Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

TPS RH: If Sanders Is Cheated. Sanders Takes Lead NH, CNN Can't Say It....

Letters of support for clemency needed for Reality Winner

Letters of support for clemency needed for Reality Winner


Birney Dance Team - Thriller

Trickle Down Economics Does Not Work | Marianne Williamson | George Wash...

Of the people, by the people and for the people. #tulsigabbard + #mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders The team that we need to heal this country.

Justice for All — Tulsi Gabbard at the South Carolina Criminal Justice F...

Of the people, by the people and for the people. #tulsigabbard + #mariannewilliamson + #berniesanders The team that we need to heal this country.

Joe Rogan Experience #1368 - Edward Snowden

Body camera video shows 87-year-old woman tased - full video

Joe Rogan Experience #1373 - Kyle Kulinski

Politicon 2019: Tim Black and Kyle Kulinski Own The Panel

MSM Says Tulsi Should Quit Congress Immediately, Only in it for the Money

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Bernie Sanders Succinctly, Brilliantly, Explains Medicare For All, CNN G...

Warning: Fed is preparing for the worst (Full show)

But, but things are going so well! America is becoming so great again that we are headed back to the great depression!

Secret Nature - Facts About Birds of Prey �� | S01E05 | Bird Documentary ...

The fate of birds of prey are a pointer to our own vulnerability.

7 Unbelievable Prophecies of Stephen Hawking

Humans should not create things they can not control!

Hope and Economic Opportunity - Marianne Williamson

Let's stop the corporate WELFARE! Oops! I mean corporate subsidies.

CNN Attempts to Erase The Fact That Bernie Sanders Is Leading....Its Own...

Marianne Williamson Live from Rock Hill, SC!

Why an Afghan American is Crying for Our Future | Tulsi Gabbard

We are so thankful that #tulsigabbard is speaking out against these genocidal wars!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Protesters Form Human Chain Across Lebanon

This is a great idea! It spreads the protesters out, making it harder for the police to kettle and abuse the protesters. Shame on those who do the dirty work for the evil that thinks that they own our world.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 29, 2019

Saagar of The Hill: Rising Talks Backlash of Challenging Mainstream Narr...

Crazy not to discuss it...

1) #tulsigabbard  2) #mariannewilliams  3) #berniesanders

Protests in Chile Were Sparked By a Subway Fare Hike, But Come After “30...

All over the world the rich get rich by doing the dirty work for the evil that controls the world and the poor who are forced into near slavery. Time to banish the evil.

Iran Sanctions Harm Millions Of Peoples Health & Why Is NYC Sending Home...

Finally, Americas public conversation is getting real!

Marianne WIlliamson | Poor Peoples Campaign- FULL VIDEO

This is why Marianne Williams is winning my my respect and is working her way up my short list. 1) #tulsigabbard  2) #mariannewilliams 3) #berniesanders

Reparations - An Idea Whose Time Has Come

The world is on the brink of revolution

I have noticed for quite some time now that many governments are moving in the direction of oppressing their citizens, taking the peoples rights and moving into two tiered societies. Those tiers being the extremely rich and the extremely poor. It is time for the people to wake up to the fact that their corrupt governments have been bought off and no longer work for the people. Instead they are functioning as puppets for the evil that rules the world!  We must get smart and work with, organize with the poor people all over the world. This problem is so big, there is no one way to solve it. We must all throw a wrench into the machine from where we are standing. Don't wait for someone else to tell you that they have the only solution for all of us. Figure out your own solution.

Rents Force Employed Man To Live In Car — The Political Vigilante

BREAKING: Max Blumenthal Just Arrested By US Raid

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - 9/11 Press Conference - New York, NY

Reporter Quits Over NBC’s Devotion To War

-- Just as relevant today!

FULL Rashida Tlaib TYT Interview

The economy is great, for the rich!

Tulsi Gabbard's Love Message Doesn't Resonate With Haters

(Honestly Bernie would be my third choice.  #TulsiGabbard and #mariannewilliamson)

Rashida Tlaib Officially Endorses Bernie Sanders

(Honestly Bernie would be my third choice.  #TulsiGabbard and #mariannewilliamson)

Reagan Official Says Cut Military Spending! Panel SCREAMS!

(Are we finally seeing a crack
in the brainwashing that we get from the military industrial complex?
Let's finalize the break in the hold they have over us by electing #TulsiGabbard and #mariannewilliamson)


When humans 'wake up' and quit killing each other for the benefit of the evil that controls our world, look what they have planned for us now!

500 Spanish Verbs Lesson. Learn Spanish With Pablo.

Whoa! What WAS that? Fiery FAST object BOLTS down L A Mountain

Put People Before Politics

Monday, October 28, 2019

Emotional Reunion with Chimpanzees

Hands on Harps Concert to Cows

AMAZING Animals Reacting to Music

AMAZING Animals Reacting to Music (part 2)

Wouldn't it be amazing if humans learned to communicate with animals via music?

Trump & Syria: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Marianne Williamson at the Yale Political Union

The more I hear this woman speak, the more sense she makes and the more inspiring I find her. Tulsi is still in the lead but Marianne is rapidly closing the gap! Ideally we could have both women working on healing this country!  #TulsiGabbard  #MarianneWilliams

Temporary Trump Triumph? - Alec Baldwin, Mike Pence & MORE! LV Sunday LI...

Live from Philadelphia! Marianne Williamson speaking at First Unitarian ...

Big Tech Platforms Have Had a “Profound Negative Effect on Democracy.” I...

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Kali Fehrenbacher, Special Education teacher, CTU Member

Tulsi Gabbard Is All In, Will Not Run For Congress

Jesse Ventura: “Terror list is an unconstitutional instrument of the gov...

Jesse Ventura: “Terror list is an unconstitutional instrument of the gov...

Our criminal, fake government obeys no laws.

Marianne Williamson at the National Press Club

21st Century Mindset - Marianne Williamson

Bosnia's invisible children: Living in dignity | DW Documentary

The World's Shrinking Population

No, what we are really good at is eliminating entire generations of
people, by what we like to call war. Because if we call it war, it makes
us feel like it isn't our fault. Funny how we can allow a million
people to be killed and by calling it war, most people either do not
care about it or feel helpless to change it. But if we killed a million
people and called it what it really is, genocide, most people would be
outraged. Unless the people are black and live in Yemen! Then we can
speak the truth about genocide and no one cares. But the murderers who
lead us can always convince the people that they are invading countries
for humanitarian reasons. But the only humanitarian interest occurs when
there are riches to be stolen by the murderers and thieves that plan
these wars! Will we ever hold the people who plan and carry out these
mass murders, accountable?

The Future of American Labor

How the workers had their rights, benefits and wages stolen from them.
While the rich got so rich that they can buy off our government, leaving
the people with little or no representation. But the worst offense of
all is how they have brainwashed the masses into believing that that is
how it should be.

8. Catastrophic Impacts in Earth's History

Ancient History in Greenland Ice

China & India's Most Incredible Ancient Anomalies

10 Most Mysterious Finds No One Can Explain

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jesse Ventura: ‘Republicans Broke Law By Entering Secured Room’

Twitter Editor Exposed As Military PsyOps Officer

Even CNN Defends Tulsi & Condemns Hillary’s Unhinged Accusations

Hillary Supporter Defends Hillary’s Smear Of Tulsi

[178] Tulsi Wrecks Hillary & More

Leah Remini EXPOSES Scientology

Leah Remini EXPOSES Scientology

Scientology: Mysterious Deaths (Religious Documentary) | Real Stories

The Mysterious Mr. Epstein — Episode 1 — The Story of Jeffrey Epstein

The rot at the core in a world filled with lies!

The Mysterious Mr. Epstein — Episode 1 — The Story of Jeffrey Epstein

The rot at the core in a world filled with lies!

DISTURBING New Assault Allegations Against Trump

In this upside down world we live in, we not only kick women who speak up out, protecting the predators but we allow them to hold the highest offices in our land! No wonder rape continues to flourish in this world of lies.

#WashWeekPBS Extra: What role will social media play in the 2020 election?

Rashida Tlaib to Mark Zuckerberg: Why Haven’t You Stopped Hate Groups Fr...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 25, 2019

And this is why rape continues. Not only is the predator protected in mainstream society but we often put them into the highest offices in society! Disgusting!

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 24, 2019

Michael Moore: Why I support Bernie over Warren

Harvey Weinstein, In Audience, Is Confronted By Comedian. Men In Audienc...

Friday, October 25, 2019

This Happened In Saudi Arabia And You Won't Believe What Happens Next...

Nomi Prins: How Central Bankers Rigged the World

Neo-Progressives Turning On Tulsi Gabbard

(If you do not vote for the best candidate because you think you must vote for the lesser evil, you can only blame yourselves when we end up with evil!)

Mind Blowing Videos You Won't Believe Are Real...

This Happened In Oklahoma And You Won't Believe What Happens Next..

CNN President's Wife Pals With Epstein's Pimp, Maxwell — The Political ...

It is a big club and if you are not a millionaire several times over, you ain't in it!

Abby Martin on Hillary's NeoMcCarthyism and 'Gaza Fights for Freedom,' P...

The brainwashing of America!

Abby Martin on Hillary's NeoMcCarthyism and 'Gaza Fights for Freedom,' P...

The brainwashing of America!

BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Will Not Seek Re-election To Congress

BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Will Not Seek Re-election To Congress

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Have You Ever Seen Anything Like This? Mysterious Bird Event,"Invisible ...

Jill Stein Smashes Hillary & Defends Julian Assange

(The smears on Wiki Leaks is just horrific.)

Marianne Williamson at Unity Charleston in Charleston, NC

UK: Assange supporters worried for his health after seeing him in courtroom

BREAKING: *PROOF*Tulsi Was Right About "Proxies" Working For Hillary To ...

Because facts matter.

Surprise! Look Who’s Supporting Tulsi Over Hillary!

This post fits for this video as well! Too bad that the people don't get
the opportunity to select their own dream team. Can you imagine our
country being led by Bernie Sanders, Tulsie Gabbard, Marianne Williams,
Jill Stien and ... Who would you add to your dream team? Mike Gravel
although I think he is retired and Ralph Nader although he should be
retired. And of course the Squad! 

And yes I did vote for both Nader and Stien!

Jill Stein: Hillary Clinton is still sabotaging progressives

Too bad that the people don't
get the opportunity to select their own dream team. Can you imagine our
country being led by Bernie Sanders, Tulsie Gabbard, Marianne Williams,
Jill Stien and ... Who would you add to your dream team? Mike Gravel
although I think he is retired and Ralph Nader although he should be
retired. And of course the Squad!

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 23, 2019

Race for Profit: Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on How Banks & Real Estate Biz ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

EP.807: John Pilger- Julian Assange’s Extradition Case is a SHOW TRIAL!

It was an atrocious event!

Podcast: “I just couldn’t have any part of it” – Bob Musil, former Army Captain

This Happened During Hunter's Moon But Stranger Things Are Happening Wor...

Massive "UNKNOWN OBJECT" To Be Transported Offshore..

Unbelievable Videos You Might NOT Wanna Watch Alone..

Pramila Jayapal Warns Nation Is Heading Down "Road To Fascism"

2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates Position On Julian Assange — The...

Gasp! Bill Taylor's Testimony Said To Be 'Incredibly Damaging' To Trump

Fox News RIPS Trump To Shreds

On the streets with Lebanon's protesters | The Straits Times

On the streets with Lebanon's protesters | The Straits Times

“Unprecedented” Protests Rage Across Lebanon as People Demand PM’s Resig...



Jill Stein Interview: Hillary Clinton's "Russian Asset" Smear, 2020, an...

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Corp Media Hides Prison Abuse At Assange Hearing — The Political Vigilante

BREAKING: The Establishment Puts Yang On Notice For Defending Tulsi

Leaked Audio Shows Elizabeth Warren's Medicare For All Plan Is....Kumbaya

Leaked Audio Shows Elizabeth Warren's Medicare For All Plan Is....Kumbaya

Leaked Audio Shows Elizabeth Warren's Medicare For All Plan Is....Kumbaya

Warren Flip Flops AGAIN On Big $ Donors!

This is why we can't support Warren, who is corruption 2.0 of Clinton. Both are Trojan horse Republicans, sent in to destroy the Democrats from the inside.

Live from Cornell College! Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Wi...

"He was a spy" Whitney Webb on Jeffrey Epstein | MOATS 17

Hollywood Celebs Ties To Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeff Epstein — The Politica...

The evil that controls the world and the slime that support this evil, making it possible. And this is all protected by police, military and the alphabet agencies IMO.

CIA got footage of Assange friend Pamela Anderson in loo – Galloway

'Vicious' Cat Chases Owners Around Their House | My Cat From Hell (Full ...

Bernie Gets ANOTHER Big Endorsement

Democratic Socialism means not only does everyone get a seat at the table but everyone gets a slice of the pie!

Bernie Rally Draws Huge Crowd, Topping Every Candidate

Democratic Socialism means not only does everyone get a seat at the table but everyone gets a slice of the pie!

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 22, 2019

Finally the truth is breaking through after years of propaganda by oil companies.

Tulsi Drops Hammer On Red-Baiting Hillary

Tulsi Drops Hammer On Red-Baiting Hillary

Jesse Ventura: “Afghanistan is the biggest opiate producer & America is ...

Bernie Sanders Defends Tulsi Gabbard | Tim Black

Why You Should Be Getting Paid for Your Data | NYT Opinion

Why You Should Be Getting Paid for Your Data | NYT Opinion

Maxinne's Testimonial

Leana Wen Backs Up Tulsi Gabbard

Bernie’s Back: AOC Backs Sanders as 26,000 Rally in NYC at Largest Presi...

Jesse Ventura: “Why was the U.S. in Syria in the first place?”

MYKE LYFE: PSA | Marianne Williamson for US President 2020

Monday, October 21, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Tulsi Town Hall - Grinnell, IA

Linda's Testimonial

Linda's Testimonial

Bernie Sanders & AOC Draw 25K in NYC; Nina Turner/Puerto Rico Mayor/Josh...

#BerniesBack | AOC's Bernie Sanders Endorsement Speech Should Silence Cr...

BREAKING: Donald Trump DEFENDS Tulsi Gabbard?!?!?!?!

Stand with Tulsi against Clinton's new McCarthyism and warmongering

All The Way To The Oval Office- Marianne Williamson

Chris Hedges Pt. 2 on Media "Objectivity," Plus Matt Hits the Biden Camp...

“Trump Rages At Pelosi’s Face!” Says HuffingtonPost

Amazon Becoming Largest Military Contractor In U.S.

Tulsi Gabbard Must Be Breaking Fundraising Records

MULTIPLE Strange Events: What Are They Not Telling Us?

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Passport to Victory - Elkader, IA

Media unites to rally for press freedom: Taking the campaign to front pa...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

God Shall Not Be Mocked | Marianne Williamson

God Shall Not Be Mocked | Marianne Williamson

US Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson Live from Smokestack in Du...

America needs radical truth telling in order to heal our country now!

US Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson Live from Smokestack in Du...

BREAKING: "Clinton Is Acting Just Like Trump" - CNN Analyst Weighs In On...

BREAKING: Tülsî’s OFFICIAL Video Response To HRC’s Smears

This is what happens when you try to represent the common people. And this is exactly how money has bought the system for the elites and corrupted the system that was supposed to represent the people. It is why we need to have Tulsi's back because they think nothing about committing genocide, toppling governments and assassinating presidents, as well as suicide-ing witnesses.

Clinton SMEARS Veteran Tulsi Gabbard as Russian

Media Does Damage Control For Hillary Following Tulsi Gabbard Smears

BREAKING: Nina Turner, Yang, Williamson Boldly Defend Tulsi Gabbard

Saturday, October 19, 2019

BREAKING: Nina Turner, Yang, Williamson Boldly Defend Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Coffee & Toffee with Tulsi - West Branc...

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Coffee & Toffee with Tulsi - West Branc...

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Hillary Clinton On Twitter | The Full Guide | Ti...

Sign the Petition: End Draft Registration Once and for ALL!

Christopher's Testimonial Supporting Marianne Williamson for President

Sentenced to Life in Prison as a Teen, How Cyntoia Brown Survived Sex Tr...

Kiribati: The Islands Being Destroyed By Climate Change | AJ+ Docs

Friday, October 18, 2019

~264~ The U.S. Has Become A Rogue State

[177] Cheering For More War In Syria

Feminist Rage Over AOC Endorsing Sanders. One Sincerely Ask: Is Identity...

Poll- Biden and Warren Lose To Trump, Sanders Beats Trump, Hillary Clint...

Clinton Consultant Attacks Jimmy Dore For Exposing Warren Lying

AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib Endorse Bernie Sanders

Sign the Petition: End Draft Registration Once and for ALL!

Sign the Petition: End Draft Registration Once and for ALL!


Bernie Sanders Campaign Surge; Time for Establishment Hacks to Drop Out

Tulsi Gabbard Eviscerates Pete Buttigieg Over His Regime Change Dog Whis...

The Thom Hartmann Program (Full Show) - 10/18/19

Thursday, October 17, 2019

*Action* at YELLOWSTONE SuperVolcano! | **Update on "Sky Phenomena 2020 ...

*Action* at YELLOWSTONE SuperVolcano! | **Update on "Sky Phenomena 2020 ...

*Action* at YELLOWSTONE SuperVolcano! | **Update on "Sky Phenomena 2020 ...

Have You Ever Seen This ? Unbelievable Videos..


What Bernie Should Say To Biden But Won't

Tulsi Calls Out CNN To Their Face!

Here is the real fake news!

Bernie Sanders' Daughter-in-Law Told Her 3 Kids 'She Was So Sorry That S...

Homeless Man Lost Millions Now Lives in a Oakland Tent City

Marianne Williamson on Politics Tonight on WGN Chicago - Part 2

Rising Throws Tulsi Gabbard Under The Bus

For anyone who wants a good laugh


Post Debate Breakdown! Who Won? Who Lost? Who Lied?

Post Debate Breakdown! Who Won? Who Lost? Who Lied?

"Tulsi was once again the most
googled candidate. That makes three debates where she was the most
googled candidate after the debate."

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Democrats Talk Healthcare, Foreign Policy, Impeachment & More at 4th Pre...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Takes Green New Deal Global in Passionate Speec...

It is time to stop the evil of having no love for those we share this
Sacred Earth with. It is time to stop, insatiable greed that harms so
many with no concern but to accumulate more and more wealth!

Jakarta is sinking! - Equator from the Air - BBC

Living on borrowed time while people debate whether this is even real.

Austin Homeless Man Shares Powerful Prophecy and on Criminalizing Homele...

Krystal Ball: Bernie has the best night of his career

Kyle Kulinski: reacts to AOC endorsement and advises Bernie on Trumpian ...

Krystal, Saagar, Panel: Winners and Losers of debate night

Watch Democratic Debate Highlights In Ohio

Tulsi Gabbard Debate Performance Underscores Her Radical Independence

Democratic Debate: Winners and Losers | Tim Black

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Live from Encinitas, CA! Democratic Candidate Marianne Williamson Speaki...

Radical truth!

Watch the 6 minutes that has America searching Tulsi Gabbard

Golden Oldies (Elderly Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

Genocide by neglect!

Far More People Love - Marianne Williamson

Can We Fix America Together? | Marianne Williamson | Politics | Tim Black

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 15, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019

In Conversation: Robert Reich and Bernie Sanders

Kurds Turn To Bashar al-Assad For Protection, Syrian Forces Intercept Tu...


Politicians Borrowing From Horrible Flint Playbook Across America

More poisoned water!

Pre Debate Talk, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, Atatiana Jefferson, Eliza...

Kiribati: a drowning paradise in the South Pacific | DW Documentary

These people are on the front lines doing hand to hand combat with climate change. While so many like to sit in their nice comfortable house and say "I don't believe it."


My daughter and the caliphate | DW Documentary

Man made hell!

Stossel: Tulsi Gabbard (Full Interview)

The best way to honor our troops...

Oren Lyons on the Indigenous View of the World

Krystal Ball: The Media is Not the Message

CNN Host Sh*ts Pants Over Trumps Debate Power

God forbid a Democrat would lead with policy!

Krystal Ball: Bernie's finally on a winning track

Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!

Krystal Ball: Bernie's finally on a winning track

Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Chuck Todd’s Ridiculous Over-Acting On Impeachment

Chuck Todd’s Ridiculous Over-Acting On Impeachment

SNL Weekend Update 12/10/19 "Trump Rally" | SNL's Weekend Update Octobe...

More Trump Crime? - Adam Schiff, Bernie Sanders & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE C...

Jackson Gets Emotional At Cat's Mind-Blowing Transformation | My Cat Fro...

CA: Tulsi's Gambit, Warren Was Corp Vulture For Coal, Sanders Strong Pol...


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard slams the DNC, explains why she might boycott the 4th...

The people’s voices are not being heard.

Tulsi Debate Boycott A Smart Move Or Campaign's Doom?

If we don't have election integrity then this is a big con job to take even more money away from an already poor people.

FBI & CIA Implementing Coup On Trump?

The "permanent state has stolen our government! We are no longer "of" "by" or "for" the people!

Sanders VS Warren, Yang VS China, Twitter VS Candidates, Tulsi Gabbard B...

The ultimate coup would be for the R's to send in a Trojan horse candidate and succeed in getting them elected as President.

Tulsi Gabbard Pushes back On New York Times

EPSTomcat11 - the real shame for America is that everything mainstream
media is doing, used to be against the law! But the American people were
not outraged enough or we were too busy struggling to survive to stop
and protest every time a President removed or changed a law that
protected us. Every single President has participated in this since
Kennedy. I thought we might get huge demonstrations when they started
shipping our jobs out of the country and started relabeling our jobs,
calling us independent contractors so they did not need to pay us any
benefits like health insurance. The destruction of the America we had
has been dismantled piece by piece, systematically and masterfully by
the real rulers of the world, secretly and behind the scenes. Tulsi and
Marianne seem to be the bravest about standing their ground against
'those who took out Kennedy!' Bernie is right up there with them but I
worry about his courage because of his surrender last time around. Of
course we are dealing with evil that would hesitate to kill a President
about as long as they hesitate to commit genocide and endless wars so I
am empathetic about the decisions that he made. We need all three of
these warriors as well as the squad and the very visible support of the
people to have any hope of standing up to these murderers! And they know
this showdown is coming. That is why they have thousands of coffin
liners staged in the south. I guess their plan is to make it look like a
race war and they think it will break out in the south. Dem's better be
careful or they will force our best candidate to be adopted by the
Repug's. Because those from both sides, who can see this plan unfolding
will all be drawn towards an honest candidate who is trying to deal
fairly with both sides and defuse this powder-keg. We are outgunned so
it is important to try to deprogram those who do the dirty work for the
evil masters of the world. That means all of our military, police,
alphabet agencies, and those who serve up close and personal these
agents of evil. They know that when peaceful change is impossible,
violent revolution is inevitable which is why they keep adding more and
more alphabet agencies. Unfortunately, we don't seem to be able to focus
on the master minds of this evil, instead we keep taking our anger out
on each other. We need courageous leaders who are trying to be fair and
lead the entire nation away from the abyss, not partisan hacks who
continue to divide us.

Weekend Update: Trump Loses Five Court Cases in One Day - SNL

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fighting for Water

Marianne Williamson in Conversation with Jonathan Capehart

Marianne Williamson in Conversation with Jonathan Capehart

We have gatekeepers that prevent the voices of the people from being heard.

Peace & Politics - Marianne Williamson in Fairfield, IA

Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson at Tufts University

We need a massive, WWII level of mobilization!

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 11, 2019

The Stanford Sexual Assault Case Made Her “Emily Doe.” In New Memoir, Ch...

Know My Name.

The Stanford Sexual Assault Case Made Her “Emily Doe.” In New Memoir, Ch...

Know My Name -- Powerful!

~263~ Trump Official Storms Out After Awesome Protest

The Misogyny Of Climate Deniers Towards Greta Thundberg — The Political ...

What is wrong with expecting the rich to clean up their messes?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Why Trump Has No Fear Of Impeachment

Tulsi Gabbard to Boycott October Debate?!?!

It is not only the candidates who are being cheated, it is the American people being cheated. Especially the people who have supported them with their hard earned money or those who could not afford to donate but did anyway, in the hopes of saving this country. It makes it feel like a big show to steal even more money from the people, while everyone knows that the house always wins. Go Tulsi! Thanks for having the courage to bring this issue into the light.

Tulsi Gabbard Says She Might Boycott Next Debate

Tulsi Gabbard Lowers Boom On DNC, Threatens To Boycott 4th Debate: 2016 ...

"Temporary, Transactional, and Tactical"

Democrats Deep Ties To Russia & Ukraine Corruption!


Democrats Deep Ties To Russia & Ukraine Corruption!

Chris Hedges on Impeachment, Plus Matt's Take on Whistleblowers | Useful...

[176] Dems Doing Impeachment Incorrectly ON PURPOSE

They are not doing the impeachment process properly because the D's FEAR
that that would expose the fact that they are just as CORRUPT AS THE


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Divided Supreme Court Hears Landmark LGBTQ Workplace Discrimination Case

Divided Supreme Court Hears Landmark LGBTQ Workplace Discrimination Case

We'd Better Politicize Love - Marianne Williamson

Did We Abandon The Kurds?

Sanders 2020 National Campaign Co-Chair Nina Turner responds to criticis...

Fighting Between Tulsi Gabbard And Bernie Supports Is Exactly What The E...

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Coffee & Toffee with Tulsi - Anamosa, IA

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Coffee & Toffee with Tulsi - Anamosa, IA

Tulsi Gabbard May Boycott 4th Democratic Primary Debate

Tulsi Gabbard May Boycott 4th Democratic Primary Debate

BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Boycotting Debates?!

The Thom Hartmann Program (Full Show) - 10/10/19

Bernie releases UNPRECEDENTED Money Out of Politics Plan, Houthi attack ...

Bernie releases UNPRECEDENTED Money Out of Politics Plan, Houthi attack ...


CNN Media Critic Admits Failure At Job

Economic Update: Capitalism and Mental Health

Economic Update: A Growing U.S. Left

Bloody Protests Against Corrupt US Backed Iraq Government — The Politica...

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

This New Bernie Sanders Ad Will Make You Both Happy and Sad | Tim Black

Meet the Candidate: Marianne Williamson on Yahoo Finance

Marianne Williamson in Warner, NH

Live from Charleston, SC! A Conversation with US Presidential Candidate ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB1VHhUsJuk --- She is saying everything I have felt and believed my entire life!

Live from Charleston, SC! A Conversation with US Presidential Candidate ...

This is POWERFUL! She is speaking a truth that I have held in my heart, all of my life!

Warren Get's Caught In A NEW Lie, Bernie Get's Big Money Out Of Politics...

Warren Get's Caught In A NEW Lie, Bernie Get's Big Money Out Of Politics...

What is the difference between Warren lying and tRump lying? He is more transparent IMO. And Bernie introduces bill to get money out of politics.


Pelosi ALSO involved in Ukraine, Warren uses sexism, local activists fig...

Pelosi ALSO involved in Ukraine, Warren uses sexism, local activists fig...

BREAKING: Tulsi Is Now Top 4 In Wisconsin..Without Campaigning In Wiscon...

Who are the new top tier candidates?

Washington Post's Anti-Bernie Sanders Crusade Now Exploiting His Heart A...

Main stream media still lying about Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders Puts Out HUGE Policy Announcement

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

This INCREDIBLE Bernie Ad Puts MSM's Hypocrisy On Full Display

Linda Ronstadt - Stadthalle, Offenbach, Germany 1976-11-16 (Rockpalast)

3rd Democratic Debate: Education, Inequality, and Racism (2/3)

Tulsi may not be on that stage
but her ideas were! Much like Bernie's ideas now dominate the political
conversation. Now, 'We the People' must decide who is genuine and who is
being hypocritical.

3rd Democratic Debate: Foreign Policy Continues Imperialist Tradition (3/3)

Tulsi may not be on that stage
but her ideas were! Much like Bernie's ideas now dominate the political
conversation. Now, 'We the People' must decide who is genuine and who is
being hypocritical.

Candidates Don't Agree On How Much To Spend on Climate Plans

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Coffee & Toffee with Tulsi - Washington...

Posted 10/08/19

Marianne Williamson at the University of New Hampshire Carsey School of ...

Nothing like common sense backed by moral integrity and strength of character!

Former President Jimmy Carter recovering after fall at home

The Census Fails to Count 100 Million People as Living in Poverty

Well well well...

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Tulsi Town Hall - Fairfield, IA

She is sharing more and more of her plans and I love it. I couldn't help but laugh when the guy told her that she sounded more conservative than any Democrat that he had ever heard. I have often thought that if conservatives would really listen to what is actually being said, stop having a knee jerk reaction that causes them to run back to their Republican talking points, that they would realize that their are many areas where we almost agree. If only we could communicate instead of berate. Sounds like Tulsi communicates in a manner that opens Republicans up to listening.

Monday, October 07, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Corrupt Intelligence Community (MCSC Throwback)

Tulsi is brave, courageous and putting her life at risk to speak out. But so is Marianne Williams and I think Marianne Williams is even bolder. What a great Goddess team these two would make!

Have You Ever Seen Anything Like This ? Unseen Weather, Free Energy And ...

Scary And Mysterious Events : Weather Anomalies, Aliens And More...

These are disposable coffins or coffin liners that will hold four bodies each. Stocked up in several locations in the south.  Too many people are waking up and the only way to stop it is by genocide. Curse anyone who would participate in such a horror! The coffin liners are real, the rest of it is just my opinion.


Xi Jinping: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Sanders Released From Hospital After Suffering Heart Attack

Federal Judge Rules Trump Must Turn Over Tax Returns to New York; Trump ...

Live from Louisville, KY - October 4, 2019 - Democratic Presidential Can...

It is a moral issue!

Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! - Matthew Broderick, Ron Johnson & MORE LV Su...

TULSI 2020: Tulsi Gabbard Presidential Campaign, The ALOHA Launch - Live...

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Tulsi At The Debate, Andrew Yang VS Warren, Bernie VS MSM

CNN Anti-Yang Bias Reaches New Low

CNN Anti-Yang Bias Reaches New Low


Corporate media manipulating facts, spreading propaganda, trying to keep the brainwashed, brainwashed again.

Whistleblower Love-Fest: Why Has The Mainstream Changed It's Tune On Gov...

Whistleblower Love-Fest: Why Has The Mainstream Changed It's Tune On Gov...


Media Consolidation/Plant-Based Diets

The Curse of Bigness

Impeach Trump!

Mike Pence Impeachment Strategy Cold Open - SNL

Aggressive Cat Is Stopping Owners From Getting Married! | My Cat From He...

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Blue Jamboree - Charleston, SC

Excellent video where Tulsi clearly explains her stand on issues.

Heartbreaking Bernie Sanders Video Might Break The Internet

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Trump: Is Fox News turning its back on US president? | The Listening Pos...

How dare you!

Four Homeless Men Killed in New York City’s Chinatown

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - College of Charleston's Bully Pulpit Fo...

Who made off with Iraq’s oil? (full show)

Jesse Ventura: “Trump could resign over impeachment and turn the White H...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 4, 2019

~262~ The REAL Reasons For Trump’s Impeachment

Dumbest Thing Ever Said On Meet The Press!

Dianne Feinstein to Joe Biden: "“I think We Should Go Upstairs-There Are...

Dianne Feinstein to Joe Biden: "“I think We Should Go Upstairs-There Are...





Friday, October 04, 2019

The Thom Hartmann Program (Full Show) - 10/04/19

Debunking Lies About Tulsi Gabbard's Single-Payer Plan

Ocasio-Cortez Makes Cuomo Look Dumb For 'How Do You Pay' Question

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Responds to Fox News' Weird Obsession with...

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Breaking: The REAL Reason Clinton Came Back Into The Spotlight

Breaking: The REAL Reason Clinton Came Back Into The Spotlight


Whistle blowers don't get
invited back into the CIA. They get their passport pulled stranding them
in other countries. They get isolated in an embassy for years. They get
put into jails after a fake trial where they are not allowed to present
a defense.

Breaking: The REAL Reason Clinton Came Back Into The Spotlight

Breaking: The REAL Reason Clinton Came Back Into The Spotlight


 There are no coincidences in politics.

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders undergoes Stent Procedure for heart, Tulsi Good...

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders undergoes Stent Procedure for heart, Tulsi Good...


BREAKING: Bernie Sanders undergoes Stent Procedure for heart, Tulsi Good...

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders undergoes Stent Procedure for heart, Tulsi Good...


*Exclusive* Warren/Democrats Prove You Can Literally BUY Voters

Ro Khanna Debunks Tulsi/Modi Controversy

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Politics & Eggs - Manchester, NH

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Coffee with the Candidate - Nevada, IA

Welcome To The World Of Animal Odd Couples! | Real Wild

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - Coffee with the Candidate - Nevada, IA

Ilhan Omar: Impeachment Pioneer | Full Frontal on TBS

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Face Plants On Biden Corruption Question

REAL Reason Trump Sent Troops To Guard Saudi Oil w/John Kiriakou


BREAKING: Tulsi Introduces Historic Bill Demanding Fairness In Media

The Right Attacks Greta Thunberg, But Climate Strike Inspires Humanity

Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 2, 2019

Trump's Attack on LA Homelessness Ignores the Causes


CBS Refuses To Let Academic Call Out Big Oil

Breaking: Court Upholds States' Net Neutrality Rights

Impeachment, Tulsi's stance, Ukrainegate and more!

Impeachment, Tulsi's stance, Ukrainegate and more!


Host Smacks Down Democrat Defending Biden Corruption

They are in such a bubble that they do not realize that their corruption is being exposed! Oh wait, they are breaking all kinds of laws to torture Julian Assange because he was exposing their corruption and making people aware that the corruption at the core of these exposures are being ignored while they talk about everything other than what is being exposed.

Greta Thunberg - Inspiring Others to Take a Stand Against Climate Change...

Edward Snowden on Trump, Obama & How He Ended Up in Russia to Avoid U.S....

To Impeach or Not to Impeach? Chris Hedges & John Bonifaz Debate What Co...

Militarized Police Attack Man Who Filmed Controversial Arrest

CNN Accidentally Has Worst Guest Ever!

Federal judge blocks Georgia abortion ban

Actual CIA Whistleblower Calls Out Trump’s “Whistleblower” w/John Kiriakou

Tulsi Gabbard's Sister Calls Out Talk Show Host On Misinform

Would Trump Resign For Nixon-Like Immunity?

Bernie Sanders Silences Trolls With Humongous Fundraising Haul | Tim Black

Power to the people!