Saturday, March 31, 2018
Flint Resident Told Not to "Vilify" Governor Who Poisoned Them
And here is why we must stop the corruption in our government. It is Flint today but tomorrow it will be your town.
Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
I guess this makes me a constitutionalist.
SPACE FEED Shut Down: What Are They Hiding?
When they decide to enforce secrecy, we should assume some kind of evil is being hidden.
Friday, March 30, 2018
Assange Internet Cut Off By Ecuador For Doing Journalism
Nothing that Assange has released as ever been proven to be wrong. He is suffering because the liars and thieves who control our government are threatened by his truth telling. Grab your pots and pans or drums and makes some noise. Demand an end to all the different forms of genocide and all forms of injustice that the NWO is perpetuating in our world today. Make some noise to stop the financial abuse that creates homelessness and poverty. Demand the release of all political prisoners. Stop the insanity now!
Judgement Frees Pipeline Activists: Tim DeChristopher
They called the violent cops that were illegally, viciously, physically attacking peaceful protesters on their illegal arrests and false charges and they won!
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Julian Assange Drop Massive Bombshell on Queen Elizabeth, She Didn't See...
The global mafia are rigging elections world wide. Truth seekers and activist need to counter by organizing world wide as well.
Rivero "John Bolton Appointment Shows That Donald Trump Is Assembling A ...
Millions may end up dead in the near future.
Ecuador Cuts Julian Assange's Access To Outside World Over Questioning U...
Truth! My feelings exactly.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
TMBS - 33 - Radical Struggle 50 Years After '68 & Bolton's Game ft. Anoa...
Excellent idea on the income caps. No one needs so much money that they can manipulate countries into wars or outright buy governments.
Tracking Trump's Deconstruction Of Democracy: Amy Siskind's Weekly List
Incremental steps towards a dictatorship.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Do you Want a Government 'by and for' the Morbidly Rich?
If the worse case scenario plays out, everyone must hit the streets in the biggest protest and refusal to cooperate in the world.
Monday, March 26, 2018
I am not a flat earther but to be fair, I have spent almost no time exploring that idea. But the reflections that she is talking about are mighty interesting.
I am not a flat earther but to be fair, I have spent almost no time exploring that idea. But the reflections that she is talking about are mighty interesting.
Dakota Access Pipeline Says Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Living in "Alterna...
I would say that the Native Americans do live in an alternate universe. In their universe they understand that our earth and water are both Sacred, for without them there would be no life. In their universe they respect and honor themselves enough to not speak with a forked tongue. They do not live in an evil universe where lies, thievery, violence and murder are rampant. They don't live in an evil universe where people have lost their souls so that they keep trying to fill the void with out of control greed!
Waco - A New Revelation
I remember hearing on the radio that they had ordered the press to move away from the area. I knew in that moment that the government was up to no good and they did not want any witnesses. And that was back in the day when I was still very naive about how corrupt the government really is.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Activist Proves March For Our Lives Was Not Organized By Students - Expl...
This supports my growing suspicions that this is another manipulation to destroy our constitutional rights. They will get the support of the people for more regulation but the bill that they write up and pass will allow much more than what the people are asking for.
Meet George Soros -
Very interesting especially since we learned that he was the one who gained the most money out of the Las Vegas shooting.
VEGAS CASE CLOSED: Multiple Shooters Confirmed in Intel/Defense Sector M...
It is up to the government to prove to us that it is not a false flag, especially since their record of false flag operations is long.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
What They Don't Want You to Know About the Las Vegas Shooting False Flag...
We must understand the past in order to understand what is happening today.
7 CONFIRMED False Flag Attacks
Remember that a false flag does not mean that no one died. It means that one group of people targets another group of people in order to manipulate the opinions of the public.
HA Goodman VS Richard Spencer Debate ANALYSIS. HA Makes Damning Point Sp...
It may be our history but most of us have moved on because we realized that treating other humans as if they were inferior is not only immoral but also unjust and grossly unfair.
~188~ Most Corrupt In The World, Cambridge Analytica, More Election Fraud
We are with you Lee Camp, this election just confirmed the corruption that we have always suspected.
Nick Brana, Founder of Draft Bernie, Tells Us About His Plan Forward
This is why our elections are a bad joke!
Friday, March 23, 2018
House Judiciary Com Subpoenas FBI For All Docs Pertaining to Clinton Pro...
I agree but Hillary is not the only one that needs to be jailed. Bush and Cheney need to be jailed for war crimes and torture. And what about the bankers who robbed us blind and created a huge wave of homeless. And what about those who passed the laws that allowed our jobs to be shipped to other countries which also created a wave of homelessness. And those who just passed laws which will allow the bankers to rob us again. I think it is time to jail them all!
Free Trade Won't Save Us: Corporations Care about Profit Not Human Rights!
All any one needs to do, is look at the historical facts, to see the abuses that we have had to fight off from the rich and corporations. That is why the labor movement got so strong because people were being so abused that they finally fought back! To understand that the Libertarian ideals are just that, ideals, and they have no basis in fact, study your history! It seems to be human nature to become abusive as soon as one feels that they are in power. We need Democracy in the work place, not dictatorships, in order for Democracy to really work. As long as we allow dictatorships in the work place we will always end up with dictatorships in our social structure.
Dr. Judy Wood | The Evidence For Directed Free-Energy Tech Used On 9/11 ...
Dr. Judy Wood, a Forensic engineer has a completely different approach to 9/11. So you have researched this and think you know about the 3rd building that went down without being hit by a plane. What would you say to find out that 7 buildings went down? You know about the explosions and the claim that it was nano-thermite that melted the steel beams. Where did the pieces of the building go from the explosions? Here is a completely new, to me, concept. And why is this important today? Think of all of our constitutional rights that have been taken away since 9/11. And they are working on the old divide and conquer technique to take away another important constitutional right. Everyone is a little bit scared of the mentally ill because it is an illness that we don't understand and it can manifest in so many ways. They are trying to use this much victimized group to divide and conquer again. Statistics prove that this group of people are much more apt to be victimized than to be the abuser and yet they are wanting to take away their right to have a gun. Statistics also say that half the population will be diagnosed with some form of mental illness in their life, even if it is only depression. So in reality they are proposing to take away the right to have a gun from half of the population without ever admitting openly that that is what they are doing. And who gets to decide that a person is crazy? They do, of course! People better start looking at the results of all of their programs created through their bad political actions. Homelessness, lack of adequate health care, poisoned water, unhealthy food, school to jail pipeline, creating a prison system atmosphere in schools, the drug war, our endless genocidal wars and you can probably think of even more, but what do these all have in common? People die or their actions are severely restricted. People need to wake up soon or it may be too late to wake up. Individually people need to stop helping them to restrict the rights of others because it will be your rights that are restricted next!
sane progressive 03 14 18
Police state being implemented before our eyes through trickery, propaganda and brainwashing.
saneprogressive 3 22 18
The lone voice of sanity in an insane world. You are right of course. When I went to school they did not fill the children with pills to quiet them down, Now they want to put most children on some kind of medication so that they do not fidget like children normally fidget when they are forced to sit in a classroom for eight hours!
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Trump Vs Biden! The Petition That Could Change The World
This was a good one! LOL If it were possible to do this, it might actually reduce some of the political drama.
You Are The Product: Is Facebook's Business Model Spying & Selling Our D...
Break up the big corporations and make them co-operatives that are owned by the current employees.
CIA Legend Ray McGovern On #Russiagate, Russian Spy Poisoning & Seth Ric...
No evidence of Russian interference with election.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Obama Data Mined Facebook Before Cambridge Analytica
Snowden tried to tell us. So we are going to finally react because we need to distract people from paying attention to what was in Clinton's emails, in my opinion.
TYT - 03.20.18: Cynthia Nixon, Philly DA, and Racism In America
Wow! I hope this is just the beginning of a new movement towards sanity.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Kentucky Gov Will Strip Your Medicaid if Pension Cut Doesn't Pass
He should be put in jail for attempting to black mail the people to get his way.
Voices from Houston After Harvey: Immigrant Homeowners Say Little to No ...
Too much money on genocidal wars and silly walls but not enough money to help people.
"THEY'RE RIPPING OFF AMERICA!!!" Bernie Sanders DESTROYS the Military-In...
Hold these crooks accountable and jail them all!
Trump's Beverly Hills Fundraiser Met With Protests
What could we do with the money tRump wants to spend on the wall? How about housing for the homeless, infrastructure (which would provide jobs for Americans), Health care and mental health care, as well as better pay for our teachers, just to name a few things where the money would be more wisely spent.
Monday, March 19, 2018
40 Years a Nomad: Meet Randy Vining from "Without Bound" Fame
Imagine how you could live if you did not need to pay for housing.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Democrats Helping Republicans Head to Casino With YOUR Money
Securities and
investment money to campaign committee and leadership PAC (according
to Open Secrets 2018 member profile.)
investment money to campaign committee and leadership PAC (according
to Open Secrets 2018 member profile.)
This is why they
vote against the best interest of the people:
vote against the best interest of the people:
To see a bigger list
look up Marquis Ealy AKA All American Bruhman @AllAmerican Bruhman
look up Marquis Ealy AKA All American Bruhman @AllAmerican Bruhman
Democrat’s Playbook To Sell You Out Revealed
Securities and
investment money to campaign committee and leadership PAC (according
to Open Secrets 2018 member profile.)
investment money to campaign committee and leadership PAC (according
to Open Secrets 2018 member profile.)
Why they vote
against the best interest of the people:
against the best interest of the people:
The GI Resistance Continues: Vietnam Vets Return to My Lai, Where U.S. S...
War is genocide on the common people while a very few make huge profits.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
David Icke (March 18, 2018) - Where is the Gutless Media as Freedom of S...
Without freedom of speech we have no other freedoms.
Why is the World Quiet on Israel - Palestine Issue - Abby Martin Explains
Where the New World order does genocide openly.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Hey Facebook and Big Brother.....trying to fend... - Sane Progressive
This is one of my favorite researchers. youtube had me unsubscribed. So much for freedom of speech and freedom of information in our free country!
PURPLE SCREEN ALERT--Bernie Takes on Media, John Bolton Threat
The purple screen caused by a criminal government that is terrified that the people will be inspired by and respond to the truth. The only way we can take back our government is by sharing the truth with the world. That is why they treat our truth tellers so harshly. Join the revolution even if all you can do is to help shine the truth into your corner of the world. Share, share, share and support any way that you are able.
Puerto Rico Solar WORKING While Government Privatizes
More citizens being $cr#wed by our government.
Stephen Hawking Last Beautiful Insight About Humanity's Future
(Poverty is the result of bad politics by corrupt politicians. We would be better off to put the politicians in the streets and put the homeless in charge of our government.)
CORRUPT Cop Caught On Video Attacking a Man 4 Legally Filming,EVERY THIN...
Cops think they are above the law because they are never held responsible for what they do.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Global Capitalism: Cut Taxes, Deport Immigrants, Impose Tariffs [March 2...
The Russians are at it again say the brainwashing stooges who are being highly paid to say this by the military industrial complex and their corporate owners.
SHOCKER! Sacred Native American Monument Shrunk for Oil
This is one of many ways that the rich steal the wealth from the poor!
Russia Convicted Of Nerve Attack Before Investigation
Media announcing the out come with no investigation is a sure sigh of brainwashing for the masses to ingest.
Jeremy Scahill: Gina Haspel Should Be Answering for Her Torture Crimes, ...
We must hold these criminals responsible!
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Baltimore Can’t Afford to Heat Schools, But is Paying $100k to Bus Stude...
It is not that we don't have the money, it is that our values are skewed. We allow the corrupt criminals in office to allocate trillions of dollars on a genocidal war machine because that makes the rich even richer but we don't give money to anything that would help the tax payers who are funding all of this. No health care, no money for infrastructure or schools. And it will be this way until we all decide to demand that this insanity stop. Wasting money on a egotistical parade while ignoring the homeless. This is insane!
Democrats Already Voter Shaming For 2020
I love Bernie and his speeches but his actions have fallen short of his rhetoric. Which leaves me fearful that he is simply acting like the Shepard to herd the sheep back to the Democratic Party. I will watch him closely before making any decisions. If he ends up being the lesser of two evils in the next election I might be persuaded to take that chance. I am so old that I might not be around for the revolution if he fails us.
She ran but I fail to see why lethal force was necessary.
Democracy Now! Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Torture is a crime and should be prosecuted. This is one area where Obama failed the people miserably!
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Terminator Proposes Suing Big Oil for First Degree Murder
Excellent idea! Apply to all companies that do things that kill people.
Theresa Blames Moscow For Death Of Former Russian Spy; Be Skeptical
Funny how our government is brainwashing everyone to blame Russia and now our allies are doing the same. Almost like they both have the same puppet master ordering both countries to attack Russia. Don't fall for the brainwashing.
Progressive Has Message For Rural Virginia-Justin Santopietro Running Fo...
Medicare for all. Combine all services under one, including the VA benefits so we don't duplicate services and vets can receive care anywhere. This makes too much sense!
March 13, 2018 - David Wilcock The Downfall of the Cabal NEW DISCLOSURE ...
All these organizations have different fronts but they are being controlled by the same people behind the scenes. I have done enough research to know that that is true.
Can Biodiversity Save Humans From Extinction?
Makes sense to me. I have long said that we need an income cap which would accomplish basically the same thing.
Monday, March 12, 2018
PBS NewsHour full episode March 12, 2018
What a coincidence! They are mad at the Russians too. Imagine that. Connect the dots.
House Votes to Put Secret Service Agents in Polling Places and It Gets W...
This is how both parties work together to keep us all fighting. They are playing us all like fools!
Secular Tennessee Candidate Endures Attacks Over Religion
It doesn't say much for the religious fanatics when an atheist has more morals than they do.
Trump Floats Executing Drug Dealers AGAIN
Just another way to commit genocide, openly, right in front of the world just like they do with their genocidal wars and murders by the police!
Death to Drug Dealers: Trump Threatens to Ramp Up Drug War, Praising Eff...
More ways to genocide the people right in front of the eyes of the world, while making it appear legit.
Change Won’t Come Through Elections
We battle with the puppets while the psychotic puppet masters hide behind a curtain, master minding this upside down world.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Tulsi Gabbard’s Election Bill Gives Power to DHS/Corrupt Officials to Le...
This woman does her research and is the most trustworthy commentator that I have come across.
This is some great truth telling speech by Nina Turner. I sure hope she really means it. I have been so disappointed by politicians who sound good, I am afraid to totally believe what they say.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
LEAKED: NYPD Files Show Cops Commit Serious Crimes
This will not stop when we do not hold them accountable.
Interview W/ Lee Camp Of Redacted Tonight.
Russia, Russia, Russia. If you still believe this you should change your news sources. Repeating lies until the masses believe it, is brainwashing.
Power to the Poor-- 1968 Poor Peoples Campaign
This was the year I got married. How come I am only finding out about this now? This needs more publicity because we need this movement more than ever!
The Young Turks 03.09.18: Trump Firings, Child Marriage, and NRA
Child rape is better than gay marriage in our insane world?
~186~ Our National Torture Industry, Netanyahu Scandal, Yemen Blackout
Everyone keeps asking what is the plan. There are many parts to the plan and you are supposed to look around your own life and figure out what you yourself can do to change how things are headed. Then share your ideas so that that idea can spread among those who have awakened. Here is part of the plan.
UFO Secrets Disclosed After Death by Air Force Analyst [FULL VIDEO]
Mr. William Pawelec was a U.S. Air Force computer operations and
programming specialist with numerous credentials in security
technologies and access control systems.
Mr. William Pawelec passed away on May 22, 2007 only after his death was
this released to the public.
programming specialist with numerous credentials in security
technologies and access control systems.
Mr. William Pawelec passed away on May 22, 2007 only after his death was
this released to the public.
Major UFO Disclosure, You Wont Believe What Aliens Did at Malmstrom Air ...
While deep underground in the control “capsule,” something unbelievable
was going on above ground. The increasingly strange reports told of a
large, red, glowing disk-shaped craft hovering over the Launch Control
Center (LCC). A series of events then began to unfold, as the UFO
hovered over the LCC and, one at a time, disabled the triple-redundant
systems controlling each missile.
was going on above ground. The increasingly strange reports told of a
large, red, glowing disk-shaped craft hovering over the Launch Control
Center (LCC). A series of events then began to unfold, as the UFO
hovered over the LCC and, one at a time, disabled the triple-redundant
systems controlling each missile.
Friday, March 09, 2018
Tulsi Gabbard Coopted to Sell New Election Control Reform:
Paper ballots with the count witnessed by all of America.
Youtube Censoring Jordan
Why do we allow corporations to ignore all laws that protect our freedom of speech? They should obey the law just like people do, after all they claim that they have the right to bribe our politicians because they are people. I think a class action lawsuit should be brought to put a stop to this oppression.
Video Catches CORRUPT Plainclothes Cops Sneak Up On Man, Try to Kill Him...
Make yourself aware of how the act of carrying a gun and being told that you have authority over others, actually corrupts people.
Thursday, March 08, 2018
How Amazon Is Screwing America
Only 40 people in the world have this much wealth. Do they all get that wealth by robbing everyone that works for them?
Taking Risks, Embracing Freedom and Why Going Off-Road in a Class C RV i...
Freedom is only found when you find the courage to face and push through your fears/
Alleged Wikileaks Source Corrects Chuck Todd & Roger Stone
There is a lot of money in the Russia Gate Industry!
The Bernie Sanders Gambit! A Revitalization Of The Anti-War Left!? Is It...
Yes! Stop the genocidal war machine and stop excessively pouring money into the military that has a history of not being accountable for the money that they are given! Spend that money on enhancing life here in America! Fix the constitution so that the evil that has taken us down this road can never do this again!
Mueller Must Investigate Seth Rich, Otherwise It's All Political Theater
I did not understand why Assanges' statement about Seth Rich was not taken more seriously at the time that he made this statement. Especially if you looked at the extremely long list of coincidental deaths that surround a certain politician. One investigator stated, in an article that I read, that he had only seen a list like that when he was investigating the Mafia. Oh, that's right that politician was under the protection of, chosen to be appointed by those who are trying to control our world. And until we start holding the puppets responsible, they will continue to control the world.
WATCH: CORRUPT Cop Attacks Handcuffed School Girl, Violently Slams Her I...
What we need is more bully cops around our kids, NOT!
Wednesday, March 07, 2018
Everything is upside down and the lies are massive! ��
People need to look around and figure out how they themselves can stop supporting a system that sucks the life out of everyone except the extremely rich.
U.S. Military Official Cautioned Ravens About Signing Colin Kaepernick
When you are an ethical person you will do what is right no matter what price you will pay for doing it. Colin Kaepernick is an ethical person.
What if all of this is already true?
Breaking News: POTENTIAL Voter Purges Or Glitch In NY. Check Your Voter ...
No consequences guarantees that it will not only happen again but that it will get worse. Those who failed to hold the criminals responsible are just as guilty as the perpetrators!
Tuesday, March 06, 2018
Why Not Even Libertarians Can Name a Single Successful Libertarian State
Free to allow the rich and big corporations to enslave the people while they poison the people with their products like the tobacco companies did for so long. Like Monsanto is still doing today because our government has gotten so corrupt. Like car companies have done to save money by not installing the proper parts or safety equipment. Like big oil does today by invading other countries and stealing private land under their bastardized version of imminent Domain. By dumping their waste and leaking oil into our waterways because they don't care if the people have drinkable water because they have plans to sell us water because people are not entitled to clean water. There are a million examples of what the greedy rich do under the feeble attempts to regulate them, just imagine how bad it would be if there were no way to regulate them at all! Libertarian-ism is a prime example of a successful brainwashing crusade for convincing people to vote against their own best interest. Instead of electing people to rule over us, we need to change the mindset so that everyone understands that the so called leaders should be acting as secretaries to record the demands of the people. We should be able to vote them out of office if they fail to represent us properly!
Can we Save Social Security From The Trump Administration? (w/Guest Jasm...
Stealing from the poorest and most venerable and giving to the rich. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore! They give unbelievable increases to our genocidal war machine after they lost/stole trillions just before 9/11 so they can continue murdering the innocent in other countries and now they want to genocide our own population by stealing from the poorest among us! People are so brainwashed that they can not see what is openly being done in front of their eyes! Immoral, unethical and disgusting!
Monday, March 05, 2018
Unarmed High School Sports Star Killed by Police as He Backed Out of His...
It is important to stop the school shootings but what about cops who murder children?
Sunday, March 04, 2018
Economic Update: A System Rigged Against Us
If you don't know your history, you are bound to repeat it.
The Best Comeback Ever On Climate Change Denial
The results of our dumbed down educational system and money in politics.
Unregulated Capitalism and the Persuit of Happiness...
The truth about libertarian-ism. Sounds good but is it really?
Saturday, March 03, 2018
West Virginia Teachers Strike Enters Second Week!
The real battle is to stop the oppression of the poor by the rich.
Never Forget,The Gov’t & police Slaughtered Dozens in a Church Over an ...
I remember Waco. When I heard that they had ordered the press to back off, I knew that the police were about to do something awful that they did not want the American people to know about. I was surprised that the press complied. That was the beginning of my awakening to the fact that the press was in collusion with our corrupt government. Survivors claimed that when they tried to escape the burning building that they were shot at to keep them in the building.
Never Again MSD | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Young student says that they accept our apology for plucking up the world and he is glad that we will allow them to fix the world that we plucked up! Or something along those lines. I was impressed.
Florida Cop faints after learning his property will be seized for shooti...
This is what should happen to all cops that abuse their positions of power. Indeed this is the only way to stop the evil forces that have corrupted our government. We must teach those who 'just do their jobs' with no thought about the morality or ethics of their actions, that they will pay a high price for acting for evil.
Jesse Ventura on CNN w/ Piers Morgan Sept. 17th, 2012 Full Interview HD
I still love what Jesse Ventura was saying!
WATCH: ‘Turn it Off’: CORRUPT Cops Whisper to Turn Off Body Cams as They...
Our rights are regularly violated by cops who ignore existing laws. Now they are openly talking of taking our rights away starting with one special group after another. Your next.
Is Unregulated Capitalism The Cause Of Much Of Our Mental Illness (w/ G...
The real cause of depression is ...
How many of our tights have we lost since 911?
Friday, March 02, 2018
Democrats CAUGHT Undermining Medicare & Gun Legislation
This is why we can not change anything by voting for the lesser of two evils.
Democracy Now! Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Reality Winter’s name must become as well known as Snowden, Manning
& Assange. The unethical mob in charge are trying to set her up as
an example to terrorize all truth tellers.
& Assange. The unethical mob in charge are trying to set her up as
an example to terrorize all truth tellers.
“Freakishly Warm” Arctic Weather Has Scientists Reconsidering Worst-Case...
A few facts for those who have difficulty in figuring out the truth.