Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Getting to Know Joe Biden | The Daily Show

Corporate owned main stream media is brainwashing people to believe that
Bernie is not in the lead. They aren't reporting the cheating that is
happening. They aren't reporting that Bernie has the most individual
contributors. They aren't reporting that he draws the largest crowds.
They have brainwashed the people into believing that we have fair
elections. But people are waking up. Will the cheating going on in this
election be the trigger that starts the revolution? I hope so. I have
wanted a revolution ever since I discovered that we do not have a
government! We have a CORPORATION that owns the City- States of
Washington DC which is owned by The Square Mile in London and the Square
Mile is a permanent vassal of The Vatican! Don't believe it? Research
the Act of 1871! Wake up!


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