Saturday, June 30, 2018
There is no country of the USA it is now a corporation run out of the Vatican. I don't know how you feel about that but I am appalled.
A quest for truth with investigative journalist, Seymour M. Hersh
Why we can not depend on mainstream media for the truth.
Who Built The Moon? - David Icke - The Lion Sleeps No More
The greatest form of control is control that you can't see.
Duolingo Documentary: Something Like Home
To decide that it is okay to genocide any group of people, for any reason is evil. ALL LIFE IS SACRED. Until we understand that and act like that, then trying to force your will off onto another person is just part of the evil brainwashing that those in power want us to believe that it is acceptable to do. So who is this evil power that is controlling and manipulating the world? My research has led me to the Vatican. By this I am not implicating the masses of Catholics who believe the brainwashing of the church and are trying to be the best that they know how to be. I am talking about the powerful who control the church while ordering evil actions in secret. We know their bloody and oppressive history. Are we going to allow them to openly rise in power again? I mean, they are already in power, but I think they want to openly control things again so they are trying to manipulate the events of the world so that Bible prophecy is fulfilled and they can openly assert their authority again.
Friday, June 29, 2018
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871
This is why we the people do not elect our leaders and it is why they do not represent us.
[116] Former Member Of Parliament On Collapse Of 'Mainstream' Media w/ G...
Totally agree about Julian Assange. #Unity4J #freeJulianAssange
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Democracy Now! Thursday, June 28, 2018
(Women losing the right 2 control their own bodies is a Vatican plot.)
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez STUNS Democratic Establishment
Not all Democrats are the same. A real progressive won!
UN Report Shows US-Backed Saudi Coalition Killed 370 Yemeni Kids, DOJ Hi...
Did Americans really believe that our genocidal wars only kills adults?
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
The National for Wednesday, June 27, 2018 — Migrants, Missing Drugs, LGB...
Watch what the Catholic Church does very carefully.
Death by Government: UN small arms confiscation begins
This will upset you and you will not want to believe it. Watch it anyway.
Ex CIA 9-11 Asset jailed under patriot act now tells her story after 10...
Indicted for telling the truth about 9/11.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Corporations Are Stealing from Their Workers
After a lifetime working for companies that underpay and a couple of companies that cheated me out of even my low wages, now they are trying to steal my retirement.
Melania Didn't Visit a Detention Center -- She Visited a Charity Center
("I'm sure you fooled many." I say, "not with that coat on your back.")
Monday, June 25, 2018
Another Bernie Organizer "Dem Exits" & Here's Why
His strategy always helps the Democrats. We all know that both parties are corrupt to the core. We will never create the change we want by supporting either the D's or the R's. It is a rich man's game and we are all pawns.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Special War Criminal Edition June 22, 2018
(Why do we worship people like this?)
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Shut The Fuck Up-The I've Lost and I Just Can't Shut The Fuck Up Edition...
Anyone claiming that their team is virtuous while the other team is evil, are actually the brainwashed sheep.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
US Regime Change In Nicaragua, Immigrant Shelter Hires Pedophile, US Pro...
But it is okay to genocide these kids!
Friday, June 22, 2018
Julian Assange Protest In Washington DC w/Kelley Lane
(Do you care about freedom of speech and freedom of the press? Better wake up and support Julian Assange. #Unity4J #freeJulianAssange )
The Long History of People Who Didn't Care When they Should Have
Fashion models do not put on clothes by accident.
The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica... Revealed
(Plans to climate control the planet were revealed publicly before they started this project.)
Democrats KILL Net Neutrality In California & Help Trump Again!
They have a big plan and it is not about the people. It is all about preparing the people to believe in the prophesy of the Bible so the Vatican can once again publicly control the world. You can expect them to put an end to anything that might prevent that and they will support anything which will support Biblical prophesy. An informed public might sabotage their plan.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
[115] Truth About $21 Trillion Missing At The Pentagón w/ David Degraw
Don't tell the truth, if you don't want to be censored.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
White Guy Harasses Black Family At Hotel Pool & He's Allowed To Stay
This is what racism looks like, when it is done with good behavior. When it is done with bad behavior you get strange fruit hanging from the trees.
Trump Administration Gutting Financial Protections Will Allow Banks to S...
Maybe this will wake up the R's the way Bernie woke the D's. At least when the results start to come back on the people.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Truth as Fashion Edition, June 20, 2018
After finding out that in 1871 that The United States became a corporation owned by London and London is owned by the Vatican, I agree. Nothing is what we have been taught that it is.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
The Daily Dose-You're Going to Have to Change June 19, 2018
It is an inside job, we must become the change that we want to see in the world.
The Hidden Triggers of Mass Mind Control with Special Guests Ole Dammega...
It is important to reach out to the people that the hidden hand is using to control us, such as military, police etc., and educate them about who is really controlling the world and the fact that they are being used by evil forces. Evil thrives with secrets and lies and rules through violence and intimidation.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Twofer Tuesday Edition June 19, 2018
If you read the facts around Julian Assange, the women involved with the rape charges never claimed that they were raped. They went to the authorities because they were concerned about the possibility of getting an STD because Assange did not use a condom. It was the authorities who turned it into a rape charge. That charge has been dropped. I guess it is a little hard to maintain a rape charge when the participants are not making that claim. We all know how those in power will entrap those they want to control anyway. At least you should be aware of the honey traps. And Assange fears the US because the US plans to have a SECRETIVE military trial where Assange would be very limited on the type of defense he would be allowed to do, if they allowed any defense at all. We all know that the secretive trial means that they plan to railroad him straight to a guilty verdict. How can the US bring a charge of treason on a person who is not a citizen of their country? Assange's only crime is speaking truth to power with 100% accuracy. Evil will always lose when it is exposed to the light of truth. And that is why the evil and morally bankrupt are targeting Assange. But this is even bigger than the outrageous injustice being perpetrated on Assange. This is at the very core of our right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. If we don't open our eyes and end this horrible breach of justice, we will empower the evil that has corrupted our world to be even more abusive and open with their unethical take over of our constitution.
Monday, June 18, 2018
The Daily Dose-The Julian Assange Event Postmortem June 18, 2018
I completely agree with you about going to the very people that you are protesting and giving them money and asking their permission to exercise our human rights. Also, these designated free speech areas are a horrible idea. My free speech is wherever my mouth is. Keep speaking up! You are doing more good than you can imagine.
Sunday with Charles – 13 Angry Dems
It is time 4 a purge of the deep state actors in both parties. TRump is upsetting the D's but is ignoring the corruption of the R's. A lot of the D's have woke up to the D's corruption, now if the R's would also wake up we would have a movement that would clean up politics in America.
Shut the Fuck-Up The Warmonger Democrats Edition June 18, 2018
Democrats are willing to sacrifice peace in order to whip the brainwashed into line behind their corrupt party. If they really were interested in people they would be focused on the horrible things the Republicans are doing to immigrants. That is a "human" issue that needs be addressed.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Kamala Harris Supports ICE! Says Immigrants Murder & Rape
Jimmy Dore says it all. I can't add a thing to what he says.
New Rule: #BlueToo | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
The body cam is for what, since they are never convicted no matter what the videos reveal. This is why the NFL players take a knee and why their fans should too.
Jordan's Update: Surprise and Scandal in an Undisclosed Location
People who get too close to the truth, tend to disappear.
Geordie Rose in his own words Tsunami of Demons is coming
(Meanwhile, in the background, completely unnoticed is this.)
Saturday, June 16, 2018
"THE FRAUD MUST STOP!!!" Bernie Sanders' BRILLIANT Takedown of the Milit...
(Tell it like it is Bernie!)
Thank goodness for Senator Rand Paul, a man that understands our Bill of Rites. At least in this situation.
Abel Danger's Field McConnell on Las Vegas, Paddock, Pedogate, 911 and JFK
Did he say that America became a corporation controlled by the City of London? And the City of London is controlled by the Vatican? That would explain why these locations are independent of the countries where they are located. Another piece of the puzzle just went into place for me.
The Gathering: The Moral Issue of a Living Wage
(It is time for a moral revival.)
(It is time for a moral revival.)
Rev. William Barber: U.S. Policies on Healthcare, Poverty Are Immoral & ...
It is time for the moral people to stand up and say enough!
U.S. Withdrawal from Human Rights Council “Imminent” After U.N. Condemns...
How long before the government decides to openly eliminate the homeless with genocide? And will America sit and watch TV while it is done?
Amazon & Bezos Screw Homeless In Seattle
Shame on Amazon but even more shameful are the people that allowed this to happen.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Inspector General's Edition June 14, 2018
If all of our so called leaders are morally unfit and we just accept that, what does that make us?
Friday, June 15, 2018
Juanita Broaddrick Responds to Bill Clinton Regarding What Can Be Done T...
Why do we have presidents who get by with rape, including the current president? These are not moral leaders. They belong in jail.
(This is important because knowing the truth and seeing how that has been twisted in the past, helps people to become aware of how we are being brainwashed today.)
Know your history, the truth sets you free.
The Daily Dose-Media Consolidation, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, and the RFK ...
Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Abby Martin, Live! Venezuela, Israeli Occupation, Censorship, Media, RT ...
(We are all on the same team. Wakie wakie!)
[114] The Neo-Liberal Plan To Bring Down VenezueIa w/Abby Martin
When you have a hard time deciding who is doing the brainwashing and who is telling the truth, follow the money. When a democratically elected government is violently overthrown and the first thing the new officials do is to privatize the oil, that sounds very much like the evil things that the USA has done over and over again!
DNC Talks Reducing Power of Super Delegates in Party
Our rigged voting system must change. People should be registered to vote when they get their drivers license but they should also be able to register at any Post office or library. We need a secure online voting system that is as easy to access as your online banking. People should be able to access and vote from anywhere they are within the voting time framework. Example people have one week or three or four days to vote.
USA Today Seems To Be Mocking The Poor
What you do to the least of these, you do to me also. It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven
David Icke 6/15/2018 - Who Runs The World? Psychopaths and Liars Simple...
We need to let everyone who wants war be put on a football field to fight it out for themselves and leave the rest of us alone!
America's Ignored Human Trafficking Problem
Human trafficking is often ignored because it involves the rich.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
America’s Child Sex Trafficking & Suicide Epidemics
We are morally obligated to refuse to obey any laws that create harm to people.
Comedian Meets With Adam Schiff To Discuss Julian Assange
If we are silent and allow the evil forces to get by with their blatant human rights abuses of Julian Assange, we all lose our right to free speech and freedom of the press. What they are doing to Assange is at the very core of this issue. #Unity4J #freeJulianAssange
Congressional Introduction Video | Poor People's Campaign: A National Ca...
poorpeoplescampaign dot org
Not Funny! Memes Illegal Under Insane Law
The time to take a stand for freedom of speech and freedom of the press is NOW! #Unity4J #freeJulianAssange
Special Report: In the Streets with the New Poor People’s Campaign Again...
Wake up people. Listen to what these people are sharing, to enlighten the people that the system that we struggle to survive under, is rotten to the core.
Why Are Republican Silent as ICE puts Kids in Cages
If you are not outraged by this know that you have been so brainwashed, that you are part of the evil that controls the world.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Devastating Expose on American Journalism and Media Concentration: Leadi...
(we now live in a world where the media which is supposed to protect us from political abuse, is now part of that abuse.)
WTF Certified- Who Actually Runs the Big Show June 12, 2018
Being a team player means that you never acknowledge when the other team scores.
Gordan Dimmack Live! Jeremy Corbyn, BREXIT, Theresa May... What's Going ...
Your party is just not that into you.
Left forum 2018: Making Real News in the Age of Trump
In this disastrous age of tRump, there are encouraging signs.
Net Neutrality Ends Today - What Does That Mean?
When what the people want is different from what the corporations want, guess what the people get?
Monday, June 11, 2018
The Daily Dose-There's Evil Lurking Everywhere June 11, 2018
(We don't want big pharma getting a hold of marijuana.)
US Military Engaged In 76 Countries, Bourdain-Spade Suicide Connection &...
Stop the genocidal wars of empire and take care of the people.
Everything You Know Is Wrong Lloyd Pye - Human Origins, Anunnaki, Evolution
Know the past to understand the plans for our future.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
ICE Will Immediately Separate Children From Parents At Border
"What you do to the least of these, you do to me also."
Something "Stranger Than Fiction" Is Happening To The World (2018-2019)
Listen to everything. Then decide for yourself, what makes sense.
How The NY's Attorney General Can Bring Down Trump. Zephyr Teachout Inte...
Why aren't those in power enforcing the laws that are supposed to control the President?
Progressive Publications Did Not Want to Publish Flint Investigation Piece
I believe that it is an ethnic cleansing going on in Flint.
Bernie Sanders Continues Fighting for YOU... Other 2020 Dems? Not So Much.
(America wants liberty and justice for all, not just for the rich.)
Sam Ronan Brutally Assaulted By Cops; Sam Facebook Live's The Entire Inc...
America has a severe problem with police as in we have become a police state! Time to get rid of the police!
Saturday, June 09, 2018
10 Suzie Dawson - #Unity4J - Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange...
Freedom of speech, freedom of press and a government that violates human rights is at stake here. Julian Assange, who has committed no crime, is being illegally held, isolated, by the illegal threats and actions of our out of control, corrupt government.
The Rejected Must Lead a Moral Revival of Love and Justice | Bishop Will...
.(We the people must stop the few who think it is okay to genocide the masses for the profit and power for the few.)
Doctor Tells How She Returned from the Afterlife After NDE [FULL VIDEO]
A little synchronicity for me, life is all about, "the pursuit of truth."
Friday, June 08, 2018
Starbucks Billionaire: You Can’t Have Healthcare Or College
I wish there was some way to put an ankle monitor on folks like this, put them into public housing and force them to live on minimum wage for 2 or 3 years. They certainly need something to awaken their ability to have empathy.
"IT'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!" Rand Paul HUMILIATES Trump & the Establishmen...
Just say NO to unlimited article 2 authority. Follow the constitution!
Thursday, June 07, 2018
160 Kids Rescued From Child Trafficking, Snopes Exposed Again, China Son...
Tasered for not doing what your told in our police state, not for breaking any law.
Recent apocalyptic images have the Web "trembling" - completely melted! ...
The sun is so hot that it is melting stop lights! At the end of video.
What’s the Vatican Doing At Bilderberg, DETAINED 2X’s
These are the folks plotting and planning your imprisonment, genocide and enslavement.
David Icke Big Brother, The Big Picture Full Version
(THEY killed hundreds of thousand of civilians in order to save them from a dictator who killed a couple of thousand of them. Such logic & common sense!)
David Icke -- The Turning Of The Tide
Gives the entire scheme of how we are brainwashed and controlled.
David Icke (June 07, 2018) - The War On Conspiracy Theories - The David...
This does actually make more sense than the stories that we are being told by the authorities. But truth usually does make more sense than lies.
Wednesday, June 06, 2018
A Message From Sam | June 6, 2018 Cold Open | Full Frontal on TBS
"Maybe we should all worry more about the niceness of our actions."
The Daily Dose-Break Out the Tin Foil Hat June 6, 2018
"Participation in this corrupt system does nothing but legitimize it!"
Child Trafficking Tucson NXIVM Connection, Israel Helps Saudi Nukes, DHS...
I really enjoy this program.
Michelle Obama Shames Women - Offers Them Nothing
How dare you not vote for me, when I have done nothing for you.
Prominent Progressive Sours On Bernie 2020
He is doing this because he is still part of the system. He sounds better than the rest but.... can you really have a revolution by depending on the very tools, ideas and methods that got us to where we are now?
Basic Income & Steven Shafarman
You pay for it by not giving all of our money to the genocidal war machine. Also stop giving subsidies to huge rich corporations. How about we stop supporting countries that are openly committing genocide like Israel.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Independence Illusion Edition June 6, 2018
Nothing changes, til we get out in the streets.
Tuesday, June 05, 2018
ICE Repeats Vile History by Separating Children from Families
A battle between good & evil in an age where people are so brainwashed that they do not understand that harming others is evil.
There are a few things that bother the heck out of me...
(Start here to break the brainwashing and free yourself.)
Flying To Bilderberg In A Private Jet
There is more than one way to fight the 4000 psychopaths that are controlling our earth.
The Daily Dose-Things I Find Absurd, Volume 3 June 5, 2018
Some details on Jeffrey Epstein, Pedophile, and his band of merry pedophiles, rapists and fondlers. Links available.
Going “Full Dictator”? Trump Claims He Has Right to End Mueller Investig...
tRumps blatant ignoring of the law that he has to separate himself from his businesses and not stuff the white house with his family and friends was ignored by the people who should have stepped up and put a stop to his abuses of power from day one. The more he gets by with, the harder it gets to stop him. That is what happens when the people with the power to do something just look the other way.
Monday, June 04, 2018
Progressive Candidate Lisa McCormick For Senate In NJ; Fighting For 'The...
Time to put people in office that will work for us.
Tom Sumner Interviews Jordan Chariton on Suspect Science Used to Declare...
Fraudulence in Flint revealed through the hard work and dedication of Jordan Chariton.
Ukraine Psyop Unravels, Parents Arrested For Curing Son w/ Cannabis, Ore...
Spending our money on genocidal wars and not on helping the people is a choice made by the rich because they have no empathy for the people.
Supreme court sides with STRAIGHT people?
More divide and conquer techniques. Why can't we learn to live and let live.
David Icke - Mass Immigration And The Rise Of Nationalism
The ultimate goal is to break up nations into regions for totalitarian control.
David Icke - Renegade Film
He describes a huge eye opening life event here. If you are into personal growth, this is a must watch.
���� How will Jordan deal with public anger? | Inside Story
It is a global plan and poor folks are being hit hard. The globalist have worked together to hatch this plan. Time for the common people all over this planet to develop their own plan. I say the first step is to pin point those who came up with this plan.
Sunday, June 03, 2018
#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange - Part 2
Vivian Kubrick is now speaking. #Unity4J #freeJulianAssange
#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange - Part 2
Caitlin Johnstone is speaking now. Please share. #Unity4J #freeJulianAssange
#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange - Part 2
Cassandra Fairbanks is the current speaker.
#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange - Part 2
Jimmy Dore is speaking right now! #Unity4J #freeJulianAssange
#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange - Part 2
Live now, we can do this. At least stop by and check it out.
LIVE Q+A: Kim Dotcom, Suzie Dawson, Elizabeth Lea Vos: "Being Julian Ass...
This is the first segment of the Vigil for Julian Assange. They are still live and having great speakers. If you believe in free speech, free press and feel that the detention of Julian Assange is cruel, immoral and groundless, consider joining the Vigil.
#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange - Part 2
Great discussions and a protest that I can participate in.
Saturday, June 02, 2018
#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange
Stand for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. If you don't do it now, there may not be another chance. LIVE NOW!
Friday, June 01, 2018
Wikipedia - Manipulating Your Mind - The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Freedom does not mean that I am the only one that is free but those I disagree with are not entitled to have the same exact freedom. We either all have freedom or we end up with dictators who only allow freedom for those who agree with the dictator.
Wikipedia - Manipulating Your Mind - The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Freedom does not mean that I am the only one that is free but those I disagree with are not entitled to have the same exact freedom. We either all have freedom or we end up with dictators who only allow freedom for those who agree with the dictator.
Wikipedia - Manipulating Your Mind - The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Freedom does not mean that I am the only one that is free but those I disagree with are not entitled to have the same exact freedom. We either all have freedom or we end up with dictators who only allow freedom for those who agree with the dictator.
Leaked Memo Reveals US “Human Rights” Hypocrisy, US Vetoes Gaza UN Resol...
I am really enjoying this mans reports.
Gaza Prison Sea Barrier, CIA North Korea Leaks, Lockheed Martin Preschoo...
Open genocide while the world watches.
~198~ Prisoners Fill In For Workers, French President On Trial, UN Inves...
Poverty is a choice...... made by the rich and their bought off politicians!