Dr. Judy Wood | The Evidence For Directed Free-Energy Tech Used On 9/11 ...
Dr. Judy Wood, a Forensic engineer has a completely different approach to 9/11. So you have researched this and think you know about the 3rd building that went down without being hit by a plane. What would you say to find out that 7 buildings went down? You know about the explosions and the claim that it was nano-thermite that melted the steel beams. Where did the pieces of the building go from the explosions? Here is a completely new, to me, concept. And why is this important today? Think of all of our constitutional rights that have been taken away since 9/11. And they are working on the old divide and conquer technique to take away another important constitutional right. Everyone is a little bit scared of the mentally ill because it is an illness that we don't understand and it can manifest in so many ways. They are trying to use this much victimized group to divide and conquer again. Statistics prove that this group of people are much more apt to be victimized than to be the abuser and yet they are wanting to take away their right to have a gun. Statistics also say that half the population will be diagnosed with some form of mental illness in their life, even if it is only depression. So in reality they are proposing to take away the right to have a gun from half of the population without ever admitting openly that that is what they are doing. And who gets to decide that a person is crazy? They do, of course! People better start looking at the results of all of their programs created through their bad political actions. Homelessness, lack of adequate health care, poisoned water, unhealthy food, school to jail pipeline, creating a prison system atmosphere in schools, the drug war, our endless genocidal wars and you can probably think of even more, but what do these all have in common? People die or their actions are severely restricted. People need to wake up soon or it may be too late to wake up. Individually people need to stop helping them to restrict the rights of others because it will be your rights that are restricted next!
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