Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

News Media Pretends Bad Things Started With Trump

Thug government.

[87] Bitcoin, Public Banking, Money Is Debt

Top U.S. & World Headlines — November 30, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Who Runs America? You Decide..

Photo of George H.W. Bush at Funeral with JFK Proves TREASON

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

LEAKED Trump Jr. Messages With Wikileaks Mis-Reported


Monday, November 27, 2017

Proof: Democrats Bought & Controlled By Millionaire Donors

What CNN Wont Tell You About War


Channel DELETED Over This Moon Video?

Trump, GOP Losing? - Kellyanne Conway, Kate McKinnon & MORE! LV Sunday L...

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Bad Boy Backlash? - Anita Hill, Nancy Pelosi & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE Clip...

Lee Harvey Oswald's Phone Call Before His Assassination

Saturday, November 25, 2017

They Are Working Hard To Keep This Off Youtube HELL WILL BE UNLEASHED 2017

Why Black People Shouldn't Shop During Black Friday Dr. Umar Johnson

This is true for all of us.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Vaccines Aren't What You Think They Are - David Icke

Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz on “Indefensible” Whitefish Contract To Restore ...

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz on Trump, Shock Doctrine & “Disaster Ca...

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Trump and The War Within the American Oligarchy

A little history for folks who think exploitation is fine.

Keiser Report: All We Are Thankful For (E1153)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

LAB RESULTS of Filaments falling from the skies over Wexford

[86] Activist Beaten, Arrested For Singing At Big Bank

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

J.P. Morgan Chase Whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann on Democracy Now

Satanists & Pedophiles Run The World - David Icke

Sounds far out, to begin with, then you look around and begin to connect the dots.

David Icke On Brilliant New Book 'Everything You Need To Know But Have N...

Native American teen shot dead by cop after reporting himself in 911 call

Israel Lobby REFUSES To Register As Foreign Agent!

It doesn't help that we allow people with dual citizenship to hold public office.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Journalist Charlie Rose taken off the air after report of sexual misconduct

Evangelicals Rally To Accused Pedophile

Charles Manson Dead At 83

Al Franken Faces More Allegations

Buffalo, New York: The Next Flint?

Vaxxed - Dr. Andrew Wakefield - Scientific Facts vs. Ad Hominem Attacks

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Here is the revelation.

NICHOLSON1968 AND R.F.B. W/Anthony Patch

If I had seen this video three years ago, I would have thought that the person who made this video was watching too many science fiction movies.

Gang Stalking & V2K Testimony by Private Security Whistleblower

Mainstream Media Lies - How the Mainstream Media Lies to the Masses (Gra...

Grizzlies 'Saved His Life' and Now He Fights To Save Theirs

Grizzlies 'Saved His Life' and Now He Fights To Save Theirs: After naturalist and author Doug Peacock served two tours as a Green Beret medic in Vietnam, he went into the American wilderness to confront his demons. There, he closely observed grizzlies across the west—an experience he says “saved his life.” Over the past five decades, Peacock has strived to pay back grizzlies by advocating for protections and documenting their struggles to survive.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Mainstream media and why none of that makes any sense at all! Confirmati...

Biden's INSANE STATEMENT: Inmates Continue to Run the Asylum!

This is pretty convincing, especially in our world today. If you noticed the 'Bundy' bunch was treated very differently than a lot of the black men on police video. But the Bundy bunch were armed. I would like to see gun owners take a class in anger management and problem solving however.


Twitter Bans Progressive Parody Account @PeterDouche

~172~ RT America A Foreign Agent, Tax Dollars Fund Sexual Abuse, & More

Friday, November 17, 2017

SECRET INVASION? Multi-Source Capture Of Alien Ship Over Atlanta! 9/14/2015

Al Franken Apologizes After Sexual Assault Allegations

Al Franken Apologizes After Sexual Assault Allegations

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Why Is Donna Brazile Downplaying DNC Rigging

Antarctica, Giants and The great deception.


The history and state of fake news with Jim Hogue

This is how you must look at what is happening ... to break through our brainwashing. We may have layers to go but this is a big eye opener!



RichieFromBoston Channel Terminated from YouTube

Freedom of speech

LOOK UP! Please pay attention to the lines in the sky! Geoengineering ha...

YOUTubers hit, and the INVASION BEGINS 0110

Good analysis about censorship.

PHEONIX LIGHTS RETURN, kinda - Reported strange sky all this morning, WA...

This morning!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Find Out WHO REALLY Controls Your World!


Farage DESTROYS Corrupt EU Ministers: Collusion with George Soros!


Myanmar: Are crimes against humanity taking place? * Warning: Distressin...

Myanmar: Are crimes against humanity taking place? * Warning: Distressin...

Myanmar police officers detained over Rohingya beatings video - BBC News

Trump Climate Adviser Tells Democracy Now! Coal Needs a “Level Playing F...

Is Canada a 'Rogue Nation' on Climate Change?

Pacific Climate Warriors Roll Out Anti-Coal “Red Carpet” for Angela Merk...

These are the front line warriors who are fighting for all of us. Find ways to support them.


The rich running rough shod over the rights of the people. Destroying our world for their profits!

Special Report from the Occupied Forest: Meet Activists Fighting Europe’...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — November 15, 2017


Know your history or be doomed to repeat it. This video states the same thing that I have been trying to tell people and that is that the criminals in charge are committing genocide right before our eyes! Watch the video to find out how.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Is Rachel Maddow Dangerous To Journalism? W/Abby Martin

Top U.S. & World Headlines — November 14, 2017

David Icke (Nov 08, 2017) - [NEW] Celebrity Aliens

David Icke has been researching this longer than anyone else that I know of. He had his facts straight and had the courage to stand up to the ridicule of the world in order to get the truth out. Negative energy travels faster than positive. Just think about how we love to gossip. Have the courage to watch and see if he can convince you that he is telling the truth.

David Icke (Oct 21, 2017) - The Plan To Kill You

I think he has got it right.

David Icke (Nov 13, 2017) - [NEW] You Won't Believe This!!

Pedophilia rings among the rich.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Is the Democratic Party Still Salvageable? (w/ Graham Ellwood)

Dane Wigington on the state of our oceans. They are in trouble to say th...

I missed this, did you? This is important!

My story on Vermont TV also Geoengineering and Bernie/DNC

We need to hold our politicians to a higher standard. We need to expect them to not be murderers. Not to be murdering innocent people in other countries because we want to rob them of their resources!

Truth crew getting together for some truth and shenanigans! Tatsu, Sane ...

Independent Journalist Shames & Exposes Huge Retailer's MASSIVE Waste!


DraftBernie Launches "Movement For a People's Party"!

This train is starting to roll!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Empire Files: An Unparalleled Act of Police Terror

How can you claim that life is Sacred, while allowing your government to act like this?

The Empire Files: Part 2 - 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats

This is older but it is on topic about how our politicians treat soldiers like throw away containers. Our politicians do not respect life and think it is sacred only when they can use that as an excuse to control young women.

Burn Pits and Betrayal: How the U.S. Poisoned its Veterans

More about how our government really treats our veterans.

WATJ 10: Veterans Day & the Burn Pits

What the lying politicians really think about the men and women that our country uses in the military. I mean it when I say 'use'.

Taylor Swift: …Ready for It? (Live) - SNL

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Whiskers R We with Tiffany Haddish - SNL

Sweatshop Workers Sabotage Clothing

Full Show 11/11/15: How Reaganomics Killed America’s Middle Class

Occupy/BLM Lawyer WINS D.A. Race In Philly!

Occupy/BLM Lawyer WINS D.A. Race In Philly!

~171~ Rigged Election Confirmed, Leaked Docs Show Fraud By World’s Elite

to prevent voter fraud and allow the people to peacefully take back
our country:

Donna Brazile Accidentally Reveals More Than Just DNC Corruption

Are you going to believe my lying lips or the court evidence?

Friday, November 10, 2017

CrossTalk: Rigged Politics

Ignored by the media.

DAPL BOMBSHELL: Feds & Private Contractor Lied About Water Protector's I...

We can only survive three to five days without water. This issue is essential to life and we are allowing the rich to contaminate all of our clean water sources because the rich want to charge us all for water! This must be stopped and we need to keep this issue in front of people until they wake up! Please share as this is essential for our lives!

Top-Secret Leak Bad News For Trump, Nevada May Get Medicaid For All

Let's come together to insist on paper ballots. Until we can guarantee honesty in having our votes count, nothing else can happen where we can be sure that the voice of the people have been represented accurately.

Chuck Todd's Horrible Framing Of DNC Primary Rigging

The Other Side Of Korea With Anya Parampil

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Agenda 21 - Behind the Green Mask - Rosa Koire


Agenda 21 Urbanization into Tiny Cells but no Tiny Houses!!!��

Those in power are making laws to prevent you from unplugging from the grid because this keeps you funneling money upwards to the wealthy. But they can put you into even smaller spaces as long as you are still hooked to the grid. (When man made laws fail us, natures laws should prevail!)

Global Capitalism: China’s Economy Now, Its Growth and Global Impact [N...

The biggest threat to world peace...

Lifelong Insider Defends Money In Politics Via Absurd Video

Corruption Is Legal Video Helps Prove Why Bernie Sanders Is Such A Rarity

Why don't you all become sheep and join the herd? Because that is the power of truth, I would say. Truth can overcome brainwashing.

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Global Corruption Exposed by Paradise Papers

It is a big crooked club and you ain't in it!

Tom Perez Using EXACT Same Talking Points as Clinton's Team to Discredit...

Journalists Caught Lying To Protect Clinton Over DNC Agreement

Has The Democratic Party Rebounded?

Progressives Win on Election Day, Can they Win the Democratic Party?


What You Aren't Being Told About Twitter Admitting Censorship!

This is freedom?

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Doctors Baffled As Man "TELEPORTS" Into Ceiling

UFO caught on TV.

Sam Tripoli "Democrats Are Set Up To Lose!"

November 7, 2017

Russian Kid "From Mars" Stuns Scientists


Top U.S. & World Headlines — November 8, 2017

Trump vs Puerto Rico? - Alec Baldwin, Bill Maher & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE ...

Trump Unravels? - Alec Baldwin, Rex Tillerson & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE Cli...

Advocating for Police Accountability & Transparency in Sacramento County

Radio: Debbie the Sane Progressive is here with me today! Debunking ever...

Clinton Campaign Smears Donna Brazile As Russian Bot

This is how brainwashing works.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Expert Decodes Ancient Sumerian Tablets The Results Will Amaze You

Has an interesting interpretation of the Bible based on facts that are easily proven.

Monday, November 06, 2017

Archaeological Discoveries That Hint at a Forgotten Advanced Civilization

Research everywhere. It helps to figure out the puzzle.

David Icke Talks To Slovakian Media About Current World Events

Here's What We Get When We Alter Reality & Change Definitions!

On Contact: Climate Crisis with James Hansen

Twitter Is Censoring Your Tweets & Bragging About It


Sunday, November 05, 2017

Elana Freeland talking about 5G and the GeoEngineering connection

Conspiracy Reality Hour with Sane Progressive

Real research on the brainwashing that they are handling the masses with.

Sane Progressive deleted video

Election fraud facts.

[98] NEW Primary Fraud Details REVEALED, Hillary’s Money Laundering, How...

MSNBC's Joy Reid Pretends the DNC Didn't Just Purge Progressives

Get it right Joy. This is how main stream media manipulates and controls the news to brainwash those who depend on them for their news.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Gov. Uses NYC Attack To Expand Surveillance State

Losing our rights to protect us some more.

Donna Brazile Changes Her Story 100% - What Happened?

Shell is cracking.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Donna Brazile's DNC Bombshell

This actually betrays the people. And casts doubt on Nikki's integrity.

TYT - 11.03.17: House GOP Tax Plan, Kevin Brady, Trump’s Twitter, and Ke...

I know how to get the tax codes so simple that it can be printed on a postcard. Cap all income at 2 million a year. Anything over that goes to cleaning up the water so that people in Flint and Chicago are not being poisoned. It could go towards housing the homeless and providing medicare for all. Imagine that! If the few were not hoarding so much, it could help so many. The peoples true nature, when it has not been brainwashed out of you, is to act in humanitarian ways. Look at the people of Puerto Rico. They are a front line example of the true nature of humans in crisis.

Greek Economist Yanis Varoufakis on Nazi Resurgence in Europe & Why ”ISI...

A warning to us.

In Puerto Rico’s Highlands, Hurricane Maria Has Exploded Fault Lines of ...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — November 3, 2017

Friday, November 03, 2017

The Real Thanksgiving/Genocide of Native Americans

Legendary Native Leader: From Genocide to Standing Rock

This is older but the fight continues and must not be forgotten.

Alex Jones Smears Mass Anti-Fascist Protests

Truth! You never stop fascism by saying that they were democratically elected. Hitler was democratically elected! It is up to We the People to stop this!

Donna Brazile EXPOSES Hillary Clinton/DNC Money Laundering

Ethical Dems are calling out the corrupt leaders of their party. Now if only the ethical Repubs would do the same, we could have a real revolution!

Tulsi Gabbard "Not Surprised" By Donna Brazile's Admission

TYT - 11.02.17: Alison Hartson, Donna Brazile, Kushner, and Roger Stone

Meet The Justice Democrat Challenging Senator Dianne Feinstein

BOMBSHELL: Donna Brazile Admits DNC Rigged Primary Against Bernie

Those of us who tried to tell you that Hillary was too corrupt to vote for, feel vindicated.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Donna Brazile Admits Hillary Clinton/DNC Rigged 2016 Dem Primary

Wednesday, November 01, 2017


Well said.

CNN Covers For Trump's Tax LIES

This is how you divide and conquer people 101. Shame on those who continue to support tRumps horribly abusive. ideas.

Jordan Speaks With Flint 6 Attorney

Freedom of speech under attack?

Jordan Reports From Flint Courthouse

Please share. Protecting our right to clean water is the foundation of a world that is fair with justice for all.

Cenk DESTROYS Politico After Latest Bernie Smear

Deplorable John Kelly's Revisionist Civil War History


TYT - 10.31.17: Chuck Grassley, Carbon Levels, Non-Smokers, and Hollywoo...

CIA Whistleblower Reveals CIA Still Torturing - Here's How

Why is there no huge
outcry about this horrendous and unethical behavior and what kind of
monster does this? Becoming the devil himself for the 1%. Outrageous,
unethical, disgusting, sickening as well as illegal. Everyone
involved with this should be jailed starting with Bush and Cheney!

CIA Agent Says Don't Believe CIA On Trump/Russia!-John Kiriakou

Double standards are destroying this country that is supposed to have equality and justice for all! I am no fan of Trump but Clinton is no better which is why I refused to vote for her.  I expect our laws to be enforced fairly! Black lives matter!