What is the truth about the Fair Tax Movement?
A Republican sent me an email concerning the fair taxes which made me feel that this is just another way for the wealthy to get out of paying inheritance taxes. Is this true? Does anyone know? Since the Republicans have such a piss poor human rights record it has caused me to have second thoughts. I admit that I am very biased when it comes to dealing with the "power over, your going to do it my way because I said so and I have the money attitude of the Republicans". I feel their cry for less government feeds into most Americans desire for Freedom and fools most people into thinking that they are representing Freedom in America when in actuality they want a smaller government so they can force the poor into slavery and discriminate against and destroy minorities. A government is only good if it can protect it's minority citizens. With all that said I can and do listen to what they say since one must know what one's enemies are up to. He did say one thing that I have often thought myself and therefore I agree with him on this point. He said: "IF YOU THINK YOU REALLY OWN YOUR PROPERTY, JUST TRY NOT PAYING TAXES ON IT FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS AND YOU WILL FIND OUT REAL QUICK WHO REALLY OWNS YOUR PROPERTY!"
At 3:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
How would you like to bring home an additional 25% without changing jobs or working overtime? Does it sound too good to be true? Well there is a catch and you will have to write a couple of letters.
There is a nation wide grass roots effort to overhaul our nation’s tax code. It allows all employees to receive 100% of their paycheck without any deductions; it eliminates 66,500 pages of tax code and replaces it with a 143-page document. It is called the FairTax and it strips the embedded taxes out of the supply chain to provide the consumer with a set of tax-free goods and services.
The FairTax eliminates:
The income tax
All corporate taxes
The alternative minimum tax
The estate tax
The gift tax
Social security tax
Medicare payments
Self-employment tax And creates a national retail sales tax.
The only legitimate objection to a national sales tax is that a sales tax is an unfair burden on the people at the lowest level. The argument is that the poor who only earn a very little and spend all of it just to survive experience a decreases their buying power by the amount of taxation.
The FairTax addresses this without judging or discriminating against anyone with the Prebate. Without exception, every citizen who has a social security card will receive a check in advance every month to prepay his or her taxes based upon the poverty level of spending. No winners, no losers every citizen gets the same amount based upon the poverty level and the number of people in their family. All purchases beyond the poverty level make you a taxpayer.
Many people are so used to the theft from their paychecks before they get a chance to cash them that they do not even look at those numbers anymore. Many are not aware that for every dollar that is stolen from their paycheck for Medicare and social security; their employer has to make a matching contribution.
Under the FairTax, employers will no longer be required to make the matching contribution so they are instantly capable of lowering their prices. This would begin the process of stripping the embedded taxes out of the supply chain.
The FairTax solves the current fiscal crisis and sets aside 27.4% for social security and 7.7% for Medicare from every dollar collected. Social security and Medicare benefits remain unchanged.
The FairTax eliminates all corporate taxes. Some would argue that corporations must pay their fair share of taxes. Using an objective view of business finances, all expenses will ultimately be passed on to the consumer.
Recently a major oil company was criticized in the media for earning 30 billion dollars for their shareholders for the year. What was not mentioned was during the same year the same company paid 100 billion dollars in taxes. Where do you suppose they got the money to pay the taxes? Corporations do not pay taxes. All expenses will ultimately be passed along to the consumer.
The Americans for Fair Taxation (AFFT) has spent 22 million dollars to come up with statically scored revenue neutral percentage rate of 22% using the governments own data. What that means is the government will get the same amount of money tomorrow under the FairTax as they do today.
It cannot count taxing the hidden economy, which has been estimated to be 1 to 1.5 trillion dollars a year, the 265 billion in annual costs to comply with the tax code, or the 7.2 billion dollars to operate the IRS annually or the butterfly effect from the opportunity to spend their own money for their own purposes.
If you were to spend one million dollars a day, every day since the day that Jesus was born you would have 734 years to go before you would have spent one trillion dollars, and this year our politicians will spend two point six trillion dollars, and our national debt is up to nine trillion dollars. In addition, all of the money collected in “income tax” only services the interest on the national debt.
Instead of paying off our debts, our government has printed more and more money so that today’s currency is virtually worthless. Today’s dollar has the buying power of four pennies compared to the 1930’s dollar and the social security trust fund only contains an IOU for all of the money they already been spent.
The 16th amendment allows the government to take money from our checks before we have a chance to cash them. The 16th amendment was never actually passed. To amend the constitution the House and Senate must pass the amendment and three quarters of the states must pass the same bill. If any state modifies the amendment in any way no matter how slight, a misspelled word, a changed word, or a capitalization. The state has passed a state law but did not amend the United States constitution. Several states in fact the amendment were altered the wording, which invalidated that states ratification. They will never let it be challenged in court,
The FairTax is real reform; it changes the equation from what we are left with after our government confiscates money from our paycheck, to our government being dependent upon our success!
Under the FairTax, if you wanted to work two or three jobs to save our money to start a business. Our government would not bleed us at every step; but would be invested in seeing us succeed. Under the FairTax if you were to win the lottery or make a million any way you could imagine, our government could only sit back and applaud us as they will only collect money from us when we buy a new good or service at the cash register.
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