Saturday, November 30, 2019
Marianne Williamson in San Francisco, August 15, 2019
Marianne Williamson & Tulsi
Gabbard should team up, create a cabinet comprised of people like Bernie
Sanders, Jill Stein, Ralph Nader, Nina Turner, Chris Hedges &
leading activist working 4 civil rights & freedom from all across
the nation. This is our last chance 2 stop dark forces controlling
things behind the scenes & buried even deeper. These forces have
been sabotaging our constitution since 1871. FDR managed 2 wrist the
country from their control briefly but he did not eradicate them. They
immediately returned 2 their previous activities of sabotaging our
Constitution. They regained enough power 2 assassinate JFK & get by
with it. They have studied human nature forever & have applied that
knowledge 2 topple governments, create wars etc. They sped things up
after they masterminded 9/11. tRump is being used 2 destroy what is left
of our constitution. We must create a LEGAL army & use the law 2
root out & cleanse this evil from the world! If we fail this, next
will be violence, worse than the Gaza experiment! You must be able 2
connect the dots, 2 be aware.
Gabbard should team up, create a cabinet comprised of people like Bernie
Sanders, Jill Stein, Ralph Nader, Nina Turner, Chris Hedges &
leading activist working 4 civil rights & freedom from all across
the nation. This is our last chance 2 stop dark forces controlling
things behind the scenes & buried even deeper. These forces have
been sabotaging our constitution since 1871. FDR managed 2 wrist the
country from their control briefly but he did not eradicate them. They
immediately returned 2 their previous activities of sabotaging our
Constitution. They regained enough power 2 assassinate JFK & get by
with it. They have studied human nature forever & have applied that
knowledge 2 topple governments, create wars etc. They sped things up
after they masterminded 9/11. tRump is being used 2 destroy what is left
of our constitution. We must create a LEGAL army & use the law 2
root out & cleanse this evil from the world! If we fail this, next
will be violence, worse than the Gaza experiment! You must be able 2
connect the dots, 2 be aware.
Marianne Williamson on MSNBC with Katy Tur
We are not talking about the reality of what is going on in the world because...MONEY!
Abby Martin: Gaza's fight for freedom needs global solidarity
"Never Again!" has been going on for years now, while the USA gives them money, bullets and political support. Funny how brainwashed people can watch atrocities happen in front of their eyes and still believe the propaganda points put out by the evil that is masterminding this slaughter! Anyone with half a brain can look at the changing map and know the truth about what is happening. Sit in your comfort and quietly allow this evil to continue and this evil will arrive unchecked at your doorstep. IT IS COMING!
Friday, November 29, 2019
[183] The Assassination of JFK & Mary Meyer: REVEALED!
The dark forces have been controlling our world for a long, long time.
End Monopolies & Censorship
Everyone deserves the peace of mind knowing their personal privacy is
protected. As president I will break up big tech monopolies and provide
the oversight/accountability to ensure your rights to free speech, civil
liberties, and personal privacy are never compromised.
Everyone deserves the peace of mind knowing their personal privacy is
protected. As president I will break up big tech monopolies and provide
the oversight/accountability to ensure your rights to free speech, civil
liberties, and personal privacy are never compromised.
Marianne Williamson on the Joe Madison Show on Sirius XM - Full Show
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Hilarious Clip Exposes Harsh Truths About The Black Vote In 2020 (QBounti)
All of this media manipulation of truth and facts is criminal in my opinion too!
Chris Hedges & Abby Martin: No Way Out Through Elections
EXACTLY! This is what I thought even before tRump was sworn in. I did
not think they would swear him in for just that reason. It has become
clear that the same elite that appointed him rather than honor the
popular vote, has become impatient for their reign to become known,
visible to the world. tRump was just appointed to be the wrecking ball
to smash the last remnants of our freedom. I have been watching the
erosion of our freedom since JFK. If we don’t rally around Tulsi,
Marianne W and possibly Bernie, our youth will be laying down their
bodies to wrest freedom from evil.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
CC Podcast 84: Buying The Election, Assange Investigation Dropped, Domes...
"The military has guns and a license to kill while we have nothing." -- Media Benjamin
CC Podcast 84: Buying The Election, Assange Investigation Dropped, Domes...
"The military has guns and a license to kill while we have nothing." -- Media Benjamin
BREAKING: Obama Planned To Take Down Bernie's Campaign If Sanders Got To...
Who are the establishment candidates, controlled by the deep state, and who is not.
Joy Reid's Baseless Conspiracy Theory | Tim Black
If a customer doesn't like your pizza, change your recipe. Don't blame the customer!
BREAKING: 60 Doctors Say Julian Assange Could DIE If Their Warning Is No...
Julian has won several court cases against those who have been illegally holding him. Some one with the skills to do an investigation, should find out who gave the orders to break the law and illegally hold him, investigate them and put them through trial and jail. Anyone who would act like this has more than likely broken other laws too.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Prince Andrew's Lies During Interview About Epstein Relationship — The P...
I want to see real justice done, none of this two tiered stuff.
WikiLeaks Reveals Doctored Syrian Chemical Weapons Report — The Politica...
Wikileaks has never published a retraction because their FACTS are always right! Which is why he has been illegally detained. The evil forces fear him.
Miracles and Intimacy | Marianne Williamson
NO SOUND AGAIN! What Marianne is saying is the only God guided way to
overthrow the evil that is controlling our world! They have not been
able to silence her with their brainwashing and manipulating the public.
Is that why there is no sound? They know that good would banish evil
from our garden of Eden if only the people could hear the truth?
overthrow the evil that is controlling our world! They have not been
able to silence her with their brainwashing and manipulating the public.
Is that why there is no sound? They know that good would banish evil
from our garden of Eden if only the people could hear the truth?
Orlando: Where Is The Miracle | Marianne Williamson
NO SOUND AGAIN! What Marianne is saying is the only God guided way to
overthrow the evil that is controlling our world! They have not been
able to silence her with their brainwashing and manipulating the public.
Is that why there is no sound? They know that good would banish evil
from our garden of Eden if only the people could hear the truth?
overthrow the evil that is controlling our world! They have not been
able to silence her with their brainwashing and manipulating the public.
Is that why there is no sound? They know that good would banish evil
from our garden of Eden if only the people could hear the truth?
Marianne Williamson on the Joe Madison Show on Sirius XM
No sound, you must read the captions but what she says makes it important to share.
Marianne Williamson on the Joe Madison Show on Sirius XM
Marianne Williams and Tulsi Gabbard are the only two candidates that
are speaking real truth to power. Everyone thinks Bernie is but he stays
within the 'safe' boundaries allowed by the dark forces. He is too
close to the boundary for them to like. People are waking up to Tulsi's
true leadership but they are easily fooled about Marianne's substance.
The dark forces are fooling the people by ridiculing Marianne as 'the
crystal lady.' True revolutionaries would do well to listen very closely
to what these two brave women are saying.
Monday, November 25, 2019
BREAKING: Sweden Drops Investigation Into Assánge Rápe Allegations
So you believe the lies, smears, propaganda and brainwashing designed to
make you complacent to the false imprisonment and physiological torture
of an innocent man. While the evil masterminding this, steals your
rights and freedoms right under your nose. If your fair minded at all,
listen to the FACTS. FACTS that you can confirm for yourself if you want
to make the effort. This video starts out slow because she is talking
to a live audience but she does talk about the FACTS. #freejulianassange #Unity4J #freeallwhistleblowers
How a grassroots Seattle movement delivered Amazon a major loss
We can do it if we organize and fight back!
Julian Assange Case: Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky, Jill Stein, Varoufak...
Evil hates the truth! Don't be intellectually lazy and arm yourself with the truth! It is your children and grandchildren who will suffer the most for your cowardice today.
Abby Martin on Julian Assange, Coup in Bolivia, Bernie Sanders & Gaza
When you think that you can look the other way and ignore the torture, abuse and murder of others, when it reaches your front door, who is going to be left to protect you? The longer we do nothing, the stronger evil grows!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Who is Going to Intervene? - Marianne Williamson
Desperate people do desperate things and are a security risk.
Unbelievable Videos No One Can Seem To Explain...
How can this be possible? Either these are miracles or we have some incredibly skilled tricksters! What do you think?
“In Defense of Julian Assange”: Why WikiLeaks Founder’s Case Threatens P...
This is what happens when your ethical, honest and courageous and dare to expose EVIL. Tells you who is controlling the US.
EP.816: Abby Martin- Netanyahu Should Be Indicted for War Crimes! ‘Gaza ...
Pure evil supported by our silence!
Abby Martin: Israeli War Crimes Against Palestinians, an In-Depth Look ...
Pure evil supported by our silence!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Impeachment “Bombshell” Again Falls Short
I refuse to waste my time watching this garbage also! And now you know why there is such a split in the Democratic party!
How We Are Being “Civilized To Death” w/Christopher Ryan
I love this! I love this! I love this! I have often had the thoughts about this world being, in fact a prison, And my idea of making 'Safety Turtles" for the homeless would be completely compatible with the ideas being presented here. And indeed, revolution does come from the bottom up!
Krystal Ball Shuts Down Tulsi Smear In Real Time
A Democrat and a Republican with a professional show and both of them have the integrity to speak truth to power!
BREAKING: Tulsi Releases Statement On Bolivia...And It's As Great As You...
“What happened in Bolivia is a
coup. Period. The United States and other countries should not be
interfering in the Bolivian people’s pursuit of self-determination
and right to choose their own government.”
I have waited my whole life, since
JFK, for a leader with the courage to speak truth to the evil powers
that took our last good president out. I hope her security is top of
the line with genuine loyalty to her!
The Church: Code of Silence (Corrupt Priest Documentary) | Real Stories
If this is not the head of the snake, the octopus of evil, the dark
state that has our world enslaved, then it is getting very close to the
~269~ Bernie Rallies, Impeachment, Innocent Man on Death Row
Exactly! We win when our ideas are better!
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bernie Leads Poll, DNC FURIOUS With Tulsi, NYT Attacks Gabbard, Time to ...
Biden lies almost as much as tRump and tells latinas to vote for tRump. That sounds like a big pluck you, to me.
Media Propaganda Panel w/ Lee Camp, Max Blumenthal, Margaret Kimberly & ...
What is a secondary target? An innocent civilian. If the banks foreclose
on thousands of homes we call it Capitalism but in fact, that is
violence. If we starved our children we would call that murder but when
our country does it, it is called economic sanctions.
Max Blumenthal on how corporate media manufactures consent for war and r...
I thought about #JulianAssange a lot in my own prison cell where I spent two days, on a false charge fabricated by members of a US backed Venezuelan opposition. I thought about what we could do to support him. One thing we can do is to continue to use WikiLeaks as a treasure trove of information of proven facts exposing the sadism of the managers of savagery of our national security state and inform the public about what empire truly does and what it means to people on the other side of the gun. At the Grayzone we have been going to the ground and breaking the media blockade in countries that are targeted for regime change simply for their desire to be independent and sovereign and in some cases Socialist.
Chris Hedges, "America: The Farewell Tour"
We must see reality for what it is and then we must resist!
Tulsi Exposes Buttigieg & He Responds With Tired Smears
The only one with the 'courage' to take on the dark forces who have been stealthily stealing our government, is #TulsiGabbard
Mueller Testimony/Investigating Airline Crashes
The problem with the 'imperial' presidency is congress!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Exclusive: The 911 Call This Swat Team Doesn't Want You to Hear
Who do you call, when it is the law, that is breaking the law? LOOKS LIKE A POLICE STATE TO ME! Shame on anyone who violates the very foundation that this country was founded on and shame on anyone who supports this! May you get a first hand experience of these tactics.
Elizabeth Warren Has Been Pathologically Dishonest. Lefties, Be Honest, ...
She is deliberately trying to fool Bernie's voters for her masters, to prevent Bernie from winning.
No, It's Not Okay... - Marianne Williamson
#MarianneWilliamson - Marianne Williamson is speaking more truth to power than even Tulsi Gabbard and I am biased in favor of #TulsiGabbard.
Inuit and Mongolian throat singers
I don't understand why we don't love and appreciate the beauty and creativity of other cultures.
Inuit throat-singing sisters from Canada
I don't understand why we don't love and appreciate the beauty and creativity of other cultures.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Bernie Sanders Gets Record 4 Million Donations, NBC Smears Tulsi, Obama ...
Someone who openly defies the law in Assanges case has probably broken
lot's of laws. Investigate everyone involved & prosecute if criminal
activity can be proven.
Bolivian U.N. Ambassador: “Racist Elite” Engineered Coup to Restore Neol...
With all of the atrocities happening in our world today, it makes me feel that it is time to abolish all governments!
Joe Corré: Julian Assange's Extradition Case is the MOST IMPORTANT Press...
The most important Press freedom case in the world. This is such an injustice, words can't even express the horror that our country is doing to this innocent man. Trying to silence anyone who dares to expose their own despicable behavior. It is enough to make you feel like all governments should be abolished!
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
13 Articles of Impeachment of Donald Trump - Count One: Solicitation of ...
The most impeachable President in history. Some Presidents have done impeachable offenses before him but you don't not impeach just because someone got by with it before. That would ensure the destruction of our nation.
Monday, November 18, 2019
CA: Bernie's Jumps To 1st In Iowa! Obama #TooFarLeft, Democratic Party I...
Are you willing to stand up for a stranger, just like you stand up for yourself?
Full Interview: Tulsi Gabbard tells Van Jones why she's running in 2020
Remember this? It is still inspirational today.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
CIA search for mind control with Stephen Kinzer
For everyone who likes to dismiss information about the 'deep state' as a conspiracy theory. And this is a tiny fraction of what is known.
'People For Assange' Campaign Growing Support In Australia — The Politic...
#Unity4Assange #FreeManning #FreeSnowden #FreeRealityWinner #Freeallwhistleblowers
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Capitalism on trial in Chile – will it survive?
People are moving left but the elite keep trying to force everyone right.
Friday, November 15, 2019
It's 5000 Years Old, You Need To See This...The True Meaning Finally Rev...
God's Sun died for three days.
Exclusive Interview with Bolivian President Evo Morales
How often throughout history has the Bible been used to hide the devils work?
Tulsi Comments On Rude Reception On “The View”
The dirty smear tactics used on Tulsi is really a threat on all of our freedoms.
Tulsi Clarifies Her Stance On Med4all
Here is how you offset the propaganda, scare tactics that the rich feed the poor, to brainwash them into voting against their own best interests. You give people the FACTS!
[181] NY Times Paid To Ignore 5G Dangers, Plus Katie Halper of “Useful I...
No one should have a billion dollars! Especially when we have a huge homeless problem!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Intro: Confusion Programs 1 of 9
A little slow paced for anyone who has been exposed to this information via other sources. But the pace may be appropriate for virgins to these shocking FACTS!
Ministers Sacky Shanghala and Bernhardt Esau resign after kickback expos...
The more corruption that is exposed, the more I realize that the reason that evil reigns in this world is because the people themselves are supporting it! It is kind of like the shop lifter doesn't reveal the bank robber because the bank robber looks the other way when the shoplifter is doing their shoplifting. The rapist doesn't tell on the pedophile because the pedophile doesn't tell on the rapist. The accountant doesn't reveal the things that they have done to make it so the millionaire doesn't pay taxes because the millionaire pays him a hefty percentage of the money the accountant saved him. Tired of the corruption? Start with yourself. Be ethical so that you can reveal corruption with a clear conscience or of being fearful of being blackmailed for your own transgressions. Support the people who are ethical and had the courage to stand up to this corrupt system. #FreeJulianAssange #FreeManning #FreeSnowden #FreeRealityWinner #FreeAllWhistleblowers.
Joe Rogan Experience #908 - Leah Remini
Talk about brainwashing! This obvious it's easy to see as brainwashing
but done by all of society to everyone, it's harder to see. When your
caught up in it, you can't see it. In order to wake up, break away from
the herd.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
LIVE: Who's behind the Bolivia coup? With Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, Be...
Funny how similar actions are happening all over this planet.
Exposing Jeffrey Epstein's international sex trafficking ring | 60 Minut...
Time to hold these monsters accountable.
Interview/Discussion With Dack Rouleau!
Great comparison between Berni and Tulsi. Sentiments that I share. Bernie is as far right as I am willing to go. Agree with what they say about Warren also.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
PRIMO NUTMEG #201: Marianne Williamson
How are you going to work things out, if your not talking to each other?
Amazon Spends $1 5m To Defeat Socialist And FAILS — The Political Vigilante
Mind control is starting 2 be cracked by reality. All that money could not keep the truth hidden. Money paid 2 PR firms so that they can come up with slogans 2 convince people not 2 believe their lying eyes. This is exactly why our government overthrows other governments. Our country has sabotaged the evolution of humanity 4 years because they don't want those ideas coming home 2 us.
Joe Rogan Experience #950 - Abby Martin
When you know but you don't know that you know but then you do really kind of know. Or you have the puzzle pieces but you haven't put all the pieces together yet.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Creature From Jekyll Island (by G. Edward Griffin)
It is all interconnected and controlled by the secret owners of the world.
The CDC's Culture of Fear
This is the same type of top down inquisition that is imposed by kings. If your OK with your party breaking existing laws to do this, how will you feel when the other party does the same or worse?
Bernie Abandons Viral Video Creator After Smear Campaign
This is why I support the giant slayer, Tulsi Gabbard.
Saturday, November 09, 2019
LIVE on the road - Townhall-style gathering in Keene, NH - TULSI 2020 - ...
She kind of reminds me of an Hawaiian Wonder Woman!
Live from Franklin Pierce University! Democratic Presidential Candidate ...
I wonder why the audio messes up, every time she says something profound? You can still understand most of what is being said.
Julian Assange Westminster Court appearance 21st October 2019
Wake up to the evil that is destroying, publicly, our heroes and truth tellers! They blatantly ignore the law to intimidate others who might try to expose their evil. They want to make us believe that they are too powerful to stop!
Julian Assange's Extradition Process Is 'A Charade'
The backgrounds of ALL who participate in the torture and detention of this TRUTHTELLER should be examined under a microscope. If they find any thing that they can be charged and jailed on, they should be locked up for as long as possible. They should be interrogated about what they know about the web of evil that holds our world captive! They must be held responsible for supporting this evil!
Full Interview of Julian Assange
Assange has been illegally held, courts ruled in his favor several times. He has been tortured & smeared because he dared to expose the evil that controls the world. Hillary is close to the source of that evil. This evil is in both parties. Facts matter.
ABC Journalist Admits Network Killed 2016 Epstein Story — The Political ...
It is a deep and evil web that involves the richest of the rich! It is time for everyone who knows anything to step up and banish this evil from our Sacred Earth!
Whoopi Goldberg Disses Kamala Harris' School Day Extension Plan
I agree with Whoopy on this one! I would go the other way. After they shipped our jobs to other countries, that contributed to homelessness. We should consider 20 hours a week as being a full time job, paid like a full time job. That would spread the jobs out among the people that have been forced into homelessness. That would mean that parents would have more time to actually enjoy life with their children. And when you get old, like me, And you look back on your life it would not feel like you spent all of your youthful, productive years working as a slave. Life needs to be more than just making a profit for the excessively rich.
Friday, November 08, 2019
Andrew Yang Is Still Lying About Supporting Medicare For All. He Emphati...
...And this is why I do not support Yang. That plus his $1000.00 dollar a month subsidy would barely help the poorest of the poor. Especially if you eliminate all other forms of assistance and do not bond it to the cost of living to cover the rise in the cost of living, in a way that can not be changed by future crooked politicians.
Lee Camp's Moment of Clarity SHOW - Episode 1: Billionaires
This is an older video but it talks about the awful, immoral things that the rich do to accumulate their riches. New to the concept that the war is between rich and poor, not the battle between left and right? This is a video that helps newbie's to understand this. The left right battle is to keep everybody from focusing on the war.
CC Podcast #81: Fires, Anxious 5 Year Olds, Real-Time Google Earth and G...
Youtube is not only censoring the content providers, they have taken away the comment section for the audience. At least for me. I don't see any of the content providers saying anything about this so maybe it is just me. How do you keep track of your favorite providers, if you don't have text?
Thursday, November 07, 2019
'Truth Is Treason' - The Torture Of Julian Assange
Huge Democratic Wins, Tulsi Gabbard VS MSM, Bernie Voted Best On Issues
#tulsi/2020 brings such an important voice, she is a fighter and does not back down!
Bernie Sanders and Omar Hold Rally and Terrifies Klobuchar
This movement must be too large to cheat. We also need to take our own exit polls to fight them in court to be able to prove how the vote went in court if that is needed!
Pink Floyd Co-Founder Roger Waters- Julian Assange's Persecution Makes M...
The public are getting a one sided narrative, smears by the devil that he was exposing. The sheep keep grazing, allowing the devil to kill him before our eyes.
Wednesday, November 06, 2019
And this is very close to the core of the problem!
'Finders' Sex Cult Document That You've Never Read — The Political Vigil...
Since the evil that holds our world captive, have themselves so well protected that they are untouchable, start with those who are propping this corruption up. When someone orders the silence of these investigations, arrest them for obstructing justice and find out who gave them the orders to drop it or cover it up. Keep arresting those who are complicit until this protection ring is destroyed and the evil at the core is exposed. I suspect that this trail of evil can be traced to the richest people in the world.
Tuesday, November 05, 2019
Byron Allen On Economic Inclusion, Buying The Weather Channel, Comcast R...
If you have a heart and your honest, this will help you understand why reparations are needed.
Monday, November 04, 2019
It's not a Left Right Issue | Marianne Williamson at the No Labels Probl...
Labels Probl...
This is what an 'airie, fairie, love' candidate really sounds like! WARNING: you might want to bring your boxing gloves!
This is what an 'airie, fairie, love' candidate really sounds like! WARNING: you might want to bring your boxing gloves!
Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Tulsi Town Hall - Laconia, NH
A message, hope, unity, strength and honesty for our troubled nation.
Voting Machines: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
If the voting process can not be secured...WHY VOTE?
Voting Machines: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
How do you know if they are counting your vote right?
Sunday, November 03, 2019
Bernie Sanders Smeared For Telling The Truth About Police Encounters | T...
This is always the way they smear the truth and fool the brainwashed.
Saagar Enjeti: Let's face it, everything got worse under Obama/Biden
This was true for me. D’s sound so much better on having decent human
behavior but they have worked hand in hand with the R’s in destroying
our country. Just the right and left arm for the real mafia rulers of
the world. Choose
well, some candidates work for the controlling mafia & some sound
like they want to work for us. This is the team to take our country
back. #tulsi + #Marianne + #bernie and after the last election I am not
positive about Bernie.
behavior but they have worked hand in hand with the R’s in destroying
our country. Just the right and left arm for the real mafia rulers of
the world. Choose
well, some candidates work for the controlling mafia & some sound
like they want to work for us. This is the team to take our country
back. #tulsi + #Marianne + #bernie and after the last election I am not
positive about Bernie.
JFK Explains Why US Needs Med4All In 1962 — The Political Vigilante
This was back in the day when employees were valued for the essential contributions they made to a strong and healthy society. Before the mafia took Kennedy out and totally took over our government. And as any gang will do, they began to rob the people blind. They started treating the workers like slaves! This was back in the day where we had laws that prevented the rich from shipping our jobs overseas where labor was cheaper. When they murdered him right before our eyes and got by with it, I knew at 14 years old that our government was not structured the way that they taught us in school. I have watched as they brainwashed the people and stole our rights and turned work into slavery. And this is exactly why Bernie is calling for a political revolution. He knows that if he stands alone, they will just him and continue with the final days of destroying our country, the same way that the rich take over a business and sell it off piece by piece. Not me, us! We need a team to take our country back and everyone knows that they will do their best to murder anyone who stands up to this mafia and yet our only hope is for everyone to stand together and not quit in terror if they once again take out our leaders. This must be a movement so big that they they not only can not stop us but we must root out the evil that began to destroy this country since the Act of 1871.
#tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity. We must teach ourselves who secretly works for this mafia and who genuinely stands for the people.
#tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity. We must teach ourselves who secretly works for this mafia and who genuinely stands for the people.
Saturday, November 02, 2019
DC Cops Arrest Journalist After Venezuela Reporting
How dare you document, expose the violence and corruption of the corporation elites!)
~266~ FBI Truth, Grab The Oil, Journalists Arrested
FBI has devoted disproportionate resources to the surveillance of
nonviolent civil society groups and protest movements, particularly
on the left, ...
FBI has devoted disproportionate resources to the surveillance of
nonviolent civil society groups and protest movements, particularly
on the left, ...
+ #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this
country back to sanity.
+ #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this
country back to sanity.
Tulsi Gabbard Reveals Amazing Progressive Legislative Agenda
I don't think Tulsi is throwing in the towel just yet. #tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity.
Tulsi Gabbard Reveals Amazing Progressive Legislative Agenda
I don't think Tulsi is throwing in the towel just yet. #tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity.
BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard demands answers from Defense Secretary Mattis on...
I don't think Tulsi is throwing in the towel just yet. #tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity.
Tulsi Gabbard Demands End of Secrecy on 9-11/Saudis
I don't think Tulsi is throwing in the towel just yet. #tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity.
Tulsi Gabbard Is Being Cancelled
I don't think Tulsi is throwing in the towel just because the Radical Independent is feeling discouraged. #tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity.
Democrat REFUSES to Back Sanders as Nominee, Tulsi Gabbard Terrifies DNC...
-- "Oil, natural resources, and land in Syria belong to the Syrian people, NOT the United States." -- Tulsie Gabbard -- #tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity.
BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Introduces AMAZING Syria Withdrawal Resolution
-- "Oil, natural resources, and land in Syria belong to the Syrian people, NOT the United States." -- Tulsie Gabbard -- #tulsigabbard + #Mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders we need a team to lead this country back to sanity.
Court Docs Prove Big Oil Lying About Climate Change (Moment of Clarity)
If we did this we would be in jail. Two sets of books? Sounds like my trucking days.
BBC Journalist Exposes The Dark Side Of The Media.
Speaking the truth that most people who listen to mainstream media. are not hearing. It isn't really social media as much as it is new media, and it is getting the truth out to the people. Because reporters in corporate media are only actors spreading propaganda for the rich. New media still has real investigative journalism.