US Lawyer Steven Donziger Speaks From House Arrest in NYC After Suing Ch...
We are ruled by EVIL. This "Firm," "Corporation," "Mafia" or whatever name you use to describe this psychotic group topples governments, steals their resources, invades countries, terrorizing the people, murdering anyone who gets in their way or destroys them like they are doing with Assange and this man, Donziger. They think nothing about committing genocide on an entire nation, like they are doing in Yemen. They bribe or blackmail people in power and install puppets in leadership roles, they are heavily involved in prostitution, drugs and pedophile rings. They hide the paper trail by having one corporation owning other corporations so deep that it is hard to figure out who is giving the orders behind the scenes but many people have been doing the research to expose this. Enough has been exposed to know this EVIL is always done to create more and more wealth for everyone involved but mainly for the 'owners.'
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