Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

HUGE Natural Gas Leak Devastating Alaska

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The entire system is guilty. From standing rock to the immigration assault.

True North!

Victory on Oceti prayers, dapl worker with PTSD in restaurant outburst. ...

Rally for Measure "H" to help the Homeless

Rally for Measure "H" to help the Homeless

Rally for Measure "H" to help the Homeless

Saturday, February 25, 2017

WEB EXCLUSIVE: We're Facing A Deep State Coup And The Mainstream Media I...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

[137] The Unmentioned Global Mind Control, Standing Rock Raided, Faceboo...

Friday, February 24, 2017

Crisis in U.S. Elections System & Transformational Politics; Sane Progre...

Crisis in U.S. Elections System & Transformational Politics; Sane Progre...

Crisis in U.S. Elections System & Transformational Politics; Sane Progre...

Crisis in U.S. Elections System & Transformational Politics; Sane Progre...

Crisis in U.S. Elections System & Transformational Politics; Sane Progre...

Crisis in U.S. Elections System & Transformational Politics; Sane Progre...

Crisis in U.S. Elections System & Transformational Politics; Sane Progre...

Crisis in U.S. Elections System & Transformational Politics; Sane Progre...

Arizona's Fascist Attempt To Ban Protests

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Indiana's Toxic WASTELAND: Water, Air And Soil Poisoned

The government that was supposed to be established to protect the people, have been tweaking the laws, a little at a time, until the laws are being used to protect the rich abusers and make sure that the victims, are powerless to fight back. This is true for the pipelines, the contamination of drinking water, our schools and a lot of other issues as well. The police become police to protect the people but end up harming the people and protecting the rich criminals who mastermind all of this abuse and taking of wealth from the poor. How do we convince the police to stop helping the rich, rob the poor?

We Have to Keep Fighting: Water Protectors Vow Continued Resistance to D...

Cops Moving In Now! (2/22/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Jon Ziegler

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescriptio...


Monday, February 20, 2017

Trump’s Tantrums - Melissa McCarthy, Alec Baldwin & MORE! LV Sunday LIVE...

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Trump's Exchange With Black Reporter Sparks Outrage (Feb.18, 2017 Headli...

Michael Flynn's White House Tenure: It's Funny 'Cause It's Treason


Are you honest? Are you truthful? Are you fair? Do you have the courage to stand up to liars and bullies? If we can not find those qualities within ourselves, I don't think that we will be able to save our country.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Chelsea Clinton: "I am very good friends with Ivanka" Trump

The incestuous nature of our politicians relationships.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bernie Sanders In A Candid Conversation With Sarah Silverman

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Effort to Draft Bernie Sanders to Form People's Party Raises Fundamental...

True North!

Stephen Miller Lied On All Four Sunday Shows; Time Magazine Calls For Im...

Trump & Spicer Blame Russia Scandal on "Illegal Leaks" Rather Than Lies ...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

What is PIZZAGATE? How Did it Start? - Underground Child Trafficking E...

Monday, February 13, 2017

#PizzaGate the Documentary, Pedophilia involving Podesta Emails, Clinto...

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Standing Rock Shows Our Republic Is Under Attack

Standing Rock Stop Dakota Access Pipeline The Fight is Not Over

Help if you can. Please share. Help if you can. Please share.

A Standing Rock wedding

Finding love when love seems impossible!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

President Trump’s Dangerous Shenanigans, the DNC Chair Race, & More | Ep...

Those who are  found guilty of planning and carrying out genocide, serial murderers and mass murderers should all receive a fair trial and be given the death penalty. The wealth accumulated from their crimes should be used to make amends to their victims, for the homeless, and the needy.

Friday, February 10, 2017

[47] Former Bernie Staffer Tells All & Wants To Create A New Party With ...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 10, 2017

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Ron Paul: Hillary Clinton Could've Run As A Republican!

I agree with what he is saying about war and terrorism. 

Iowa: 140,000 Gallons Spill From Broken Pipeline

Franken Opposes Betsy DeVos Nomination - Full Senate Floor Speech

The beginning of the end of religious freedom. Disgusting!

Standing Rock Camp Raided, Mass Arrests

Stand today or you will be the victims tomorrow. Doesn't religious freedom apply to Native Americans?

Bipartisan Destruction of Election System Continues; Now Removing Public...

Those who make peaceful change impossible, make revolution inevitable!

Standing Rock Stop Dakota Access Pipeline The Fight is Not Over

As an ex truck driver, I
just had an eye opening thought. These oil companies are trying to
make out like all these pipelines will bring much needed jobs to
American's. But the thought occurred to me that if these crooked
companies, who are stealing land from people, by abusing
imminent domain laws to benefit privately owned, profit seeking
companies, so they can lay these pipelines all over
America. Without the pipelines they
need to ship the oil by using rail and trucks. So in fact they are
not going to create more jobs, they are in fact about to put hordes
of truck drivers out of a job! That means that America is about to
have a huge increase in homelessness because most truck drivers will
not be able to find another job! Better get this idea out to the

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Trump Muslim Ban STOPPED

Pathetic: Democrats Still Don't Understand Why They're Wiped Out!

Democratic Party Co-Opts Efforts To Retake It: Word to Wise to Stop Hist...

Democratic Party Co-Opts Efforts To Retake It: Word to Wise to Stop Hist...

Chase Iron Eyes Released From Jail

Monday, February 06, 2017

Is This The Lawsuit That Will Stop DAPL?

This is extremely important. Help if you can and please share.

Is This The Lawsuit That Will Stop DAPL?

Noam Chomsky - Changing Contours of Global Order (2017)

Inaugurate the Resistance!

Talking about an evolution!

Chris Hedges - Revolt Is the Only Barrier to a Fascist America

Talking about an evolution!

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Real Progressives LIVE with Dr Jill Stein: What happened and where do we...

Talking about an evolution!

Real Progressives LIVE with Dr Jill Stein: What happened and where do we...

Talking about an evolution!

Real Progressives LIVE with Debbie Lusignan, The Sane Progressive, talki...

Talking about an evolution!

Real Progressives LIVE with Debbie Lusignan, The Sane Progressive, talki...

On Post Partisan People's Movement & Yes, Virginia, Election Fraud is Re...

Saturday, February 04, 2017

#SDP Boycott Valero Oklahoma City I40 & Morgan St

Lost Child camp is being overtaken by Morton County Militia

Drone footage of police in the process of raiding the Standing Rock camps.

Police Raid New Treaty Land Camp - 2/1/17

Police Raid New Treaty Land Camp - 2/1/17

Police Raid New Treaty Land Camp - 2/1/17

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Jordan On Water Protectors' Confusion: Stay or Go?