Friday, November 30, 2018
I listen to both propaganda teams, both D' and R's, trying to figure out the truth. Weather the earth changes are natural cycles or man made may be politicized but either way there are definite changes happening.
The Most Important Election EVER!?! Poop Emoji
This is late but I am sharing this because I totally agree with the
attitude that participating in this lying, cheating rigged voter system
only serves to legitimize which criminal gang gets to control the
oppression and robbery of the people.
attitude that participating in this lying, cheating rigged voter system
only serves to legitimize which criminal gang gets to control the
oppression and robbery of the people.
The Situation Will Only Get Worse With The Caravan In Tijuana
A more balanced report from the actual location of this caravan.
Guardian Busted For Bogus Assange Story
If your a real progressive your search is for the truth with no regard for either team we have been brainwashed to support.
Why Is He Trending Now After Years Of Media Silence?
It doesn’t matter which team you have been brainwashed to root for, this is what our media is supposed to do.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
George Monbiot: Ending Meat & Dairy Consumption Is Needed to Prevent Wor...
The most important thing that we can do on a personal level to save our planet.
Depopulation Storm 2: Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars
No matter which "team Dem or Rep" brainwashing you believe, you should watch this to understand the real agenda behind the "theater" they keep us hypnotized with. Keep in mind the recent California fires when you watch this.
#RussiaGate Hysteria is Back! Bernie's Inner Circle Weighs 2020; Politic...
Most people have no idea about what is going on.
Senate Votes To End Yemen War!
Nobody wants war except the rich, who can pay everyone off so they get their way. And nobody in their family will be killed in a war so it is all about profit, for them. So typical, the people do the work, the people run the risk and the rich take every penny in profit for themselves.
SOMETHING HUGE Is About To Happen To Earth...
(Careful that you don't become a zombie via your tech toys.)
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Monday, November 26, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Hillary Blames Immigrants For Rise Of Right Wing
Left and right, where is the difference? One wants to destroy our country rapidly and the other wants to slow things down so the world does not notice.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Monday, November 19, 2018
TYT LIVE: Trump's Interview with Chris Wallace; Trump Says 'Raking the F...
Good insight on the pro-life debate. I happen to agree.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Saturday, November 17, 2018
If Voting Changed Anything... #PropagandaWatch
If voting could change anything, they would make it illegal.
EXCLUSIVE: Keystone XL STILL Constructing Despite Permit Being Revoked
We must put an end to companies that have bought off the government so they do not need to obey the laws.
Stacey Abrams Makes BIG Announcement; Julian Assange is a Sacrificial La...
If we could effect change by voting- it’d be illegal.
Socialism for the RICH Already Underway With Amazon Deal
A good insight on how the Welfare System really works.
Democrats Negate Blue Wave By Backing Pelosi
The Democrats still in denial about how their policies gave us Trump.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Exclusive: WikiLeaks Lawyer Warns U.S. Charges Against Assange Endanger ...
Unity4J - jail the criminals who are illegally violating Assanges rights!
Thursday, November 15, 2018
The Working Poor and Homeless in the USA
"The American dream is a bunch of crap." I would say that it is brainwashing to get the slaves to comply.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
A different History about ancient Egypt and Humanity's Origins
A more accurate interpretation of history when artifacts are not view through a patriarchal lens.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump Russia Collusion
NO EVIDENCE, NO EVIDENCE OF RUSSIA COLLUSION! And where is the media with the facts? Proof of how propaganda works in America.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Flushing of Flint: How Michigan Cooked the Lead Data in Flint
You can not trust criminals to regulate themselves. If you can't trust the government to not break their own laws, (Unity4J) how can they expect us to follow their laws?
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Shut the Fuck Up-The Who's Bullshitting Who Edition, November 3, 2018
We are setting ourselves up for a military takeover in America.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Stop Talking Nonsense Edition November 10, 2018
If you believe this system is working for the majority and not just a few, you haven't researched the Act of 1871 and the Treaty of 1933. When they start doing open genocide it will be too late. They are already doing disguised genocide. You know those things being done where thousands die but we call it something else so the zombies don't wake to what is going on. War, homelessness, poor medical care or no medical because it is not affordable, police brutality, poisoned water and you can probably come up with a couple of more examples yourself.
Friday, November 09, 2018
Thursday, November 08, 2018
#Unity4J State of the Movement and #WikiBees Session 12
What is the latest news on the torture of an innocent man by the feudal blue bloodlines, the Vatican and THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
#BREAKING: 12 Killed In California Bar Mass Shooting—Ty Bayliss Reports ...
Another white male does the unthinkable while so many from the President down are busy demonizing dark skinned people.
Feinstein Gives Worst Acceptance Speech Ever
Hip, hip hooray! We voted the status quo back into office. The only change we will get is gonna hurt you and me.
Shut the Fuck Up-The You've ALL Been Played Edition, November 8, 2018
The only change an election ever brought in my 69 years, was a lose of freedom, every time.
Cory Booker Sides With Israel Against Free Speech
We are sitting like a frog who will sit in water till they die if the temperature is raised slowly.
Should Julian Assange Fear For His Life?
Our mainstream media does not
cover Assange because our media is a brainwashing tool owned by the
elites. Assange who has never printed anything that was not 100% true
puts them all to shame. No he is not guilty of rape, no he was not the
reason for Hillary's loss and yes he is a political prisoner whose human
rights are being violated. Trample his freedom of speech and freedom of
the press and your and my rights are next.
cover Assange because our media is a brainwashing tool owned by the
elites. Assange who has never printed anything that was not 100% true
puts them all to shame. No he is not guilty of rape, no he was not the
reason for Hillary's loss and yes he is a political prisoner whose human
rights are being violated. Trample his freedom of speech and freedom of
the press and your and my rights are next.
Wednesday, November 07, 2018
#Unity4J State of the Movement and #WikiBees Session 12
Live now. Remember that if our
government can ignore laws and torture a man whose only crime was
exposing the crimes of the ruling class today, there is no protection
for you tomorrow.
government can ignore laws and torture a man whose only crime was
exposing the crimes of the ruling class today, there is no protection
for you tomorrow.
On Contact: Silicon Valley and The New Capitalism
The sad thing is that so many people have lived in an amoral world for
so long that they don't know or care that abusing other people is an
immoral action. It has all become a competition about forcing others to
live like you 'judge' that they should live. Yeah my team won, is the
deep intellectual thinking of so many.
so long that they don't know or care that abusing other people is an
immoral action. It has all become a competition about forcing others to
live like you 'judge' that they should live. Yeah my team won, is the
deep intellectual thinking of so many.
Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Off the Grid | Families escaping the rat race and saving money on electr...
Wish I had had this knowledge when I was young.
Shut the Fuck Up-The Clueless in America Edition, November 6, 2018
These blue-bloods have had thousands of years to learn how to brainwash
the slaves. The old feudal system is alive, well and thriving. They
learned that when people know who their oppressors are, they tend to
lose their heads. Therefore, they have learned to rule in secret, hiding
behind fake governments that have their citizens brainwashed into
believing that they must have their secrets. The real secret is that all
governments are controlled by the Vatican and their blue-bloods. That
is why so many governments are doing the same things. War is just a
method of doing genocide and keeping the brainwashed believing that mass
murder is for a good cause. All the rest is puppets entertaining us.
They get to do some some free play but they already know how the show
will end.
the slaves. The old feudal system is alive, well and thriving. They
learned that when people know who their oppressors are, they tend to
lose their heads. Therefore, they have learned to rule in secret, hiding
behind fake governments that have their citizens brainwashed into
believing that they must have their secrets. The real secret is that all
governments are controlled by the Vatican and their blue-bloods. That
is why so many governments are doing the same things. War is just a
method of doing genocide and keeping the brainwashed believing that mass
murder is for a good cause. All the rest is puppets entertaining us.
They get to do some some free play but they already know how the show
will end.
Monday, November 05, 2018
Sunday, November 04, 2018
Chris Hedges on his latest book, America: The Farewell Tour
Eye opening. Want a revolution? Then know this.
Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Devouring Democracy?
I like this man. He makes a ton of sense. Too much sense for our criminalized so called leaders to pay attention to.
Saturday, November 03, 2018
The #DNCFraudProtest and #BecomeUngovernable Unite to Bring Down the Duo...
If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten.
#Unity4J Emergency Vigil Livestream
Today they openly violate Julian Assanges rights before the entire world. Tomorrow they will come for your rights because you did not have sense enough to demand that they stop torturing Julian. #Unity4J
#Unity4J Emergency Vigil Livestream
Today they openly violate Julian Assanges rights before the entire world. Tomorrow they will come for your rights because you did not have sense enogh to demand that they stop torturing Julian. #Unity4J
Friday, November 02, 2018
Conservatives PANIC After Liberal Witches Curse Kavanaugh
Bind the evil, set the Sacred free! Blessed be.
A Nation Of Immigrants Is Being Told To Fear Immigrants
So a rock is as dangerous as a firearm and they want our border patrol to treat them like Israel treats the Palestinians. God help us, our country is insane!
Birthright Citizenship, Ceasefire in Yemen & Nature’s Breaking Point
your government is heartless enough to do this in other countries, what
makes you think that they will not do it here? These people have NO
MORALS! STOP THE GENOCIDE of the homeless here in the USA.
your government is heartless enough to do this in other countries, what
makes you think that they will not do it here? These people have NO
MORALS! STOP THE GENOCIDE of the homeless here in the USA.
Thursday, November 01, 2018
How Julian Assange Saved Edward Snowden’s Life
Whistle-blowers must work together to educate the people about how murderous and corrupt the world governments really are. #Unity4J
Whitney Webb Interview - The Ignored Yemen Genocide: "18.4 Million Peopl...
One woman is on a hunger strike, in his last video, to bring attention to the Yemeni genocide via starvation. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could get a couple of thousand to join in that effort? I thought about doing it myself but I have a stint in my heart and don't think my heart would stand the strain.