Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Adopted girl and her mother discuss when they first met. Cuteness Overload!
Adopted girl and her mother discuss when they first met. Cuteness Overload!
Julian Assange's Extradition Trial - September 30
I voted by mail, my ballot went into an envelope that had my signature over the seal. Then that was placed in an envelope with all the addresses needed 2 mail it. I don't see how they can claim that they can fake these votes. My worry would be they could make the ballots disappear.
2020 Presidential Debate Reaction w/Jimmy Dore - Sep. 29
I would like to thank Fiorella Isabel for not missing the opportunity to speak about the absolute injustice that Assange is suffering for trying to save our world from the EVIL that owns and controls it. I knew my news sources would cover anything worthy of covering on the debates, so I refused to be part of their audience count. I didn't want to add to the impression that they were doing something worthy of American citizens attention. My niece said if this had been a high school debate that both of them would have gotten an F.
UK Seeks to Legalize War Crimes
We have looked the other way, sleeping, while EVIL has thrived in secret. EVIL has grown so strong and powerful, they have decided that they no longer need to hide their EVIL. By removing the laws, GOOD has no chance of stopping EVIL. Hitler said his holocaust was legal too. There is no country or army to send in and save the day because it is Evil that owns and controls the world. If we don't stop this now our descendants will literally live in HELL! Ring of Power> the Vatican> it's permanent vassal the Crown> Washington DC = Empire of City States. Act of 1871, research it for yourself.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Jordan Klepper vs. Trump Supporters | The Daily Show
This would be funny if it weren't so sad. Our educational system is a complete failure. It makes me think that people probably sounded like this during Biblical times when there was no education. And the pitiful thing is that most of them could watch this and totally not get it.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Ballistics Report Destroys Kentuckys AG's Claims Against Breonna
What Graham says makes too damn much sense! Better be careful Graham, the Empire of City States hates journalists who have the courage to tell the truth! #FreeJulianAssange #Unity4J #FreePress #FreeWhistleblowers #BlackLivesMatter
How Holy Is Donald Trump? | The Daily Show
These people are so brainwashed that they really cannot see how
hypocritical and ludicrous they are! I would have never believed that I
would ever witness this in my life!
hypocritical and ludicrous they are! I would have never believed that I
would ever witness this in my life!
The Wikileaks, Julian Assange Diplomatic Standoff -- Animated
For those who have a hard time believing that our 'FREE' country is acting like the cruelest dictatorship.
You Are Being Lied To About Julian Assange!
Anyone believing the CIA talking points about Assange should spend 15 min. and expose themselves to the facts presented humorously as only Lee Camp can!
AOC withdraws from event honoring Yitzhak Rabin after Palestinian-led ou...
AOC is sounding more like any other politician all the time.
�� CNN: Jake Tapper Slams Republican Tom Cotton Supreme Court Hypocrisy. ...
I agree with everything that the Benjamin Dixon Show has said here! This
crap Tom Cotton is spouting is just hypocritical garbage to attempt to
cover their own total lack of morality. Of course we knew that when they
not only elected a pedophile but held him up as a christian when he
obviously is not! There is no honor among thieves!
crap Tom Cotton is spouting is just hypocritical garbage to attempt to
cover their own total lack of morality. Of course we knew that when they
not only elected a pedophile but held him up as a christian when he
obviously is not! There is no honor among thieves!
�� CNN: Jake Tapper Slams Republican Tom Cotton Supreme Court Hypocrisy. ...
I agree with everything that the Benjamin Dixon Show has said here! This
crap Tom Cotton is spouting is just hypocritical garbage to attempt to
cover their own total lack of morality. Of course we knew that when they
not only elected a pedophile but held him up as a christian when he
obviously is not! There is no honor among thieves!
crap Tom Cotton is spouting is just hypocritical garbage to attempt to
cover their own total lack of morality. Of course we knew that when they
not only elected a pedophile but held him up as a christian when he
obviously is not! There is no honor among thieves!
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Wanna Make Cash For Evicting Poor People - There's An App For That (Web ...
I would have added a comment but Lee Camp said it all.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Prof. Wolff: True or False? Capitalism is in Terminal Decline.
Very interesting, probably because I have been thinking in much the same way. At this point of change in our society there is a large group that seems to think that they can use physical violence to maintain the status quo. Looking through history you know that that approach is doomed to failure.
How Syrians Feel About Julian Assange, SyrianGirl on the #FreeAssangeVigil
Assange is in trouble for exposing cockroaches.
Kevin Gosztola Interviews Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg ...
The government acts like a mafia because they are a mafia! They work for
an ancient mafia like organization called the Ring of Power, consisting
of the Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Warburg & Schiff families.
Friday, September 25, 2020
New Bill Allows People To Run Over Protesters & Criminalizes Protest (We...
If you have to get a permit, from the people you are protesting, in order to protest, that is not a protest. That is begging for permission from your master! This was never what our founding fathers intended!
Breonna Taylor & The Battle To End Protest (Moment of Clarity)
Divide and conquer! What are you doing to help their plan succeed?
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Bison Tosses Woman Out Of Her Pants - Natives React #24
Bison Tosses Woman Out Of Her Pants - Natives React #24
Was Trump Involved In Bolivia's Coup? (w/ Mark Weisbrot)
The Empire of City- States is tired of controlling things in secret as the deep state. Seems like they are on the verge of declaring before the world who the Emperor really is!
Study Shows How Fox News Lies Led Americans Into Crisis
This is how corporate owned media, both left & right, brainwash the sheep so that they are easy to control.
Joe Biden Disses Sanders Saying, “I Beat The Socialist!” In Pitch To Wis...
If you think your "woke" but you do not understand what is being said here, then you ain't woke!
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Dear Progressives Voting For Biden...
I had to retire before I got this smart! She gives me hope that these younger generations will wake up while they have the healthy bodies and energy to fight this corrupt system! Thanks for having the wisdom to break free of the brainwashing that they have controlled the people with for centuries! Keep up the good fight!
AOC OWNS Wine-Drunk QAnon Candidate
The joke is on them. The person they think is going to save them is up to his eyeballs in this EVIL mess!
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
WikiLeaks Was Not First to Publish
If this was a real trial, not a show trial intended to railroad an innocent man, the testimony today should get this case dismissed.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
How the Right is Shredding the Vote
Who is stealing your vote? How is your vote being stolen and why? What can we do about it?
Saturday, September 19, 2020
COWARDLY Silence On Julian Assange's Trial by Establishment Press!
If you see a journalist and they aren't screaming about this; it's because it helps their career. They have lost their true North!
Friday, September 18, 2020
WikiLeaks Editor in Chief on the Prosecution of Julian Assange
Everyone should be standing up for our fundamental freedoms.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Imperialism on Trial | Free Julian Assange
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.#Assange
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Trump Holds Indoor Nevada Rally as Wildfires and Pandemic Rage: A Closer...
I am an idiot who watches idiot TV so I don't have to feel like an idiot!
Trump Holds Indoor Nevada Rally as Wildfires and Pandemic Rage: A Closer...
I am an idiot who watches idiot TV so I don't have to feel like an idiot!
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Tulsi Gabbard Compared To QAnon As Liberals Dismiss Child Sexualization ...
Why the hypocritical outcry about this while everyone wants to ignore the fact that our President is a pedophile?
Schnauzer (a blog post by
Roger Shuler: bachelor’s
degree in journalism: U of Missouri, 1978, 11 years at a daily
newspaper. 19 years as university editor.)
Schnauzer (a blog post by
Roger Shuler: bachelor’s
degree in journalism: U of Missouri, 1978, 11 years at a daily
newspaper. 19 years as university editor.)
Trump has paid about $30 million to settle child-sex complaints,
including a 2012 incident at Albemarle Estate in Charlottesville,
Trump has paid about $30 million to settle child-sex complaints,
including a 2012 incident at Albemarle Estate in Charlottesville,
– This
does contain the list of underage victims. –
does contain the list of underage victims. –
Monday, September 14, 2020
Whitney Webb Uncovers Ashton Kutcher's CIA Linked NGO
Do you need to be a pedophile in order to be a VIP?
Fixing the machinery of government - Ezra Klein crossover episode | Andr...
The first thing we need to do is make sure that people have food on the table and a roof over their heads.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Kenosha Journalist Quits over Coverage of Jacob Blake Protests, Citing I...
More information about mainstream media misrepresenting what is happening with these protests.
Update On Dijon Kizzee Protest In Front Of Sheriff’s Department
How CORPORATE owned, mainstream media slants and distorts the facts to
justify police abuse, violation of citizens rights to assemble and
practice free speech. As well as poisoning the minds of the public which
contributes to the chaos of our society!
justify police abuse, violation of citizens rights to assemble and
practice free speech. As well as poisoning the minds of the public which
contributes to the chaos of our society!
The Forgotten Bombing Of Activist Compound In Philly
They did basically the same game plan with Waco. They killed a lot of
workers trying to unionize during FDR times. If you don’t know your
history, you will believe any propaganda that your told.
workers trying to unionize during FDR times. If you don’t know your
history, you will believe any propaganda that your told.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Juan Passarelli on Julian Assange's Trial, Interview Only | Useful Idiots
Are you sleeping while history is being made? This is a very good explanation of why this is so important!
Judge Puts Assange Extradition Hearing on Hold
We have 'real' Americans beating their chest, claiming that they are 'standing up for freedom' as they stand on a little ant hill shouting to the heavens that they are in danger of losing their freedom because they are being told to wear a mask for health reasons. And yes, the government is exceeding it's authority when they start fining people for not complying. The owner of a store has the right to refuse to let you shop but the government doesn't have the right to issue fines. What is ironic to me is how all these freedom fighters can't be bothered as our government is attacking our right to free speech and freedom of the press. This is not a left, right issue. The results will affect all of us and determine whether we will be free or not. Free speech/press is so important that they are almost like a fourth branch of government. So where are these real Americans? Maybe the issue is too complicated for them to grasp. Maybe Mt Everest is too high of a mountain to die upon, they would rather fight over the ant hill. Divide and conquer, it is working.
Assange's Festival of Injustice, #ScholarStrike, Anti-Police Victories (...
A really good explanation of why we need reparations today, not just because of what was done in the past. Of course, you would need to have an interest in justice rather than JUST-us to be willing to listen to this.
Joe Bragged About Writing The Patriot Act! (Moment of Clarity)
Act expanded the governments ability to spy on us and
allowed unlimited searches and seizures.
Act expanded the governments ability to spy on us and
allowed unlimited searches and seizures.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Essentials List for Living in a Vehicle
Someone might need this information in these uncertain times.
Top U.S. & World Headlines — September 11, 2020
If you still don't believe in climate change, you might get a better news source.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Julian Assange Extradition Hearing--Jordan LIVE From NYC Rally
NYC Rally for Assange. I am so impressed by how many people are concerned about the atrocities our government is involved in! NOT! This deep concern is exactly why we are where we are today. We are getting the government that we deserve. Keep watching corporate owned mainstream media because these brainwashing tools will keep you sleepwalking while marching you to the gas chambers.
Assange Extradition Hearing Adjourned due to COVID Concerns
I am reading between the lines here and totally making this up but ... With all the extreme measures that have been taken to handicap the ability of the defense to prepare a case, including spying on Assange with his lawyers, (completely illegal) as well as not allowing Assange access to work with his lawyers to prepare the case, to changing the charges at the very last second ... I suspect that the prosecutors have been thrown off balance by the defense and needed more time to dream up more lies to throw at him.
Wednesday, September 09, 2020
Everything You Need To Know From The Assange Trial Day 1 & Day 2
Absolutely right Fioella! This makes me feel like the squad is as useful as Bernie, they say some good things but where the heck are the 'ACTIONS!'
mirror Do NOT Send Your Children Back To School, Schools Are Not A Safe ...
If you have kids in school, you really should watch this! This is Sweden but the New World Order will be doing the same here, so be forewarned!
Donsplaining | The Daily Show
This is for those who don't know how to tell if they are being lied to.
Tuesday, September 08, 2020
Day 2 of Julian Assange Hearing: Recap
This is a summary of a miscarriage of justice. A sham trial. The
criminals are planning on railroading this outstanding journalist, so
they can silence him by locking him away in the kings dungeon for the
rest of his life.
criminals are planning on railroading this outstanding journalist, so
they can silence him by locking him away in the kings dungeon for the
rest of his life.
Monday, September 07, 2020
Ep. 116: Biden To Flint — "F*ck You" (feat. Melissa Mays) | Rumble w Mic...
Why not put more money in your pocket by poisoning people that you know you plan to genocide?
Sunday, September 06, 2020
US Judge Protects Billionaire Pedophile Peter Nygard
You can't touch the EVIL ruling class. Including Trump.
) Michael Parker, 10 yrs old, Oral rape, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL
1992, Trump settlement $3 million.
) Michael Parker, 10 yrs old, Oral rape, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL
1992, Trump settlement $3 million.
) Kelly Feuer, 12 yrs
old, forced intercourse, Trump Tower, NY, NY 1989, Trump settlement
$1 million.
) Kelly Feuer, 12 yrs
old, forced intercourse, Trump Tower, NY, NY 1989, Trump settlement
$1 million.
) Charles Bacon, 11 yrs
old, forced oral and anal
intercourse, Trump Tower,
NY, NY 1994,
Trump settlement $3
) Charles Bacon, 11 yrs
old, forced oral and anal
intercourse, Trump Tower,
NY, NY 1994,
Trump settlement $3
) Rebecca Conway, 13 yrs
old, intercourse and oral
sex, Trump Vineyard
Estates, Charlottesville VA
Trump settlement $5
) Rebecca Conway, 13 yrs
old, intercourse and oral
sex, Trump Vineyard
Estates, Charlottesville VA
Trump settlement $5
) Maria Olivera, 12 yrs
old, forced intercourse, Mar-a-Lago,
Palm Beach, FL
Trump settlement $16
) Maria Olivera, 12 yrs
old, forced intercourse, Mar-a-Lago,
Palm Beach, FL
Trump settlement $16
) Kevin Noll, 11 yrs
old, anal rape,
Trump Tower, NY, NY 1988,
Trump settlement details
) Kevin Noll, 11 yrs
old, anal rape,
Trump Tower, NY, NY 1988,
Trump settlement details
Katie Johnson, 13 yrs, rape, Jeffrey Epstein’s Mansion (71 St.) NY
1994, Trump settlement details unknown. (Full
document at:
Katie Johnson, 13 yrs, rape, Jeffrey Epstein’s Mansion (71 St.) NY
1994, Trump settlement details unknown. (Full
document at:
Court Rules NSA Surveillance Illegal - Snowden Vindicated! (Web Exclusive)
Master minded by the EVIL Ring of Power & implemented by the EVIL Empire of City States. Our government is not a government but a CORPORATION; research the Act of 1871.
Saturday, September 05, 2020
Eviction Crisis While Dems & Republicans Do Political Theater!
Thank you Jimmy Dore for letting the EVIL Empire of City States know
that we are no longer brainwashed. We are awake, our eyes are open and
you don't get to play table tennis with your blame game anymore. We know
what your doing and we know what we must do to stop it. Your EVIL days
are numbered. When we find that hundredth monkey, the reign of this EVIL
game is done! Do NO EVIL!
that we are no longer brainwashed. We are awake, our eyes are open and
you don't get to play table tennis with your blame game anymore. We know
what your doing and we know what we must do to stop it. Your EVIL days
are numbered. When we find that hundredth monkey, the reign of this EVIL
game is done! Do NO EVIL!
Eviction Crisis While Dems & Republicans Do Political Theater!
Thank you Jimmy Dore for letting the EVIL Empire of City States know that we are no longer brainwashed. We are awake, our eyes are open and you don't get to play table tennis with your blame game anymore. We know what your doing and we know what we must do to stop it. Your EVIL days are numbered. When we find that hundredth monkey, the reign of this EVIL game is done! Do NO EVIL!
Man Who Poisoned Flint Michigan Endorses BIDEN!
"You can violate your integrity and vote for him if you want; I won't do it!" People are waking up to the fact that the only way to stop an EVIL Empire is to stop supporting it's structure and STOP DOING EVIL FOR THEM!
Los Angeles Homeless Woman Running for Chatsworth Neighborhood Council
People who feel safe in their homes should listen 2 the wisdom of this front line fighter. She lives where the EVIL that rules our world no longer tries 2 hide what they do.
Shahid Buttar on Useful Idiots, Interview Only
Nancy Pelosi is a full fledged member of the EVIL Empire of City- States. There is nothing too EVIL for them to do.
Friday, September 04, 2020
Never Thought He'd Be Homeless in Hollywood
If your living on the edge, you might want to educate yourself about what to expect & try 2 make some plans.
Nancy Pelosi Challenger Shahid Buttar Responds to Allegations | Useful I...
When they resort to smearing you, you know that you are a very real
threat to them. It also shows that the Me Too movement was not about
achieving justice but a political move to destroy good candidates. It
never works on those who are really guilty.
threat to them. It also shows that the Me Too movement was not about
achieving justice but a political move to destroy good candidates. It
never works on those who are really guilty.
Thursday, September 03, 2020
BREAKING: Courts Vindicate EDWARD SNOWDEN! with NSA Whistle-blower BILL ...
GOOD NEWS everyone! The long arm of justice has finally exposed the EVIL doings of those who believe that they are above the law. I hope this is just the first step in cleaning up the EVIL which thinks it is so powerful that GOOD people can not stop it. Lets hope that the EVIL that has been illegally imprisoning and torturing Assange will be next!
7 Stupid Arguments To Defend The Cops (Web Exclusive)
This makes too much sense for the senseless among us to make sense of the sense that is being made.
Wednesday, September 02, 2020
The Secrets Donald Trump Doesn't Want You to Know About: Business, Finan...
If even a 10th of David Cay Johnston’s stories are true, then Trump is morally, intellectually, culturally, economically, legally and politically unfit for office of any sort. No wonder so much of the world is shaking its head but also holding its breath."