Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
The Totally Spontaneous Health Worker Balcony Applause Phenomenon - #Pro...
Methinks he is onto something.
BREAKING: AOC Is Refusing To Back Progressive Challengers Following In H...
If power corrupts everyone, maybe it is time to banish these power structures from the face of the earth.
LIVE Workers Are Striking! It's Happening!
Look around where you are standing. What can you put your hands on that will help to destroy a genocidal capitalist system? Ask no one's permission. Just do it!
Why Are Progressives Voting For Ultimate Screwing Of America?
The biggest transfer of wealth, to the rich, ever! Completely unrestrained greed addiction!
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Bernie Sanders TRASHES GOP Coronavirus bill, Trump response to crisis | ...
This huge heist went to the rich again! Third robbery of the people since 911. But they did toss a few copper coins to the people, probably because they hoped that would buy our silence as they rob our government / CORPORATION blind. Sounds like a going out of business, clearance sale to me. The big hogs are gorging themselves at the trough while the piglets try to survive on any scraps that fall on the ground.
Breaking Down The WEAK Stimulus Bill/Corporate Bailout -- The Rob Report
This huge heist went to the rich again! Third robbery of the people since 911. But they did toss a few copper coins to the people, probably because they hoped that would buy our silence as they rob our government / CORPORATION blind. Sounds like a going out of business, clearance sale to me. The big hogs are gorging themselves at the trough while the piglets try to survive on any scraps that fall on the ground.
CNN Town Hall Joe Biden Discusses The Global Health Crisis | Tim Black
Joe Biden is a horrible, horrible candidate! With all the cheating to make him the lead candidate, it makes you think that the HIDDEN HAND, or should I say the Vatican vassal, the Crown is plotting and planning with tRump to finish off the destruction of the illusion that we have a government. Setting the stage for THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, owned by the Crown to step up to center stage and let the world know who the HIDDEN HAND really is.
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick of Texas Offers His Sacrifice for the Economy |...
Can anyone else remember any movies or scenes that remind you of what we are going through today?
NAFTA Killing Americans With Moved Overseas Manufacturing — The Politica...
A lot of common folk knew that NAFTA was a bad idea at the time it passed. How is it that the brightest among us, supposedly, were not bright enough to know this? Could it be that the Crown, which is a permanent vassal to the Vatican, and who owns 37 countries, is playing us all like a deck of cards? A stacked deck of cards and therefore, the house always wins!
MSNBC Morning Joe 3/29/20 [6AM] | MSNBC News Sunday March 29, 2020
11 Foods That Will Help You Cleanse Your lungs
https:// healthypoints (.) net/top-11-foods-that-will-help-you-cleanse-your-lungs/
1) Green Tea 2) Tomatoes
3) Coffee 4) Berries/Dark Fruit
5) Olive Oil 6) Fatty Fish
7) Ginger 8) Broccoli/Other Greens
9) Apples 10) Oregano
11) Nuts
Saturday, March 28, 2020
BREAKING: Trump Says NYC Lying about Ventilator Need
Talking about how the elite exploiting and neglecting the workers... Here we are doing it again! Why can't we try these people for murder?
The elite have a long history of exploitation and neglect of the workers who make them rich.
Max Blumenthal on Epidemic and Empire
The US is going to be the hardest hit by this global pandemic.
How Would A Libertarian Solve The Pandemic Crisis?
Lets stop spending a trillion dollars a year on mass murder!
Both Parties Helped Corporations Get $4 25Trillion Bailout — The Politic...
Looks like the Tulsi voters and the Bernie voters are beginning to wake up to the fact that we can not clean up an utterly corrupt system by working with candidates that will not stand up to the corruption in their own party. I had figured that out with Bernie but I had hoped that Tulsi would be different. She did fight harder but would not cross the line to expose her parties corruption. Looks like we have no choice but to overthrow the Queen, again.
Friday, March 27, 2020
The Progressive Movement Isn't Doomed It's Just Getting Started
Workers suffer while the Vatican and Crown owned elite rob us again, all while they drink wine.
Saagar Enjeti: Media, Dem elites don't care about workers, here are thei...
Workers suffer while the Vatican and Crown owned elite rob us again, all while they drink wine.
Venezuela: Trump's Foreign Policy still favors a coup...w/Al Suarez
Evil could not rule the world if ordinary people were not willing to
commit evil deeds, usually for a few copper coins. How cheaply do you
sell your soul?
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Corporate News Hides Ugly Truth Of Stimulus Bill
This is what happens when THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA appoints the representatives, instead of the people electing them.
Joe Biden Accused Of Sexual Assault By Former Staffer
Anita Hill did not have a chance when the whole process was controlled by men who were just as guilty as Clarence Thomas.
Stimulus Bill: “An Abomination Beyond Comprehension” - “Bernie Folded”.
Jimmy, who has always been a pretty woke fellow has the final piece of the puzzle put into place. I can see from his face that it makes him as sick as it made me when I 'got it." Now he just needs to figure out the connection to the Crown and the Vatican. When we get everyone to this point -- things might change. That is if we survive the world wide genocide happening now.
Federal Judges Put Hold On DAPL - Victory For Standing Rock, For Now
The wheels of justice turn mighty slow.
Despite Crisis, Auditors Continue to Confront Aggressive Policing
It may be too late to wake the people.
Speaking Up and Staying Silent About Creepy Uncle Joe
Is it any wonder that women can not get justice when the whole process is controlled by men whose behavior is basically the same?
Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti: Joe Biden DESPERATELY tries to shut down...
(It shows how badly they have rigged the voting to make it look like loser Biden is the winner!
CAUGHT RED HANDED: 5vG Installation During Las Vegas Strip Shutdown 3/23/20
Why are they working when we are supposed to be locked down? Why all the gun thugs, ie military and police who are going to protect us even if they have to kill us to do it? Everyone needs to keep looking out their windows. Make videos and post them if you see anything strange including or especially the installation of these not tested for safety 5G towers.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The Illusion of Freedom is No Longer Profitable
Q is for the Queen's Qinetiq - Coronavirus Patent (Mirror) ( ht tps :// w w w (.) you tube (.) com / watch ?v =4h QLWL tk 6ro
Q is for the Queen's Qinetiq - Coronavirus Patent (Mirror)
Well here it is! I tried to tell everyone to research the Act of 1871! I don't tell people, "I told you so because I like to tell you that I told you so. I say it so the next time I try to share information with you, you might take it seriously.
Top U.S. & World Headlines — March 25, 2020
Someone needs to figure out how to turn the locust into food. If that could be done it would help solve both problems.
The Richest Family in America You've Never Heard of
There are those who will cry 'foul' at this video. But she pointed out clearly, that this is not about race or religion. It is about a 'mindset of privilege' so extreme that they believe that it is their right to dominate, control and enslave others. A privilege that is so powerful that they can prevent people from even speaking their name. How can you know the truth if you can not even speak of it?
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Fox Guest: Grandmas Should Sacrifice Themselves For Capitalism!
They have gotten by with genocide in other countries forever! Why not
bring it home? Let's start with all these rich psycho criminals who have
spent their lives robbing the people, making themselves rich.
bring it home? Let's start with all these rich psycho criminals who have
spent their lives robbing the people, making themselves rich.
Trump To End Social Distancing For Economy
People like that have been committing genocide for profit in other
countries forever! They are simply trying to bring it back to the US
because they think they are too powerful to stop.
Beluga Whale Has A Crush On A Cute Zookeeper | Kritter Klub
Beluga Whale Has A Crush On A Cute Zookeeper | Kritter Klub
Monday, March 23, 2020
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Government Building Field Hospitals To Handle Pandemic
We don't have parties or government. We are ruled by a Vatican owned corporation and it is disgusting, how they treat people.
Progressive Congresswoman Rips Pelosi For Blocking UBI
We don't have parties or government. We are ruled by a Vatican owned corporation and it is disgusting, how they treat people.
A Pandemic on Cue and Scarcity by Design
a coincidence that where this pandemic started, they just happen to
be rolling out 5G!
a coincidence that where this pandemic started, they just happen to
be rolling out 5G!
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Krystal and Saagar: DC Elites have no clue of worker suffering
Lets just cooperate mindlessly with the EVIL that is controlling the world.
Coronavirus Continues To Be Used To Force In Long-Standing Government Ag...
Isn't it strange how ordinary people must lock themselves away because
things are so dangerous but the soldiers, the SOLDIERS can get out and
roam around - safely?!?!?! That is not even logical!
things are so dangerous but the soldiers, the SOLDIERS can get out and
roam around - safely?!?!?! That is not even logical!
Containment (Infected) | 2015 Full Movie | Coronavirus Outbreak
Containment (Infected) | 2015 Full Movie | Coronavirus Outbreak
Friday, March 20, 2020
CDC Director Admits That Cases Of Coronavirus Were Misdiagnosed As The Flu
The US would not create and use a bio-weapon, or would they?
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Krystal and Saagar BLAST Pelosi for holding up cash to workers
We can't have one party doing ALL of the bad stuff, it must be alternated so we can keep the nation divided!
We're On Our Own: Don't Wait For The Ruling Elite (Web Exclusive)
This is what happens when you have a FAKE government that is in reality a
CORPORATION owned by morally bankrupt elites that pass themselves off
as a great church and the untouchable Crown. This is the perfect time to
stop this farce which does nothing but rip the people off!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Krystal Ball: Bailouts show "how will you pay for it" is a con
We pay for it the same way that we bail out the banks, Wall Street, endless wars and the murder of innocents or the same way we give subsidies and tax breaks to the rich.
Empty Planet: Preparing for the Global Population Decline
"There has not been a famine anywhere in the world since the 1990's that was not induced by it's own government or by other governments waging war." Of course the 1990's seems like yesterday to me.
Coronavirus Caused By 5G?
Coronavirus Caused By 5G? -- You must watch these two videos together!
Then people that know how to coordinate these two things together needs
to see if they can prove this. --
Tavares – Smart Meters at Oathkeepers Meeting
Covid-19 Lockdown
More things to scare us with so they can take more of our freedoms. You know, like they did with 911.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Y'all got me f��d up, if you think I'm backing Biden.
Me too! But the Vatican gets to appoint the CEO that they want for their CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Looks like the Vatican wants to continue destroying the rights of Americans with tRump. Research the Act of 1871.
Biden Doesn't Want to Debate At A Debate With Bernie Sanders
You cheat people so long that you eventually feel that you don't even need to hide the fact that your cheating. And then people no longer feel like playing your rigged game.
Monday, March 16, 2020
BREAKING: Biden Wins Illinois?! TV Station Declares Biden The Primary Vi...
3/16/2020 With just a little help from his CORPORATE friends!
Krystal Ball debunks Biden's parade of lies
A tRump is a tRump, is a tRump, whether it is a red tRump or a blue tRump.
Tulsi Drops Truth Bomb About Election Interference
If you aren’t ready for the best, you won’t get the best!
Bernie Says,"Go To The Youtube" Then Uses Biden's Own Words To Expose Hi...
Everyone who supports Biden needs to watch this!
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Under Cover Of Coronavirus Congress Introduces Bill That Allows Gov To C...
Down goes freedom of speech! We knew that was where we were headed with their torture of Assange. Truth causes their brainwashing to breakdown so they are desperate to take back the control of the sheep. If successful never forget that we must resist all efforts to control us even if we can no longer communicate. And make sure that everyone is aware that they can use jury nullification to refuse to jail our neighbors on their unreasonable laws. Such as our drug laws.
Banks Get $1.5 Trillion Bailout Over Coronavirus
First we had the 'too big to fail' bank heist, now we are in the midst
of a wall street heist. How many more heist do we need for people to
wake up. The next time someone repeats that old tired, 'how are we going
to pay for it' propaganda point. Dreamed up by the elites PR agencies,
tell them the same way we give mind boggling sums of money for killing
people with our military, or bailing out the banks and wall street. Just
add four or five zeroes into the the computer account!
of a wall street heist. How many more heist do we need for people to
wake up. The next time someone repeats that old tired, 'how are we going
to pay for it' propaganda point. Dreamed up by the elites PR agencies,
tell them the same way we give mind boggling sums of money for killing
people with our military, or bailing out the banks and wall street. Just
add four or five zeroes into the the computer account!
Banks Get $1.5 Trillion Bailout Over Coronavirus
First we had the 'too big to fail' bank heist, now we are in the midst of a wall street heist. How many more heist do we need for people to wake up. The next time someone repeats that old tired, 'how are we going to pay for it' propaganda point. Dreamed up by the elites PR agencies, tell them the same way we give mind boggling sums of money for killing people with our military, or bailing out the banks and wall street. Just add four or five zeroes into the the computer account!
Jimmy Dore sounds off on the global economic meltdown of 2020
A maximum income! An idea that is long, long overdue.
Americans Unable to Get Tested as Store Shelves Look Like a "Socialist C...
Maybe the people will get lucky and these elaborate plans to enslave us further will backfire and wake the sleeping masses.
"I can't do this" - Election Official Walks Out Of Press Conference Inst...
We need more people to find the courage to act on their personal ethics
and refuse to do the bidding of the evil CORPORATION OF THE UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA! Remember that our founding fathers gave the ultimate
power to the people. They gave us the right to refuse to wrongfully
convict our neighbors with corrupt laws. Educate yourself, your friends
and neighbors about jury nullification.
and refuse to do the bidding of the evil CORPORATION OF THE UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA! Remember that our founding fathers gave the ultimate
power to the people. They gave us the right to refuse to wrongfully
convict our neighbors with corrupt laws. Educate yourself, your friends
and neighbors about jury nullification.
Let Tulsi Debate!
The real danger to our corrupt CORPORATION passing itself off as if it were our legitimate government must silence this woman at all cost! Because they know, that this truth warrior would single handedly whip their collective corrupt a$$e$!
Julian Assange Global Protest with Roger Waters, Vivienne Westwood, Varo...
Julian is a victim of an evil, corrupt CORPORATION passing itself off as
a corrupt government to the ill informed people who suffer from the
lack of having access to real journalism.
a corrupt government to the ill informed people who suffer from the
lack of having access to real journalism.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Democrat DESTROYS Trump in MUST-WATCH speech over botched handling
Last time instead of helping the American people, money was poured into
the banks. Then the banks were allowed to double dip and repossess
peoples homes, increasing the homeless population. Not one dirty,
crooked banker went to jail. After arguing about where was the money
going to come from, forever when peoples needs were being discussed,
they managed to pour a ton of money into Wall Street and that money was
gone in mere minutes! Like pouring mush to a bunch of greedy pigs. And
magically they plan to give those pigs even more money! I don’t hear
anyone asking where that money is going to come from. I honestly think
that their addiction to greed has gotten so bad that only huge heists
will do! Who needs a government that is run so poorly?
Bernie Must Call Out Biden In Next Debate!
We are $crewed! If the virus doesn't get you, the poverty will!
Coronavirus Sweeps the Nation, Fed Gives $1.5 Trillion to Big Business, ...
Too bad the people were not smart enough to see through all of these
fake Corporatist candidates running to be the next CEO for THE
Gabbard, offering to actually work for all of the people!
fake Corporatist candidates running to be the next CEO for THE
Gabbard, offering to actually work for all of the people!
Tulsi’s Emergency UBI Plan & More For Coronavirus
When the going gets tough, the real leaders step up.
Why Tulsi Should STAY In Primary Race
Because she dares to say what no one else has the courage to say. And the DNC is terrified that the American people might change the way they think if they heard her. It is easier to keep changing the rules and keep America in the dark. That is one of the ruling elites methods that they use to herd us like sheep!
Fed Gives Banks $1 5T & Americans Zero During Pandemic — The Political V...
Here is how you pay for it.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Julian Assange Global Protest with Roger Waters, Vivienne Westwood, Varo...
He calls this a fight against a dark force but in truth it is a battle
against EVIL! An evil that has held our Sacred Earth in bondage for
several centuries! This is the moment! Will you choose good or evil?
against EVIL! An evil that has held our Sacred Earth in bondage for
several centuries! This is the moment! Will you choose good or evil?
“How to Hide an Empire”: Daniel Immerwahr on the History of the Greater ...
Is it any wonder that many of us strongly suspect that our own government/CORPORATION is behind these pandemics? I wonder what they would find about the connections and funding of this Cornelius guy?
Chris Hedges On The Elections & The Economy (plus Jordan Chariton)
Looking into the black box of this $hit $how.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Progressives Threaten To “DemExit” Over Biden
$ame $hit another day. THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA owns us again, and again, and again.
Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Rochester, NH
She is still in it folks and I still believe that she is the best fighter for us.
Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Rochester, NH
She is still in it folks and I still believe that she is the best fighter for us.
FULL INTERVIEW: Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard holding town hall T...
She is still in it folks and I still believe that she is the best fighter for us.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
CrossTalk | Taking down Bernie
is a pretty good discussion about the Democrats and this campaign.
is a pretty good discussion about the Democrats and this campaign.
Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Recruited Spies to Infiltrate Progressive...
pieces of the puzzle that prove that we are being controlled by the
Vatican via the Crown. Project Veritas, a right-wing group that often
sets up sting operations targeting the (liberal)
media and journalists by recording covert videos. Funded
by the Mercer family. (4:56 – trained by British
pieces of the puzzle that prove that we are being controlled by the
Vatican via the Crown. Project Veritas, a right-wing group that often
sets up sting operations targeting the (liberal)
media and journalists by recording covert videos. Funded
by the Mercer family. (4:56 – trained by British
Coronavirus Pandemic in U.S. Fueled by Stunted CDC Budget & Lack of Acce...
Sad that a lot of people might have to die before the brainwashed will slowly come to see the deep flaws in their thinking.
“Afghanistan Papers” Reveal How Presidents & Generals Misled the America...
They should be tried for murder!
Everyone Questioning Biden's Mental Fitness
When you just want a puppet to cover up your criminal activity, any old man with dementia will do. I will expose the lies but will not help them manufacture consent anymore.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Krystal Ball: Warren is forever dead to the left
I felt like this about Warren right from the start!
Joe Rogan: "This Guy Can't Be President" ft. Napoleon Da Legend (TMBS 129)
The elite do not care if Biden is mentally incompetent, after all he
will just be a figurehead a puppet being controlled by the Vatican and
the Crown anyway.
will just be a figurehead a puppet being controlled by the Vatican and
the Crown anyway.
Top U.S. & World Headlines — March 10, 2020
county has requested a recount due to discrepancies between the
number of voters who signed in and number of ballots counted.
county has requested a recount due to discrepancies between the
number of voters who signed in and number of ballots counted.
Monday, March 09, 2020
Tulsi Gabbard Podcast .004 - Kortney Olson: entrepreneur, world-renowned...
The only woman of color left in the Presidential race but CORPORATE media wants you to believe two old white men are the only candidates left. His her message too powerful?)
BREAKING: International Criminal Court Will Investigate The U.S. For War...
Excellent and long overdue! Their ill gotten goods should be paid as reparations to their victims! And that is how you stop wars and genocide!
Bee and Woman Become Best Friends After Garden Rescue | The Dodo Soulmates
I made friends with a dragonfly once.
Sunday, March 08, 2020
We are in a battle like David and Goliath. The common people against the rich and powerful. This is our "Bloody Sunday." This is our bridge to cross from Selma to Montgomery. Would you have been crossing that bridge or would you have stood waiting with batons to bash in the heads of people demanding their right to live free? Will you stand on the right side of history today?
Jill Stein predicted the sabotage of Bernie Sanders within the Democrati...
I agree with Jill Stein that Tulsi Gabbard is doing heroes work here. I recognized that early which is why I decided to go ahead and vote again. Because with all the cheating that went on last time I wasn't planning on voting again. Bernie is a pale second choice but if they cheat Berni again, I am through. Especially since I learned that we do not have a government, it is a CORPORATION!
ICC Sticks it To the USA Will Prosecute Top Level US Officials
Every President since FDR is guilty of war crimes! And yet...we are the good guys!
BREAKING: Kamala Harris Endorses Joe Biden.
One good rule of thumb, to help you to clearly see through all the out right lies, deception and manipulation that goes on, to brainwash and control the people, is to pay attention to the company that they keep.
Lee Camp on Bernie smears, media censorship, and how Russiagate hurt comedy
This is what the end of an empire looks like.
'Their blood is on your hands!' | Angry Iraq vet truth-bombs Biden
Joe Biden is qualified to order genocide!
CC Podcast #98: Super F**ked Tuesday (Everything You Need to Know)
What your corporate owned mainstream media will not tell you about voting.
Saturday, March 07, 2020
Establishment Hacks Deny Establishment Colluding Against Bernie
Biden is corrupt, has no empathy and has no moral compass.
Elizabeth Warren Attacks Bernie Sanders And Is Not Likely To Endorse.
Hypocrisy! Anyone check out the insane racist, misogynistic, religious bigotry that Ilhan Omar has to put up with? The only person you can control or even have the right to control is yourself. Unlike tRump, Bernie has already denounced this several times and not only that but he has always maintained high standards for himself and he always asks his followers to do the same. That is all a leader can do. Also, what about all the below the belt attacks he has put up with during both campaigns? All of that is okay for the corporate side of the party to engage in but how dare anyone that they are SABOTAGING, lying about and smearing, how dare they fight back. It is long overdue for him to take the gloves off and fight back! But then that is probably what they are really afraid of! That is exactly why I support Tulsi. She knows how to fight back which is why they keep changing the rules to keep her off the debate stage!
Corp Media Refuses To Show Biden's Racist Record — The Political Vigilante
And this is who the Democrats who are brainwashed by corporate owned mainstream media, wants us to nominate? I will join the ranks of those who are too disgusted to play this con game before I do that!
Dave Anthony On How DNC Cheated Bernie SuperTuesday — The Political Vigi...
We do need a real, non-violent revolution. Stop supporting the genocidal maniacs in every conceivable way.
Biden Surrogate Tries To Lecture Nina Turner On MLK
A white woman ‘whitesplaining’ MLK to Nina Turner! And I bet if you
asked her she would claim that she is not racist. The brainwashing is so
deep that even when we consider ourselves ‘woke’ we still have a long
way to go!
asked her she would claim that she is not racist. The brainwashing is so
deep that even when we consider ourselves ‘woke’ we still have a long
way to go!
Friday, March 06, 2020
Thursday, March 05, 2020
Whistleblower Exposes Voting Machine Fraud
Election rigging is exactly why people stop voting. Look at the time, energy and money wasted on this. 1) Register a voter for life updating location as needed. 2) Have 3 methods of counting the vote and they must all match in order for the candidate to take office. (A) Vote via computer or cell phone no matter what your physical location. (B) The electronic device creates a PDF file which must be printed out. No personal printer, print it out at your library. Mail in a hard copy to your local election headquarters. (C) This hard copy gets ran through a counting machine to tally the votes. (D) Finally the paper ballots get counted by hand. All excuses for gerrymandering are settled by voters address.
Saagar Enjeti: Is Bernie Sanders too weak to win?
This is exactly why I voted for Tulsi, she is a warrior!
DNC Implies Tulsi Gabbard Won't Qualify For Next Debate
Tulsi Gabbard needs to lead a real revolution!
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
Tuesday, March 03, 2020
Monday, March 02, 2020
Bernie Criticized Biden's Racist Crime Bill In 1994 — The Political Vigi...
This is who our wanna be Presidents really are!
Bernie Criticized Biden's Racist Crime Bill In 1994 — The Political Vigi...
This is who our wanna be Presidents really are!
Rania Khalek on the plot to steal a Sanders victory
This is how empire brainwashing makes people believe that government was not established for the good of the people. It makes people believe that it is normal to work for the wealthy.
Let God's Voice Speak Through Your Vote
It is time for America to rebuke these unethical criminals who rule the world and let justice prevail.
EP.851: Julian Assange is Being Treated like a Top Terrorist!-Sevim Dagd...
This sham trial and torture of an innocent man shows what these criminals will be doing to you and me, if they get by with this barbaric behavior!
Sunday, March 01, 2020
Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - San Francisco, CA
Do you hate politics? So does Tulsi! Watch this and find out why she does this.
AOC Goes Back to Bartending in the Bronx | DESUS & MERO | Season 2
I love it! Remember to vote for a moral agenda!
CAMPAIGN 2020: TULSI GABBARD slams government "for the powerful elite" a...
The answer is - We The People!
Shocking Update: We Have Been Betrayed! Press Freedom Is Being Destroyed!
Do you care about the truth?
Shocking Update: We Have Been Betrayed! Press Freedom Is Being Destroyed!
Do you care about the truth?
EP.848: Julian Assange is Being Prosecuted for Exposing Human Rights Abu...
You can't win the war on drugs when your government is both the 'pusher' as well as the 'executioner.'
Anand Giridharadas
We are part of the loop that allows the arsonist to step in and claim that they are firefighters.
Systemic Racism Is Hatred Toward Democracy and Humanity
When the poor unite the rich figure out how to make them fight!
Krystal Ball: panicked DNC elites try to stop Bernie’s big Super Tuesday
The curtain is falling. The people are seeing that the Emperor has no clothes. Don't expect the emperor to not order the soldiers to murder the people so that he can stay in power! We must educate the soldiers that it is their hands committing the violence that allows evil to rule our world!
EP.850: Delhi Riots: BJP, Modi Putting India Under Cascading Communal Pr...
What happens when people wake up to the fact that they are being ruled and robbed by CORPORATIONS calling themselves governments?