Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Standing Rock Stop Dakota Access Pipeline The Fight is Not Over

As an ex truck driver, I
just had an eye opening thought. These oil companies are trying to
make out like all these pipelines will bring much needed jobs to
American's. But the thought occurred to me that if these crooked
companies, who are stealing land from people, by abusing
imminent domain laws to benefit privately owned, profit seeking
companies, so they can lay these pipelines all over
America. Without the pipelines they
need to ship the oil by using rail and trucks. So in fact they are
not going to create more jobs, they are in fact about to put hordes
of truck drivers out of a job! That means that America is about to
have a huge increase in homelessness because most truck drivers will
not be able to find another job! Better get this idea out to the


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