Sunday, May 31, 2020
Krystal and Saagar: Minneapolis BURNS as protests erupt after prosecutor...
Amazing how the riots always damage the areas where poor people live. It
burns down or robs the stores that serve the poor and just when people
need it most it eliminates the housing that people desperately need.
Kind of like how all of the mistakes made in the presidential race never
benefited the peoples choice. It kind of makes you feel that there is a
big plan under way which is not intended to benefit the people. Now who
would have the money and power to pull something like that off?
Research the Ring of Power, three City-States of the Vatican, the Square
Mile in London and Washington DC and the Act of 1871. Prepare yourself
to be traumatized by the truths revealed by your research. Spread the
information as quickly as you can because truth is the only thing that
will save us.
Interview You Will Never forget
It's global because evil has imprisoned our world & believes they are 2 powerful 2 be stopped. Our brainwashed world even has good people supporting the evil that occupies high offices worldwide.
Media Paints George Floyd Protesters As Guilty — The Political Vigilante
Unfortunately standing in peaceful protest just opens the door for the psychos and the brainwashed to target you for violence. We must outsmart them because they don't care if they murder us!
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price • FULL DOCUMENTARY FILM • BRAVE NEW ...
These injustices I have endured most of my 70 years of life. Walmart is not alone. Is it any wonder that young people, raised in this system are ready 2 riot?
Joe Biden Set Up To Fail, CNN Arrested, Protest Updates, Steve Cox
CNN reporter admitted in the process of being arrested that they were out there trying to share the polices message. But our police state has become so authoritarian that supporting the official 'state' story did not grant them immunity from the police state.
Denzel Washington Steps Between Cops & Homeless Man
That is exactly what we need! Would you have this much courage?
System Update with Glenn Greenwald - Factory Farms' New, Gruesome Exterm...
Remember that to the evil that has enslaved the world, we are no more important to them, than these animals are.
Friday, May 29, 2020
Israel's 2008 Massacre in Gaza
Injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere. We are dealing with pure evil and if you support evil acts, that makes you evil!
New Details Of Deadly No-Knock Warrant Show Just How Reckless Police Can Be
Are we a police state? No wonder people are rioting!
New Details Of Deadly No-Knock Warrant Show Just How Reckless Police Can Be
Are we a police state? No wonder people are rioting!
Breakdown Of What Happened At The LA BLM Protest
Compare this report to what mainstream media reports to see how mainstream media is being used to brainwash you!
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Minneapolis Mayor Frey To County Attorney: Charge Arresting Officer In G...
Ban the police! They protect and serve the evil that has enslaved our world.
Vandana Shiva: We Must Fight Back Against the 1 Percent to Stop the Sixt...
She talks about how things are happening in other countries. She shares some lessons from the past. Very wise woman!
Real Life Heroes - Faith In Humanity Restored - Good People 2018 Part 6
A reminder that people can also be good.
George Floyd: Minneapolis Officers Should Be Prosecuted | Tim Black
BAN THE POLICE! They do not serve the people! They protect and serve the Ring of Power, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Warburger and Shiff. They are the executioners for the evil that rules the world.
LIVE BREAKING: Internet Privacy Amendment Can Still Be Saved
If people studied their history of government abuses they would understand why our forefathers put our right to privacy into our constitution.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Senators Offer Lame “Job Training” Bill Instead Of JOBS!
You lost your job because of the government shut down & every one needs the money to survive on in this moment, the government wants to save you by training you for non existent jobs!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Gene-Editing Vaccines: Forced Vaccination vs. Informed Consent In The Ag...
He shows his research that anyone can check for accuracy.
The Legal Marijuana Industry Is Rigged | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj |...
The people who have already paid an outrageous price for, and probably know the most about, marijuana are getting the shaft again!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Ancient Temples are MACHINES with MOVING parts?
I dabble in ancient history, a bit. But this is the first time I have been exposed to this information.
Ralph Nader, "To The Ramparts"
This man has been telling Americans how to stop losing our freedom for years. Why do people not pay attention? Are things bad enough now for people to start listening? How different our country would be if he had won? I was still asleep when he ran for president but I am proud to say that I was woke enough to vote for him.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Friday, May 22, 2020
Expansion Of The Surveillance State Is Underway
The answer is not to be terrorized into submission. These murderers do not have your interest at heart. Their goal is to control us so we must become ungovernable!
Native Humor For The Quarantine - Natives React #17
Native Humor For The Quarantine - Natives React #17
Thursday, May 21, 2020
System Update with Glenn Greenwald - The Murderous History and Deceitful...
We are ruled by evil. All these things weave together, hidden behind the scenes.
System Update with Glenn Greenwald - The Murderous History and Deceitful...
We are ruled by evil. All these things weave together, hidden behind the scenes.
Israeli Espionage Revealed | KMN LIVE
More exposure of what our criminal government is actually doing in
secret. No wonder they want us to all die off with this pandemic! Too
many of us know too much and thanks to the internet we can share the
knowledge of their criminal activity all over the world.
secret. No wonder they want us to all die off with this pandemic! Too
many of us know too much and thanks to the internet we can share the
knowledge of their criminal activity all over the world.
OBiden’s Sinking Ship For Crimes In The Ukraine
More exposure of why the details of our sorry a$$ed excuse of a
government, MUST ALWAYS BE KEPT SECRET! Are you beginning to understand
why they have such a vengeance for truth teller Julian Assange?
government, MUST ALWAYS BE KEPT SECRET! Are you beginning to understand
why they have such a vengeance for truth teller Julian Assange?
Toddler gives her mother advice after hearing parents fight
Wow! Out of the mouths of babies! She expresses herself so well!
Malcom X Quotes More Relevant Than Ever — The Political Vigilante
Graham is right on the money and Malcolm X was a man ahead of his times. Funny how often we murder those who bring in the tides of change.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
What Happens If You Can’t Pay Rent? | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj | Ne...
If your dealing with a landlord that has money where their heart should be, go to don'tgetkickedout(dot)com.
Exposed: CIA used Sheldon Adelson's firm to spy on Julian Assange
Everyone who broke the law while pursuing Assange should be tried and jailed. If the head of the snake is too protected to reach, remove their protection.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Trump Appointed Deep State Pharma To Operation Warp Speed
Our sorry excuses for leaders have almost all of them have sold their souls to the evil dark state. They are simply 'appointed' middle managers for the deep state. Almost everything they do harms others. Both 'teams' have the same bosses.
Krystal and Saagar: Media can't understand why Left won't fall in line a...
Some of us have principles and some will support the team no matter how shoddy the teams principles are.
BREAKING: FDA Orders Bill Gates Funded COVID-19 Surveillance Program To ...
Criminals rule and will continue to rule until good people make everyone, including the elite, answer to the same barbaric legal system that they use to control us.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
“Bias Expert” Unwittingly Reveals Own Bias Towards Republicans
Continued... Nobody has a sharper mind at catching BS and then having the courage to share it, than Jimmy Dore does!
“Bias Expert” Unwittingly Reveals Own Bias Towards Republicans
Continued... Nobody has a sharper mind at catching BS and then having the courage to share it, than Jimmy Dore does!
VICE Host Gaslights About Media Bias & Gets Busted
Nobody has a sharper mind at catching BS and then having the courage to share it, than Jimmy Dore does!
The Biggest Secret: James Risen on Life as a NY Times Reporter in the Sh...
Think brainwashing is not happening in the USA?
AOC rips Lindsey Graham, Steve Mnuchin, argues for better standards of l...
AOC got it exactly right on this one!
Nathan J. Robinson: Forget Being Productive!
This is why I can't be a Republican. We are not farm animals to be killed off when we don't produce a profit for the farmer. Life is sacred.
– Don't blame the bats for the Coronavirus | Dr. Jane Goodall | SVT/TV 2...
I share her attitude about death but I lean towards believing that there is 'something' because of all the strange things I have personally experienced. I don't believe in organized religion because that is just a group of people trying to tell you that they have the answers but they are no better equipped to 'know' than I am.
Trump Death Clock/Saving the Post Office
How different would our country be if we had chosen to strive for excellence instead of settling for the lesser of two evils?
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Bernie Bails! Allows Warrantless FBI Spying On Americans
This is what we are leaving to our great grandchildren.
How America’s Economy Will Resemble Brazil’s After Crisis. w/Dylan Ratigan
This is what we are leaving to our great grandchildren.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Biden & Sanders Form Unity Task Forces With NO ACTIVISTS!!! - IT'S A PRO...
The survivors have not attacked the Military Industrial Complex or our Intelligence Agencies.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Monday, May 11, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Tara Reade On Megyn Kelly, Still Not Being Heard | Hard Lens Media
Tara Reade says that she will take a polygraph test if Joe Biden takes one also. I'm betting that Joe Biden will not do that. I believe women because I worked my whole life in a male dominated field, trucking, and I know first hand how men act when they think there are no witnesses.
Dark Journalist X Series 88: JFK Assassination Records Trump And Nixon: ...
Excellent researcher but his videos are too long so I don't follow him closely. He shares some interesting facts that I had missed about the JFK assassination. He gets into whether COVID-19 is real or artificially being used as a tool to rob us of our constitutional rights. I do agree with what he says about our constitutional rights. And even at the tender age of fourteen I realized that our government was corrupt and completely untrustworthy after they got by with murdering our president. What he said about LBJ, I had come to that same conclusion just from the photos that I saw.
Woman Jailed 7 Days For Defying Stay At Home Order & Opening Salon
If you can not provide UBI then you have no right to shut things down. I believe that social distancing with UBI is the best choice anything less than that is expecting people to commit suicide. When government is being unreasonable, people will fight back.
Saturday, May 09, 2020
Biden Sold Out Democrats For $200k
Who is your enemy? I think the answer is bigger than this but this is a good place to start!
France Says COVID Was Already 'Silently Circulating' & DARPA's "Implanta...
Unbelievable recommendations for children under four from the WHO!
Jared Kushner, Mike Pence & the Entitled Elites Destroying America | The...
In this episode of The Common Good, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich discusses how elites keep bending the rules to benefit themselves while shafting everyone else during this crisis. From the super-rich securing a $174 billion tax break in the COVID relief bill and Trump donor Monty Bennett getting $96.1 million from the Paycheck Protection Program, to billionaires growing their fortunes by $282 million last month and mega-corporations getting another $500 billion blank check with even fewer restrictions than the first one, it's never been clearer: America has socialism for the rich and harsh capitalism for the rest.
Over 175 Strikes In US Since March — The Political Vigilante
When billionaires expect you to die so they can keep their profits high, that is evil.
AOC Says Biden Assault Not Clear Cut
I had high hopes for AOC when she first got into office. Her honesty was such a burst of clean air! But she is coming down almost as fast as the buildings did on 911.
Friday, May 08, 2020
Super PACs and PACs, Why Progressives Should Be Suspect
I agree. Pacs make me feel like it is a horse race especially after all the cheating we have witnessed in the last two elections. We need to let go of the dysfunctional idea of electing someone to rule over us. When we give others power over us we have given them permission to abuse us.
Big Presidential News From Jesse Ventura!
When you constantly vote for the lesser of two evils, you end up with evil!
Jesse Ventura: "Kim Jong Un Debunks MSM claims"
And do you really believe that they don't lie, cheat and manipulate our own elections?
Media Leaves Out A TON of Tara Reade Lawyer's Resume
Me Too! Ron covers most of the points. He missed the court papers of her ex husband which corroborated her story. In fact I think the evidence she has been presenting is very consistent and has been since 1996 when it happened. This may be the best documented case in the whole Me Too movement!
70 Names In Epstein Court Doc: Zero Arrested — The Political Vigilante
All these sexual atrocities, including Biden's, would have all been public knowledge if these so called journalists were really journalists. The mainstream media really acts like a brainwashing tool and as stenographers for the elite. David Ike tried to expose this over thirty years ago and was totally ridiculed and labeled a crackpot because that is how they intimate honest people into keeping silent. You know real journalist get the Julian Assange treatment.
Michael Moore in a live discussion with Extinction Rebellion co-founder ...
We must gather the experts in every field and have public discussions about what changes we need to make to prevent extinction, this is the moment. We can not postpone this. Don't expect our corrupt politicians to do this, we must do it ourselves.
Thursday, May 07, 2020
New 1996 Court Docs Confirm Tare Reade Shared Biden Harassment Allegation
More evidence comes out corroborating Tare Reade's claim of sexual violation by Biden. All those Me too feminist need to hang their heads in shame!
Bernie Betrays Grassroots Again Says Activists
Andrew Yang Gets New York Democratic Primary UNCANCELLED
I prefer a centrist who fights to a progressive who will not fight.
Andrew Yang Gets New York Democratic Primary UNCANCELLED
I prefer a centrist who fights to a progressive who will not fight.
Krystal Ball: What the populist left could learn from right-wing protesters
I agree that rage is a completely appropriate emotion right now. Just be smart enough to direct it to the traitors at the top and not at your peers.
5. The Khmer Empire - Fall of the God Kings
When the rich become too rich and the poor are too poor. This seems to be a reoccurring problem throughout history.
Andrew Yang Staying On Top of Election Integrity in New York | Hard Lens...
I would rather have a centrist who fights than a progressive who doesn't.
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
Trump Pushes Tax Cut Designed To Crush Socal Security. w/Dylan Ratigan
Prepare yourselves because if you survive the pandemic you will not survive the financial plucking they have planned for us. I'm glad I am close to the exit because the young people are about to know what these psychopaths have been doing in other countries.
Did Andrew Yang Just Save Democracy?
Because Bernie is a sheep herder. It wasn't so obvious the first time
around although people like me knew he was not going to fight the way
the people need their candidate to fight. For just a minute when it
looked like he had enough support that he would win, even I made a
couple of small donations. But it did not take very long for Bernie to
start sabotaging his own forward momentum. Yang is too centrist for my
liking but a centrist who will really fight beats a populist who is all
talk, hands down!
Media Avoids Showing Rent & Labor Strikes — The Political Vigilante
The news that mainstream media will not cover!
Krystal and Saagar: Media figure BALKS at Biden investigation, 'I want a...
The dismal morality and ethics saga of our nation continues.
Tuesday, May 05, 2020
A Massive "COVID-19" Cover Up Is Underway & 'US Mercenaries' Caught In V...
The PANDEMIC has not slowed down our wars, our military coups or our POLICE BRUTALITY! Are these people vaccinated and safe or are we being lied to for the millionth time?
Joe Biden Is A Proven Habitual Liar, But Tom Perez & DNC Are Refusing To...
Everyone protecting this rapist should be removed from office
immediately or ASAP. Make a list and when their term ends, make sure
that no one forgets. And yes he should be removed from office.
Joe Biden Is A Proven Habitual Liar, But Tom Perez & DNC Are Refusing To...
Everyone protecting this rapist should be removed from office
immediately or ASAP. Make a list and when their term ends, make sure
that no one forgets. And yes he should be removed from office.
immediately or ASAP. Make a list and when their term ends, make sure
that no one forgets. And yes he should be removed from office.
Andrew Yang Heads Lawsuit Against New York For CANCELING Dem Primary
Good for Yang and shame on Bernie for taking our money and then refusing to fight for us.
Andrew Yang Heads Lawsuit Against New York For CANCELING Dem Primary
Good for Yang and shame on Bernie for taking our money while refusing to fight for us!
Monday, May 04, 2020
COVID - FIRES & WATER - "Merging" Disasters NOW
They don't have just one plan to cull us, they have many. The longer it takes, the more likely that the people will begin to wake up to their evil plans. We are in the final stages of their genocidal plans so we can fully expect things to keep speeding up.
LEAKED: Wall Street Told Investors Not To Invest In Cures! (Web Exclusive)
It is becoming more and more obvious to those who are paying attention that the four families that form the Ring of Power, The Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Warburg and Shiff have ordered the 'culling'/genocide of most of the people on this planet. If they don't cull us they won't be able to increase their profits every year. And those peasants are such a nuisance with their constant whining about equal rights, better pay, access to medical care etc. These endless wars aren't killing them off fast enough. Homelessness helps but acts too slowly and they keep begging for help while they are waiting to die. The COVID 19 is doing a better job but when your as dysfunctional and soulless as these families are, you can't wait for things to move slow enough to keep the masses sleeping. The robots are ready so they want to hurry along with their evil plan. They are so eager to get to the next phase that they are doing everything in their power to hurry it along. After all there is always a certain percentage of the population who will be more than willing to help if they think that it will save themselves.
As Workers Get Sick & Die from COVID-19, McConnell Demands Corporate Imm...
Those who do evil must be protected.
ER Doctor: Pulse Oximeters Detect Oxygen Deprivation Earlier from COVID-...
I am watching the death count on three different site. The numbers they
show are close but not identical. Here is what one of them shows for
Texas. 5/4/2020 – TX: Positive: 33,022 Deaths: 2,556
show are close but not identical. Here is what one of them shows for
Texas. 5/4/2020 – TX: Positive: 33,022 Deaths: 2,556
From the 60 Minutes archives: Survivors of Josef Mengele’s twin experiments
We are all nothing more than lab rats to the families that form The Ring of power. Rothschild – Warburg – Oppenheimer – Schiff
Vicky Ward:Vanity Fair Betrayed Epstein Victim — The Political Vigilante
Killed the one who knew too much, problem solved. Only if we stop talking about it.
Krystal and Saagar EXPOSE media, DNC plot to clear Joe Biden
It is not just hypocrisy or a double standard. It is that the perpetrator always gets treated like the poor victim who needs to be protected. The victim who is cruelly judged with every possible aspect of their lives combed over with a fine tooth comb. Not only is the victim treated as we should treat the perpetrator but the perpetrator often has mentally unhealthy followers who will act out violently against the victim. Heaven forbid that the victim be a man! That is completely unspeakable because we all know that secretly all men like that and if they don't it must be because their gay. And don't let the victim be a lesbian because she was either getting what she deserved or was simply being shown what she was missing. This is our dysfunctional rape culture!
Sunday, May 03, 2020
Culling the people right before your eyes! And no one calls it genocide because it creates a problem that is so disgusting that everyone wants to blame the victims. You can expect this problem to quadruple with the current pandemic, the loss of jobs and how quickly our corrupt government rushed to increase the wealth of the already excessively rich.
The Most Powerful Families Who Secretly Run The World?
The Rothschild family wages horrible wars against itself. In other words they mastermind, GENOCIDE!
Jesse Ventura: “Gov't can't put you on house arrest except under martial...
Yes, yes, yes! I have said for years that we need a maximum wage!
Media screw-ups w/ Katie Halper: MSNBC finally confronts Biden over Tara...
Excellent job of pointing out the inconsistency of the story and the hypocrisy of how it was handled.
It makes sense to me, including that the people at the core of creating
wars and pandemics, controlling the people, overthrowing governments,
stealing resources and enslaving the people are in fact the epitome of
evil. We could be living in the Garden of Eden but these evil beings
have brainwashed and enslaved us all! Why do they not treat people
better so that the people don’t rise up and behead them? Because they
don’t believe we can do that any more than the pig farmer thinks he is
in danger from the pigs that he can treat any way that he wants to. And
he will give them what they must have until it is time to slaughter
AOC’s Theatrics Hide Her Obedience To Pelosi & Party
It reminds me of the great tongue lashing Elizabeth Warren gave to the
bankers after their great heist of the American people. And after they
got their great tongue lashing the bankers walked free, not a single one
went to jail!
bankers after their great heist of the American people. And after they
got their great tongue lashing the bankers walked free, not a single one
went to jail!
Cowspiracy - Planet Climate Change - Full Documentary (Vegan) [HD]
The single most powerful thing that a single person can do for our climate control and our environment.
Saturday, May 02, 2020
The Rothschilds: The Richest Family of All Time
This is one of four families that make the Ring of Power. Rothschild – Warburg - Oppenheimer – Schiff. They own the Banks that own the Vatican which owns the Crown which owns the USA. When they try to dismiss things as 'conspiracies' that is a brainwashing technique to keep the sheep sleeping, not researching.
Pelosi Then: “Believe Women!”. Now: “Due Process!”. WTF?
These liars and thieves are so accustomed to main stream media covering for them that they forget that 'truth tellers' are rising up to reveal their lies. Their abuse of #Assange is supposed to intimidate the 'truth tellers' into silence. Thank Goddess, their evil plan is not working.
Documents Reveal: FBI Set Up General Flynn
O you wonder why all of us truthers and conspiracy theorists DO NOT trust politicians, journalists or these alphabet agencies?
Anunnaki Found in Hindu Temple? Ancient Aliens in India
This video might make you wonder if David Ike is less of a crack pot and more of a very good researcher.
Empire Files LIVE - The Politics of COVID: Trump, The Democrats & Grassr...
80% of the bailout went to people who make over a million dollars a year!!!
Will Jesse Ventura Run As Green Party Candidate? — The Political Vigilante
He is by far, a better candidate than the two rapist they are offering us.
LIVE Chris Hayes Covers Tara Reade On MSNBC - Viewers Lose Their Minds, ...
So tired of the unethical lying hypocrites we have put into office, being herded by our fears.
Friday, May 01, 2020
Wikileaks Chief Editor on Assange: "People need to care"
If you will not stand to #freeAssange, you will lose your own freedom.