Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Krystal and Saagar: Minneapolis BURNS as protests erupt after prosecutor...

Amazing how the riots always damage the areas where poor people live. It
burns down or robs the stores that serve the poor and just when people
need it most it eliminates the housing that people desperately need.
Kind of like how all of the mistakes made in the presidential race never
benefited the peoples choice. It kind of makes you feel that there is a
big plan under way which is not intended to benefit the people. Now who
would have the money and power to pull something like that off?
Research the Ring of Power, three City-States of the Vatican, the Square
Mile in London and Washington DC and the Act of 1871. Prepare yourself
to be traumatized by the truths revealed by your research. Spread the
information as quickly as you can because truth is the only thing that
will save us.


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