Sunday, June 30, 2019
Tommy McKearney - 'Imperialism on Trial - Free Julian Assange' - 12th Ju...
The Magna Cartar - VIOLATED
The Charter of The United Nations - VIOLATED
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - VIOLATED
The European Convention on Human Rights - VIOLATED
The Constitution Ecuador - VIOLATED
Laws are made to prevent governments from abusing their power. When you allow government to violate the rights of those you hate, you have also given them permission to violate your rights. #Unity4J #FreeAllWhistleblowers
BREAKING: Immigrant Concentration Camp Makes $750 Per Day Per Child
Thank goodness their are people with the ability and means to do this!
BREAKING: Tulsi's Sister Dunks On MSNBC's Warren Bias During The Debate
For those who fail to fact check. And for those who are easily fooled into believing that someone is on their side because they are copying the popular message from the people who are genuinely on the peoples side.
On Contact: Importance of a civic life with Ralph Nader
tRump has taught us what happens when we don't do our homework and shirk our civic duty.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Margaret Kimberley - We have to fight to get REAL democracy - Tribute to...
The Magna Cartar - VIOLATED
The Charter of The United Nations - VIOLATED
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - VIOLATED
The European Convention on Human Rights - VIOLATED
The Constitution Ecuador - VIOLATED
Laws are made to prevent governments from abusing their power. When you allow government to violate the rights of those you hate, you have also given them permission to violate your rights. #Unity4J #FreeAllWhistleblowers #FreeManning #FreeRealityWinner #DoNotForgetSnowden
Jimmy Dore Supports Status Coup as NBC Denies It Media Credentials for D...
When you don't receive corporate money, your view is very different.
Friday, June 28, 2019
The Actual Winner Of #DemDebate2 - Marianne Williamson
The Actual Winner Of #DemDebate2 - Marianne Williamson
Wayfair Walkout is Not Only Absurd, but Immoral
This is just too logical for our current crazy world to grasp!
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Instant Poll: Tulsi Gabbard Wins Debate
Some of his 'facts' contradict another video that I posted so we will need to keep researching to figure out which one is more accurate.
Running out of Time | Documentary on Holistic Management
Some more insight to this man's unique view of climate change and how to handle it.
How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory
A very unique view of climate change and how to handle it.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
George Galloway Sacked by War Mongers & Smeared as Anti-Semite
The Magna Cartar - VIOLATED
The Charter of The United Nations - VIOLATED
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - VIOLATED
The European Convention on Human Rights - VIOLATED
The Constitution Ecuador - VIOLATED
Laws are made to prevent governments from abusing their power. When you allow government to violate the rights of those you hate, you have also given them permission to violate your rights. #Unity4J #FreeAllWhistleblowers
Bernie Sanders Laughs in Reporter’s Face After She Unleashes Stupidity o...
The United States is the aggressor.
TYT LIVE - Migrant Tragedy; Miami Debate Pre-Show; Andrew Yang LIVE; Ins...
I am not the only one to notice the glaring hypocrisy of these fake Christians!
George Galloway on "The oldest trick in the book" from 'Imperialism on T...
The Magna Cartar - VIOLATED
The Charter of The United Nations - VIOLATED
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - VIOLATED
The European Convention on Human Rights - VIOLATED
The Constitution Ecuador - VIOLATED
Laws are made to prevent governments from abusing their power. When you allow government to violate the rights of those you hate, you have also given them permission to violate your rights. #Unity4J #FreeAllWhistleblowers
Cenk/Emma/TYT Shamelessly Prop Up Warren Heading Into The Debates
Cenk/Emma/TYT Shamelessly Prop Up Warren Heading Into The Debates
Ilhan Omar Shames Heartless Politicians In Powerful Speech
This woman's compass is aligned with true North! No wonder people whose ethics and morals, blows whichever way the wind blows, like to hate on her! Her shining light reveals the shortcomings of so many when they dare to look!
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
When U.S. Shot Down Iranian Passengers Jet
How can we start a war and make it look like it is the fault of the country that we are attacking?
Monday, June 24, 2019
Sunday, June 23, 2019
CBS News "War Expert" Is Being Paid By Raytheon
"What is Iran doing in the middle of our military bases?"
~248~ Iran War Games, No More Common Good, Russiagate Falls Apart EVEN MORE
("Don't give water to people, only missiles and bombs.")
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Why Tulsi Gabbard Will Likely Shine During Debates
Vivian Kubrick & John Kiriakou - They're deleting our history! Tribute t...
The Magna Carta - VIOLATED - The Charter of the United Nations - VIOLATED - The Universal Declaration Human Rights - VIOLATED - The European Convention on Human Rights - VIOLATED - The constitution of Ecuador - VIOLATED - - - Go back to sleep sheeple. There is nothing to see here. Go take your red pill or your blue pill, listen to their propaganda and trust them. Go back to sleep.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Quit Bullshitting Us Edition June 19, 2019
- - I had hoped that enough people would have woke up so that we could secure the vote, this time around and I was willing to give them another chance. But the crooks that cheated last time seem to be unimpaired by any effort being made to secure the vote. They blatantly left Tulsi Gabbard off their fake polls. I hate to admit it but it looks like they are leaving us no other choice but to follow the lead of Deb Della Piana.
BREAKING: Tulsi Reveals That Trump Labeled Iran's Army A Terrorist Group
Tulsi introduces legislation called The 'No More Presidential wars Act!'
- - They are cheating again, which means that there is no point in going through the motions, pretending that we have a system that represents the people - - at ALL!
- - They are cheating again, which means that there is no point in going through the motions, pretending that we have a system that represents the people - - at ALL!
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Crazy YouTube Rules Threaten Free Speech
Don’t talk about the invisible chains that are used to keep us all in line.
EXPOSED: US DOJ tied w/ jailing Brazil's socialist Leader Lula & Liz WAR...
EXPOSED: US DOJ tied w/ jailing Brazil's socialist Leader Lula & Liz WAR...
"I stand with political and social leaders across the globe who are calling on Brazil's judiciary to release Lula and annual his conviction." --- Bernie Sanders
"I stand with political and social leaders across the globe who are calling on Brazil's judiciary to release Lula and annual his conviction." --- Bernie Sanders
Ignore the polls because that is just brainwashing to try to get the people who try to sheepishly go along with who they claim is winning. You must trust your gut and back the person that is the closest to being who you really want as a leader.
Ignore the polls because that is just brainwashing to try to get the people who try to sheepishly go along with who they claim is winning. You must trust your gut and back the person that is the closest to being who you really want as a leader.
BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren Lied-She's Taken Millions In Corp. Money *Con...
Not surprised at all. The fact that she was going to take corporate money came out of her own mouth. I wondered why so many progressives were ignoring this fact.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Man Teaches Police Officers The Laws After Trying To Arrest Him For Look...
- Know your rights to help stop police abuse.
DIY Tiny House with the Most INCREDIBLE Interior Design!
I too believe that it is a human right to be able to build yourself a shelter to protect yourself from weather extremes. Any Federal or state owned lands should be freely available for anyone who does not have shelter. They should be able to build themselves shelter upon those lands. If you don't like that solution then make sure that the system that you want everyone to follow, is not failing large numbers of people. Once your system fails in it's duty to provide shelter, then the laws of nature should prevail.
Americans MUST watch! The Suppressed History of the United States
Here are some interesting things to ponder, weather you lean left or right.
Leaked Court Docs Upending Brazil! (plus Viewer Questions)
#freeassange #protectallwhistleblowers #unity4j #freejulianassange #freemanning #freerealitywinner #freeallwhistleblower
Bernie 2020 Town Hall in Waterloo, Iowa
It is a radical idea that the people bail out wall street but it is not a radical idea to have Wall Street bail out the people. Make it so!
Impeachment: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
To impeach or not impeach, that is the question.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
US Says Tanker Crew "Detained" While Video Is Released Where The Sailors...
"Do you believe what the government is saying?" Really? When the ship owner contradicts the whole story?
Corporate News Pushes Iran War For Trump
One lie after another to get us to get into a genocidal war. A pattern that is repeated over and over. And Americans who watch the propaganda main stream media, fall for these thinly veiled lies time after time!
Daniel Ellsberg discusses Assange's persecution and Iran.
The criminals in government will stop at nothing in their attempt to keep their activity secret.
Bernie Sanders outlines his vision of ‘democratic socialism’ | FULL
This is the path of Democratic Socialism.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
EP.761: Dr. Gabor Maté- Julian Assange is Guilty of TELLING THE TRUTH!
P - O - W - E - R - F - U - L - !
Ex-Icelandic Interior Minister: US Tried to FRAME Julian Assange in Icel...
Those of us who have been paying attention, knew that Julian Assange was being railroaded by the criminals in the USA. Criminals always think that the rule of law does not apply to them.
Friday, June 14, 2019
Vivienne Westwood - "It's a crime to expose crimes?!" - 'Imperialism on ...
This is how corrupt this government is. Shame on everyone who cares about truth so much that they will destroy a man for telling the truth.
Julian Assange Writes a Warning Letter To The Public—What's Inside Will ...
This is outrageous and shameful!
Washington Post on Tulsi Gabbard Goes Nowhere
If mainstream media is refusing to cover you, you must be a real danger to the status quo.
No More Deaths: Mistrial Declared After Jury Refuses to Convict Scott Wa...
Good won over evil in this round.
Iran Attacks Oil Tankers...Truth or Fiction?
There is no limit to the lies they tell the American people! They will do anything to keep us embroiled in wars and big profits for them.
Bernie Gives Riveting Defense Of Democratic Socialism
Bernie Gives Riveting Defense Of Democratic SocialismIs he talking about FDR or is he talking about today. How are these times, today, very much like the days of FDR.
BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Amazing FDR Speech & UPDATE on Brazil's Lula da...
BREAKING: Bernie Sanders Amazing FDR Speech & UPDATE on Brazil's Lula da...
Here is a little logic and common sense for you.
Here is a little logic and common sense for you.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Shut the Fuck Up-The I've Heard This Song Before Edition, June 13, 2019
American Empire needs to be stopped.
Lost Worlds: Forgotten Empire (Ancient History Documentary) | Timeline
Tolerance with a political purpose.
IMPORTANT update from the Women's Nation / Mise à jour importante de la...
Support the rise of the Women's Nation. It is time for the givers of life to decide whether their should be peace or war! May patriarchy fall, FOR THE GOOD OF ALL!
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
The man running to REPLACE Nancy Pelosi - SHAHID BUTTAR
The man running to REPLACE Nancy Pelosi - SHAHID BUTTAR
Debunking Jordan Peterson’s “Cultural Marxism” with Richard Wolff
A very wise man whose wide knowledge of history and cultures gives him a unique view of our current society.
Secret Files Show How Brazil’s Elites Jailed Former President Lula and C...
This is how they use the terms like conspiracy theorists to confuse and control the population.
LEAKED POMPEO AUDIO exposes Venezuela, Tulsi Rises, Smears increase & Wa...
LEAKED POMPEO AUDIO exposes Venezuela, Tulsi Rises, Smears increase &
Here is some truth about our borders that you don't want to believe....
Here is some truth about our borders that you don't want to believe....
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
John Stewart Returns To Form | Tearfully Scolds Congress Over 9/11 Firs...
This is how evil works. You will know them by their fruits.
Is The Media Scared of Tulsi Gabbard?
This is what Tulsi's crowds look like. Are the DNC & mainstream media doing a rerun of what they did to Sanders last election?
Beyond Conspiracy - The Terrifying Truth Of Corporate Power
- And what evil have they planned for the disposable class?
I received a letter from Julian Assange
Truth must win otherwise the law of the jungle is all that is left.
Monday, June 10, 2019
"Warren Challenging Bernie For Progressive Supporters" - Business Insider
"Warren Challenging Bernie For Progressive Supporters" - Business Insider
Don't be fooled by the corporate owned candidates grabbing the label of 'progressive' from the real 'progressives.' Warren would be a great ally if 'progressives win but don't kid yourselves, if the corporatist win, she will also be a great ally for them also. Which is why she will not make a great President. Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie are the real deal 'progressives.'
Don't be fooled by the corporate owned candidates grabbing the label of 'progressive' from the real 'progressives.' Warren would be a great ally if 'progressives win but don't kid yourselves, if the corporatist win, she will also be a great ally for them also. Which is why she will not make a great President. Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie are the real deal 'progressives.'
Rev. William Barber: Racist Gerrymandering Created a GOP Stronghold in t...
The DNC is going to give the worst President in history another four years. Because nobody held them accountable for cheating Bernie last time and they have not realized that their brainwashing is no longer working like it was before.
Real Reason Elizabeth Warren Is Boycotting Fox News
The DNC is going to give the worst President in history another four years. Because nobody held them accountable for cheating Bernie last time and they have not realized that their brainwashing is no longer working like it was before.
Booed Democrats Invited To Join Republican Party!
Sounds like some of the brainwashed sheeple are waking up.
Equal Rights Amendment: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Going backwards into Medieval times just as fast as we can repeal all of these nuisance laws that forced us to act like decent human beings.
The Daily Dose-The Not-So-Mysterious Case of Our Disappearing Rights, Ju...
Mind your own damn business and quit helping the hidden hand, to oppress you by manipulating you, to oppress others. After you have helped them to oppress others, who is going to protect you, when they come after you?
Shut the Fuck Up-The Mixed Messages Edition, June 4, 2019
17 laws broken while the revengeful USA tortures the best publisher of our times. This man is not even a citizen of our country, he has no duty to obey our laws! While the brainwashed are too busy to notice that an innocent man is being tortured and railroaded in front of the eyes of the world. Which one of these broken laws will you be able to use, when they decide to come for you? At the rate they are ignoring the rule of law in this ‘show case’ they will be coming for all of us soon. Don’t believe me, do your homework. #Unity4J
Tulsi Gabbard's Nefarious Meeting W/ The Big Wall Street Boogieman EXPOS...
Tulsi Gabbard's Nefarious Meeting W/ The Big Wall Street Boogieman EXPOS...
Sunday, June 09, 2019
If you don't know your history, you are bound to repeat it.
""F^ck That Sh*t" - Tulsi On The Establishment Using Impeachment For Pol...
""F^ck That Sh*t" - Tulsi On The Establishment Using Impeachment For Pol...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Grills Military Contractor for Wasting Tax Doll...
Often these small victories for the people go unnoticed. When we stop the small abuses it strengthens our ability to stop big abuses.
A bold idea to replace politicians | César Hidalgo
I like it. If it can be secured against cheating.
TWS - Bernie Sanders, Ro Khanna, Income Inequality, Corrupt Police Promo...
This one had a fun trivia about strange laws.
Saturday, June 08, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Exposes White Terrorism Double Standard | NowThis
Here are some facts for you. Your gonna hate this.
Bigoted Heckler Questions Tulsi's Loyalty
An attack against one of us, is an attack against all of us.
The DNC Says NO to a Climate Change Specific Debate
Since the evil hand that controls our politicians, that tortures Assange, and creates huge profits for themselves by exploiting everyone, wants to silence the debate around climate change... It seems to me that the most revolutionary thing that independent media could possibly do is to host their own climate debates. I know the candidates themselves can't participate. But try to get experts in these fields to do the debates out side of the control of these two parties. If scientist that are sponsored by oil and gas participate, make sure the audience knows who the sponsors are and the dollar amount the 'debater' has been given. The people need the facts and the evil hand needs to lose their iron fist-ed ability to control the public discourse. Help spread this idea.
DNC Will Remove Candidates Debating Climate Change
This tells me that the evil hand, that is railroading #Julian_Assange, views the topic of climate change, as even more threatening to their evil empire, than Tulsi's no regime change wars stance. You want a real revolution? These are the venerable areas to push back on. Remember no change is possible without securing the vote. If your involved in these areas, your choices are to protect the evil empire or free the people.
#Unity4J Vigil 33 - Week in Review - 07.06.2019
The hidden hand continues to ignore laws in their effort to torture and 'railroad' the only man with the courage to stand up to their evil. #Unity4J
Friday, June 07, 2019
You'll NEVER Guess What Tulsi Gabbard Said In Front Of Bankers and Trump...
You'll NEVER Guess What Tulsi Gabbard Said In Front Of Bankers and Trump...
Thursday, June 06, 2019
Why Marianne Williamson Is Running For President
Desperate people do desperate things. Seems like people with nothing to lose would be a powder keg waiting for a spark.
Why Marianne Williamson Is Running For President
Desperate people do desperate things. Seem like people with nothing to lose would be a powder keg waiting for a spark.
25 Republican Men Ban Abortion In Alabama
Women are waking up! When men want to violate a woman's free will and control what happens to her body, then in the interest of liberty and justice for all, women have the right to violate a man's free will and control his body also.
Republicans Clash with Trump over Proposed Tariffs of Up to 25% on All M...
Trying to solve a problem at our border that the USA created in these peoples country. Makes more sense to get out of their countries.
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
The History Of The Negro Wall Street - The Unforgettable Horrific Event ...
- If you don't know your real history, it is easy to be manipulated into repeating it again. And how many times has this happened? We have evidence of entire peoples erased. So what is our real history.
African-Americans Are A Big Threat To American Society - And Here's Why ...
I'm just here to make you think -dot- com
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Ted Cruz Join Forces To Fight Corruption
I am all for reaching across the aisle to resolve specific issues. I want more of this.
Is Kyle Kulinski's Fear of Impeachment Warranted? Will Impeachment Re-el...
There should not be two tiers of justice!
Andrew Yang Exposes Jesse Watters As A Clown During Fox News Interview
He has some great ideas. Too bad we can't select a team to work on bringing us into a new world that works for all of the people and not the few. My ideal team would be Tulsi Gabbard because we must stop these genocidal wars. Not only is it the only moral thing to do but it takes all the money that should be used for the people and their needs. Bernie Sanders because of his life time of consistently working for the people as much as possible in this system and he changed the entire political conversation. Andrew Yang for articulating that people deserve to share in the wealth that we have helped to create. He did mention that it is our information that is creating the wealth in the first place. I would add that is our taxes that have subsidized these big rich companies for decades. And finally Marianne Williams to reconnect our true moral character to our politics and the structure of our society.
Mueller’s BullS**t Press Conference Reveals His Dishonesty
This is what you sound like when you value truth more than parties.
Tuesday, June 04, 2019
Damning Canadian Inquiry Calls Murder and Disappearance of Indigenous Wo...
Finally! People are waking up to the fact that the systematic murder of people by our governments or their complicity by not prosecuting these murders is in truth, genocide!
CrossTalk: Assange’s fate
One sounds like he is working for the government, trying to throw shade and run the topic completely off the rails. Ron Pacone set him straight. I only wish that they had dug deeper into the state charges of rape and pointed out that those claims were made by the state, not the women.
UN Rapporteur Report reveals Government trampling of democratic rights
Since laws do not matter to them, they should not matter to us either.
TYT LIVE - Biden v Warren on Green Jobs; Trump owes El Paso $400K; Fox N...
And lets talk about the Sacredness of life, shall we?
Ocasio-Cortez Tells Out of Touch 2020 Candidate to Drop Out: "Sashay Awa...
Another Trojan horse Republican trying to demand that real Democrats should be willing to accept his Republican ideas and just like the rest of the Republicans he can't figure out why his ideas are completely unacceptable.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Mixed Messages Edition, June 4, 2019
This is what it looks like when a powerful bully decides to railroad any one who exposes their crimes. Assange is just the whipping boy and serves to intimidate anyone else who might do the same. If you can't see that, your brainwashed.
Ana Kasparian Blindly Defends Warren After Attacking Tulsi Gabbard
Ana Kasparian Blindly Defends Warren After Attacking Tulsi A lot of us are seeing through the B$ but a lot of us are not.
Monday, June 03, 2019
EP.754: Matt Taibbi- Assange Indictment CRIMINALISES Investigative Repor...
#Unity4J #FreeAllWhistleblowers
Redacted Tonight: US wars & lies that maintain them, US mercenaries inte...
The wars that our government has lied us into.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib: I Won’t Apologize for My Comments About Trump—I Stil...
Nothing has changed and I Still agree with her.
Sunday, June 02, 2019
Bernie Sanders Isn't Backing Down from Anti-War Position Amid Media Back...
No apologies for being anti war.
The Dark History of The Espionage Act and Treason in America
Tulsi Gabbard LIVE on the road - California Democratic Party Convention ...
Of the people, by the people and for the people.
These Women Did Illegal Abortions Before Roe v. Wade. Will Activists Hav...
When people think that they have the right to violate a young woman's will, women will do what they must do. It will be more dangerous and women will die because they are so desperate to control their own bodies.
Saturday, June 01, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Teaming Up With Ted Cruz
Working on issues, looking for the best solution for all, is a good thing. As long as we stop with the games and trickery that both parties do and the best interest of the people is served.
Yellow Vests take to streets of Paris for 29th week in a row
Seems like the rich and powerful pay as much attention to people in the streets as they do to people writing and expressing their opinions. Is it time to eat the rich?
Julian Assange Charged Under Espionage Act
Governments should never be allowed to decide who is a journalist.