Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard Pushes back On New York Times

EPSTomcat11 - the real shame for America is that everything mainstream
media is doing, used to be against the law! But the American people were
not outraged enough or we were too busy struggling to survive to stop
and protest every time a President removed or changed a law that
protected us. Every single President has participated in this since
Kennedy. I thought we might get huge demonstrations when they started
shipping our jobs out of the country and started relabeling our jobs,
calling us independent contractors so they did not need to pay us any
benefits like health insurance. The destruction of the America we had
has been dismantled piece by piece, systematically and masterfully by
the real rulers of the world, secretly and behind the scenes. Tulsi and
Marianne seem to be the bravest about standing their ground against
'those who took out Kennedy!' Bernie is right up there with them but I
worry about his courage because of his surrender last time around. Of
course we are dealing with evil that would hesitate to kill a President
about as long as they hesitate to commit genocide and endless wars so I
am empathetic about the decisions that he made. We need all three of
these warriors as well as the squad and the very visible support of the
people to have any hope of standing up to these murderers! And they know
this showdown is coming. That is why they have thousands of coffin
liners staged in the south. I guess their plan is to make it look like a
race war and they think it will break out in the south. Dem's better be
careful or they will force our best candidate to be adopted by the
Repug's. Because those from both sides, who can see this plan unfolding
will all be drawn towards an honest candidate who is trying to deal
fairly with both sides and defuse this powder-keg. We are outgunned so
it is important to try to deprogram those who do the dirty work for the
evil masters of the world. That means all of our military, police,
alphabet agencies, and those who serve up close and personal these
agents of evil. They know that when peaceful change is impossible,
violent revolution is inevitable which is why they keep adding more and
more alphabet agencies. Unfortunately, we don't seem to be able to focus
on the master minds of this evil, instead we keep taking our anger out
on each other. We need courageous leaders who are trying to be fair and
lead the entire nation away from the abyss, not partisan hacks who
continue to divide us.


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