Saturday, September 30, 2017
This is not freedom! This is forcing the slaves to continue to make their rich masters, even richer!
Friday, September 29, 2017
How Puerto Rico is Being Strangled w/ Nelson A. Denis - MR Live - 9/28/17
100 years of US oppression and no one notices until tRump shows his racist reaction.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Nobel Peace Prize Winners Call for U.N. Security Council to Protect Rohi...
More genocide. So heartbreaking and shameful!! This is like seeing the face of evil.
How Government Screwed The Auto Workers
We have allowed the rich psychopaths to enslave America's workers. They have had their chance to prove that their system is good for the people. What they have proven is that they do not give a damn about the people so it is time for the people to rise up and change the work structure of our country, so that liberty and justice for all includes our work places, with shared profits by the very people who are creating the wealth.
Jordan & Detroit Auto Workers On REALITY Of Offshoring
Seems like an awful lot of the human problems that we are facing are being caused by big rich corporations. Maybe it is time to take over the corporations and turn them into worker owned operations and solve these problems!
What You AREN'T Being Told About Puerto Rico & The Disaster Unfolding There
We must all lift our voices in outrage!
Profits vs. Puerto Rican Lives: Trump Admin Blocks Aid from Reaching Dev...
How do we get rid of this monster that has bought his way into the most powerful office in our country? Is he planning on making a big profit by his racist neglect of Puerto Rico? Or is he just that racist that he wants to kill off the most vulnerable through neglect and why can't other people in power put a stop to tRumps genocide of Puerto Rico?
As Trump Struggles to Pronounce "Namibia," Meet One of the Country's Bes...
The exploitation continues. Those who are being exploited need to organize and work together the same way that these soulless mafia exploiters work with each other.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
How Donald Trump Will Destroy Capitalism Chris Hedges Explains
Those who redistribute wealth to the 1% while trashing our country and destroying the poor are traitors!
Puerto Rico Looks Like "The Walking Dead"
Please donate if you can and please share not only the video but the links to share. The other link provided is sponsored by some big corporations so I won't list it because they already have plenty of money to support their efforts. I hope that they are really helping the people and not pocketing the money for their CEO's big salaries.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
I first heard about this from other drivers back in my working days.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Naomi Klein: We Are Seeing the Shock Doctrine in Effect After Hurricanes...
Living in an upside down world.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Modern Discoveries Prove Human Origins are Not What We Think
I don't know enough about biology to know the truth but he makes it sound good. Very interesting.
Friday, September 22, 2017
They Are Working Hard To Keep This Off Youtube HELL WILL BE UNLEASHED 2017
Is this why we have endless genocidal wars? What do you think?
Why is our government putting poison in our water?
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Ancient religions whose Gods and Goddesses story was retold in the Bible and assigned to the new God, Jesus.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Radio today: Debbie the Sane Progressive and Tatsu Ikeda are here with m...
The D's and the R's find common ground.
Morgan Freeman Stars in Neo-McCarthy Propaganda Ad Plus Senate Approves ...
Games politicians play to keep you believing that they deserve your vote.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
On Contact: Real purpose of intel report on Russian hacking with Abby Ma...
Trying to silence the truth tellers so no one can stop their brainwashing.
On Contact: Real purpose of intel report on Russian hacking with Abby Ma...
No real evidence means that it is brainwashing.
Fall Out of Wikileak's Vault 7 Year Zero Release Has Begun. Investigatio...
Brainwashing from the Democrats. Don't worry Repubs the brainwashing from your party is even worse but do you have the ethics and courage to point it out in your party?
Monday, September 18, 2017
Real Progressives LIVE with Debbie Lusignan, The Sane Progressive, talki...
The lesson here is: Don't blindly follow anyone or any party. Search for the truth. My only loyalty is to the truth.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Incredible speech! Senator Rand Paul on America's unlimited, unconstitut...
I totally agree! These endless wars which are barely disguised genocide on people of color, must end. When the rich are left to create solutions for the world, we end up with genocide to try to reduce the population so that the rich few can continue to control the many. I watched the Venus Project today. The Venus project is the kind of solutions that people come up with. Or Zietgiest or some other project that I have not studied yet. Instead of putting patches on the problem, none of which solve the problem why not put that money into experimenting with new solutions. Build a self contained high rise building for the homeless and let them do the work of maintenance and raising food for all of the residents. The building should have a 5 or 10 bed hospital within it so that the residents have all of their medical care available on site. The building should have a gym, with basketball courts, weight machines and a swimming pool. It should have a laundry room and a computer room and all of these things should be free to all of the residents. Operating and maintaining the building would give the residents who feel like working, an option to participate within society again. Personally I think they should build high rises with slides built into the outer walls of the building so that people on the upper floors have a quick way to exit the building should their be an emergency. I don't know why these smart engineers and architects haven't thought to do that after 9/11. But yes, putting an end to these endless genocidal wars is the first logical thing that we should do.
Paradise or Oblivion
You can not create positive changes until you envision what changes are desirable. In a world that is in crisis, it might be time to start exploring ideas.
Paradise or Oblivion
You can not create positive changes until you envision what changes are desirable. In a world that is in crisis, it might be time to start exploring ideas.
Hillary Not Doing Well on New Book Tour ��
Posted for my Republican friends. I wasn't laughing as hard, understandably, nor would I exaggerate the way the Republicans do but essentially I agree with him. Just to remind my Republican friends and family that I actually do listen to them. I don't post many of their videos because it is so rare that I do agree.
Global Capitalism: Capitalism v. Socialism Today [August 2017]
If only the Republicans could break through their brainwashing long enough to understand these economic lessons! He does break it down so that it would seem that anyone with an average IQ should be able to grasp this.
"The Occupation of the American Mind": Documentary Looks at Israel's PR ...
Just look at the map to see the truth. Israel is doing the same thing to the Palestinians that our ancestors did to the native Americans.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Friday, September 15, 2017
NAFTA and Migration Webinar
Stop blaming the victims of a system that is set up by the rich that victimizes the poor and the desperate.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Stop Falling for Establishment Political Theatre And Organizing Around ...
Let us not forget the very wise words of this woman. She explains why so many Democrats have stepped up to sponsor Bernie's' Health Care Bill.
George Monbiot: Out of the Wreckage - MR Live - 9/13/17
Listen conservative, ;) this is where your arguments fail.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
9/11: We Should Never Forget Bush’s Disastrous Response
The endless genocide of people of color continues.
Draft Bernie Sanders Panel with Cornel West, Kshama Sawant, Jimmy Dore, ...
I don't know if this will work but I fully support the attempt. Be careful not to put all our eggs into one basket because the corruption and CONTROL runs deep here. We must have a plan A, B, C and more because our lives depend on success.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Empire Files: From 1776 to Trump - White Mobs, Racist Heroes & Hidden Hi...
Here are the facts to help conquer brainwashing.
Government Hypocrisy, US Election Misconduct & the Media
You can take my guns, when you quit selling weapons all over the world.
Edward Snowden latest interview - democray an civil rights? Fake News?
This is what ethics looks like.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
The Best Documentary Ever - Dr. Daniel Dennett Breaking the Spell
I loved this! I totally believe in exploring everything about this ancient mystery. I solved the answer for myself by asking the Goddess to talk directly to me. But I did not want the world to think that I was crazy so I asked to receive HER messages in a very physical way. I wanted to be able to prove that I was not imagining these messages by my friends being able to also see the messages. I still enjoy intelligent debate about our Sacred Source. And believe it or not I even enjoy Excellent discussions about the Bible. What I don't enjoy or have much patience for is for someone to assume that because I don't follow their religion that it is their personal duty to save my soul. I probably understand the Bible just as well or better than they do. I don't tolerate being brow beaten by religious fanatics who want to force their religion off onto me. Thank goodness we live in a country that believes in separation of church and state.
Destruction Of The Free Internet Nears Completion
For small businesses, sign this at:
Friday, September 08, 2017
Advanced Ancient Stonecutting That Is Impossible to Replicate Today [FUL...
Speaking of mysteries/conspiracies!
Hillary Clinton's New Book Filled With Lies & Finger Pointing
Another good explanation about what is going on with the Democrats.
Seth Myers Responds To Hillary Attacking Bernie Sanders!
Starts with some good insights on the Democrats, if your interested in the truth.
Clinton Attacks Sanders in New Book – RAI With Thomas Frank (2/6)
I am only half way through this video but so far they are discussing what really is going on with the Democratic party. IMO
Thursday, September 07, 2017
Wednesday, September 06, 2017
How a Program Intended to Help the Poor Became an ATM for Billionaires
Here are the facts that exposes brainwashing. We need to peacefully restructure our world based on truth and facts!
The Costs of Not Acting on Climate Change
I watched in total disbelief as the BRAINWASHING that allowed this to happen, took hold of America.
George Monbiot: We Can't Be Silent on Climate Change or the Unsustainabi...
Politically driven silence about climate breakdown all over this planet!
Will Houston’s Post-Harvey Recovery Exacerbate Inequities or Build a Mor...
This is exactly why the Libertarian view point is unworkable. Big money ignores rules even when the rules are on the books. Nothing is going to change until we break up big banks and big corporations!
Tuesday, September 05, 2017
The Aftermath: Our Worth in Post-Apocalyptic America 8/30
The Muslims knew what to do, what happened to Joel Osteen? I love it!
DACA, The Labor Movement, and the Continued Devaluation of Black Workers...
Stop our country from invading these other countries and creating the immigrant problem in the first place! Damn! That is just too much common sense!
Video: Racist Protestor Fires Gun - Charlottesville Cops Ignore
How the establishment promotes racism. Attack praying, peaceful protestors in Standing Rock and look the other way when haters and racist attack and intimidate those who stand against hate!
Secret Tapes Reveal Koch Bros Master Plan To Minimize Wages & Maximize P...
This is how brainwashing works!
Monday, September 04, 2017
Walmart Produces Jaw Dropping Anti Union Video
I saw this coming in my own career as the pay and quality of trucking jobs got worse as my experience increased! You would think that your pay and quality of jobs would get better as your experience increased.