Saturday, August 31, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard With Tucker Carlson Discuss 3 Vital Points About Being Lef...
The lack of transparency makes me think that we need a plan B.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Trump Pillages FEMA During Hurricane Season
Does tRump need to completely destroy our country before the corporate Dems remove their lips from his big butt!
Elizabeth Warren Soars As The Democratic Party Embraces Her
Anyone that the establishment likes, THEY AIN'T FOR YOU!
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
DNC Cheating Tulsi Out Of Debate Spot
Here is the truth, being ignored by the corporatist left, about the cheating that their representatives are doing to Tulsi Gabbard. The cheating includes allowing candidates on the debate stage that have not met as many of the qualifications as Tulsi has.
DNC Cheating Tulsi Out Of Debate Spot
While Tulsi Gabbard is out on active duty, serving her country and can not respond to what is happening, the DNC is busy changing the rules for participating in the debates.
Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren Top Joe Biden in New National Poll; Da...
I want my candidate to not be indebted to anyone but me.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Michael Brooks' Embarrassing Attempt At Smearing Tulsi Gabbard
Michael Brooks' Embarrassing Attempt At Smearing Tulsi Gabbard
This is a perfect example of why it is important to diversify your news sources. Listening to the other side can make you aware of how your own leaders are manipulating you.
This is a perfect example of why it is important to diversify your news sources. Listening to the other side can make you aware of how your own leaders are manipulating you.
Tulsi Gabbard Addresses The Smear Problem
We need a president who will bring honesty, decency and integrity into this office. ... When you are poor they call it welfare. When your rich you get even more money but we call it subsidies. Funny how attitudes change when your doing the same thing but you use different language to describe it. Like war and genocide, both kill thousands of people but one we are brainwashed into believing that it is justified while the other is an immoral stain upon our humanity.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
*New* Kyle and Niko Talk Politicon, Censorship, Debates, and More! (Full...
*New* Kyle and Niko Talk Politicon, Censorship, Debates, and More! (Full...
Marianne Williamson's Economic Plan; UBI, Universal Savings, Caregivers ...
She has some unique ideas, that I believe are worth looking at seriously.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Bernie Sanders Proposes Sweeping Criminal Justice and Workplace Democrac...
YES! YES! YES! Join the EVOLUTION! Bernie, Tulsi, Marianne and Yang would make a great team.
Noam Chomsky on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Spectacular” Victory & Growi...
Rising to the occasion, doing what is right even if you are doing the right thing alone, this is what heroes and heroin’s are made of.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard's Campaign Will Continue Even If She Misses The Polling Th...
It is becoming more and more obvious that those in power are doing underhanded things to rig our elections again.
Federal Judge Continues Chelsea Manning's Confinement and $1000 a Day Fine
#freejulianassange #freechelseamanning #unity4j #FreeManning #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners #FreeWhistleBlowers
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Bernie Sanders vs Media, Andrew Yang, and a Wall Street Win
The moment of awakening can happen anywhere, anytime and in any manner. It is like walking down the street, turning a corner and stepping into another dimension. You suddenly realize their is a completely different world at our fingertips. As the Native Americans/the original peoples story says, it's all about which wolf we choose to feed. I view my life before as if I were wearing a mask so that my view of the world was limited. I was unaware of the mask limiting my vision because everyone I knew was wearing the same mask. Then I turned the corner. Evolution happens no matter how many lies you tell trying to stay in control or how much violence you use trying to force people to stay in your dimension because people will keep turning that corner until those invisible chains just melt away. The key is are you willing to use violence to get your way. And that is the difference between good and evil.
2020 Candidates Address Historical Trauma, Missing Indigenous Women & Mo...
We need a common foundation, based on real facts, expressed with honor and truth to rebuild our nation, so that ALL of the people are entitled to liberty and justice for ALL.
Amazon Fires Deliberatly Set On Indigenous Land — The Political Vigilante
Right wing Jack a$$'s who don't give a hoot about any humans, animals or quality of life, there is only money.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Prince Andrew Dodges Epstein Allegations & Eric Garner Killer Cop FIRED ...
4,355 by cops - 339 by mass shootings.
TJDS LIVE: NY Times’ Editor Flat-Footed Quote w/Aaron Maté
All these politicians lie and then they wonder why we don't believe them.
Rashida Tlaib Makes POWERFUL Plea To Israel
Because those who treat human beings like they are not human, for race, class, religion etc. are, in fact, sub human themselves. And that is based on their personal behavior.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Activist Scott Warren, Facing Federal Charges for Aiding Migrants, Says ...
This is what you do when you believe life is sacred.
Bernie Sanders Breaks Down Targeted Policies For Black America | Black C...
It sure looks like the OWNERS of our election process are manipulating as hard as they can to cheat the 'real progressives' again. Why are we allowing private owners to own and control a function of our government that should belong to all of us? I got one thing to say about it. I owe my vote to NO ONE. I will not support liars and cheaters, that is why I am not a Republican and I won't support a Democrat that acts like a Republican.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Is The DNC RIGGING The Primary Against Tulsi Gabbard and Others?
When they go to these lengths to shut Tulsi down, that is one of several ways that lets me know that Tulsi is the real deal. Another way, is the way she speaks truth to power.
How US (not Russia) stole an election (Full show)
Why not educate yourself, so that you can stop being the bully that blames the victims of dirty politics by powerful countries.
Federal Court Exposes DNC Conspiracy Against Assange/Wikileaks
Another ruling in favor of Assange and WikiLeaks and for freedom of speech.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
~256~ Protests Rage Around The World, Lung Cancer Vaccine, War Criminal ...
The corporate owners of the world, it seems to me, are tightening down on people all over this planet. Could it be that the corporate owners know that robots are coming so they have no motivation to live up to their DUTY to the people? If they can get their labor done with robots they have no interest in maintaining quality of life for the rest of us. A little short sighted in my opinion, because who do they think is going to buy their products when they finish forcing the majority of people into extreme poverty? I think that the leaders of resistance here should be networking with the resistance in other counties to bring these psychopathic, genocider's to justice.
Lou Dobbs Justifies Running Over Innocent People
Seems like half the world is standing on their heads and trying to convince those who stand on their feet that standing on their heads is normal.
AOC Says What Other Democrats Won’t Admit To
AOC is absolutely right! The Democratic party has taken in Republicans who have taken our party down the Republican trail while giving their base lip service for our beliefs. We want politicians who actually FIGHT for what we believe.
Panel agrees: Ben Shapiro out of line with new comments
She got the focus of this issue right, tRump betraying his own country by telling another country not to let our congresswomen in. All other comments obfuscate the real offence that triggered this issue. Get this mobster out of our highest office before he totally destroys our country.
Trump starves Venezuela, Democrats are silent
Our strategy is to MAKE THE PEOPLE SUFFER AS MUCH AS WE CAN. And what kind of humans, does that make us? Certainly not ethical or moral!
Trump starves Venezuela, Democrats are silent
Our strategy is to MAKE THE PEOPLE SUFFER AS MUCH AS WE CAN. And what kind of humans does that make us? Certainly not ethical or moral!
Friday, August 16, 2019
How to SOLVE Illegal Immigration
She has a simple solution to our immigration problem, for the short term, anyway. The long term solution is to get our CIA and FBI out of other countries.
Tulsi Gabbard, the only candidate
who is actively serving in the military right now, is being completely ignored by main stream media. Seems to me that if your wanting a revolution it would serve you well to closely examine who main stream media does NOT endorse.
Exclusive: President ousted by US-led coup tells all
- This is what the corporations that own the USA is using our military, CIA, FBI and other agencies to do. And you wonder why we have an immigrant problem!
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Have You Ever Met a Monster? | Amy Herdy | TEDxSanJuanIsland
I don't expect any conservatives to watch this because, they do not have the intellectual fortitude to be curious about what they don't know about what they don't know.
Bernie Deals With Media Madness In Iowa
This is how we herd the people into their assigned corners. Go ahead people, let someone else think for you and when the trap is sprung, we can dissect how we got there. I have watched the decline of this country ever since the mob murdered President JFK and the perpetrators took over our government.
Q230: Jeffrey Epstein’s Autopsy Hyoid Break: Deep State Murder Or Prison...
Yeah, I am doubtful of the official story myself.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
“A Narco State Supported by the United States”: How Crime & Corruption i...
This is the REAL reason why we have so many people trying to enter the USA. This is the first mainstream media, that I am aware of, to speak truth about this situation. And, in my opinion, if we don't get the corruption out of our government, this is where we are headed.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Yet Another Assault On Immigration: Senator Mazie Hirono | Morning Joe |...
Was it payday or close to payday for the immigrants caught up in these raids? Are the people who are hiring these immigrants working with ICE to deport these refugees just before it is time to pay them? Since those who hire these people are never punished in any way, sounds like another racket by the rich to cheat and exploit the poor.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Bernie Sanders Drags Trump For Climate Change Denial
I have used the analogy of expecting the rich to not live like a hoarder and clean up their own messes, before. Climate change or no climate change we have the right to expect the rich to clean up their own messes.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Ruling Class Pedophiles Have Epstein Murdered In Jail — The Political Vi...
He is right, this is exactly how the mafia does it! Now watch this story just fade away.
Friday, August 09, 2019
Has Tulsi Gabbard Officially Qualified For 3rd Debate? If Not, Why?
Are you aware of these manipulations?
Jesse Ventura: “Payola: Democrats and Republicans sold our system to the...
The American people have been sold out to the highest bidder. And it will take many geniuses to unravel the mess of lies they have spread to hide their evil acts.
Bernie Goes On Joe Rogan, Blows Minds With His Socialist Platform ft. Ri...
Capitalism Hits Home: Jeffrey Epstein: Literal Rape by the 1% - Part 1
Exactly! We live in a sick, sick world that is damaging the next generation so that they will pass that damage on to the generations after them. How do we stop this and turn our world around and start healing our world? We need to get serious about stopping these predators.
Thursday, August 08, 2019
Ruling Class Judge Won't Lift Chelsea Manning's Fines — The Political Vi...
Rare courage to stand up to evil and protect our human rights. This America is so great a BULLY that the hidden hand has completely violated every law that should have prevented America from doing this. #Unity4J #FreeJulianAssange #FreeChelseaManning
Trump Admin ICE Raid Leaves Children Crying | The Beat With Ari Melber |...
Why aren't we holding the people who hire illegal immigrants responsible?
Wednesday, August 07, 2019
Tuesday, August 06, 2019
Monday, August 05, 2019
Journalist Michael Tracey: Why the media hates Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard continues to be the most researched candidate.
PROMOTING VIOLENCE!!! The Unholy Trinity: Donald Trump, Fox News, & Whit...
“We need a leader who doesn’t treat their time in office like a reality show.”
Tulsi Gabbard's Campaign Is On Fire!
Both parties do some things wrong and some things right. Let's weed out the wrongs and enhance what is right.
Economic Update: Capitalism's Shadow: Poverty
Why is there an immigration problem and how do we solve this?
Economic Update: Win Win For Women's Soccer
You can NOT have Capitalism unless you ENFORCE THE LINES OF DISCRIMINATION!
Donor map shows Bernie's nationwide dominance
Finally! A logical sane analysts of what small dollar support of a candidate really means.
Sunday, August 04, 2019
Saturday, August 03, 2019
Friday, August 02, 2019
Thursday, August 01, 2019
[166] Jesse Ventura On MSNBC Paying Him To Not Talk About War
You have socialism protecting capitalism and capitalism could not survive without the socialism. So much for labels meant to pin you in your proper corner. Forget labels, focus on issues.
CNN Caught Blocking Bernie Supporters From Camera w/Jordan Chariton
This is how they corrupt the system and control who is selected as our president.
Post Democratic Debate Discussion 7/31/19
If these plucker$ pluck Bernie, I will publicly be talking about revolution. I personally would add Tulsi Gabbard to that statement. In fact Tulsi, Bernie and Williamson are the only reason that has me hanging onto this corrupt system at all. They are the only ones that are genuine good people who are trying to save this country from the clutches of evil. And that evil is doing everything possible to sabotage and silence these three. If they succeed, they leave good people no choice.