed my expectations. He has changed nothing just as I expected him to, which is why I refused to endorse EVIL by voting for the lesser EVIL which is still EVIL.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
The Truth About the Waco Massacre
TRUTH! I was working as a truckdriver, listening to the reports on the radio. When they said they were moving the reporters back, I knew they planned to do something EVIL and they did not want it to be witnessed or reported. Even I had no idea just how EVIL it would turn out to be. Many years later I learned that the same tactics used here, the government also used when they bombed the M.O.V.E. House. If you trust this murdering mafia government, you are NOT paying attention.
Homeless Woman Has a Masters in Mathematics and Engineering
But for the grace of God / Goddess, that would be me.
PV Migrant Children Sex Abuse Covered Up By Military
EVIL thrives with secrets and lies. This EVIL happens when GOOD people do nothing!
Friday, April 23, 2021
Saagar Enjeti: MILLIONS Turn Off Mainstream News As New Journalism Rises
It should be illegal for public figures to lie to the public! Ninety percent of Americas problems would disappear if politicians and journalists had to spend a year in jail for every lie they told. Seems like most people know when they are being lied to.
Dr. Fauci Confronted Over His Multiple Lies
It should be illegal for public figures to lie to the public! Ninety percent of Americas problems would disappear if politicians and journalists had to spend a year in jail for every lie they told.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
The Animal Communicator And Her Incredible Ability | Animal Communicator...
When I was young, my girlfriend and I were hiking on a trail near Los Angeles. We needed a bathroom break so we got off the trail far enough so no other hikers would see us. When we finished our business we both realized that we had no idea which direction to go to get back to the trail. We stood there looking around trying to get our bearings. I suddenly noticed a small bird flitting about in a nearby tree and it struck me that it was trying to get our attention. So I told my girlfriend that we should follow the bird. We did and the bird was joined by a second bird a little further away. When we got close to the first bird she flew a little bit past the second bird and landed on a branch as though she was waiting for us. As we got close to the second bird she flew a little bit past the first bird. They repeated this a half a dozen times and this took us right back to the trail.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Monday, April 19, 2021
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Friday, April 16, 2021
"The Talk" That Every Black Family Has About Police | The Daily Social D...
We allow our government to act like a mafia. We topple governments, invade and murder their civilians, we apply sanctions which result in genocide and steal their resources. And then complain when the citizens act as immoral and as lawless as we allow our mafia-government to act.
Adam Toledo video: Footage of Chicago police shooting released | USA TODAY
This video shows the view from two different directions. I have a big screen and have stopped and started the video many times. I never saw any motion this kid made that would indicate that he was throwing anything away and yet a gun suddenly is shown on the ground. It would not be the first time cops used a throw-a-way gun to cover their EVIL actions.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Saagar Enjeti: Biden's ATF Pick Is Literally A WACO CONSPIRACY Theorist
The survivor of the MOVE house bombing told an almost identical story to the Waco survivors. Seems the alphabet agencies have a certain protocol that they follow. When they told the reporters to move back I knew that something very EVIL was about to happen and I was still brainwashed in those days.
Chris Hedges: We Must Build A New Party
We have a powerful, deadly mafia to defeat. A mafia that has always killed it’s opponents. It is important that we all become leaders so that they do not stop the movement by simply killing the leaders. Underground railroad style. Independent but still working together. We must educate friends, family and neighbors to stop looking the other way and allowing EVIL to thrive.
Conservative Pat Robertson Criticizes Police Over Recent Events
I don’t agree with paying the murderous police, more. If we completely rework the police, train them to follow the laws, stop stealing from people by giving false tickets and confiscating property. Stop allowing them to physically brutalize and terrorize people that they arrest and break into our homes. Get rid of our drug laws, jay walking laws and other laws designed not to protect people but to control people, then I might feel that they have earned it. Also, why does every single cop need a gun? We are giving them permission to bully us by allowing them to all carry guns.
White Veteran Harasses Man For Walking While Black
But, but, but there is no racism in America! Pretty shameful if you ask me.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Abby Martin Won't Sign Israel Loyalty Oath & Sues Georgia For Trying To ...
I am a little late getting to this but this is a timeless topic. This is how propaganda works!
Monday, April 12, 2021
Sunday, April 11, 2021
JEOPARDY Question Rips Mask Off American History
When you formed your political outlook on life, did you really take into consideration all of the atrocities that we have allowed our country to commit? This is a partial list of some that you may have forgotten.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Wednesday, April 07, 2021
Monday, April 05, 2021
Sunday, April 04, 2021
City mayor pretends to be HOMELESS to check how OFFICIALS work! They tol...
If this is true that would be excellent! People passing laws should at a minimum spend time with people on the front lines of a situation and listen to all sides. First hand experience would be best of all!
Smedley Butler: The Original Anti War Marine
More evidence: The hypocritical attitudes of both parties exposes the corrupt moral bankruptcy of the American people. Is it any wonder then that our leaders act like mafia raping, pillaging and murdering all over this planet. While there is almost no objection from the people to the political prisoners our government jails and tortures without a FAIR trial, the countries we invade and steal their resources and the genocides we support. And we wonder why we have mass murders!
Twitter Cancels Rose McGowan After Negative Clinton Tweet
The hypocritical attitudes of both parties exposes the corrupt moral bankruptcy of the American people. Is it any wonder then that our leaders act like mafia raping, pillaging and murdering all over this planet. While there is almost no objection from the people to the political prisoners our government jails and tortures without a FAIR trial, the countries we invade and steal their resources and the genocides we support. And we wonder why we have mass murders!
Kshama’s Fight Against The Establishment
We are so brainwashed to believe that Capitalism is the best system in the world that our minds lock down at the mention of any other system. Even as our Capitalist system has become so corrupted that it is eating itself. Forget labels! Are you for the people or not?
Saturday, April 03, 2021
AOC Defending Biden's Barbaric Border Policy Called Out
Kids are still laying side by side, wall to wall directly on the floor with those paper blankets which DO NOT FEEL WARM NOR ARE THEY COMFORTING! They are still separated from their families. tRump had wire walls, Biden has glass walls! Look people! Do you see the big difference between these two presidents? Quite the metaphor for both teams right there! Thank goodness I woke up and refused to vote for either one of these corrupt mafia bosses!
Emergence of the Global Police State
I have been trying to awaken all of my contacts to the fact that this entire world is controlled by an ancient EVIL mafia. We are nothing but cattle and sheep to them. Worked like horses, slaves, robots. Now the intellectuals are awakening.
Friday, April 02, 2021
Socialists Attacked By DSA Progressives For Further Exposing AOC w/ WSWS...
The bloody history of the USA is no accident. Some of the brainwashed, sleeping citizens are now accidentally awakening as the real ruthless tactics of capitalism are being brought home to USA citizens. Ethical citizens should educate themselves about what this country really does behind the whitewashed stories that our corporate owned media provides the citizens so they can manufacture consent for their endless wars, genocides, toppling governments and stealing of those countries resources at the behest of our richest citizens.