Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Fox News Fearmongers About The Homeless Industrial Complex
UBI and rent control as well as M4A would be much cheaper than what we are doing now. When you compare that to the current cost of welfare, food stamps, hotel rooms, subsidies to organizations that support the poor, the cost for policing, jailing and emergency medical care it starts to look like a planned genocide.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Howard Zinn at MIT 2005 - The Myth of American Exceptionalism
If our government does not up hold morality then it is up to the American people to put a STOP to that kind of EVIL or we are just as EVIL!
Monday, March 29, 2021
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Corporate Prisoner
Chevron murders or inprisons anyone who dares stand up to their thievery, destruction and bullying.
Iran and China Sign Historic Deal
Oh nooo! The countries that the USA has been bullying while brainwashing their citizens to manufacture consent for war, those countries have gotten smart and decided to join forces to stop the USA bully! I don't know why the countries that the USA has invaded, toppled governments and committed genocide on their people have not done this decades ago!
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Biden Press Conference fails, Food not Bombs Keith McHenry joins us, AOC...
UBI and rent control would solve this problem immediately. They spend a lot more money keeping this problem in place. The money spent on these raids, food stamps, welfare and subsidies to programs with huge CEO salaries. We live in an upside down world that goes against common sense because the world, not just the USA, is controlled by EVIL An Evil kept in place by brainwashing the masses into accepting as normal all the violence of military, police and alphabet agencies. People involved in these organizations are brainwashed to never question the morality of the orders they are given. They become robots that commit violence without question.
Friday, March 26, 2021
The Secrets of Megalithic Structures... In the Search of Ancient Technology
The stories we are told DO NOT match the evidence we find. What kind of world wide brainwashing program are we in?
Thursday, March 25, 2021
LIVE LAPD Arresting Protestors In Echo Park | Los Angeles
Watch the gestapo do the dirty work for the EVIL that commits genocide and who control our world.
Bolivia Coup Leaders Arrested
You identify Evil by their actions because these silver tonged devils have had centuries of practice at brainwashing people to believe their words. And Elon Musk was simply admitting to the world that he is a very evil man.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Cairo Museum "Out Of Place Artifacts." More Evidence Of Ancient Advanced...
You would think that the scientist would make a duplicate of the object that looks rotor like, then spin it in water, just to see how it reacts.
BREAKING: LA Standing Up For Houseless #EchoParkRiseUp, Guest Krish Mohan
With all the money that our government spends on programs that are supposed to help the poor, with much of it going to over bloated CEO's salaries, wouldn't it make more sense to help the houseless directly with UBI? With a cap on rents and UBI this problem could be solved if there were a real desire to solve the problem. Personally I think it is a plan to get by with genocide in plain sight by the hidden hand. #EchoParkRiseUp
LIVE Police & City Threaten To Raid Echo Park Homeless Camp
This is genocide by corrupt politicians. They could solve this with the stroke of a pen, if they really wanted to.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
MOC #63 - Fighting The Trolls (w/ Misty Winston)
Do you like being a puppet for corporate media or does your personal ethics place a high value on facts and truth. If you want facts and truth, watch this.
~327~ The TRUTH About War Crimes
For those who get their propaganda, I mean news, from corporate owned media, this succinctly tells what they hide from you.
McConnell issues threat to Democrats on Senate floor
This man is the personification of EVIL! He doesn't give a damn about who he hurts, heonly cares about POWER and money!
The UK Has Gone Full-Blown Authoritarian
Don’t think that your safe because this is in another country. The same EVIL that controls that country also controls your country and this will be coming to you too!
Monday, March 22, 2021
The Massive LA Disaster You've Never Heard Of
If you are not familiar with stories like this, you can not understand how racism has shaped this country and continues to shape our world today. If you hate it when people say your racist but can't be bothered to educate yourself by paying attention to stories like this... your friends might be holding a mirror up for you.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Fox News Makes Rotten, Debunked Arguments Against UBI
The rich are against UBI because it would end their ability 2 enslave people. They would be forced 2 pay living wages & make their jobs more humane or they would not be able 2 retain workers.
America's Secret Government
Here is a “conspiracy theory” that is real. It explains why our government ignores our social problems and pours money into our murderous war machine.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
MOC #62 - Code Pink & Why Peace Can Never Break Out (w/ Medea Benjamin)
America is the terrorist and will continue with that as long as mainstream media can keep our citizens brainwashed.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Atlanta Police Do PR For Killer After Massacre
This is one of many ways that racism looks like. Excuses for one but blame for the other.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Kshama Sawant To AOC: Time For 'Open Combat' With The Dem Establishment
EXACTLY! Bold that, underline it and print it in red!
Vijay Prashad Warns Biden Is “Doubling Down” on Trump’s Anti-China Cold ...
For those who are still too brainwashed to actually hear what this guy is saying, let me make it clear. The USA is NOT the good guy here!
A Guide to US Empire in Africa: Neocolonial Order & AFRICOM
This is what the EVIL that controls the world does
Monday, March 15, 2021
US Lawyer Steven Donziger Speaks From House Arrest in NYC After Suing Ch...
We are ruled by EVIL. This "Firm," "Corporation," "Mafia" or whatever name you use to describe this psychotic group topples governments, steals their resources, invades countries, terrorizing the people, murdering anyone who gets in their way or destroys them like they are doing with Assange and this man, Donziger. They think nothing about committing genocide on an entire nation, like they are doing in Yemen. They bribe or blackmail people in power and install puppets in leadership roles, they are heavily involved in prostitution, drugs and pedophile rings. They hide the paper trail by having one corporation owning other corporations so deep that it is hard to figure out who is giving the orders behind the scenes but many people have been doing the research to expose this. Enough has been exposed to know this EVIL is always done to create more and more wealth for everyone involved but mainly for the 'owners.'
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Krystal and Saagar: Stockton UBI Experiment STUNS Conservative Critics
Facts expose the brainwashing the rich have been feeding us for decades.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
We are ruled by EVIL and they freely genocide anyone or any group or any crountry they decide they want to.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Progressives Block $15 Min Wage
This kind of crazy making is like living with a cheating lover. You keep trying 2 believe their lies even when it becomes obvious it is lies. Watch out when it reaches a point where people finally wake up!
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Hilarious Hit Piece on Jimmy Dore by Democrat Rag
You know you are a legend when you merit a smear piece.
Nevada Democrats Rage Quit After Socialists Win Every Seat
Unity as long as you do it my way! I thought I was done with the democrats but what they did in Nevada was so morally bankrupt that I will probably donate to help them land on their feet.
Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors Because of a Repair Ban
The EVIL that controls the world never stops trying to figure out ways to keep us enslaved.
Tuesday, March 09, 2021
Saagar Enjeti EXPOSES NYT, FBI '50 Year' WAR On Civil Liberties
The EVIL that controls our world is losing control of their ability to brainwash us. They can't stay in control if they can not brainwash us into believing that the EVIL they do is really good. They know this. Most people will not knowingly support EVIL.
Monday, March 08, 2021
MOC #56 - New Bill Designed To Destroy 3rd Parties
EVIL controls our world and they want to make it impossible to stop them.
[224] REVEALED: Factory Farms Cook Animals Alive
When we allow EVIL to control our world, it is just a matter of time before we are all viewed as farm animals by the ruling EVIL!
Dems Limit Stimulus Check Eligibility After Slashing Unemployment
It happened under both Trump and Biden because the Military Industrial Complex EVIL murder corporation is now so powerful, they don't need to hide behind a presidential figurehead anymore.
Julian Assange's Partner, Stella Moris, Speaks Out | Useful Idiots
I don’t understand why people involved can’t figure out the persons who masterminded the setup, capture and torture of #Assange and file charges against them for the unlawful detainment, false imprisonment and torture of an innocent man?
Sunday, March 07, 2021
Eleanor Goldfield & Lee Camp Livestream - The TRUTH About The Covid Reli...
K-Hive Attack Poor People's Campaign Over $15 Minimum Wage
I used to have faith that the people would be able to figure out the truth but not so much today.
Ep: 281 - Nazis In The Nevada Desert w/Jared Beck
Did we really go to the moon and do you trust your government to tell us the truth?
~325~ How To End Homelessness Now
That makes too much sense. Our world is controlled by EVIL. We know that by the harm their actions create.
Saturday, March 06, 2021
Mother with Seal Baby Rescued
I love it when they make a rescue so stealthily that none of the other seals are disturbed. And when the rescued seal sees how calm all of the other seals are she also immediately calms down.
Friday, March 05, 2021
Thursday, March 04, 2021
Top U.S. & World Headlines — March 4, 2021
Dolly Parton, as charming and witty as an old lady as she ever was as a young lady!
Press Freedom & Julian Assange -- Ray McGovern, Mohamed Elmaazi and Deep...
People who believe the states character sabotage of #JulianAssange really need to watch this video to get the FACTS. That is if you are interested in truth and know that you break the control of brainwashing by informing yourself with truth.
Progressives Sell Out Workers on $15 Minimum Wage
$20 NOW, not 5years from now. Tie it 2 the cost of living so when that goes up, so does minimum wage. That way we never have this fight again. Also we need a wage cap.
Wednesday, March 03, 2021
Tulsi Gabbard Condems Biden's Bombing of Syria
Tulsa always struck me as the most moral and most honest presidential candidate. I did not agree with all her positions but I would rather deal with an honest person that I don't always agree with than a liar that says everything I want them to say.
She Went From Paralyzed To Dancing With The Stars - This Video Shares He...
Sometimes we just need a reminder that we can do the impossible.
Tuesday, March 02, 2021
MOC #55 - Facing Prison For Fighting Injustice (w/ Lillian House)
We are ruled by EVIL! You can't pay attention to their lying words, you must pay attention to what they do. Pay attention to how their actions create harm.
Shark Spine Removed From Seal Bull's Neck!
Cut any loops in your garbage to help prevent these entanglements from happening.