Emma Beverage

I started this site for my poetry but I can't stay away from sharing my political views, so this soup gets everything!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Best Documentary Ever - Dr. Daniel Dennett Breaking the Spell

I loved this! I totally believe in exploring everything about this ancient mystery. I solved the answer for myself by asking the Goddess to talk directly to me. But I did not want the world to think that I was crazy so I asked to receive HER messages in a very physical way. I wanted to be able to prove that I was not imagining these messages by my friends being able to also see the messages. I still enjoy intelligent debate about our Sacred Source. And believe it or not I even enjoy Excellent discussions about the Bible. What I don't enjoy or have much patience for is for someone to assume that because I don't follow their religion that it is their personal duty to save my soul. I probably understand the Bible just as well or better than they do. I don't tolerate being brow beaten by religious fanatics who want to force their religion off onto me. Thank goodness we live in a country that believes in separation of church and state.


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