"Free Speech Issue”: Meet the Arkansas Publisher & Lawyer Asking SCOTUS ... Taking away Americans rights to protect those who are committing genocide in Israel based on a corrupt, sick human interpretation of a book written by rich men in ancient times as a tool to control the masses. A tool that is still very effective in brainwashing people. So effective that in this instanxce, it has people supporting the most vile and EVIL behavior that humans can possibly do to others. Robbing people of their homes, treating them worse than farm animals and murdering them with no guilt about the horror that they are doing. If a book can cause people to act so EVIL, how can you then claim that the book is good?
Homeless shepherd shares hunter-gatherer diet & survival tips - When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. This is an example of learning to thrive with what you have.
Hypocrisy! Irish Politician Clare Daly Calls Out U.S And E.U For Double ... I think Clare Daley is a super hero! Truth is the only thing that can stop the EVIL that presently controls the world and Clare Daley speaks truth loudly, clearly, without a stutter and with no compromises with EVIL!
15 Secrets The Vatican Doesn't Want You To Know! - How many genocides can you participate in and still be viewed as a force for good? And that doesn’t take into account their sexual scandals.
9/11: 20 YEARS OF DECEPTION - EP 3 - FULL MOVIE IN HD - This covered more than the physical impossibility. It cover how the market indicated insider trading etc.
Chris Hedges: Julian Assange's persecution is the CIA's revenge - I saw this in a couple of other videos but their audio was not real clear. It sounds so much more powerful with good audio. And he explains why I made that meme saying we must ABOLISH all of the Alphabet Agencies as well as the police, MIC and NATO if we want to save the people! I hope some of these brown skinned nations that they have been testing weapons on will want to banish this EVIL from the face of the earth as well!
Medea Benjamin & Nicolas Davies: Negotiations "Still the Only Way Forwar...Twenty six members of congress have signed on asking for piece talks? I thought they were all beyond hope. Was that a tiny flicker of a pulse.
You can't make this stuff UP!! Can see INSIDE of it! - This is the best detail on a UFO that I've seen that I thought was authentic. I have seen better but I thought they were CGI.
"Complete Dissatisfaction with the Current Order": Why Protests in Iran ... Is the whole world waking up to the fact that we have all been enslaved by demons? Even if you don't believe that you are a demon, if you embrace their brainwashing, you have chosen your side.
The Dumbest Advice For Workers Ever! - I lived 30 years on 4 hours of sleep a night in the trucking industry. I’ve been retired for 12 years and still can only get 6 hours of sleep a night because I spent so many years abusing my body to try to keep up with the demands of the job. And they thought I was a radical trouble maker because I insisted on my right to shower every day!
🔵🔴One of the best ID Refusal’s on the internet - This is exactly what every citizen should be doing at every single one of these unconstitutional check points!