Thursday, December 29, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Trump's Cabinet Poised To Loot The Country
I called out Hillary, if you want a revolution, call out Trump!
Monday, December 26, 2016
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Why Trans-Pecos Pipeline Exposes Selective Conservatism
Legal meaning written by men does not mean moral which means do no harm!
Texas Conservative Sued For Not Letting Oil Company Seize Land
I am glad to see the appearance of justice but justice will not be served until those who valued money more than Sacred human life are convicted and jailed.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Sunday, December 18, 2016
[127] Breaking Election Fraud Info, Police Take Blankets From Homeless, ...
This is a battle of good versus evil and when good people witness evil they speak up and shine the light of truth upon evil. Forcing people to be homeless is cruel enough but to then take what little they have to protect themselves from the cold is murder. This is genocide happening here in America, right now! How did we lose our moral compass?
Saturday, December 17, 2016
CIA Intelligence Vets Dispute Russia Hack Claims, Look at the Wider Pict...
My eye surgery went great but now I have a cold! Bah humbug! Here is a video to get past the brainwashing.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Monday, December 12, 2016
The Most Powerful Jews in the United States (They Control America) ✪ Blo...
...For those who disagree with me and everything I say gets on your last nerve, maybe this guy can speak to you in a language that you can understand better than I can. If you really like to debate with me, then please watch this video.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 6
This looks like an old film. But what he is saying sounds a lot like what is going on right now. There was a huge amount of money that disappeared the day before 9 11 and I just saw a hearing or investigation on more missing money this evening.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Friday, December 09, 2016
Thursday, December 08, 2016
Keith Ellison Has Questionable Funding Sources & Even Worse Foreign Policy
Democratic party needs to be cleansed. I won't go back if they continue with business as usual.
Keith Ellison Has Questionable Funding Sources & Even Worse Foreign Policy
Democratic party needs to be cleansed. I won't go back if they continue with business as usual.
Tuesday, December 06, 2016
BREAKING: Shiyé Bidzííl Attacked By Bismarck Locals!
I would not make a good front line prayer warrior! I would be fighting back and that would ruin it for everyone. I would be trying to fill that pipe with concrete! I would be hunting the most aggressive down and give them an eye for an eye and I suspect most people are like me and would instinctively fight back. I don't think it would do any good to call the cops on those thugs. The cops would probably sit back and watch the attack and laugh about it. The self discipline that it must take, to not fight back is amazing! But they are correct. Peaceful resistance is the only thing that will prove to the world that they are dealing with evil.
Monday, December 05, 2016
DO NOT BE FOOLED: DAPL WILL Continue To Drill Despite Easement Being Den...
When you are rich you do not obey laws! Laws are made by the rich, to control the poor. The only way to change that is to break up the banks that are too big to fail, like they should have done when the last big rip off of the tax payers was instigated. We should not allow corporations to become so big and powerful that they are a real threat to our government and last but not least we need to install an income cap to prevent anyone from becoming so rich and powerful that they can own and control our government!
Jordan UNDERCOVER: Racism Alive & Well In North Dakota
This shows the racism that the Native people must put up with in this area. If you notice, very racist attitudes are expressed with their words but they all "claim" that they are not racist!
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard On Twisted Priorities Of Federal Government
She may be a Republican but every time I have listened to her speak, she comes across as a reasonable and decent person.
Sunday, December 04, 2016
The ACE has denied the easement and Now it's time to call your lawyers a...
Great Victory for Standing Rock today♥ Energy Transfer Partners is so full of greed they still plan to complete this project. Its not over until they are completely removed from the property along with the militarized police force they have doing their bidding! by Patches Brashear
Obama Denies Permit to Drill at DAPL! Victory at Standing Rock Within Re...
Thank Goddess! Blessed be!
Obama Denies Permit to Drill at DAPL! Victory at Standing Rock Within Re...
Thank Goddess! Blessed be!
Trump Fills Up the Swamp, Dems Appoint Wall St Puppets: Party's Are OVER
As always, on point. Truth!
Saturday, December 03, 2016
Powerful words for Guidance as the forces of capitalism clash with prote...
More relevant today than ever before!
Here are the facts about the treaty, the government seizing Native American's land through the use of Imminent Domain, then turning around and trying to give the seized land to the privately owned, for profit oil company! In other words, more broken treaties by our government. Haven't they stolen enough First People's land? And where do they stop breaking treaties and stealing Native American land?
Veterans Deploy To Standing Rock #NoDAPL
Veterans who take vow to protect people against all enemies both foreign and domestic seriously, deploy to Standing Rock. Thank Goddess, Heroes to stand with the heroes who started this!
Friday, December 02, 2016
The Dakota Access Pipeline Isn't Just About Oil
Who is preventing America from switching over from fossil fuels?
Obama At Odds With Keith Ellison For Chair Of DNC
I agree with his assessment of the Democratic party and Obama's record.