Wednesday, June 30, 2021
How to Hide an Empire: The Story of the Greater United States
It is very evident that we are ruled by EVIL!
“United States” to Imperial America: Our Hidden Empire
It is very evident that we are ruled by EVIL!
CIA Stories: The CIA is Born
I suspect that it was the rif-raf that secretly took over the CIA because it is very evident that we are ruled by EVIL!
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Ryan, Emily, Trita Parsi: Syria, Iraq Strikes MOTIVATED By U.S. Israel A...
No one better at using words, twisting their meanings to justify their own EVIL actions than the old silver tongued devils themselves.
Health Care Sharing Ministries: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
More hypocrisy of organized religion.
People Aren't BLIGHT: Mobile Home Community Evicted in Pandemic Scheme
The rich and powerful are terrorizing, abusing as well as setting poor citizens up for genocide. When will people work together to prosecute these people for genocide? Good people prosecuting these EVIL doers is the only thing that will stop this genocide. They are doing it this way because they think they can claim that it isn't their fault so they believe that they will never be held accountable.
Monday, June 28, 2021
The Drug War Secret Origins & The Kent State Massacre - Gov't Secrets Ep...
This is why they kill, jail and torture truthtellers. Because GOOD people would put a stop to this EVIL, if they knew the truth about what our government actually does.
Crushing Blockade Supported By U.S. & Israel
You forgot to add the old 'CIA Suicide While in Custody' to that list of bar drinks.
Los Angeles Panel Event with Julian Assange's Father & Brother
Live now. There can be no democracy without truthful information.
How will the US protect its collaborators in Afghanistan? | Inside Story
It’s always a one sided story with the USA. When they are through using you then they don’t give a damn about you.
Biden Wants You To Snitch On Family & Friends
When we allow EVIL to be done to others, we have given permission for EVIL to be done to us.
1984 in Action: British Govt Has Legalized Crimes by Undercover Police
EVIL controls the world, of course they will write laws to protect those who commit EVIL for them. If the only thing that prevents you from doing EVIL is words on paper, you had no morals in the first place.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Derek Chauvin Sentencing, #McAfeeDidntKillHimself, OAS is Monitoring Per...
*Term limits for all elected offices *Voting controlled by government, not corporations (Maybe add to Postal Service duties). *Audit all elections.
BREAKING: Claims Against Assange FABRICATED
Upholding our constitution and revealing the truth to the people, makes you a target when your country has been captured in secret by EVIL criminals!
Julian Assange’s Father Pleads For His Son’s Freedom in America
You can't let the brainwashing that you get from both 'teams' blind you to how important this case is to protecting our constitutionally protected right to free speech and free press.
Joy Reid's JAW DROPPING Pro-War Rant
The 'teams' are realigning because too many people are waking up to the status quo. It is designed to recapture the peoples attention so they can hypnotize them and put them back to sleep. Shuffle the cards folks, time for a new hand.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
FBI seizes Press sites, Sanctions Crypto Hearing, Magnus Panvidya, Defun...
Truth! Lets work together to rid our world of this EVIL and work out our differences after we solve the real problem.
LIVE Everything #MMT with Jeff Epstein - ActivistMMT
“A Revolution of the Mind!” I like that idea! After all it is the only thing they can not control. At least until they start forcing us to hook our brains into a computer.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
EXPOSED: Mass Evictions Despite Federal Moratorium
This is genocide and we should know that the people who passed the EVIL laws that created this situation will not do anything that will solve it. What token money that is assigned to this problem gets siphoned off to the CEO's of every organization that is supposed to be solving this problem. Very little of the money trickles down to actually help the people who need help. And the help they receive is insufficient and temporary. Those of us who know that this is genocide must figure out how to immediately protect these people from weather extremes. We need to design a solar powered shelter on wheels that can be moved out of an area in minutes to prevent the murdering state goons who move in and destroy their temporary shelters all of the time. Ideally it could be unfolded with a hand crank or button to the size of a tent, then with the touch of a button folded and wheeled out of an area. Each shelter would need to have a small heater for winter and a cooler for summer. A potty to give them more control over how they dispose of their waste so the neighbors aren't so alienated and a fold away shower. Study the clever things being done by people living in their vehicles on youtube for ideas. We need to be not only spreading this idea in the USA but this method of genocide is going on all over the world. If you take on this project start a youtube channel, do videos of the build and give away. I imagine there are a lot of people who would donate for parts and a reasonable salary for your work. Put a blueprint of how to build your shelter on your web site to help other people take the idea to help the people in their area.
Seems that there is no such thing as the lesser of two EVILS. There is only EVIL.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Activist Demands 75% Pay Cut for Politicians, National Sheltering System
I love the idea of a pay cut. I would say they should receive minimum wage so that their empathy is with the people. Also their pay increases should be voted on by the people.
OUTRAGEOUS! Biden Packs Courts With Trumpers
I totally agree. These Presidents have way too much in common because they have the same boss. Keep up the great work Jimmy Dore.
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Kamala Harris' Creepy Laugh Signals Dishonesty
Why do we accept that it is okay for politicians to lie? What kind of ethics can you have, if you constantly lie? What kind of people are we to tolerate this lack of character and ethics for our leaders?
Fact Checkers: Joe Biden Didn't Import Oil From Iran, He Stole It
We would be in jail if we acted like this! Why are we allowing thieves to lead our country?
Saturday, June 19, 2021
israel Breaks Ceasefire: Anti-Arab March in Jerusalem & Bombing Gaza
This is EVIL and remember our government supports this EVIL. I am ashamed, appalled and horrified.
"Keep Your F**king Normal!": Philly Activist on Corruption, Exploding Ho...
What little money they throw at this problem goes into the pockets of those who don't need it as desperately as the people that it was intended to help. Think outside the box. What would provide immediate help? Someone needs to design a tiny house on wheels/trycycle that can be folded origami style with a button or crank and quickly moved out of the area when cops raid and plunder an area.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Judge Punishes Innocent people For Being Acquitted
If this doesn’t tell you that “We the People’ sans the rich, need to sit down and redesign our system from scratch, nothing will.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Monday, June 14, 2021
Boom or Doom: inside the extraordinary Australian housing market | 60 Mi...
You can bet the EVIL mafia that controls the world has the same game plan for the USA.
Darwin: The Town Without A Government (Isolated Community Documentary) |...
Yep, we all start out fresh thinking we are going to change the world. We end up tired and thankful if we have found a reasonably comfortable place to lay our heads while we wait for the exit bus to arrive. The problems have gotten worse, not better. And we know we can’t do anything more than wait for that bus.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
The New Housing Crisis Is Stealing Homeowners Future
I caught a video where a woman was researching who owns the land. One of the largest landowners is Bill Gates who has bought up the best farmland in the country. He also owns the seed vaults where samples of seeds from every type of plant is stored. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he plans to rule the world by controlling the food. Seems like these are new inventive ways to get around our anti trust laws, 1890. That is if we have any real laws that really protect the people left, since they have been taking our rights on crisis after the next ever since they murdered our last real president.
ALERT: They're Getting Away With It?!
Truth is not a team sport. I totally agree with everyone he named but he left tRump out and we all know that connection is also there. We have seen the photos, heard the tapes and seen the flight logs. They may think killing Epstein kills the trail of evidence but we know the truth about this EVIL!
Chevron Imprisons Lawyer Who Exposed Their Crimes Against Humanity
We live in an upside down world where truth, honesty and good gets jailed and an EVIL murdering, thieving, completely unethical mafia rules the world.
The Squad: What Happened?
Don't you just love all these beautiful words just thrown out to the wind to be forgotten in the sands of time. But wait Jimmy Dore found those words so you can compare how those beautiful words were just meaningless empty rhetoric. Just empty words to fool you into voting for me!
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Man Digs a Hole in a Mountain and Turns it Into an Amazing Apartment
This explains, for me, how a lot of the stone construction was accomplished in antiquity. It leaves behind the exact same markings found on many ancient stone constructions. It means that they had power tools and also a power source and explains how they had light without leaving evidence of smoke from torches. So much for the history of man evolving from hunter gatherers, cave man to city dwellers that I was taught in school. Of course I watch a lot of “Forbidden Archeology” so I already knew that the relics that have been found debunked this popular theory.
~342~ Schools To Erase Indigenous Children
Once you have researched the EVIL mafia that controls the world, you see the bloody footprints of the Church everywhere. The Vatican is the third rung on the hiearchical order of that EVIL mafia. They seem to have invented that operation of putting on an angel face to greet the world by day but act like the EVIL Satan cloaked in the darkness of night.
Friday, June 11, 2021
New Sabotage of Social Security (w/ Alex Lawson)
Why isn't Biden protecting Social Security? We know how disastrous it is to privatize the things that our government is supposed to take care of, just look at our jails!
Vast Cavern System Under The Grand Canyon Reveals A Startling Discovery
My mom knew that there was an Egyptian settlement hidden in the grand canyon in an area that was closed off from the public. Her father who was a bit of a geologist as a hobby, he hunted rocks, arrowheads and even owned an uranium mine for awhile apparently had somehow discovered it when he was out on one of his excursions.
Democrats and Republicans Attempt To Warmonger China With Amped Up Rhetoric
People better wake up, break free of their brainwashing or the EVIL that controls the world will use our ignorance to devour us all!
Cops lied to put him in handcuffs, but a camera caught the truth!
Banish the police, alphabet agencies & the military. They are the goons who protect the EVIL mafia that robs us of money, life and freedom.
Fauci Declares Himself INFALLIBLE!
Notice how the silver tongued devils find a way to deflect your legitimate attack on their EVIL deeds and blame you for daring to attack their EVIL deeds. Notice that this is the same play that Israel used for decades as they stole Palestinians homes, lands and murdered the Palestinians. Learn the techniques used by the devil to brainwash you so the devil can never fool you again!
Biden's DHS Attacks Pipeline Protestors
The lesser of two EVILS still gives us EVIL! How many more mafia EVIL leaders are we going to allow before you break free of your brainwashing?
Thursday, June 10, 2021
A Message from the Stars Carved into Ancient Artifacts Have Now Been Tra...
I find this fascinating! Seems like we have been lied to for a very long time.
Wednesday, June 09, 2021
Steven Donziger LIVE: Chevron's Corporate CRUSADE Continue
This is how you know that EVIL CONTROLS OUR WORLD!
Tuesday, June 08, 2021
Gay Pride Used To Shield Rapacious Oligarchy
Any group that becomes organized enough to be a threat to the status quo will have their leadership brought to heel by buying the loyalty of those leaders. Once the leaders feel rich, powerful and accepted by mainstream society they mysteriously lose the fire for the real fight. Or it might be that they were so short sighted that they never figured out what the real fight was.
Monday, June 07, 2021
Saagar Enjeti: BOMBSHELL Bill Clinton revelation ignored by mainstream m...
Still true today. EVIL rules our world.
WOW! Would you look at at that!
I have no idea who this woman is and I don't really know why I clicked on this video, other than I'm having another sleepless night, but I'm glad I did.
Sunday, June 06, 2021
Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Direct...
Is this why the rich have decided that the genocide of the poor is the solution? Genocide you say? I say all these methods are tools for genocide. Pandemics, homelessness, sanctions, wars, addictions via the medical field, lack of access to medical care, slave labor get the picture.
Ep. 194: Welcome To The Department of Public Safety & Compassion | Rumbl...
In an ideal world where cops actually work for the people, this would be possible. But in the real world the analogy that comes closest to describing what actually happens would be that the cops are more like the mafia gangs who break the bones and collect the ransoms ordered by the mafia bosses.
Saturday, June 05, 2021
Friday, June 04, 2021
Killer Drone Hunts Soldiers Without Being Told To
Too bad we can’t program these robots to take out the EVIL masterminds who dream this EVIL up!
Thursday, June 03, 2021
Biden Creeps On Young Girl In Audience
The lesser of two Evil's always gives you EVIL. Thank goodness I finally figured that out and do not allow cancel culture to force me to compromise my own ethics.