Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Friday, December 14, 2018

#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange 8.0

Stand up to the deep state that has attacked this truth teller, sabotaging his character and brainwashing those who only watch the main stream media. This publisher has never had to retract anything that he has ever published because his research has been 100% accurate. His crime --- exposing the evils of the deep state. The USA is illegally intimidating Julian with the threat of a trial against this man who is not a US citizen and who broke no laws. The trumped up charges that the deep state brought against him fell through as the complaint was launched by the state and did not represent the intention of the women involved. The international court has ruled in Julian's favor but the evil deep state obeys no laws. If they win against him it will completely violate our laws for freedom of speech and press and make it easier for the deep state to violate your right to freedom of speech and press. If your against him because of Hillary that ignores the fact that she did win the popular vote and means that the truth is not supposed to apply to your favorite person. We must be moral and value the truth above all else. Too busy to listen? Turn the site on to give your support and go have your supper or fold clothes or do whatever you need to do but join in giving him your support.


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