They Crucified Jesus
They crucified sweet Jesus, they spat in his face.
They beat his body, until it looked like bloody lace.
Jesus came here to teach us, that judgment is HIS.
If we believed that - - - the world would not be like it is.
He said, to love your neighbor, but Christians have failed!
Why are there murders, and so many people in jails?
As our brother’s keeper, we don’t do that very well.
If you are not able, to make a profit for the man,
you can sleep outdoors; without a stable to put you in.
He said you must take the log out of your own eyes,
not to be worried about the splinter in mine.
But you would rather act out, like the soldiers
who forced Jesus, to wear his thorny crown.
You act as if this is your favorite story,
you reenact it, with the garbage you have said.
You assume that it’s okay to crucify me,
not for what I’ve done, but for what is in your head.
In my pain, I know that I’m in good company.
If God were here, he would be breaking bread with me.
The last will be first and the first will be the last.
These “Truths” you disobey while you try to punish me.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
What you do to the least of these you do to me too.
You have chosen to ignore what he came here to teach.
You follow an Apostle, his dysfunctional words you preach.
That is why you try to oppress and silence me.
By God I am “chosen,” is that why you treat me
the same way you treated Jesus, my friend.
If he were here today, you would crucify him.
In 2000 years you haven’t learned a thing.
I will walk in his footsteps, I suffer his pain.
I keep speaking his words, to remind you again,
That the way you are acting --- that is the real sin!
Jesus did not teach us, to oppress, exploit, or abuse.
He would be appalled at how his teaching gets used.
The Bible does not give you the right to oppress anyone.
You alone are responsible for all you have done.
They beat his body, until it looked like bloody lace.
Jesus came here to teach us, that judgment is HIS.
If we believed that - - - the world would not be like it is.
He said, to love your neighbor, but Christians have failed!
Why are there murders, and so many people in jails?
As our brother’s keeper, we don’t do that very well.
If you are not able, to make a profit for the man,
you can sleep outdoors; without a stable to put you in.
He said you must take the log out of your own eyes,
not to be worried about the splinter in mine.
But you would rather act out, like the soldiers
who forced Jesus, to wear his thorny crown.
You act as if this is your favorite story,
you reenact it, with the garbage you have said.
You assume that it’s okay to crucify me,
not for what I’ve done, but for what is in your head.
In my pain, I know that I’m in good company.
If God were here, he would be breaking bread with me.
The last will be first and the first will be the last.
These “Truths” you disobey while you try to punish me.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
What you do to the least of these you do to me too.
You have chosen to ignore what he came here to teach.
You follow an Apostle, his dysfunctional words you preach.
That is why you try to oppress and silence me.
By God I am “chosen,” is that why you treat me
the same way you treated Jesus, my friend.
If he were here today, you would crucify him.
In 2000 years you haven’t learned a thing.
I will walk in his footsteps, I suffer his pain.
I keep speaking his words, to remind you again,
That the way you are acting --- that is the real sin!
Jesus did not teach us, to oppress, exploit, or abuse.
He would be appalled at how his teaching gets used.
The Bible does not give you the right to oppress anyone.
You alone are responsible for all you have done.