Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Why Flint Is Political SCAM 30 Years in The Making
Manipulating laws and interpreting them in a way that actually takes away the protections that our founding fathers intended so that they can poison the people and steal their property to create more profit for the rich and powerful!
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Monday, April 24, 2017
Economic Update: Enabling Worker Coops
I have learned so much on this political journey that I have taken. I am far far away from where my interest in politics became a serious study for me. We are at the tipping point of evolution and we have a lot of very scared people. I think we need a miracle. Communication is the key, which is why there is an attempt to silence those who reveal the truth. Those who can control the conversation can easily lead brainwashed masses. The speeding up of this evolution was directly due to the ability to communicate via the world wide web. A miracle along the lines of communication, designed in a way to make it appear miraculous, with a great diversity in the planning and execution, might fill the bill or at least be a big open helping hand. It seems to me that most difficulties can be boiled down to someone not feeling like they are being treated fairly. There are a billion reasons the people can dream up for justifying, their own actions that are unfair, unjust to others. Somehow we need to get people to haul themselves out of the swamp of debates and issues and focus on that that heals everything. It seems that the need for empathy must be re-awakened among humans. It feels like an “alien” and destructive mind set has invaded our Garden of Eden and is using mind control to cause us to destroy our own plant. Think of it like a cancer that is destroying the healthy cells in a body. Think of how an atom is shaped. Then think of our solar system. See the similarity? What if we are just an atom to some other huge entity? Would that not make everything Sacred? It is up to us to make sure that the cell that we occupy, is healthy.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Saturday, April 22, 2017
How Drunkards, Whores & 'The Immoral' Shaped the Nation (w/ Thaddeus Rus...
This is an old video but interesting. "Thaddeus Russell is the author of A Renegade History of the United States. He takes a brash, maybe even borderline blasphemous look at the American bourgeoisie and puritans of the past. How did weekends come to be, and how did the mafia, brothel madams, minorities, homosexuals, and others considered "deviant" by the ruling puritanical culture help shape the nation?"
Friday, April 21, 2017
Will Progressives Ever Vote For Democrats Again? W/Mike Figueredo
I totally agree. If Democrats do not clean the corruption out of their ranks, and it does't even look like they are listening to us, then they have lost me completely.
Mass Arrests At Flint Water Crisis Town Hall
Their water is poisoned! The residents should not be paying one red cent for poisoned water! What kind of upside down thinking is it to demand that people pay for poisoned water!
As US Preps Arrest Warrant for Assange, Greenwald Says Prosecuting WikiL...
I bind the evil that condemns truth telling, I banish this evil now. So mote it be! Assange is a hero and telling the truth should never be criminalized!
Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 21, 2017
I bind the evil that condemns truth telling, I banish this evil now. So mote it be! Assange is a hero and telling the truth should never be criminalized!
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Trump Supporters Realizing They Were HOODWINKED
Time for the people, from all walks of life, to come up with a platform of their own.
How Little Creek Camp Is Keeping #NoDAPL Fight Alive
Truth seekers and warriors, willing to protect our Sacred Mother Earth, are still needed. Please share this far and wide.
Noam Chomsky Climate Change Speech 2017
The human race is on a path to extinction and the solution is to pass laws prohibiting people to speak of it.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Putin Addressing G-A-S Attack Using Logic & Facts
Jimmy Dore is telling the truth!! Everyone involved with the illegal bombing that we are doing should be thrown in jail and then we need to throw away the keys because this is just mass murder and we have not even tried to pretend that we have gone through the motions to make it appear legal! We do not stop these murderers from murdering the innocents in other countries. We look the other way while they figure out how to mass murder people right here in the USA with their neglect of the victims of losing their jobs and having their homes stolen by the banks or being poisoned in their own homes with lead or fracking. If we the people do not wake up, they will become more open with their police killings etc. Maybe when they openly start killing US citizens and quit pretending that it is all accidental, maybe then, when it is too late, the people will realize that they have no choice but to jail these crooks!
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s Town Hall Meeting - Kona, Hawaii - April 1...
I do not know much about Tulsi Gabbard but in this video, she sounds like one of a tiny handful who has the courage to speak up and be the voice of reason, in a world gone mad!
Agenda 21, The Plan To Kill You - David Icke
They are destroying rural communities in order to get the people off the land.
The Quiz You SHOULDN'T Fail - IF You're a Moral Human Being!
This is why some of us could not vote for either Trump or Hillary.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
[56] Army Veteran Tells All: Billions In Missing Cash, No Care For Soldiers
Why were our soldiers guarding pallets of cash?
Friday, April 14, 2017
TYT Flint Town Hall Inspired a Protest Camp!
Never surrender when you know what your doing is moral, ethical and right!
Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 14, 2017
Up is down, down is up! Our "mafia", out of control government, is invading other countries and committing genocide in other countries for peace and moving American jobs to countries with real slave labor while allowing the bankers to steal peoples homes, creating a huge homeless population that they, the rich mafia, ignore while these people die in a genocide planned by these soulless rich because if they don't kill off the worthless through neglect, they might have to resort to using some type of weapon and how could they keep the sheeple asleep if they used weapons to thin down our population? After all these people are just useless feeders since they got rid of our jobs! They want to use all of the taxes that people agreed to pay originally to take care of the people in our country, to invade and commit genocide in other countries! They also have a not so secret or hidden war against the blacks and poor on our streets with heavily militarized police action that we only know about now because most people have phones with a camera! (Let's not forget to blame the poor for having these phones because if they were really poor they would not have phones even though the rich got rid of our reasonably priced phones from Ma Bell when they saw that technologies were about to advance to a place where they could rob the people with high priced fancy phones!) This murder by police is another form of secretive genocide on people right here in America but this was supposed to be and was hidden for years! One other form of genocide that has been done in a secretive manner is the poisoning of our water! And now we are preparing the future poisoning of our water with oil leaks from their oil pipelines that they put in by stealing land from everyone! Thank Goddess the native Americans stood strong and helped to wake up a few more sheeple. We need to follow the example of these highly ethical and moral native Americans! But don't you worry because the rich mafia is prepared to sell us all bottled water! So in the future they will be able to commit even more genocide upon the population that is too poor to buy water! Hey, some people are waking up and putting all the puzzle pieces together? Well the rich have a clever solution for that too. Now they are in the process of demonizing and silencing all truth tellers. They are trying to convince the sheeple to view the truth tellers as either fake news or enemies. Assange who is one of the bravest people alive today because he and his small group of people did not wait for the people to wake up but took it upon themselves to start exposing the truth and trying to help the sheeple to wake up! Assange, Manning, Snowden and quite a few whistle blowers before them are all extraordinary heroes who have put their own lives at risk in order to get the truth out to the sheeple! Exactly how much abuse and murder must be committed by the rich mafia in order for us to prosecute the crimes of the rich? How many fake elections must we have before the sheeple wake up to the fact that we no longer have legitimate elections? The people's interest is subverted and elections are now a very rich horse race with the deck stacked against the people while the rich via for their personal horse that they have put their money on, to win. Any real candidate that is for the people is locked out of the race, although they still go through the motions to make it appear that the people still have a horse in the race so that they can con lots of money out of the common people! We the people will have no voice until we go back to paper ballots. We need to outlaw gerrymandering too. But most of all we need to get rid of the Federal Reserve because charging the people for creating money is the largest part of this mythical debt that our country owes. A debt created by the rich that we the poor are expected to pay. They probably have other ways of committing stealth genocide that I have not woken up to yet. It is an upside down world and the rich are busy designing more and more ways to increase their power and control while allowing the slaves to live only as long as they are silent, and complacent with what the rich are doing. It is time to bring charges and jail these murderers and robbers and stop allowing them to get by with their crimes!
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Real Journalist Shreds CNN On Air Over S-y-r-i-a Coverage
Main stream media is busy brainwashing the sheeple to be pro war, while face book is busy demonetizing alternate media to silence those who are pointing out the hypocrisy of murdering millions on claims that have not been proven.
Syria & Donald Trump - What's Going On? David Icke Special on the Richie...
David Icke Special on Syria & Donald Trump. Up is down, right is left and we are killing you to save your life!
Remember Who You Are - David Icke Live at Wembley 2012 HD - Part 1
"It takes nothing to join the crowd, it takes everything to stand alone." -- David Icke
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Act of War: Politicians Sell Russia Election Interference w NO Evidence
The facts and details of what was exposed is not nearly as important as yelling about Russia, Russia, Russia! No facts to back this up! This is why we can not "blindly" follow Sanders.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Nikki Halley UN War Witch Lies Her Ass Off on CNN Jake Tapper & G7 Decla...
Brainwashing! Paid for by
the Rothschild's. We need an income CAP!
the Rothschild's. We need an income CAP!
The following videos
explain why we are in the Middle East.
explain why we are in the Middle East.
Alan Grayson Vs. The Illuminati ... and more:
An unformated text version is here:
Alan Grayson Vs. The Illuminati ... and more:
An unformated text version is here:
Jimmy Dore - Comedian, Author - "Your Country Is Just Not That Into You"
You can't handle the truth!
Monday, April 10, 2017
Syria & Donald Trump - What's Going On? David Icke Special on the Richie...
Brainwashing! Paid for by
the Rothschild's. We need an income CAP!
the Rothschild's. We need an income CAP!
The following videos
explain why we are in the Middle East.
explain why we are in the Middle East.
Alan Grayson Vs. The Illuminati ... and more:
An unformated text version is here:
Alan Grayson Vs. The Illuminati ... and more:
An unformated text version is here:
Sunday, April 09, 2017
New Syria Strikes, A TY to the RIGHT Opposing Missile Strikes, & Just WH...
Our country is the military tool for Israel and the Rothschild's planned this over a hundred years ago! Past Presidents tried to tell the American people what was happening but our memories are short. So far none of my media sources are putting the puzzle pieces together. The money that disappeared on 9/11, I would bet, went to the Rothschild's! The Rothschild's are the perfect example for why we need to install an income CAP! How many of these dual citizens are controlling our government and making sure that we are doing what Israel wants us to do! No one who has dual citizenship's should be serving our government!
Saturday, April 08, 2017
d@w Exclusive: Michael Hudson on Junk Economics
Some of us poor folks knew this was a robbery even as it was happening!
The Kochs’ Plan to Rewrite the Constitution...You Should Be Terrified
Combine this information with the last two or three things that I have posted and we have a conspiracy reality!
Friday, April 07, 2017
Evidence Suggests S-Y-R-I-A G-A-S ATTACK Is False Flag
A little more brainwashing to herd the sheep!
Thursday, April 06, 2017
Unconfirmed Syria Chemical Weapons Attack is Iraq Weapons of Mass Destru...
"We have lost our integrity and we have allowed our government to become the terrorist of the world."
Wednesday, April 05, 2017
We Just Demanded Cambodia Pay Us For The Privilege Of Being Bombed
The audacity! There is no stopping the disease of greed!
Rev. William Barber: 2018 Will Be The "Poor People's Campaign"
The corruption that the Democrats employed to try to sabotage Bernie Sanders brought light to my suspicions about the Democratic party. I was already aware of the brainwashing that came out of the Republican side. Perhaps Trumps rich blitz with his rich pals will wake up the poor in the Republican party? If the Republican poor do wake up and join the "awakened Bernie followers, perhaps we will really have a revolution in this country. Time to bring to trial those who have been getting rich by robbing our country blind and committing crimes like 9/11, where millions of dollars just disappeared and all of the paperwork needed to trace that money was so conveniently destroyed! We need to bring this mafia that has stolen our country from us and has created so much suffering for the common people in our country, we need to bring them all to trial! Then we need to return their ill gotten wealth, when found guilty, back to our country to be used in programs that lift the people up, like free medical care and free education for all. We need to reinvest in our infrastructure which would provide much needed jobs to the people! Time to have a "moral awakening"! Time to speak truth to power! Time to value facts that can be proven, not lies and brainwashing that plays on peoples fears and harms entire groups of people because of that fear! Time to value TRUTH above all else! Forget parties! Lets value truth!
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
Monday, April 03, 2017
BREAKING: Oil Pipelines Are Being Sabotaged
I must admit that I admire the people of courage, who dare to stand up to the rich, who can buy off our politicians and hire them to pass laws that make it appear that the criminal stealing of land, and contamination of drinking water, is now legal because the rich say it is legal. Nothing that creates harm to others should ever be "called legal"! Only those warriors who know that what the rich are doing is corrupt to the core and very harmful to the entire human race, would have the courage to put their own lives on the line to stop this reckless treatment of our planet! This makes me feel that there is still hope for our human race. This makes me feel that at least some people are smart enough to see past the corrupt actions of the rich and our politicians and are willing to do what is needed to stop this corruption. Personally I think we should eat the rich and give the money that they have stolen from all of us with their slave wages, back to the people by establishing that all health care and all education is FREE!