Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Saturday, February 29, 2020

~282~ MSNBC Full Meltdown, Bernie Surges, Malcolm X’s Killer Revealed!

Came down SO fast it FLOODED out ON the tracks! | "Freak Storm" does the...

Jimmy Dore & Rick Sanchez destroy MSM’s new red-baiting campaign

BREAKING: Billionaire Tom Steyer drops out of 2020 presidential race

Get rid of red tape for Coronavirus tests

Say no to getting dragged into Erdogan's war with Russia

Congress needs to pass Tulsi's STOP AIDING OUR ENEMIES ACT!

CrossTalk: Re: Assange



MSNBC's Chris Hayes Draws Short Straw Shows MSM Willingness to Bend th...

Felix Salmon on Bloomberg, Wall Street, and Michael Milken. Plus some Wa...

Friday, February 28, 2020

[196] Ron Paul On Assange Trial & US Empire

AOC Exposes GOP Hack

Panflute music "Killing me softly" by Wuauquikuna

Tulsi Gabbard SCORCHES The Intelligence Community Re: Their Constant Att...

Nobody has the courage that Tulsi Gabbard has!

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 27, 2020

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 27, 2020

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 28, 2020

The Fraud is the Claim of Voter Fraud

Ĵüŀiån Âşşåńgĕ Calls Out Kangaroo Court - Stuns Judge

This is a kangaroo court! But keep sleeping as they rob everyone of our rights because when they get by with doing this to Assange YOU ARE NEXT!

Pink Floyd Co-Founder Roger Waters: Julian Assange’s Only Crime Was To S...

Trafficking Ring Huge Update: The Truth Is Finally Coming Out!

'They Know Who I am' Auditor Arrested Again... While Playing Video Game

Wikileaks Chief Editor, Yanis Varoufakis & Richard Gizbert speak out for...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why Warren and the Superdelegates can’t rig the election

Imperialism on Trial - Free Julian Assange - 25/02/20

Our justice system is in tatters!

Temporarily suspend flights from South Korea & Japan

EP.849: CIA Whistleblower- Julian Assange Case Shows US Will Use Any Met...

Trying to destroy freedom of speech and our right to dissent.

Bernie Dunks On Lester Holt’s Propaganda In Real Time!

Always on the money.

Buttigieg Gets Booed At FightFor15 Event Then Cancels Florida Events

Do the people love Wall street Pete?

Krystal and Saagar: Superdelegates admit flagrant plan to take the nomin...

And this is how they twist the truth to manipulate the people.

The Rwanda Genocide's Origins Are in Resource Extraction and US Militarism

This is how the rich, waste the
lives of our youth and genocide the lives of other nations. Of course
they must stir up hate for the people involved first. Be careful of any
area where hate is being stirred my brothers and sisters. The best way
to not be manipulated is to make facts and truth be the platform that
you stand on.

Michael Moore Takes 9/11 First Responders To Cuba For Free Healthcare | ...

National Level, Julie Oliver for US Congress District 25

National Level, Julie Oliver Candidate for US House District 25

National Level, Julie Oliver is a Candidate for US House District 25

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

State Level, Texas Rebecca Bell Metereau is a Candidate for State Board ...

Because science matters!

Travis County, Texas The Honorable David Wahlberg incumbent for the 167t...

Austin, TX

Travis County, Texas Maggie Ellis is a Candidate for Judge of the 200th ...

Because I believe that someone who has been there, will have more empathy.

Buttigieg Tries to Turn Protest Into Photo Op - Escorted Out

Paul Krugman with Samantha Bee: Arguing with Zombies

Watch Yanis Varoufakis' powerful speech at #FreeAssange event in London ...

You can do horrible things to my body but you can not imprison my mind!

Democratic Strategist: if Bernie wins South Carolina it's over

Bloomberg’s Racism, Sexism, & His LOVE For Trump!

What Are Bernie's Chances Now? | w/Nomiki Konst

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 26, 2020

We need to stop this child abuse!

Bernie Sanders Gains Support in South Carolina as Billionaire Tom Steyer...

“It’s a Beginning”: Rosanna Arquette on Weinstein Rape Conviction & How ...


Did a Privately Funded Spy Plane Catch Cops Lying?

Tulsi Gabbard Podcast .002 - How Livi McKay won her battle with opioids.

She is a warrior!

Stephen Colbert's LIVE Post-Debate Monologue: Fury Road To The White Hou...

Krystal and Saagar: Who won and lost last night's debate

Prof. Richard Wolff: Will Bernie Save Capitalism?

The United States vs Julian Assange | Four Corners

Julian Assange Court Updates - Report by Taylor Hudak

The only one hurt by Assanges revelations is Assange himself. He is
being tortured by the very murderers that he exposed. None of the
murderers have been held responsible for their criminal behavior!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bernie Sanders’ Rise Prompts Media Meltdown, Establishment Panic: A Clos...

Funny and right on the mark!

Bernie Sanders’s Key to Success in Democratic Primary? Organizing in Bla...

Dispelling Russia-gate: "Bernie Edition" with Aaron Mate

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 25, 2020

Julian Assange Extradition Hearing Day 1 Recap — The Political Vigilante

Monday, February 24, 2020

Sanders & Socialism: Debate Between Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman & Social...

Julian Assange - Protest gegen die Auslieferung in London mit Varoufakis...

MSNBC Contributor Calls Black Female Bernie Supporters 'Misfits'

I am a member of the poor common folk and I clearly understand what an
oligarch is. I also understood very clearly that he thinks us poor folks
are pretty dumb.

Mudlarking the Lowest tide I've ever seen - Storm Ciara - Mudlarking the...

Saagar demolishes Bernie-Trump Russiagate scare

Desperate people doing desperate things. A perfect example of how they try to brainwash and manipulate the people!

GOP Personal Lives STUN Fox News

I love how they pointed out the blatant hypocrisy! Gotta love how they sought to shut that down as quickly as they could!

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Virtual Roundtable with Dave Navarro

Tulsi Gabbard discusses her performance in New Hampshire

Julian Assange "Stop Extradition Protest" in London with Varoufakis, Viv...


What to expect at the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee this July

Stop Big Pharma Greed

Bernie is the presumptive nominee.

Krystal Ball breaks down MSNBC stages of Bernie grief

DNC Terrified of Bernie Sanders Becoming Inevitable After Super Tuesday

Real Life Animal Whisperer Talks to Animals Telepathetically - "I Talk t...

Bernie Sanders speaks out on Marianne Williamson endorsement|FULL REMARKS

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Marianne Williamson's Endorsement of Senator Bernie Sanders for President

Throat singing. Legend "Katan-Koo"

Julian Assange - Belmarsh Prison visit by Yanis Varoufakis

We live in an upside down world. The ethical are tortured and imprisoned while the guilty grow rich and powerful!

Retired Federal Judge Calls Bloomberg & Biden Liars

A Deeper Look At The Uyghur Crisis in China

Nevada caucus results aren't the end-all be-all | USA TODAY

Mainstream media trying to tone things down.

Australian Nurse Encounters A Human Hybrid In Peru?

2/22 Bernie Sanders

Jimmy Dore’s LOL moment over claims Afghanistan War is ending

This Allready Happened on our Earth... !! 2020 . Events From all over Th...

~281~ Health Care Debate Destroyed, Voter Purge Revealed, Boy Scouts Abu...

Hear the Bern Episode 45 | Bloomberg vs. Democracy (w/ Tim Black & Justi...

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Provo, UT

She is a warrior but with all of the old guard and media stacked against her, this may not be her day. Berni has shown that a comeback is possible and she is young. I am with her all the way.

Bernie Sanders Wins BIG In Nevada

Talking about a revolution!

Statesman endorsement interview: Travis County attorney

Austin, Texas vetting all four candidates for this position.

Austin DSA's Criminal Justice Candidate Forum

Talking about a revolution. Austin, Texas

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Austin DSA's Criminal Justice Candidate Forum

Be an informed voter. Austin, TX

Austin DSA's Criminal Justice Candidate Forum

Be an informed voter.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard On America's Role In The World

Oh no! Some evil dictator is killing 30 or 300 or 3000 of their own
people! Now the USA must rush in and murder hundreds of thousands
because this is so evil! Oh yes, PS the USA might as well steal that
countries resources while we are busy saving these peoples lives by
murdering them. But the USA doesn't do brainwashing!

Friday, February 21, 2020

Trouble In Nevada, DNC Worried About Sanders, Buttigieg Smears Progressi...

AOC Makes Questionable Medicare For All Comment

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Salt Lake City, UT

Her speeches are getting better
and her crowds are growing. Not like Bernie's but they have done
everything they can think of to hold her down and stop her. I love her
fighting spirit! It is what our country needs.

Bill Maher Has A Bernie Moment

A better response to the 'talking point' about socialism. It is really 'grandparent envy.' We want what our grandparents had. Democracy with FDR guardrails that prevent the rich from enslaving us.

Prince Andrew's Friend Peter Nygard Another Billionaire Pedophile — The ...

We could solve a lot of the
worlds problems if we just held the elite accountable to the same laws
that we are held accountable to! That includes those who are paid to
look the other way or paid to stop investigations into their crimes.

Bill Maher Has A Bernie Moment

The 'socialism' talking point is best responded to by saying it is actually 'grandparent envy.' We want the same thing that our grandparents had, a democracy with FDR guardrails that prevent the rich from enslaving us!

Dorothy Kilgallen: The Reporter Who Knew Too Much

I was a young teenager when these things happened. I never believed that
the story we were told was what really happened. With no investigation
on my part, just reading and listening to the news, it was obvious to me
that Oswald was a patsy and he had been silenced by Ruby to put an end
to the investigation. The fact that this appeared to fool the experts
made me realize than that we had a government that could not be trusted!

CNBC Anchor Nearly Chokes On Air When Told The Truth (Web Exclusive)

Malcolm X’s Daughter Ilyasah Shabazz on Her Father’s Legacy & the New Se...

IMO He was a threat to USA MURDER INC. and that is what this CORPORATION does to anyone who threatens their power!

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 21, 2020

Pelosi Backs Another Trump Plan Helping Intelligence Community — The Pol...

Buttigieg Caught Fabricating African American Support AGAIN!

Chuck Todd Accidentally Exposes Authorit@rian Tendencies Within The Demo...

Just proves that they maintain their power by defrauding the American people! Are you ready for a real revolution yet?

The Hidden History of the War on Voting w/ Thom Hartmann - MR Live - 2/2...

Voting should be a right with automatic, lifelong registration when a drivers license is issued. Votes counted by computer, by machine & by hand. All must match. Keep it simple to reduce fraud.

Krystal and Saagar: New Politico report reveals Bloomberg's plan to stea...

If they subvert the will of the
people by CHEATING Bernie for a second time, will that start a real
revolution? If you are aware of the real structure of our country, you
know that we have needed a REAL REVOLUTION since the Act of 1871!

Meghan McCain laughs at Matt Gaetz to his face on national TV

Press Misreporting Assange Pardon Offer From Trump

Ep 4: Bloomberg scoop, Krystal Ball, Candidate Morgan Harper & NV Caucus...

NBC Deliberately Omits Debate Question Where Only Bernie Supported Democ...

Max Blumenthal on Bernie Sanders' Stance on Assange


BREAKING: Nevada Democratic Debate Winners Losers & Goners | Tim Black

Julian Assange Offered A Pardon In Exchange For His Source


Wine Cave Pete Can't Get LGBTQ Votes — The Political Vigilante

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Voting Machine Fraud REVEALED

Ocasio-Cortez DESTROYS Meghan McCain live on air, gets huge ovation

Let's stop socialism for the rich!

Police Arrest Man for Holding a Sign, But That Was Just the Beginning

Do you really believe your free?

Every Dem Candidate But Bernie Comes Out Against Democracy

Why isn't this  the biggest story across the nation right now?

The Beautiful Destruction Of Bloomberg By Bernie!

The ruling class is coming out of the closet. Research the Act of 1871.

Mike Bloomberg's Ties To Epstein, Trump & Ghislaine Maxwell — The Politi...

The ruling class is coming out of the closet. Research the Act of 1871.

Mike Bloomberg's Ties To Epstein, Trump & Ghislaine Maxwell — The Politi...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 20, 2020

Trump's New Rule Favors Pollution Over US Waterways

絵空箏/ESORAGOTO  (沢井比河流 作曲/composed by Sawai, Hikaru)

Ilhan Omar's 'Pathway to Peace' Would Revolutionize US Foreign Policy

The Neoliberal 'New' Deal: The Rich Drink for Free While the Poor Pay More

Altai throat singing

Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren Lead the Charge Against Michael Bloomb...

How Billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Deep Pockets Have Let Him Win Friend...

Keeping the American people safe

Getting to Know Bernie Sanders | The Daily Show

Buttigieg Calls Sanders and Bloomberg the 'Most Polarizing'

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

WaPo Pro-Elite Op-Ed So Bad Title Gets Changed

Sounds like the dark state, the hidden hand or THE CORPORATION OF THE
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA est, with the Act of 1871 is getting tired of
hiding in the shadows and they are getting ready to come out of the
shadows to rule like the 'KINGS' that they think that they are! They
keep pushing it and we won't have a peaceful political revolution, it
will be like what they used to do to kings who believed that there was
no limit to their power!

Massive Rallies, MSM VS Bernie Sanders, Amy VS Mexico, Bloomberg Burns M...

Yale Study Says Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent N...

Here are the FACTS for the tired old question about how can we possibly
pay for medicare for all? Of course my knee jerk reaction is shut down
the EXCESSIVE military bases and activity that empire has all over this
planet! But come to find out there is even a better answer than that.
Yale University has done a study that says that switching to Medicare
for all would actually save us $450 BILLION dollars!

AOC Schools 'The View' On What Working Class Politics Looks Like



“Our Very Existence Is the Resistance”: An Hour w/ AOC, Ayanna Pressley,...

After US terrorist war and sanctions, Nicaragua fights for justice at in...

LIVE Bloomberg Buys Way Onto Debate, Journalist Has Laughably Weak Berni...

BREAKING: Sanders Campaign IMMEDIATELY Addresses Confusion In Cali. Afte...

Bringing a Soldier’s Heart to the White House

Did Amy Klobuchar Send an Innocent Teenager to Life in Prison? Questions...

Never Bernie Dems Start New PAC To Stop Sanders While Demanding Unity

#What is a Bernie Bro?

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 19, 2020

Detroit Overtaxed Residents by $600M, Causing Foreclosure Crisis. Reside...

The rich have blatantly robbed and murdered the poor throughout all of history. Don't you think it is time to change that?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Bernie Turns Out 17,000+ People In Washington State Event

Saagar Enjeti exposes how Bloomberg bought Neera, Emily's List, and the ...

Dack Rouleau who's been asking Pres. Candidates about Assange, interview...

Journalist who will not be 'cowed' are essential to protect our freedom!

World’s Leading Crypto Firm EXPOSED As CIA Front

Meghan McCain Actually Wins Debate With Joy, Over Bloomberg

Getting to Know Joe Biden | The Daily Show

Corporate owned main stream media is brainwashing people to believe that
Bernie is not in the lead. They aren't reporting the cheating that is
happening. They aren't reporting that Bernie has the most individual
contributors. They aren't reporting that he draws the largest crowds.
They have brainwashed the people into believing that we have fair
elections. But people are waking up. Will the cheating going on in this
election be the trigger that starts the revolution? I hope so. I have
wanted a revolution ever since I discovered that we do not have a
government! We have a CORPORATION that owns the City- States of
Washington DC which is owned by The Square Mile in London and the Square
Mile is a permanent vassal of The Vatican! Don't believe it? Research
the Act of 1871! Wake up!

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 18, 2020

Julian Assange

The empire can not have the people knowing the truth about what the empire is doing because if the people knew, they would overthrow the empire.

MAJOR Discrepancies In New Hampshire Exit Polling & Is The DNC Trying To...

We need hand counted ballets that can then be put through an automated
counting machine to confirm the hand count. The quick results from the
computer count can be announced to the public but is not official until
the other two counts come in and all three methods need to match.

BREAKING: Trump Takes To Twitter To Call Out The DNC's Master Plan Again...

This is exactly why Bernie is not my first choice! When someone shows you who they are - BELIEVE THEM!

LIVE Mike Bloomberg Makes Most Ridiculous Ad, Nevada Already Fearful Of ...

I think this says it all!

Monday, February 17, 2020

NYPD Officer Risks His Job to Speak Out Against "Stop-and-Frisk" Targeti...

NYC Mayor Bloomberg to appeal stop-and-frisk ruling

Mike Bloomberg Defends Stop And Frisk: We Stop Minorities Too Little

Michael Bloomberg's Appalling Record Makes Him A Terrible Candidate

Max Blumenthal: Shadowy Connections? There's an App for That.

Research the Act of 1871 and who owns the City-States of the Vatican, the Square Mile, and Washington DC.

Invest in the American People

Four Billion dollars every month that our Military Industrial Complex
spends on MURDER. No wonder they have no desire to help people!

Bernie Sanders DESTROYS Mike Bloomberg: He's "spending billions" to "buy...

Here's How It'll Go Down (Web Exclusive)


Erica Armstrong Dunbar, "She Came to Slay"

Sunday, February 16, 2020

CAMPAIGN 2020: Tulsi Gabbard RIPS "politicized" court system in the U.S.

LV Sunday LIVE Clip Roundup - Trump vs Justice? - Kellyanne Conway, Bil...

MSM Claims Guaido Received "Hero's Welcome" In Venezuela After He Was Ma...

Epstein's Pimp Ghislaine Maxwell Hiding In Israel — The Political Vigilante

BREAKING: Bloomberg Considering Hillary Clinton (Another MCSC Prediction...

If they do this, I won't bother to vote!

Massive "Freak of Nature" Spans OVER 3000 Miles Wide - Unprecedented

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Hallowell, ME

Still fighting for us!

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Hallowell, ME

Still fighting for us!

Krystal and Saagar explain how they define the New Right and New Left

Max Blumenthal on the imperial NGOs that ignore Julian Assange - and the...

Every movement has it's sacrificial lambs who are brutalized by the evil empire. #FreeAllWhistleblowers

Jill Stein Responds To 2020 Open Letter To The Green Party

Whose Report Will You Believe? | Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II

First Amendment Activist Hospitalized After Brutal Arrest

Ex-UN weapons inspector: Biden's Iraq war vote excuse a 'bald-faced lie'

Munich's largest Anti-War Demonstration: Protest against the Munich Secu...

Nomiki Konst Brings Facts & Passion To Fox Discussion On Dem Primary

Fox is being honest? Wow!

The Realignment Ep. 24: Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, The Populist Gui...

Saturday, February 15, 2020


The Week: Generational voting divide


LA Poll Worker EXPOSES HOW the California Primary will be RIGGED

Kim's Hot Takes: BloombergHillary2020? Sanders Union Fiasco, Trump Impea...

Bernie Dunks On Mayor Pete

Every Generation Has Its Moment to Fight | Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II

My creator loves diversity. Just open your eyes to know the truth!

Antarctica SHRINKS as SUPER-SIZED Berg Cracks off of Coast! 20 Miles Lon...

Discecting Carville's 'Communist' Bernie Sanders Smear

Will Michael Bloomberg Buy The Nomination? | w/Cenk Uygur

Maximum Wage/Universal Basic Income

MAXIMUM INCOME! This would prevent individuals from becoming so rich that they can buy your entire government! An idea whose time has come.

~280~ The TRUTH About Pete Buttigieg, Leaked Bloomberg Audio, Julian Ass...

[194] Could Animal Rights Actually Become Law?

Excellent video with some information and history. If we don't know our true past, we are easy to brainwash!)

Chuck Todd Says People Of Color Love Billionaires & Not Bernie!


Bernie Fends Off Media Smears - To Their Face

We don't want our Democratic country to become a socialist country and this is why! Watch if you dare!

Michael Moore on Donald Trump and who Moore would love to see as the nex...

Hear the Bern Episode 30 | It's Not Your Fault (w/ Michael Moore & Meaga...

Friday, February 14, 2020

Hear The Bern Episode 42 | How We Got Here (w/ Jeffrey Sachs & Ari Rabin...

Saagar Enjeti: Media EPICALLY fails at making Pete, Amy happen as Bloomb...

Richard Wolff: ‘Understanding Socialism’ & US Socialist Candidates

Do you think your against socialism? Maybe you don't really understand it.

Yang Gang Candidate SURGES In Harlem

The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer

A one percenter that gets it? Is that possible?

Michael Moore on Trump, 2020 & Why “the Old, Angry White Guy” Doesn’t Re...

Warren Blatantly Lies About Not Getting Billionaires Money — The Politic...

The candidates who are LYING to
us about not accepting money from billionaires! If you will look the
other way and allow your favorite candidate to lie to you, then you only
have yourself to blame for allowing EVIL to control the world.


Altai Kai II (Turkic Throat Singing)

Altai-Kai - Ойно, ойно, Алтай (Играй, играй, Алтай)

Altai tunes "Jaнар". Throat singing


Bloomberg Battles Trump and His Stop-and-Frisk Past | The Daily Show

Krystal Ball: Why Bloomberg would surely lose to Trump

CC Podcast #95: Bernie Full Court Press, Nevada Courts Chaos, Palast Win...

The Wet’suwet’en Fight Against New Pipeline Spreads Across Canada with B...

This is theft for the Vatican by violence! But this is nothing new, they have been committing genocide for centuries!

Trump's Latest Immigration Policy: No More Africans or Muslims

Trump's War Budget Slashes Support for Social Security, Medicare, and Me...

I wonder if this will wake any of his followers up? I don't have high expectations of that happening.

Billionaires Should Never Be Applauded - Ever

Nobody makes a billion dollars ethically!

How the mysterious dark net is going mainstream | Jamie Bartlett

The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | Will Potter

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Win Reveals Media Manipulation

I love his shirt!

Facebook Censoring Reporting On Buttigieg Cheating

This episode is even better than usual.

Celtic dueling violins

Amazing Irish (Barrel) Dancing on Wild West Irish Tour!

Issy Emeney Appalachian Flatfooting

After Trump Claims Everyone Supports Guaido, Venezuelans Attack & Ridicu...

Thursday, February 13, 2020

What Happened To Tulsi Gabbard In New Hampshire & What's Next For The Ga...

Ro Khanna on Military Spending, FOSTA-SESTA, the Election, Plus Chris Ma...

D. Ray White flat foot dancing - from the Talking Feet documentary

They risk their lives - One of the world's most dangerous ways to school...

MSM- Bernie Fails To 1st Place, 76% For Socialists, High Co2 Levels, But...

Nomi Prins, Talk, 24 January 2018

JP Morgan Chase committed
felonies and no-one went to jail. And the reason all these things keep
happening can be traced back to this. And I am going to keep repeating
this until others start doing the research and start helping the people
in their circles wake up!

the Act of 1871. We do not have a government responsible to the people.
We are all assets of a corporation which owns the city-states of the
Vatican, the Square Mile in London & Washington DC.

LIVE Bloomberg Confronted On Stop & Frisk Comments, Iowa Party Chair Res...

Nevada Dems Hire Buttigieg Organizer As "Voter Protection Director"

Meet the Journalist Who Exposed Bloomberg’s Racist Defense of Targeting ...

Media Caught Repeatedly Lying To Boost Buttigieg

Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration

Gabbard calls on DNC chair to resign over Iowa issues

Invest in our future

As long as she is willing to fight, she has my support! I picked her because I could tell that she not only had a true heart but she is a real fighter!

This Pipeline Fight Is Going Viral (Web Exclusive)

the Act of 1871. We do not have a govt responsible to the people. We
are all assets of a corp. which owns the city-states of the Vatican,
the Square Mile in London & Washington DC.

Trump: I'd Rather Face Bloomberg Than Bernie

Mike Bloomberg's So Awful Even Sarah Sanders Notices

Jimmy Dore On Tucker Carlson - Why Does He Have To Go On Tucker?

Krystal Ball dismantles media's outrageous coverage of Bernie's win

Sadly Saying Goodbye (For Now) To Andrew Yang

Was The New Hampshire Primary Rigged?

EU Parliament Member Calls Out Dems Iowa Cheating — The Political Vigilante

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

8 Reasons Black Folks Should Support Bernie Sanders | with Irami Osei Fr...

Eye-opening: Crimes by rich ignored more than ever! (Full show)

Sacred Music From Medieval Spain: The Llibre Vermell And The Cantigas De...

Nami Nami - Traditional lullaby from Egypt - ODO Ensemble نامي نامي ، ت...

Julian Assange - Public Rally Event with Wikileaks, Nils Melzer, Tariq A...

Research the Act of 1871. We do not have a govt responsible to the people. We are all assets of a corp. which owns the city-states of the Vatican, the Square Mile in London & Washington DC. Which is why they always try to make everything so complicated that most people will never figure it out.

The Iowa Caucus Sham Continues

Research the Act of 1871. We do not have a govt responsible to the people. We are all assets of a corp. which owns the city-states of the Vatican, the Square Mile in London & Washington DC. Which is why they always try to make everything so complicated that most people will never figure it out.

US Gov Says WikiLeaks 'Significant A Threat As ISIS’ & WHO Declares Coro...

Elizabeth Warren humiliates Susan Collins on national TV

Just like she held the bankers she held accountable. Oh that's right, not a single banker went to jail! But she did give them a good tongue lashing! Put a million dollars in my pocket and you can lash me as much as you want!

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Concord, NH


Buttigieg Staffers Are Harrasing Progressive Journalists Vilifying Dis...

Meanwhile... Horny Man Threatens To Sue NFL Over Sexy J.Lo & Shakira Hal...

Bernie Sanders & AOC New Hampshire Primary Eve—Jordan LIVE

I love Tulsi but it is looking like it is going to be Sanders.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sanders Wins New Hampshire

I love Tulsi but it is looking like it is going to be Sanders.

LIVE Bloomberg Stop & Frisk Clip Going Viral, Buttigieg Campaign Not Fan...

Tulsi LIVE in Manchester


Bernie Schools Simpleton Chuck Todd: "I Do Not Like Military Coups"

NH Primary Day Stream

Abby Martin Sues Georgia Over Israel Loyalty Oath Law [Full Press Confer...

Iowa debacle fueled by anti-Bernie billionaires, Russiagate hucksters, f...

Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come (Official Lyric Video)

Homelessness Can Be Eradicated - Fight Big Real Estate with Nithya Raman

Stop this genocide that the elite have caused by the laws that they pay to put in place.

“Our Very Existence Is the Resistance”: An Hour w/ AOC, Ayanna Pressley,...

British MP Richard Burgon speaks out for Julian Assange & Wikileaks

No one should ever be jailed for telling the truth! The fact that we allow this to happen shows how we have allowed evil to control our world.

Prof. Wolff on Trump's Economic Shell Game

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Manchester, NH

Monday, February 10, 2020

Science Of The Soul - Full Documentary


Joe Rogan Experience #872 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson


British MP John McDonnell & Activist John Rees on Assange & how you can ...

#FreeJulianAssange #FreeAllWhistleblowers

Help the Homeless - Build a Dignity Roller Pod

Resist! Help stop the genocide of the homeless!

Nils Melzer - United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture - examines th...

When media does not o it's job it just becomes the propaganda mouthpiece for a government. What is happening to Julian Assange is a direct result of media not doing their job.

When he looked up SOMETHING didn't look right! - Looked like a "planet" ...

LEAKED: List Of Bernie Sanders' Exec. Actions If President (Web Exclusive)

I love the idea of our representatives wearing the name of their sponsors!

Sunday, February 09, 2020

The PNAC Plan For Ethnically-Focused Bioweapons & US Gov's History Of Te...

Tulsi's Inspiring Speech at New Hampshire Dem Party Dinner

Multi-Shack: Homeless or emergency Housing (Free Plans)

Wouldn't it be nice if a few people decided to take on this project and stop the genocide of the homeless in their area?

Emergency or Homeless Shelter

Camping in DIY Instant Pop-Up Folding Origami Shelter

Michael Moore LIVE With Jordan After Bernie Sanders Town Hall

Mysterious ICE Vents in Antarctica - 2000ft Wide Square

BREAKING: Gary Johnson Endorses Tulsi Gabbard

We bought an abandoned Antique store! what's inside?!?


Engineering with Origami

I would love to see some one design a box to be used as emergency
shelter for the homeless. Design it to be an 8X8 Box, or 10X10 and have a
height between 6 and eight feet. It needs to fold around a center box
where all of their personal belongings can be stored when they are
forced to 'move along. It needs to have wheels so it is easy to move and
be as light weight as possible. Also have a heavy chain with a padlock
so it could be secured around a tree or light post if the person needs
to go to a store to shop etc. It should fold down into a box about the
size of a shopping cart and needs a hand crank so that it would be easy
to fold up when they need to move and easy to unfold when they want to
use the shelter. Maybe have a fold able bench to sit on when the box is
folded down so they have a place to sit when the box is closed. I would
love to see someone come up with a design that could be constructed with
less than two hundred dollars for materials. Then make a how to video
so that people everywhere could make these shelters to help the

Crows, smarter than you think | John Marzluff | TEDxRainier

Hidden in plain sight - slavery in your Community: Dr. Kate Transchel at...

This is happening in our world today!

64-Year-Old Woman Travels Full-Time in This Stunning Camper Van! (Home ...

I am one of those who says, "I wish I Had done."

Mother Orangutan's Reunited With Her Kidnapped Daughter | Orangutan Jung...

Sleeping Rough | Girls Living On The Streets Of Brighton

Liz Warren Takes on Sneaky Pete - I'm Grabbing Popcorn

The only person Trump fears on the debate stage is Tulsi

Saturday, February 08, 2020

As Bernie Sanders is About to Be Declared #IowaCaucus Winner, Tom Perez ...

N.Y. governor to sue Trump administration over banning New Yorkers from ...

Don't Extradite Assange Event in London with Wikileaks, Tariq Ali, Nils ...

That is the truth and it has been a long time coming!

BREAKING: The DNC is “Running the Show” For #IowaCaucus Results

Monkey Cracks Nut - what could go wrong?

MSNBC Calls Bernie Sanders An Oligarch

The truth about Bernie's finances.

NH Debate Breakdown: Bernie Won, Pete Lost

Improved version of my Homeless Emergency Shelter

Corp Media Pundits Have Officially Gone Insane — The Political Vigilante

Ana Alcaide: LUNA SEFARDITA en Samarkanda

Mysterious Cross Appears in the Sky Above "Holy Lands" - Strange Sky Lig...

Wikileaks Editor in Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson on Julian Assange

Help if you can. He has fought so hard for the people that USA MURDER INC. wants to use him to intimidate us to be silent. Never allow evil to win.

BREAKING: Iowa Fix Is In – Proof of Manufactured Chaos (Web Exclusive)

Rigged, rigged, rigged! You know they will do it again so how do we stop it? This may be our only chance to stop USA MURDER INC.

Nina Turner Blasts DNC Over "Intentional" #IowaCaucus Sabotage

Don't be fooled, this is a battle between the elites, who practice divide and conquer and the working class.

Woman Of Color Leave Warren's Campaign In Frustration — The Political Vi...

Woman Of Color Leave Warren's Campaign In Frustration — The Political Vi...

Paul And His Brother Jeff Go In Depth on Iowa And Political Philosophy

I also think that ideology is more important than strategy! When you compromise your ideals, evil wins.

The Week: Iowa Caucus Fallout

Lee Fang on Iowa Shadow App and Bloomberg's Political Machine, Plus the ...

I am not constrained by a need
to watch my words in public so I will say exactly what it looks like to
me. USA Murder Inc. est. by the Act of 1871 has been lying to,
manipulating, controlling and brainwashing people forever. We are a
people who are transforming, awakening to what the genocidal leaders
have been doing, which is why Bernie is so popular. When the ruling
criminals realized that Bernie is so popular that they would not be able
to spin it so the low information voters would believe them they
desperately threw a wrench into the works and are trying to pass off a
Pete 'Guido' as a hail Mary pass to retain their control. Will they
succeed? Only if the people are not awake enough, in this unique moment,
to free themselves from this tyranny.

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Somersworth, NH

CAMPAIGN 2020: BERNIE SANDERS rips PETE BUTTIGIEG ties to billionaires i...

As good a speech as I have ever heard!

Joe Rogan Experience #1425 - Garrett Reisman

Friday, February 07, 2020

Chaos Continues in Iowa as Democrats Mistakenly Award Delegates for Bern...

~279~ State Of Union Hilarious, Iowa Chaos, Brexit Begins

DNC Caught Flipping Votes From Bernie To Buttigieg

Media Claims Bernie Supported Racist And GETS OWNED— The Political Vigil...

The fix is in but people are waking up, coming out of their brainwashed stupor. Now it is a race to beat the clock. Will enough people wake in time for us to pull off a peaceful, political revolution?

BREAKING: Tom Perez Trying New Strategy To Screw Bernie, California Elec...

What is really going on in Iowa.

Deep State Rigs Iowa Caucus For Mayor Pete — The Political Vigilante

This is a calculated plan.

Pelosi Applauds Trumps Imperialism/Militarism At SOTU

Margaret Kimberley discusses her new book 'Prejudential: Black America a...

Bernie Wins Iowa, But Tom Perez Calls For 'Re-canvass'

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Flip Flopping Democrats Are Turning Off Voters — The Political Vigilante

Iowa Caucus Results Are In. Bernie Declares Victory.

I wonder which country will come in to liberate us from the election fraud happening  in our country?

Diversity Within Intelligence Community Hides US Empire's Evil — The Pol...

BREAKING: A New ESTABLISHMENT Poll Just Predicted Bernie To Win The Nomi...

Bernie 49%

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Calls Out DNC For Excluding Tulsi Gabbard & Oth...

Bernie Declares Iowa Caucus Victory With 6,000 Popular Vote Lead

The mainstream corporate media could not admit that Bernie was polling
the highest of all the candidates until just a few days before the
caucus. Since I know that our government is not a government at all but a
corporation owned by the Crown and the Vatican and all of our
presidents have had blue blood and have been appointed by the Crown, I
don’t believe any of this is an accident.

Nomi Prins: "Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World" | Talks at...

Nomi Prins: "Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World" | Talks at...

How Central Banks Rigged The World/Facebook Privacy

The next time you see a homeless
person and you want to assuage your conscience by telling yourself that
their circumstances are caused by their own flawed character, think
about the behaviors of the banks and Wall Street. The only thing that
trickles down from the top is misery!

@Home (Homelessness Documentary) | Real Stories

This is genocide.

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

BREAKING: Iowa Fix Is In – Proof of Manufactured Chaos (Web Exclusive)

Courage Foundation Hosts Julian Assange Legal Case Panel — The Political...

Chaos in Iowa: Caucus Results Delayed, But Bernie Sanders’ Internal Data...

February 4, 2020 Iowa App Exec On Mayor Pete's Staff, Looks Like Imran ...

Here is some behind the scenes information to help the average citizen to connect the dots.

Clinton Advisor Ties To Iowa App Maker “SHADOW”

Pointing out the puzzle pieces, in case you missed it.

Sketchy Iowa Caucus: 'It’s Extreme Incompetence Or They’re Trying To Fix...

Brought to you courtesy of USA Murder Inc., est. by the Act of 1871.

Tuesday, February 04, 2020


Julian Assange's Plight Formally Recognized in the EU - WE Need to Make ...

This is what happens to those who tell the truth about USA Murder Inc. est. by the Act of 1871.

#IowaCaucus Results: Jordan LIVE from Iowa at Bernie Sanders Headquarters

BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Releases Officially Statement Regarding The #Iow...

Tulsi Gabbard, right on the money, as usual.

Iowa Will Fix Caucus Mistakes, Ex-Iowa Democratic Party Director Says

This is how they 'spin' getting caught cheating!

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Goes To Washington To Cover Trump's Impeach...

BREAKING: Bernie's Sanders' Team Reportedly Lawyering Up Amid Iowa Caucu...

(Bernie and his crew may have just saved democracy, for now. Never assume that USA Murder Inc. will surrender so easily!)

BREAKING: Bernie Campaign APP caught DNC RED HANDED

Bernie supporters, like me, may
have been disappointed that Bernie did not fight back hard enough to
oppose election rigging last time. He has regained some of his stature
by showing that he is smart enough to learn from his experiences and
strategize how to overcome those hurdles in the future.

BREAKING: Bernie's Campaign Reports Their Own Results In Iowa W/ Bernie ...

It was the old coin flip trick. You know, like how Clinton got 5 coin flips in a row last time! Notice how the coin never flips in Bernie's favor? Magic coin there!

Monday, February 03, 2020

Bernie's Closing Ads Before Iowa Are So Good It Makes Kyle Tear Up

Mother Humpback Whale Freed from Fishing Net || ViralHog

Patriot Act Bonus: Hasan Sits Down With Bernie Sanders | Patriot Act wit...

Tulsi runs in 30 degree cold in N.H. to raise money for opioid recovery!

She says what she does and does what she says. We need her to stand strong for us.

Tulsi Gabbard Supporters Are Beginning To Lose It

USA Murder Inc., est. with the
Act of 1871, will not surrender their power easily. They think nothing
of committing genocide and murder to get their way and stay in power.
That is why I renamed it USA Murder Inc. Don't take my word, research
the Act of 1871.

Graham Answers Your Questions 2/2/20

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Senate Covers For Trump? - Alec Baldwin, Lamar Alexander & MORE! LV Sund...

Joe Rogan Experience #858 - Jesse Ventura

Very interesting interview.

Jesse Ventura | Talks at Google

Since people love to shut down
their minds and dismiss what you are sharing as 'conspiracy theories' if
the information does not fit into the brainwashing that we get from our
corporate owned news media, Jessie Ventura shares the actual government
documents. Then he said something that I have said my entire life.
"When you tell the truth you don't need to have a good memory."

WE Are "All" the ENEMY on the Battlefield - PART 1 of 4

This is world Wide!

WE Are "All" the ENEMY on the Battlefield - PART 1 of 4


Saturday, February 01, 2020

Pompeo Yells “ F**k You” At NPR Reporter

All Hell Breaking Loose

All Hell Breaking Loose

Climate disruption is not denied by our military.

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Rethinking Marijuana Roundtable - Concord, NH

(Live now!)

Will Tulsi Come Up Short In The Black & Latino Vote? - Qbounti

Are you curious about what Tulsi
Gabbard really stands for? Here is a quick rundown for those who don't
have the time to research this. Don't believe what the main stream
corporate media is is trying to brainwash you into believing. Get the
real facts here.

BREAKING: Mike Bloomberg Buys His Way Into Debates After 300k DNC Donation.

Ep. 10: Reconsidering Ralph (feat. Ralph Nader) ["RUMBLE with Michael Mo...

Ralph Nader has worked for the public's safety all of his life.

CAMPAIGN 2020: Michael Moore trashes DNC, Bloomberg while stumping for B...

He was wrong last time, probably because he thought it was overdue to have a woman president, but he has been right more than he has been wrong!

Bernie Continues to Surge, Delaney is Out, Hillary Accepts Court Docs, W...

Kyle Kulinski reacts as Tulsi sues Hillary, calls for Tulsi to be Bernie...

Clanadonia Glasgow Argyle Street August 2013

~278~ Trump's Two-State Disaster, DNC Swamp Things, Big Bank Socialism

Another view on socialism.