Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Can’t succeed without respect
The real danger to the criminal cabal that has overthrown our government in secret is that America wakes up and elects two honest, ethical women working for the people! Tulsi Gabbard and Marianne Williamson.
Monday, December 30, 2019
Clinton Body Count Epstein Suicided Mena Iran Contra Barry Seal Medellin...
This is why we need to carefully vet our Presidential candidates! This is scary. Will you have the courage that this moment calls for? If our corporate owned politicians and media are backing a candidate, you can safely assume that they are part of this criminal cabal. If they ignore, ridicule, and smear a candidate, chances are these criminals see them as a threat. Vote for the candidates that our current fake leaders are hating on.
Clinton Body Count Epstein Suicided Mena Iran Contra Barry Seal Medellin...
When you do the dirty work for the evil hidden hand your rewarded with money, power and fame. So who is really worse, those who lie with ease and charm or the one who lies with almost every word and is so crude that most of the world can easily see through him?
Sunday, December 29, 2019
BREAKING: Secret docs reveal decades of lies from Obama, Bush in Afghani...
Why can't we sue the liars and thieves who profited from these genocidal wars? They also need to be tried and jailed, if found guilty. Then we should use the money recovered to fund all the programs that Americans have been denied because we were using all of our money to rob, murder and steal from these other countries. By the way, most Americans were aware that we had lairs and thieves running our country even when we believed the propaganda put out by our party.
Bernie Sanders Torches Democrats & Republicans For Passing Ridiculous Mi...
This is what I wonder too. In fact I have long suspected that the money for the border wall is going to go right back into tRumps pocket via his construction companies connections.
Morning Joe Has Rare Moment Of Bernie Clarity
You know he is leading big time in order for the biased, corporate owned, propaganda machine to concede this!
Kanzi - An Ape of Genius - Part 4.m4v
Kanzi - An Ape of Genius - Part 4.m4v
Kanzi - An Ape of Genius - Part 3.mp4
Kanzi - An Ape of Genius - Part 3.mp4
Kanzi - An Ape of Genius - Part 1.m4v
Kanzi - An Ape of Genius - Part 1.m4v
Time for Something New - Marianne Williamson
This is the moment that we could all change the world - IF - we had the courage to vote for what our hearts are reaching for. Stop letting your mind stop you by trying to calculate who has the best chance and instead follow your highest dreams!
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Guy Gets His Tiny, Deformed Tortoise Wheels To Help Him Walk | The Dodo ...
Everyone is different. How much better would the world be if we could all accept that?
Israel Says It Will Now Target “State Structures” & “Populated Areas” An...
Exposing propaganda and lies.
Friday, December 27, 2019
A SEASON OF HOPE: Giving Birth to a New America - Marianne Williamson
I have waited my entire life to hear our leaders speak like this! I know some of you are not into politics or you 'think' that your team is different than mine but I really doubt that any one has heard a politician speak like this! "This is not about four years, it is not about eight years, this is about the rest of humanity!
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Abby Martin & Lowkey: A Deeper Look at the UK Election
Finally! The truth ring is rippling out further! But will it be in time?
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange
And now Suzie Dawson cofounder of Unity4J is seeking asylum. For more info:
Movement hashtag: #1vs5i
Official website: http://1vs5i.com/
Official Twitter: @1vs5i
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1vs5i
Short #1vs5i Promo Vid: https://youtu.be/0-IlSOrVaiM
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6z50r124p4
Movement hashtag: #1vs5i
Official website: http://1vs5i.com/
Official Twitter: @1vs5i
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1vs5i
Short #1vs5i Promo Vid: https://youtu.be/0-IlSOrVaiM
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6z50r124p4
ICC To Investigate Israeli Government War Crimes & UN Again Contradicts ...
Our government involved with evil in spite of the Holy Season.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Anand Giridharadas: Are Elites Really Making the World a Better Place?
STOP entrusting change to billionaires.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Friday, December 20, 2019
LIVE: Assange testifies on being recorded during exile in embassy: stakeout
As essential as these demonstrations are, they make pretty boring videos. However it is also important to get as many shares and likes as possible. I play the video in the background and play a game while the video plays. It is mostly the sound of traffic and the chatter of protesters at this point and I am half way through the video. They did start shouting their support when they brought Julian Assange in a van to the court so at least Julian could hear that he still has people supporting him.
Post-Dem Debates with Graham Elwood & Ron Placone
Tulsi's instincts were right on, she lost nothing when she did not attend these boring debates!
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Newsweek reporter quits after editors block coverage of OPCW Syria scandal
Wonderful! May more good journalist wake up, find their moral compass and realize how dangerous it is to our country to have the media keep secrets and hide facts from the public. May they also wake up to the fact that Assange is illegally being detained because he always had the backbone to tell the people the truth! Evil thrives with secrets and lies!
Lawrence O'Donnell Defends FBI Lying & Gaslights Own Audience
Here is what our alphabet agencies really do.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Bernie Calls Out McResistance Over Pentagon Budget
This is a distraction to keep the people fighting over theater rather than focusing on real issues.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Mindblowing Corruption At FBI - NSA Whistleblower Reveals
We have thousands of people in jail since 9/11 based on perjury by our criminal justice system. When will the American people wake up to the fact that we have not had control of our government since the Act of 1871 and the creation of Washington DC for THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? This was all done in secret by 'The Hidden Hand. When they murdered JFK they had so much power and control that they knew they could get by with it. After 9/11 they have consistently been getting rid of the few laws left that protected the people. They have done this all in secret because there would be an open rebellion if people knew what is really going on. Evil thrives with secrets and lies. If you are willing to commit or support violence, you are supporting the evil that is controlling our world.
188 Democrats Hand Trump $738Bil War Budget — The Political Vigilante
This is how we know these criminals do not represent us. They get us fighting like enemies, believing that it is impossible for them to come together to do anything good for the people! They can never afford to do anything for the people! Yet they can always come together to increase an already bloated war budget! A budget that is completely upside down! What we are giving to the war budget should be what we are spending on the people. Tulsi Gabbard and the Squad are almost the only members who voted against this atrocity.
Monday, December 16, 2019
#ProtectSuzie Campaign Launch!
The evil that controls our world is targeting another of our heroes! Do what you can to help and please share.
Lawrence Lessig, "They Don't Represent Us"
This is information that fans of both right and left politics should find eye opening.
Julian Assange: 'Orwellian horror' of Google Glass, & in bed with state ...
Assange was speaking about the alarming growth of the National Security Agencies and this was before two thirds of our budget was being used to terrorize and murder the people of the world. And before both corrupt parties decided to militarize space.
Coming Home Celebration Service for Judge Tracie Hunter
Evil always tries 2 crush, silence, smear, torture & kill those who are good, like Assange, Manning, Snowden, etc. God does expect us to do the work! Stand against evil!
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Judge Tracie Hunter Behind the Scenes
I know that racism is real, that cops lie & abuse their power, approved of by their bosses or it would not happen. The evil that owns the world smears & destroys good people who stand up.
Julian Assange Has Been Blocked From Seeing Key Evidence In The Case Aga...
They are killing Assange slowly right before our eyes because he dared
to expose what the evil cabal that claims that they are our government,
is doing in secret. This is supposed to terrorize us into silence! We
must make it have the opposite effect. We must overwhelm them with our
to expose what the evil cabal that claims that they are our government,
is doing in secret. This is supposed to terrorize us into silence! We
must make it have the opposite effect. We must overwhelm them with our
Breaking: Cop Charged with Making Multiple False Arrests
Our criminal justice system needs to be pulled out by the roots and completely reworked! We need an expert on self improvement and moral authority in charge of this, that would be #mariannewilliamson!
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Jill Stein Uncovers Truth Behind Neera Tanden's Tweets — The Political V...
(People are fighting mad.)
Jill Stein Uncovers Truth Behind Neera Tanden's Tweets — The Political V...
This is how they brainwash the masses.
BREAKING:Tulsi Gabbard To Intro. Bill To Hold Officials Accountable In L...
I want an ethical leader who actually leads!
Friday, December 13, 2019
Andrew Yang on the Yang Gang, Universal Basic Income, and the Press | Us...
Republicans will fight desperately for the life of an egg but think nothing of denying living children the right for food!
How Israel/Palestine Became a Central Issue in US Politics
I don't understand how people
can expect Jesus to return to an area where the people are treating
others worse than the devil and forcing them to live in conditions that
are a living hell! It seems to me that if he returned, it would be to an
area where the people took his lessons seriously and were doing their
best to walk in his footsteps. You know, by turning the other cheek, by
loving others as they love themselves...
can expect Jesus to return to an area where the people are treating
others worse than the devil and forcing them to live in conditions that
are a living hell! It seems to me that if he returned, it would be to an
area where the people took his lessons seriously and were doing their
best to walk in his footsteps. You know, by turning the other cheek, by
loving others as they love themselves...
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Obama/Bush/Trump Lied Repeatedly About Afghan War-- Documents Reveal
Everybody knew it but the American people.
Full interview: Bernie Sanders meets with the Register's editorial board...
Price fixing is illegal! Why aren't we using that law to control our medical costs?
Bernie increasingly looking like dem nominee, Warren's Blue New Deal? Ve...
Bernie may be in the lead, and I am not anti Bernie but I will not surrender as long as Tulsi Gabbard and Marianne Williamson are still running!
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
At Major March in Madrid, Indigenous & Youth Activists Slam Global Leade...
Stop corporate capture of our world. Time to behead corporations the same way we did kings when we had enough of their abuse!
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard Decides NOT To Attend Dec Democratic Debate, Even If She Q...
Not willing to pretend that this system is not rigged, anymore! Too ethical! Go Tulsi!
BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Will Sit Out December Debate Regardless of Polling
Not willing to pretend that this system is not rigged, anymore! Too ethical! Go Tulsi!
Afghanistan Papers Show US Officials Blantantly Lied — The Political Vig...
We have allowed, "the rich to deplete everything good in this country."
Monday, December 09, 2019
Persecution of Assange continues, as UK & Australian government remain s...
The people who are breaking the law and ignoring the court rulings that Julian has already won are displaying for the world that they are murderous criminals, no better than a drug cartel. I think that if they can ignore the law, then they have no right to expect us to obey their fake laws designed only to control us!!!
Sunday, December 08, 2019
Law Professor DESTROYS Democrat's Impeachment Case
Dore is usually pretty good with his research but I'm not sure that I
believe him on this. Especially since Ralph Nader, another honest man
that I respect, claims that there are 13 clear reasons for impeaching
tRump. The first one being the emoluments law. I did not believe that
tRump would be sworn in just because of the emoluments law! I guess that
one is being ignored so that more billionaires can run for office. I
think they are trying to impeach him on his weakest offense. I also
think there is an evil reason behind all this bad politics. I am sharing
because I respect Jimmy and think it is important to consider all
Law Professor DESTROYS Democrat's Impeachment Case
Jimmy Dore is usually pretty good with his research but I'm not sure that I believe him on this. Especially since Ralph Nader, another honest man that I respect, claims that there are 13 clear reasons for impeaching tRump. The first one being the emoluments law. I did not believe that tRump would be sworn in just because of the emoluments law! I guess that one is being ignored so that more billionaires can run for office. I think they are trying to impeach him on his weakest offense. I also think there is an evil reason behind all this bad politics. I am sharing because I respect Jimmy and think it is important to consider all viewpoints.
Saturday, December 07, 2019
Jesse Ventura: “People in power want an excuse to kill people without be...
Both parties are infringing on peoples rights!
Friday, December 06, 2019
Biden is Voter Shaming, Nursing Homes Evict Elderly, Candy Bars and Chil...
Should you vote for the
candidate that you really love or should you calculate who has the best
chance of winning, based on the polls?
candidate that you really love or should you calculate who has the best
chance of winning, based on the polls?
[184] US Wants To Own Latin America (w/ Journalist Ben Norton)
Conservatives need to watch and learn.
Hillary Clinton Slam Bernie Sanders For HER Loss To Trump. Here's The Tr...
A little reminder about our recent history.
Progressives and the TRUTH are winning, FRED HAMPTON, Mayor Pete's Past ...
Bernie is a good man who has fought for the people his entire life. He had the courage to single-handedly change the focus of our politics. But he wants change that stays within the expected, accepted lines defined by our owners. Tulsi Gabbard wants to change the lines so that we are not headed towards war but are headed towards peace. Marianne Williams wants us all to awaken to the fact that we all have wings! Personally, I think we need all three to wrist this country away from a bloody, evil master!
US Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson in Fairfield, Iowa ~ April...
If you have never listened to Marianne Williamson this is the one video that is a MUST watch! Awe inspiring! AWE = Air Water Earth - the original Trinity! We need two MOTHERS in the White House - Tulsi Gabbard and Marianne Williamson!
Reversing Climate Change - Marianne Williamson
"This country and this government should belong to it's people." It doesn't and that is the problem! Research the Act of 1871 and how Washington DC was created, why and why it's residents can not vote. It might take a WW111 in order for us to be FREE again! Wake up! Do your homework!
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Exclusive: New Video Shows Border Patrol Account of Child’s Death Was No...
This is beyond appalling neglect!
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
Medea Benjamin on Bolivia Coup: Jeanine Anez' Party Only Got 4% of the V...
Very smart, very brave, very outspoken woman! <3
The Power of Politicized Love | Democratic Candidate Marianne Williamson
"There is something frightening about a bunch of people who hate start getting together. But it won't compare to what will happen when a bunch of people who love start getting together!
Matt Taibbi, "The Divide"
Here is an old video but it contains important information that we should not forget!
Mucky Secrets (full) - The Marine Creatures of the Lembeh Strait
All life requires shelter of
some kind. What our criminal controllers, that we have been brainwashed
into believing are our leaders, what they are doing to create and outlaw
homelessness, is deeply, disturbingly immoral. Shame on anyone who
supports and participates in this highly visible genocide.
some kind. What our criminal controllers, that we have been brainwashed
into believing are our leaders, what they are doing to create and outlaw
homelessness, is deeply, disturbingly immoral. Shame on anyone who
supports and participates in this highly visible genocide.
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
Bank Exec Who Ok'd Trump Loans Commits Suicide — The Political Vigilante
When you support evil... and good returns to fill peoples hearts, more
and more people connecting the dots... feels like the day of reckoning
for 3000 years of evil is at hand. AWE - Air, Water, Earth! All
essential to life, which means that they are all Sacred. The Sacred
Trinity - AWE!
BREAKING: Kamala Harris DROPS OUT of 2020 Democratic Primary Election.
-- Thanks Tulsi Gabbard the Giant Slayer!
#374: "Truth Be Told" with Jimmy Dore
RAW TRUTH, if you can handle it. R's should love this and brainwashed D's will hate it but we can't stop it, until everyone starts loving truth and FACTS.
#374: "Truth Be Told" with Jimmy Dore
RAW TRUTH, if you can handle it. R's should love this and brainwashed D's will hate it but we can't stop it, until everyone starts loving truth and FACTS.
Monday, December 02, 2019
13 Articles of Impeachment of Donald Trump - Count Thirteen: Violation o...
tRump has violated our constitution in so many ways, it does make you wonder why the Democrats have chosen the weakest one to act upon? Could it be because they are themselves guilty of doing the same.
Keeping Moving Forward | Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems
What seas might open if we all found the courage to go into the water all the way up to our nose?
Alanis Morissette Plots ‘Jagged Little Pill’ Anniversary Tour, | RS New...
LOL, I finally get to say I'm first!
Marianne Williamson Live from Iowa City, IA for World AIDS Day
I remember these times also, as a member of the community but not an activist.
Sunday, December 01, 2019
What to the Immigrant and People of Color is the Fourth of July? | A Ser...
Why are we having a crisis today? It is because we have never had the
courage to honestly confront our past. And we have religions that call
what is bad, good and they call what is good bad. We must stop accepting
the lies!
courage to honestly confront our past. And we have religions that call
what is bad, good and they call what is good bad. We must stop accepting
the lies!
EP.819: UN Torture Rapporteur- Julian Assange’s Detention Has No Legal B...
Every law has been broken and he has won every case that he managed to get into court! If they can do this to Julian Assange they could just as easily do this to any one of us. Wake up people!
Peter Tatchell: "Julian Assange's a victim of a witch hunt"
This was a pretty good account but they missed the fact that the rape allegations came from the police, not the women! The women went to the police to see if Assange could be forced to take a test for STD's because he failed to use a condom.